PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: operator does not exist: geometry && box - postgresql

Why does PostgreSQL complain that the && operator does not exist? (I have PostGIS installed - see below).
mydb=# SELECT "monuments".* FROM "monuments" WHERE
mydb=# (coord && '-10,-10,10,10'::box)
mydb=# ORDER BY created_at DESC ;
ERROR: operator does not exist: geometry && box
LINE 1: ...LECT "monuments".* FROM "monuments" WHERE (coord && '-10...
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
I have PostGIS installed:
mydb=# select postgis_full_version();
NOTICE: Function postgis_topology_scripts_installed() not found. Is topology support enabled and topology.sql installed?
POSTGIS="2.1.0 r11822" GEOS="3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" GDAL="GDAL 1.10.0, released 2013/04/24" LIBXML="2.9.1" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" RASTER
And by the way, my table looks like this:
mydb=# \d monuments
id | integer | not null default nextval('monuments_id_seq'::regclass)
coord | geometry(Point,3785) |
Let me know if you need any more info.

box is a built-in PostgreSQL primitive geometric type, like point.
postgres=> \dT box
List of data types
Schema | Name | Description
pg_catalog | box | geometric box '(lower left,upper right)'
(1 row)
PostGIS uses its own geometry type, and doesn't generally inter-operate well with the PostgreSQL built-in basic geometric types. These are the supported data type combinations for && with PostGIS 2 on my PostgreSQL 9.3 install:
postgres=# \do &&
List of operators
Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Description
pg_catalog | && | anyarray | anyarray | boolean | overlaps
pg_catalog | && | anyrange | anyrange | boolean | overlaps
pg_catalog | && | box | box | boolean | overlaps
pg_catalog | && | circle | circle | boolean | overlaps
pg_catalog | && | polygon | polygon | boolean | overlaps
pg_catalog | && | tinterval | tinterval | boolean | overlaps
pg_catalog | && | tsquery | tsquery | tsquery | AND-concatenate
public | && | geography | geography | boolean |
public | && | geometry | geometry | boolean |
public | && | geometry | raster | boolean |
public | && | raster | geometry | boolean |
public | && | raster | raster | boolean |
(12 rows)
You'll see that box is supported for box && box but not box && geometry. Since your coord column is a geometry type, you'll need to convert the box to geometry, so as to end up with geometry && geometry.
WHERE (coord && geometry(polygon('((-10, -10), (10, 10))'::box)))

The simplest explanation would be that you installed the extension into some schema that is not in your current search_path.
Did you know, that you can even "schema-qualify" operators? Like:
SELECT 3 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.+) 4;
SELECT * FROM public.monuments
WHERE coord OPERATOR(my_postgis_schema.&&) '-10,-10,10,10'::box);
This way you could make your query independent of the current search_path. Better though, to fix it.


What Postgres 13 index types support distance searches?

Original Question
We've had great results using a K-NN search with a GiST index with gist_trgm_ops. Pure magic. I've got other situations, with other datatypes like timestamp where distance functions would be quite useful. If I didn't dream it, this is, or was, available through pg_catalog. Looking around, I can't find a way to search on indexes by such properties. I think what I'm after, in this case, is AMPROP_DISTANCE_ORDERABLE under-the-hood.
Just checked, and pg_am did have a lot more attributes than it does now, prior to 9.6.
Is there another way to figure out what options various indexes have with a catalog search?
jjanes' answer inspired me to look at the system information functions some more, and to spend a day in the pg_catalog tables. The catalogs for indexes and operators are complicated. The system information functions are a big help. This piece proved super useful for getting a handle on things:
I think the conclusion is "no, you can't readily figure out what data types and indexes support proximity searches." The relevant attribute is a property of a column in a specific index. However, it looks like nearest-neighbor searching requires a GiST index, and that there are readily-available index operator classes to add K-NN searching to a huge range of common types. Happy for corrections on these conclusions, or the details below.
Built-in Distance Support
From various bits of the docs, it sounds like there are distance (proximity, nearest neighbor, K-NN) operators for GiST indexes on a handful of built-in geometric types.
B-tree Operator Classes
Not listed as such in the docs, but visible with this query:
select am.amname AS index_method
, opc.opcname AS opclass_name
, opc.opcintype::regtype AS indexed_type
, opc.opcdefault AS is_default
from pg_am am
, pg_opclass opc
where opc.opcmethod = am.oid
and am.amname = 'btree'
order by 1,2;
B-tree GiST Distance Support
I guess a B-tree is a special case of a GiST, and there's a B-tree operator class to match. The docs say these native types are supported:
timestamp with time zone
timestamp without time zone
time without time zone
BRIN Built-in Operator Classes
There are over 70 listed in the internals docs.
GIN Built-in Operator Classes
Alternative Text Opts
There are special operator classes for text comparisons made character-by-character, rather than through a collation. Or so the docs say:
Beyond this, the included pg_trgm module includes operators for GIN and GiST, with the GiST version optimizing <->. I think this shows up as:
Note: Postgres 14 modifies pg_trgm to allow you to adjust the "signature length" for the index entry. Longer is possibly more accurate, shorter signatures are smaller on disk. If you've been using pg_trgm, it might be worth experimenting with the signature length in PG 14.
SP-GiST Built-in Operator Classes
pg_operator search
Here's a search on pg_operator to look for matches starting from the <-> operator itself:
select oprnamespace::regnamespace::text as schema_name,
oprowner::regrole as owner,
oprname as operator,
oprleft::regtype as left,
oprright::regtype as right,
oprresult::regtype as result,
oprcom::regoperator as commutator
from pg_operator
where oprname = '<->'
order by 1
Output from one of our severs:
| schema_name | owner | operator | left | right | result | commutator |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | text | text | real | <->(text,text) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | money | money | money | <->(money,money) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | date | date | integer | <->(date,date) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | real | real | real | <->(real,real) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | double precision | double precision | double precision | <->(double precision,double precision) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | smallint | smallint | smallint | <->(smallint,smallint) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | integer | integer | integer | <->(integer,integer) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | bigint | bigint | bigint | <->(bigint,bigint) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | interval | interval | interval | <->(interval,interval) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | oid | oid | oid | <->(oid,oid) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | time without time zone | time without time zone | interval | <->(time without time zone,time without time zone) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | timestamp without time zone | timestamp without time zone | interval | <->(timestamp without time zone,timestamp without time zone) |
| extensions | postgres | <-> | timestamp with time zone | timestamp with time zone | interval | <->(timestamp with time zone,timestamp with time zone) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | box | box | double precision | <->(box,box) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | path | path | double precision | <->(path,path) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | line | line | double precision | <->(line,line) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | lseg | lseg | double precision | <->(lseg,lseg) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | polygon | polygon | double precision | <->(polygon,polygon) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | circle | circle | double precision | <->(circle,circle) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | circle | double precision | <->(circle,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | circle | point | double precision | <->(point,circle) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | polygon | double precision | <->(polygon,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | polygon | point | double precision | <->(point,polygon) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | circle | polygon | double precision | <->(polygon,circle) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | polygon | circle | double precision | <->(circle,polygon) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | point | double precision | <->(point,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | box | line | double precision | <->(line,box) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | tsquery | tsquery | tsquery | 0 |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | line | box | double precision | <->(box,line) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | line | double precision | <->(line,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | line | point | double precision | <->(point,line) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | lseg | double precision | <->(lseg,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | lseg | point | double precision | <->(point,lseg) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | box | double precision | <->(box,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | box | point | double precision | <->(point,box) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | lseg | line | double precision | <->(line,lseg) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | line | lseg | double precision | <->(lseg,line) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | lseg | box | double precision | <->(box,lseg) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | box | lseg | double precision | <->(lseg,box) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | point | path | double precision | <->(path,point) |
| pg_catalog | postgres | <-> | path | point | double precision | <->(point,path) |
Did I miss any index opts worth knowing about?
Checking Out Live Indexes
Here's a longer-than-it-should-be-because-I-still-find-the-catalogs-confusing query to pull out the columns from each user index, and figure out their more interesting properties. For a nice, short catalog search of much utility, see
basic_details as (
select relnamespace::regnamespace::text as schema_name,
indrelid::regclass::text as table_name,
indexrelid::regclass::text as index_name,
unnest(indkey) as column_ordinal_position , -- WITH ORDINALITY would be nice here, didn't get it working.
generate_subscripts(indkey, 1) + 1 as column_position_in_index --
from pg_index
join pg_class on pg_class.oid = pg_index.indrelid
enriched_details as (
select basic_details.schema_name,
columns.udt_name as column_type_name
from basic_details
join information_schema.columns as columns
on columns.table_schema = basic_details.schema_name
and columns.table_name = basic_details.table_name
and columns.ordinal_position = basic_details.column_ordinal_position
where schema_name not like 'pg_%'
select *,
coalesce(pg_index_column_has_property(index_name,column_position_in_index,'distance_orderable'), false) as supports_knn_searches,
coalesce(pg_index_column_has_property(index_name,column_position_in_index,'search_array'), false) as supports_in_searches,
coalesce(pg_index_column_has_property(index_name,column_position_in_index,'returnable'), false) as supports_index_only_scans,
(select indexdef
from pg_indexes
where pg_indexes.schemaname = enriched_details.schema_name
and pg_indexes.indexname = enriched_details.index_name) as index_definition
from enriched_details
order by supports_in_searches desc,
timestamp type supports KNN with GiST indexes using the <-> operator created by the btree_gist extension.
You can check if a specific column of a specific index supports it, like this:
select pg_index_column_has_property('pgbench_history_mtime_idx'::regclass,1,'distance_orderable');
As best as I can tell, here's the state of play as of PG 14:
GiST indexes may support nearest-neighbor (K-NN) proximity <--> search, and always have.
SP-GiST added such support as of PG 12.
RUM indexes (not in core) also support K-NN.
In all cases, support is done in the operator class:
That's what determines if distance_orderable works for a specific data type on a specific kind of index. Built-in, some of the geometric and text vector types work out-of-the box. Other than that small set, many more types are supported via specific operator classes, such as:
In the case of SP-GiST, there are a lot fewer types supported than with GiST, once you've installed btree_gist:
It looks like text_opts and range_opts do not support proximity searches. However, for tsrange, etc., there are likely enough options with other tools.

How to convert PSQLs ::json #> ::json to a jpa/jpql-predicate

Say i have a db-table looking like this:
user_ids JSONB
user_ids are a JSONB-ARRAY
Let a record of this table look like this:
"date":"2019-01-25 11:03:57",
"user_ids":[25, 661, 88]
I need to query all records where user_ids contain 25. In SQL i can achieve it with the following select-statement:
SELECT * FROM myTable where user_ids::jsonb #> '[25]'::jsonb;
Now i need to write a JPA-Predicate that renders "user_ids::jsonb #> '[25]'::jsonb" to a hibernate parseable/executable Criteria, which i then intent to use in a session.createQuery() statement.
In simpler terms i need to know how i can write that PSQL-snippet (user_ids::jsonb #> '[25]'::jsonb) as a HQL-expression.
Fortunately, every comparison operator in PostgreSQL is merely an alias to a function, and you can find the alias through the psql console by typing \doS+ and the operator (although some operators are considered wildcards in this search, so they give more results than desired).
Here is the result:
postgres=# \doS+ #>
List of operators
Schema | Name | Left arg type | Right arg type | Result type | Function | Description
pg_catalog | #> | aclitem[] | aclitem | boolean | aclcontains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | anyarray | anyarray | boolean | arraycontains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | anyrange | anyelement | boolean | range_contains_elem | contains
pg_catalog | #> | anyrange | anyrange | boolean | range_contains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | box | box | boolean | box_contain | contains
pg_catalog | #> | box | point | boolean | box_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | circle | circle | boolean | circle_contain | contains
pg_catalog | #> | circle | point | boolean | circle_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | jsonb | jsonb | boolean | jsonb_contains | contains
pg_catalog | #> | path | point | boolean | path_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | polygon | point | boolean | poly_contain_pt | contains
pg_catalog | #> | polygon | polygon | boolean | poly_contain | contains
pg_catalog | #> | tsquery | tsquery | boolean | tsq_mcontains | contains
(13 rows)
What you want is jsonb arguments on both sides, and we see the function that has that is called jsonb_contains. So the equivalent to jsonbcolumn #> jsonbvalue is jsonb_contains(jsonbcolumn, jsonbvalue). Now you can't use the function in either JPQL or CriteriaBuilder, unless you register it through a custom Dialect if you're using Hibernate. If you're using EclipseLink, I don't know the situation there.
From here on, your options are to use native queries, or add your own Hibernate Dialect by extending an existing one.
Replacing "#>" with "jsonb_contains()" is not a good idea. The operator is indexed, not the function. Example:

How do I use an extension installed in a different schema?

I added an extension and my install shows the module installed,
mydb=# \dx
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
pg_trgm | 1.0 | extensions | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(2 rows)
But when I go to use it I'm getting an error,
mydb=# select similarity('hello','hell');
ERROR: function similarity(unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: select similarity('hello','hell');
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Is there any other step to use the functions the extension provides?
The module was installed into the schema extensions. I guess that that schema is not in your search path and therefor the function is not found. Try
select extensions.similarity('hello','hell');
If you don't want to fully-qualify the function names you can simply add that schema to your search_path:
alter user your_pg_user set search_path = public,extensions;
If that still gives an error your Postgres user might not have the necessary privileges to call the functions. In that case log in as the superuser (typically postgres) and grant the priviliges:
grant all on schema extensions to your_pg_user;
It should work. Here a psql protocol: (sorry, system is in german)
str#s131-intel:~> psql
psql (9.2.7)
strobel=# CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
strobel=# \df
Liste der Funktionen
Schema | Name | Ergebnisdatentyp | Argumentdatentypen | Typ
public | flipper | boolean | | normal
public | gin_extract_query_trgm | internal | text, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal | normal
public | gin_extract_value_trgm | internal | text, internal | normal
public | gtrgm_union | integer[] | bytea, internal | normal
public | set_limit | real | real | normal
public | show_limit | real | | normal
public | show_trgm | text[] | text | normal
public | similarity | real | text, text | normal
public | similarity_dist | real | text, text | normal
public | similarity_op | boolean | text, text | normal
(20 Zeilen)
strobel=# select similarity('hallo', 'hello');
(1 Zeile)
The error message gives a hint that your parameters were not seen as text, so maybe you wrote a backtick (accent grave) instead of apostrophe.

Can not store a double value for spatial datatype in Mysql5.6

I am trying to insert a polygon shape in a mysql database. Vertices of Polygon shapes consist of double values. To insert the value I have tried with the following query. But I got the following as my error.
VALUES (8,1,'POLYGON8','SHAPE8',Polygon(LineString(10.12345612341243,11.12345612341234),LineString(10.34512341246,11.4123423456),LineString(10.31423424456,11.34123423456),LineString(10.341234256,11.3412342456),LineString(10.11423423456,11.123424)));
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| PRD_GEO_REGION_ID | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| OWNER_ID | decimal(3,0) | NO | | NULL | |
| GEO_REGION_NAME | varchar(50) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| GEO_REGION_DESCRIPTION | varchar(70) | YES | | NULL | |
| GEO_REGION_DEFINITION | geometry | YES | | NULL | |
ERROR 1367 (22007): Illegal non geometric '10.12345612341243' value found during parsing
Solved the issue. Stored Decimal value successfully. I have done two mistakes.
1 ) LineString can only store Points datatype (Not the decimal values or coordinates). Corrected syntax follows.
VALUES (8,1,'POLYGON8','SHAPE8',Polygon(LineString(POINT(10.12345612341243,11.12345612341234)),LineString(POINT(10.34512341246,11.4123423456)),LineString(POINT(10.31423424456,11.34123423456)),LineString(POINT(10.341234256,11.3412342456)),LineString(POINT(10.11423423456,11.123424))));
2 ) If it is a polygon shape. The shape has to be closed ( Starting and Ending point should be the same ).
That was the problem.
VALUES (8,1,'POLYGON8','SHAPE8',Polygon(LineString(POINT(10.12345612341243,11.12345612341234)),LineString(POINT(10.34512341246,11.4123423456)),LineString(POINT(10.31423424456,11.34123423456)),LineString(POINT(10.341234256,11.3412342456)),LineString(POINT(10.12345612341243,11.12345612341234))));

Bit masking in Postgres

I have this query
SELECT * FROM "functions" WHERE (models_mask & 1 > 0)
and the I get the following error:
PGError: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying & integer
HINT: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
The models_mask is an integer in the database. How can I fix this.
Thank you!
Check out the docs on bit operators for Pg.
Essentially & only works on two like types (usually bit or int), so model_mask will have to be CASTed from varchar to something reasonable like bit or int:
models_mask::int & 1 -or- models_mask::int::bit & b'1'
You can find out what types an operator works with using \doS in psql
pg_catalog | & | bigint | bigint | bigint | bitwise and
pg_catalog | & | bit | bit | bit | bitwise and
pg_catalog | & | inet | inet | inet | bitwise and
pg_catalog | & | integer | integer | integer | bitwise and
pg_catalog | & | smallint | smallint | smallint | bitwise and
Here is a quick example for more information
# SELECT 11 & 15 AS int, b'1011' & b'1111' AS bin INTO foo;
# \d foo
Table ""
Column | Type | Modifiers
int | integer |
bin | "bit" |
# SELECT * FROM foo;
int | bin
11 | 1011