How to keep perl file executable after brunch build? - perl

We've developed a website with brunch, and now we face a problem.
An executable (permisson mode:755) perl script is in the folder app/assets/.
After I execute brunch build, the resultant perl script isn't executable any more, and can't be called by CGI.
Besides chmod after build or creating soft link, is there any other solution?

Brunch provides a hook called onCompile that allows plugins to run arbitrary code after a compile. This brunch plugin seems like it would be useful as a crib-sheet. Create a plugin that fixes up permissions for your files.

Change "app/assets/" to "/usr/bin/perl app/assets/".


create installer using command line

I am writing a script that pulls files from my development folders and would like to generate an installer with those files.
I would like to if there is a way to create MSI installers using command line.
Yes there is a way. The very flexible Windows Installer XML Toolset. A pretty good tutorial on how to use it is this link
The toolset is here
I think you need to define "create". If you mean "build" or "compile" then yes, pretty much every MSI authoring tool out there supports some form of automated build ... usually even MSBuild support.
If you mean "author" and "build" it's technically possible but not usually advised. Installation is too complicated to be auto magically developed.

How to Stop Perl EPIC eclipse plugin showing errors

My eclipse tries to compile/build Perl files in my Java project and fails. I installed Perl EPIC just for syntax colouring, how can I get it to ignore errors?
I tried going into Project->Properties->Builders, and uncheck Perl Epic, this didn't change anything.
I'm using Eclipse :Helios Service Release 1
Build id: 20100917-0705
On Windows XP
I have basically the same issue as this question,
How can I set up Eclipse to edit Perl without the runtime checking?
I've been looking into similar issue for quite some time too. Apparently the Epic Perl plugin goes wildly checking anything/folder/file it finds inside the project, so like mine where I have config files, data directories, it goes inside and tries to validate "perl stuff", which evidently is an annoyance: the error log view displays a lot of useless information.
Did you try to uncheck the "Perl Auto Builder" ?
I'm not parsing this sentence in the context of your question: "My eclipse tries to compile/build perl files in my java project and fails."
Are you saying that you are running perl as a java project, and getting the inevitable error message because it is not java? Just wondering why you don't want to have your perl program set up as a perl project possibly referenced by your java project, assuming that that is what you are trying to do.
Generally, when I set up a perl project, I edit its properties and set its includes to match the current directory or local module paths. Assuming that there are self-written modules I must call, and they are not located on this machine (e.g. I wouldn't have FOO::smb on a windows machine -- it makes no sense. When I am developing for linux, I will put all my functions in there for convenience's sake)
In that case, I create a FOO directory in the workspace, and create a dummy FOO::smb module with however many stub functions in it to get me going and let my syntax highlighting and error checkign do their proper jobs for me. If I write dummy subs to match the real modules well enough, I can debug my scripts somewhat before uploading them. I figure that I should be well enough aware of what they are supposed to do anyway.
I will go so far as to dummy out CPAN modules assuming that installing them on my development workstation makes no sense or is impossible. Highlighting and syntax checking are both invaluable tools, and finding a way to make both of them work saves my sanity.

What is a makefile in iPhone development environment?

i have been developing iPhone apps for a few months now, i have gone through some examples of some iphone open source apps which have "makeFile" file in them. Just like cydia has got here
Cydia Source Code
i googled for it but couldnt get any satisfactory explanation of it. All explanations are somewhat complex.
Can somebody please explain me in simple language what this makefile is?
In Xcode, you select "Build" from the menu and it compiles your project. A Makefile does the same thing, except from the command line. A Makefile contains information about which files need to be rebuilt if you change a certain file.
Makefiles are nice because they work on a very wide variety of systems.
A make file is like an executable in windows. It has a preset list of commands to run in order to "make" your application work and it can manage your dependencies so you don't have to constantly respecify them. The alternative to a make file is running the application in a console.
The problem with running applications in a command line is that you may need to repeatedly specify all the project parameters whenever you want to run an application. Another downside to running an application from the command line is that you have to open the terminal/dos in order to run your application. Most end users of you application are not going to want to have to do this. Having a makefile makes starting up your application as easy as clicking on a makefile.
The main difference between a makefile and other files like .exe is they are platform independant and can be run in multiple operating systems.

Is there a way to package my unit tests with PAR or PerlApp?

I have an app that I pack into "binary" form using PerlApp for distribution. Since my clients want a simple install for their Win32 systems, this works very nicely.
Now a client has decided that they need to run all unit tests, like in a standard install. However, they still will not install a normal Perl.
So, I find myself in need of a way to package my unit tests for operation on my client's systems.
My first thought was that I could pack up prove in one file and pack each of my tests separately. Then ship a zip file with the appropriate structure.
A bit of research showed that Test::Harness::Straps invokes perl from the command line.
Is there an existing tool that helps with this process?
Perhaps I could use PAR::Packer's parl tool to handle invocation of my test scripts.
I'm interested in thoughts on how to apply either PAR or PerlApp, as well as any thoughts on how to approach overriding Test::Harness and friends.
Update: I don't have my heart set on PAR or PerlApp. Those are just the tools I am familiar with. If you have an idea or a solution that requires a different packager (such as Cava Packager), I would love to hear about it.
Update 2: tsee pointed out a great new feature in PAR that gets me close. Are there any TAP experts out there that can supply some ideas or pointers on where to look in the new Test::Harness distribution?
I'm probably not breaking big news if I tell you that PAR (and probably also perlapp) aren't meant to package the whole test suite and plethora of CPAN-module build byproducts. They're intended to package stand-alone applications or binary JAR-like module libraries.
This being said, you can add arbitrary files to a PAR archive (both to .par libraries and stand-alone .exe's) using pp's -a switch. In case of the stand-alone executable, the contents will be extracted to $ENV{PAR_TEMP}."/inc" at run-time.
That leaves you with the problem of reusing the PAR-packaged executable to run the test harness (and letting that run your executable as a "perl"). Now, I have no ready and done solution for that, but I've recently worked on making PAR-packaged executables re-useable as more-or-less general purpose perl interpreters. Two gotchas before I explain how you can use that:
Your application isn't going to magically be called "perl" and add itself to your $PATH.
The "reuse" of the application as a general purpose perl requires special options and does not currently support the normal perl options (those in perlrun). It can simply run an external perl script of your choice.
Unfortunately, the latter problem is what may kill this approach for you. Support for perl command line options is something I've been thinking about, but won't implement any time soon.
Here's the recipe how you get PAR with "reusable exe" support:
Install the newest version of PAR from CPAN.
Install the newest, developer version of PAR::Packer from CPAN (0.992_02 or 03).
Add the "--reusable" option to your pp command line.
Run your executable with the following options to run an external script "":
./myapp --par-options --reuse FOO-PL-OPTIONS-HERE
Unfortunately, how you're going to teach Test::Harness that "./myapp --par-options --reuse" is a perl interpreter is beyond me.
Cava Packager allows you to package test scripts with your packaged executables. This is primarily to allow you to run tests against the packaged code before distribution. However the option is there to also distribute the tests and test capability to your end users.
Note: As indicated by my name, I am affiliated with Cava Packager.

Making installation files

I need to make installation file (.exe), but is that possible with batch script and how?
I made installation with some software (Deployment...) but I need to do that with script. I have all necessary files for my installation.
Is that possible?
Virtually every tool for building installation packages provides ability to include arbitrary sripts to the installation process. Just inspect your tool for this capability...
Here, we often include sripts in our WIX installations. Of course, user expirience is better when you building installation package nativelly, but in some cases this is acceptable practice (mostly when there is no non-tech users planned).
With a batch script, you will not be able to make a .exe (unless you call a .exe creator from within the batch script!). Why not try Inno Setup or NSIS? ISTool helps in creating Inno Setup scripts with ease and speed.
You can't make an .exe using nothing but a batch script. You can however use a batch script to create the installation specification file(s) and then run that file through an installer creator program like the ones mentioned in the other answers here. Perhaps you could be a bit clearer about what you actually need to do?