Are the EnterpriseLibrary.Caching components discontinued, and, if so, as of which library version? - enterprise-library

I'm looking at some old code that relies on
As far as I can tell, the namespace doesn't exist in the latest version of the EnterpriseLibrary. Is this correct? If so, when did the components get discontinued?

Enterprise Library 6.0 removed the Caching block, as well as the Security block and Cryptography.
All caching should now be performed with System.Runtime.Caching.
A good read is the Enterprise Library 6 patterns and practices free book.
Enterprise Library 6 Developers Guide


Running Drools on GraalVM

We have a service that uses Drools quite heavily. Would like to improve the performance by running it on GraalVM.
Is it possible to run Drools on GraalVM without using Kogito?
Disclaimer: I'm one of the Drools developers
It's definitely possible, as you've already notice, we do indeed support native image compilation with our Quarkus backend, but it'll require you to write you some code, there's no such possibility in the current codebase.
Please note that only the executable model will be supported with the static component injection (the drools-core-static module in Kogito)
Is there a reason why you don't want to use Kogito though? We are really interested. Please join our community channels or the mailing list if you want to share your feedbacks, as SO is not the best platform for it.
Thanks for your support

Compatibility of Drools' dependency xstream and Java 11

We are using Drools in a Java 11 Web application via the kie-spring library.
This library depends on xstream.
The compatibility of xstream with newer Java versions is uncertain as described in this Issue which is already 3 years old and not going to be "fixed" as far as I understand it.
Is there a plan to switch to a different underlying technology or any other changes that would move away from xstream? Or at least a way to get rid of the JVM warning and assurance that it will work with future versions?
This is an XStream problem. The very link which is shared in the original question, provide some valid solutions to avoid the mentioned XStream issue.
Is there [...] at least a way to
get rid of the JVM warning and assurance that it will work with future
As can be seen on this change modifications are already underway to resolve the mentioned issue as it manifests inside the Drools project which make use of the XStream library.
So this is resolved currently for the Drools' DMN module, and Kogito; if you spotted a specific module of Drools which is not yet updated, you are encouraged to raise a JIRA.
Question on StackOverflow is one of the channel we monitor as #schrobe correctly commented here; if you need a more back/forth exchange you can also interact with Drools developers via chat or forum. All these are valid channel that we monitor as originally described in the project get help page.
I hope this fully answers your original question, let us know if you noticed the issue in other modules!

Is the idaperl plugin no longer developed?

I am a student studying reverse engineering
I mainly use C and Perl, and I think this is a good choice
However, python is still being developed for ida, but idaperl says development has been discontinued (github). I have two questions.
Has idaperl development stopped?
github supports ida 6.5. Can this be used informally in 7.0?
The repo says it's been discontinued,
note: I am not actively developping this plugin anymore, since i myself now mostly use idapython for scripting.
I have been looking for active forks, but there seems to be none. So your best bet might effectively to use IDAPython. It's anyone's guess whether this version supports 7.0, but you might want to downgrade to 6.5 if you effectively want to use that. There seem to be some tools that support reverse engineering in CPAN; depending on what you want to do, one of them might be useful if you're keen on using Perl.

Is GEF4 mature enough?

I am familiar to GEF3. GEF4 has a better architecture.
And I have to make decision whether using GEF3 or GEF4 MVC for our project.
My question is: Currently, is GEF4 mature (e.g full editing features like GEF3, documents, API's stability) enough? Or should I use GEF3 instead?
Personally, I would say since the GEF 4.0.0 release that bundled GEF4 1.0.0 the framework is quite stable (API-wise). However, some support for common functionality is still lacking, which you would need to implement yourself (e.g. direct editing). If you are still unsure, you can implement a prototype with GEF to see if it fits. If you run into any problems, the GEF forum is a nice place to get help.

MongoDB aggregation framework availability

The new aggregation framework will come with the 2.2 version.
They made some presentations and demos on that :
I does not found any development release on their site.
Does someone knows where I can test the new framework ?
You can download and install the development version 2.1, it is inside (and currently under development).
But (at this stage) it is still a bit "young" (see for example a recent thread
MongoDB uses the standard “odd numbers are development, even are stable” versioning scheme. So the 2.1.x series is still under development, and you should probably wait until the release of 2.2.x to use this feature in production unless you fully understand what you’re doing.
I am looking for it as well. :-)