neo4j batch-import file not found error - import

I tried to use the batch-import from maxdemarzi. I have followed these steps, however it gives error when i tried to compile it with 'javac ./src/test/java/ -d .' It gives file not found error. I have found in other path and tried to compile. It gives error, too. I think sources are not up-to-date.
Any suggestions?

Use maven to build it.
mvn clean install


lombok : cannot find a simbol : build failed with gradle

My setting is like this..
Ecliplse 2020-03,
gradle 6.3
lombok 1.18.12
compileOnly 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.12'
annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.12'
failed commands
./gradle build -x test
./gradlew build -x test
When building the program with this settings, I always got the cannot find the symbol error .
The slf4j Tag also looks like that isn't understood by the build.gradle.
What should I try??
What' wrong with that??
Please help me find the cause of this problem..
I tried all searched ways to solve the problem.
But the error message did not change anything.
After all, I found that the directory that I commanded "gradle build" is not the same with it of source code that I was working...
When I check the right directory everythin goes well.

Failed to execute goal org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:0.8:check (default) on project giraph-gora: Too many unapproved licenses: 56

I am new to Giraph and hadoop.I am trying to compile giraph using maven i tried using command mvn -Phadoop_2 -fae -DskipTests clean install on command prompt but i am getting error.Image i attached is from eclipse(i am geting similar error in cmd as well.
GIRAPH version- 1.2.0 RC1
HADOOP version- 2.2.0
MAVEN version- 3.5.3
JAVA version 1.8.0_121
Any help in solving this problem will help me a lot. THANK YOU
I found a workaround for this as I was facing a similar problem.
mvn clean install -PallModules -Drat.numUnapprovedLicenses=200 -DskipTests
-Drat.numUnapprovedLicenses=200 This helps to suppress the error.
Thanks #leftjoin for the comment.
There must be a file created by Apache Rat in the path giraph-gora/target/rat.txt (as this is the failed project). This file will contain details on the files in your projects that do not have a proper licence (as well as the ones that do but these are not of any interest to you).
Most likely, the case is that the files produced by eclipse (.classpath, .project, org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs, org.eclipse.m2e.core.prefs,org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs) are creating the problem. If you remove them you will be able to compile giraph properly.

Gradle-MercurialMqPlug gradle - missing pom

I am new to Gradle build tool. I am trying to write my first build.gradle script.
I am trying to install Gradle-MercurialMqPlugin as described at
Also I am trying to do HgClone.
But when I run gradle --info I am getting this error:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'gradle'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'.
> Could not find
Required by:
Info also says:
Resource missing. [HTTP GET:
Resource missing. [HTTP HEAD:
Could you please advise, what am I missing? Should I install some additional maven stuff or ...?
Is it possible that file is just actually missing, because when I enter that address in my browser it says:
Path 'bintray/jcenter/v1/content/bintray/jcenter/au/com/coherentsoftware/gradle/Gradle-MercurialMqPlugin/VERSION/Gradle-MercurialMqPlu gin-VERSION.jar' was not found.
And also for pom:
Path 'bintray/jcenter/v1/content/bintray/jcenter/au/com/coherentsoftware/gradle/Gradle-MercurialMqPlugin/VERSION/Gradle-MercurialMqPlug in-VERSION.pom' was not found.
Should I replace VERSION in this string or something like that?
[I tried to replace VERSION with the latest tag V1.1.0, but I still got the same not found error when putting it in the browser]
Any help is very much appreciated.
It worked when I replaced VERSION with 1.1.0 (NOT V1.1.0) :)
Just needed to sleep it over.
Silly error.

Scala SBT / Maven2 Error on OSX: "Error Opening Zip File" -> MissingRequirementError

I have a project that builds well on Unix boxes (
However, using SBT 0.11.2 (and a few other versions of SBT), it will not build on my Mac (OSX 10.5). I get the following cryptic error message:
$ ~/bin/sbt compile (master*? 20:11)
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/jon/Documents/workspace- scala/ducttape/project
[info] Set current project to ducttape (in build file:/Users/jon/Documents/workspace-scala/ducttape/)
[info] Compiling 104 Scala sources to /Users/jon/Documents/workspace-scala/ducttape/target/scala-2.9.2/classes...
[error] error while loading <root>, error in opening zip file
[error] {file:/Users/jon/Documents/workspace-scala/ducttape/}default-024416/compile:compile: object scala not found.
[error] Total time: 2 s, completed May 27, 2012 8:12:09 PM
This happens even after I clean things out thoroughly with:
sbt clean clean-files
rm -rf ~/.ivy2 ~/.m2 ~/.sbt
I suspect that the real error is happening in Maven2, which SBT uses for dependency management (see also Maven : error in opening zip file when running maven).
However, I'm stumped after several days. Any ideas?
I had similar problems when attempting to use an older version of the sbt-extras launcher with sbt-0.11.3. In my case, it attempted to download a file that didn't exist, and attempted to unzip the 404 error page. The most recent sbt-extras launcher has been fixed for sbt-0.11.3.
Yours sounds different, but they may be due to the the shutdown of If you can, I recommend upgrading to sbt-0.11.3.
If you need to continue to use 0.11.2, you should use the 0.11.3-2 launcher, put sbt.version=0.11.2 in project/, and disable the scalaTools repo in your build.sbt. Mark Harrah posted info on the SBT mailing list.
If this doesn't help, for some reason you're downloading corrupted .jars from somewhere.
Run the command find ~/.ivy2 ~/.m2 ~/.sbt -name "*.jar" -exec unzip -qqt {} \; to find which jar(s) are corrupted. The contents of the corrupt jar may give you a clue as to what's going wrong.
For completion, I had the same problem and it was a corrupt zip/jar file.
However, Dave's command line checks for the usual classpath directories, where your jar may be.
The one causing me troubles was in fact in my projects ./lib folder. I struggled with this for hours, hopefully this may help someone else.
PS: Thanks a lot Dave!
I just had the same problem (on OSX, and with Scala 2.10.2), but the problem turned out not to be in any of my dependency manager repos, or with SBT or Scala (as for some people).
I had put a JAR into /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext/ for other reasons, but didn't make it group- and world-readable. Only root (it's owner) could read it. I tweaked the permissions, and voila. Scala and SBT suddenly work again.
cd /Library/Java/Home/lib/ext
sudo chmod g+r bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar
sudo chmod g+a bcprov-jdk15on-1.47.jar

Error in Eclipse about type indirectly referenced from required .class file

I'm having this exception with some stubs generateds by Axis2:
"The type cannot be resolved. It is
indirectly referenced from required .class files"
I've been reading many posts, and trying to find a solution. What I've found so far is to add the apache tomcat 5.5 library to the build path. It removed the error in the java file, but then, when I to execute any java program inside the project, I got this error:
'Launching myApp' has encountered a problem Exception occurred
executing command line. Cannot run program "C:\Program
Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_22\bin\javaw.exe" (in directory
"D:\Digicel\workspace\Digicel\myClassSample"): CreateProcess error=87,
The parameter is incorrect
then if I remove the apache tomcat library from the build path, I can run the other java programs, but not the one mentioned initially.
Any thoughts about it?
Okay, I've found the cause of the problem with the help of a friend :)
The thing is that Eclipse is aware that one of my dependencies, depends of another library, and Eclipse is checking for it when it tries to build the code.
So, what I've done is try to check which jar file contains this library: "".
I've googled it and found that it is "axiom-api-1.2.10.jar" and finally my file compiled with 0 errors.
He also explained to me that my original solution of adding the apache tomcat server library is adding all the jars that cames with apache tomcat (which is a big list), and probably there may have been a version conflict with my current list of added jars.
So, the fix was to find the appropriate jar and add it to the project.
This error can also occur when a indirect dependency has a corrupt jar file. This may be caused by problems at the public maven repository.
If this is the case removing the local maven repository to download fresh jar files will fix your problem:
rm -Rf ~/.m2/repository/{enter/path/to/broken/stuff}
Goto Maven >Update Maven project>checkmark the Force update >Then Run
..That error Will gone....