How to open terminal in current directory? - emacs

When i use M-x shell to open a new terminal, it will sometimes set the current directory to the file in. But sometimes it won't. So is there a function to always open a new terminal in current directory?

There's the package shell-here available in ELPA: M-x list-packages, look for shell-here, mark for install (i) and execute (x).
An excerpt of the readme:
Open a shell buffer in (or relative to) default-directory,
e.g. whatever directory the current buffer is in. If you have
find-file-in-project installed, you can also move around relative
to the root of the current project.
I use Emacs shell buffers for everything, and shell-here is great
for getting where you need to quickly. The =find-file-in-project=
integration makes it very easy to manage multiple shells and
maintain your path / history / scrollback when switching between
github home:
And I like shell-pop too, to pop up and pop out a shell buffer window with one easily. And there's maybe more in ELPA !

M-x shell will switch to an existing shell if there's already one running, which may be your problem. If you don't mind creating lots of shell buffers, the command below will generate new buffers whenever it can't find one visiting the given directory:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defun shell-at-dir (dir)
"Open a shell at DIR.
If a shell buffer visiting DIR already exists, show that one."
(interactive (list default-directory))
(let ((buf (car (cl-remove-if-not
(lambda (it)
(with-current-buffer it
(and (derived-mode-p 'shell-mode)
(equal default-directory dir))))
(if buf
(switch-to-buffer buf)
(shell (generate-new-buffer-name "*shell*")))))


eshell TRAMP find remote file with relative path (or at least less than the full Tramp path)?

I love eshell's TRAMP integration. With it I can do cd /ssh:foo:/etc to
ssh into a remote machine and visit its /etc/ directory. I can also do
find-file motd to open this file in my local emacs. However, what if I need to use sudo to change the file? I know I can give the
full path, like so:
find-file /sudo:foo:/etc/motd
but is there a way to open the file via TRAMPs sudo support, without having to type the full path?
I managed to came up with the following eshell alias that works for me:
alias sff 'find-file "${pwd}/$1"(:s/ssh/sudo/)'
It should be fairly obvious what it does. It prepends the working directory
path, but with the string ssh replaced by sudo. Thus it only works for
remote files accessed over ssh. I rarely edit files using sudo locally, so
that's not a problem for me. However, we can make it work for local files too, at the cost of complexity:
alias sff 'find-file "${pwd}/$1"(:s,^,/sudo::,:s,::/ssh:,:,)'
That is, prepend /sudo:: (which is how to sudo for local files) and
subsequently replace any ocurrence of ::/ssh: with :. (I would have just removed :/ssh:, but eshell's :s/// construct didn't accept an empty
I found an alternative answer that works very well over at EmacsWiki.
Using that you'd still open the file with find-file as usual, but then
invoke M-x sudo-edit-current-file (shown below) to re-open the file as root
using Tramp. I think this is a very elegant solution, because often I
initially just want to look at a file, then later find that I need to edit it.
Here's the function, in case it disappears from the page above:
(set-default 'tramp-default-proxies-alist (quote ((".*" "\\`root\\'" "/ssh:%h:"))))
(require 'tramp)
(defun sudo-edit-current-file ()
(let ((position (point)))
(if (file-remote-p (buffer-file-name))
(let ((vec (tramp-dissect-file-name (buffer-file-name))))
(tramp-file-name-user vec)
(tramp-file-name-host vec)
(tramp-file-name-localname vec)))
(concat "/sudo:root#localhost:" (buffer-file-name))))
(goto-char position)))

Change location of .ido.last history file in Emacs on Windows

Using Emacs with ido mode enabled on Windows, Emacs tries to save a history file .ido.last when exiting. The file is located in C:/.ido.last, but it fails with a permission denied message. This is strange since I actually have access to that folder. However:
Is there a command to change the directory where the .ido.last file gets saved?
Short answer: (setq ido-save-directory-list-file "/some/file/name").
Long answer:
I keep all the little files that remember Emacs's state in a single directory under the user-emacs-directory. I'm not sure what this is on Windows, but I think it's C:\Users\<username>\Application Data\.emacs.d\. On Unix, it's ~/.emacs.d/. The variable user-emacs-directory should be defined by Emacs, no need to set it.
(setq emacs-persistence-directory (concat user-emacs-directory "persistence/"))
(unless (file-exists-p emacs-persistence-directory)
(make-directory emacs-persistence-directory t))
(setq ido-save-directory-list-file (concat emacs-persistence-directory
You may want to look at the no-littering package, which sets better default locations for files like this.

How to run multiple shells on Emacs

I am using Emacs 23.3.1 on windows 7. I know that I can run shell from emacs using M-x shell. I would like to have multiple shell windows in the same time, but typing M-x shell a second time just opens me the same shell window.
Is there a way to have different shell windows?
C-u M-x shell will do it.
It will prompt for a name for the new shell, just hit return for the default (which will be something like *shell*<2>.
Also works with eshell.
Another trick, if you use eshell: just as M-x eshell takes you back to *eshell* (rather than starting a new eshell), if you use a numeric prefix argument it will take you to that eshell buffer. For instance, C-3M-xeshell will take you to *eshell*<3>. Sadly if you use shell (rather than eshell), this trick doesn't seem to work (in my Emacs at least.)
You can rename the buffer of your shell with M-x rename-buffer. Then you will be able to launch a second shell.
Look at MultiTerm, it makes managing multiple terminals in Emacs much easier.
After more than four years, I see that some people are still looking at this issue sometimes, so I will publish a quick function I wrote to load a shell and ask for its name. That way you can name a shell "sort-files" if it is dedicated to sorting files and another one "hive" if it's dedicated to run hive queries. I use that everyday now (on emacs 24):
(defun create-shell ()
"creates a shell with a given name"
(interactive);; "Prompt\n shell name:")
(let ((shell-name (read-string "shell name: " nil)))
(shell (concat "*" shell-name "*"))))
It might also be useful to use a screen-like interface to your shells. I've written my own, but there are others out there, like EmacsScreen.
This will autogenerate a new shell instance in whatever buffer you happen to be using; bind it to M-S or somethings like that and instant joy:
(defun new-shell ()
(let (
(currentbuf (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
(newbuf (generate-new-buffer-name "*shell*"))
(generate-new-buffer newbuf)
(set-window-dedicated-p currentbuf nil)
(set-window-buffer currentbuf newbuf)
(shell newbuf)
Many thanks to phils for recommending a rewrite using let, even though the result is even more awful parentheses...:\
This will open a new shell each time you invoke the function and rename it automatically if needed.
The added plus is if you are editing files remotely (dired/tramp...), this will open a shell on the remote host and rename it automatically with the remote hostname:
(defun ggshell (&optional buffer)
(let* (
(tramp-path (when (tramp-tramp-file-p default-directory)
(tramp-dissect-file-name default-directory)))
(host (tramp-file-name-real-host tramp-path))
(user (if (tramp-file-name-user tramp-path)
(format "%s#" (tramp-file-name-user tramp-path)) ""))
(new-buffer-nameA (format "*shell:%s*" host))
(new-buffer-nameB (generate-new-buffer-name new-buffer-nameA))
(currentbuf (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
(generate-new-buffer new-buffer-nameB)
(set-window-dedicated-p currentbuf nil)
(set-window-buffer currentbuf new-buffer-nameB)
(shell new-buffer-nameB)

Open shell in emacs with a given working directory

I want to have a make-shells command in emacs that will open a number of emacs-shell buffers, each with its own working directory. The idea is that for each project I'm working on, I have a shell that starts out in that project's directory, so I can easily switch between them.
Currently I have this code:
(defun shell-dir (name dir)
(interactive "sShell name: \nDDirectory: ")
(shell name)
(switch-to-buffer name)
(comint-send-string (current-buffer) (concat "cd " dir "\r"))
(sleep-for 0 10)
(defun make-shells ()
(shell-dir "project1" "~/proj/project1")
(shell-dir "project2" "~/proj/project2")
(shell-dir "project3" "~/proj/project3")
This is pretty ugly, though, and half the time (dirs) doesn't pick up the correct path, so tab completion breaks until I re-run it manually. Is there a built-in way to set the current working directory of the emacs shell? Or would something like CEDET (plus less reliance on the shell vs. emacs modes) be a much better solution to this?
I experienced similar problems with the current directory tracking provided by Emacs, so I wrote one which solves the problem once and forever.
Check it out here.
The short version of what it does is that you modify your shell prompt to include a full path to the current directory (only when running inside Emacs), and the Emacs shell buffer will use that.
This means you never have to do M-x dirs again.
There's also the package dirtrack (shipped with Emacs) which does the same thing.
I like my version better because it removes the path from the prompt. I don't want to see the entire path in my prompt as my current directory is often very long.
Once you use one of the above two solutions, you can simplify your shell-dir routine to be:
(defun shell-dir (name dir)
(interactive "sShell name: \nDDirectory: ")
(let ((default-directory dir))
(shell name)))
One more answer... I found there was a way (on Linux) to make Emacs figure out the current directory properly, by using the /proc filesystem.
That way, you just have to start up the shell in whatever directory and Emacs will automatically figure it out and get the tab-completion etc. right.

Dired copy asynchronously

Is there a way to modify/tell dired to copy files asynchronously? If you mark multiple files in dired and then use 'C' to copy them, emacs locks up until every file is copied. I instead want this copy to be started, and for me to continue editing as it goes on in the background. Is there a way to get this behaviour?
EDIT: Actually, C calls 'dired-do-copy' in dired-aux, not in dired itself. Sorry for any confusion.
I think emacs is mostly limited to a single thread - so this may not be directly possible through standard dired commands such as 'C' copy.
However, there is a dired command "dired-do-shell-command" which calls out to a shell to do the work in the background. If you select the files you want to copy and then use key '!' (this runs dired-do-shell-command) then type 'cp ? [destination]' (possibly can use 'copy' if you are on windows). I haven't tested this - so see help on "dired-do-shell-command" for full details.
See also the Emacs function dired-do-async-shell-command.
For an even more generic solution see with which you also can evaluate arbitrary Emacs Lisp code through call to a separate Emacs process (which of course incurs a bit of extra latency). More specifically regard file operations see the file dired-async.el in this repo.
Also note that there is work on threading in Emacs under the working name Concurrent Emacs but it's not there yet. See for details.
I found this answer quite helpful: Reading that answer shows that you can make it so that dired will copy with the scp method instead of the ssh method (the latter initially encodes the file with gzip and that can be quite slow). The scp method will only copy with the scp program when the file is larger than tramp-copy-size-limit (which is 10240 by default). Using this scp method in conjunction with dired-async-mode is very nice, as it will not only copy quickly with scp, but it will also do it asynchronously and out of your way.
Also, I think this is useful: It provides this snippet of code to use rsync to copy files in dired:
(defun ora-dired-rsync (dest)
"Rsync to:"
;; store all selected files into "files" list
(let ((files (dired-get-marked-files
nil current-prefix-arg))
;; the rsync command
"rsync -arvz --progress "))
;; add all selected file names as arguments
;; to the rsync command
(dolist (file files)
(setq tmtxt/rsync-command
(concat tmtxt/rsync-command
(shell-quote-argument file)
" ")))
;; append the destination
(setq tmtxt/rsync-command
(concat tmtxt/rsync-command
(shell-quote-argument dest)))
;; run the async shell command
(async-shell-command tmtxt/rsync-command "*rsync*")
;; finally, switch to that window
(other-window 1)))
(define-key dired-mode-map "Y" 'ora-dired-rsync)