cvs update and delete old files - version-control

I have an old branch on cvs called myapp_release_7
after I deployed that branch, I modified the trunk code and I created a new release branch
the release 8 contains new files (java new classes)
While I am deploying to test environment, I submitted this command
cvs -d {server} update -C -P -d -r "myapp_release_8"
it worked fine.
But I wanted to rollback so I submitted this command
cvs -d {server} update -C -P -d -r "myapp_release_7"
but the new files that were added by release 8 didn't get deleted after this command.
any idea why ?


How to use github cli to auto pull all newly created or updated repos to local pc

How to use github cli to auto pull all newly created or updated repos to local pc?
I think I need to listen for new repo creation/updation and pull the repos. How to do it with cli?
If can't listen, I need to pull latest 100 repos to local machiene. How to do it?
I tried It gives in alphabetical order.
I use following code
cat repolist.txt | while read line
# We do it this way so that we can abstract if from just git later on
if [ ! -d $LOCALREPO_VC_DIR ]
cd ~/xxxx
gh repo clone $REPOSRC
cd ~
cd ~
gh repo sync $REPOSRC -s $REPOSRC
# End
The sort key
you're looking for seems to be sort=pushed.
Try curl -s '' | jq '.[].name' to verify.

git-rebase: Make bad variable name in large PR stack disappear

I had a JSX component named AccountNode, and accidentally created a TS interface also named AccountNode, but the two are distinct. One is for a row in a table (ui), and the other is for a piece of data in a tree (a node).
How can I make the "AccountNode" name not appear anywhere in history?
Similarly, as mentioned in the comments, you may have a bad string constant bring passed around, a so-called "magic string". It may be hard to rewrite code to not use this magic string, but this git rebase recipe will help.
Example, I don't want to hard-code the string "load_more" so am going to redo/tweak those commits:
git rebase --exec 'git difflastcommitadded | ag load_more && { echo "found load_more"; git redo; } || echo "ok"' --no-reschedule-failed-exec -i 315abbd5b
Install ag (brew install the_silver_searcher) (grep/ack alternative)
Add this git difflastcommitadded alias:
git config --global --edit
brew install the_silver_searcher
# From:
difflastcommitadded = !git diff HEAD^..HEAD --no-ext-diff --unified=0 --exit-code -a --no-prefix | egrep '^\\+'
Alternatively, if you want to completely abolish a variable name from a folder in your repo, continue reading this less flexible example:
git rebase --exec 'ag -0 -l AccountNode ui/app && git redo || echo "ok"' -i 315abbd5b
This will rebase, but stop whenever there's a commit that introduced AccountNode inside the ui/app folder, undo that commit, and pop those changes into your working directory, so you can fix that in your ide.
Once you fix an instance of AccountNode you can proceed with nice safety checks using this script:
ag -0 -l AccountNode ui/app/pages/AccountManagement2 && echo "still contains AccountNode" || {
yarn --cwd ui run jest -i && git add . && git commit && git rebase --continue
In my instance, git commit runs prettier+eslint, but not tests (those run in ci right now)
This depends on the git redo alias mentioned here: git rebase - pop each commit into working dir to easily edit, re-use commit msg

Fully reset a corrupted git submodule in SourceTree

First off, I am not using command line git at all. I am only using SourceTree's gui interface. I would prefer to solve my problem this way; if possible.
Somehow, my submodule has become corrupted. Attempting to fetch or pull gives me the following error:
I haven't found any answers for this particular problem. I am fortunate in that my remote master is ok, 100% up to date, and I have no local changes. So, I think the easiest way will be to just fully reset my local submodule.
However, I can't figure out how to do so.
I considered trying to remove my submodule and then re add it. However, I have had problems with that in the past, and so am gun shy.
I found handfuls of posts about resetting to a specific commit. However, the SourceTree gui is failing to populate my history because of this error.
Any help would be appreciated
Thank you
You can try this
Right click at your conflicted branch at BRANCHES and delete it.
Double click at your remote branch at REMOTES to re-download and switch to that branch.
Easy, good luck.
I finally did get this fixed. I had to give up and use the command line.
I found this page (git fatal: failed to read object xxx: Invalid argument). That pointed me to using the "git fsck --full" command.
That pointed me to a very specific folder in the .git hierarchy that was corrupted.
I needed to delete this folder, but doing so wasn't easy. Windows would let me delete it. Not in safe mode. Not with cmd del or rmdir. I had to run a scan disk from windows on my entire drive. That ended up detecting the folder and removing it.
Finally, from there, I was able to fetch and pull master again.
From all the solutions I was able to find to perform an actually hard reset with proper cleanup and reinitialization of submodules nothing worked. So I ended up creating a custom script. Following will perform a full cleanup of your submodules and will recreate them as if you were cloning the parent repo.
echo "Backing up current .gitmodules"
cp -f .gitmodules .gitmodules.bkp
has_submodules=$(echo "$(git submodule)")
if [ "$has_submodules" != "" ]; then
git submodule deinit --force .
rm -rf .git/modules
git submodule | cut -c43- | while read -r line; do (git rm -f "$line"); done
cp -f .gitmodules.bkp .gitmodules
PARAMS=("path" "url" "branch")
PARAMS_STR=$(IFS='|'; echo "${PARAMS[*]}")
readarray -t SUBMODULES_INFO_ARRAY < <(git config -f .gitmodules --get-regexp '^submodule\..*\.('"$PARAMS_STR"')$')
function process_submodules_parsed_array()
echo "Running: git submodule add --force -b "$branch" --depth 1 --name "$name" -- "$repo_url" "$path""
git submodule add --force -b "$branch" --depth 1 --name "$name" -- "$repo_url" "$path"
echo "Parsing current .gitmodules"
for((chunk=0; chunk<${#SUBMODULES_INFO_ARRAY[#]}; chunk+=CHUNKS))
section_name="$(sed -nE 's/^submodule\.(.*?)\.'${PARAMS[0]}'\s(.*?)$/\1/p' <<< "${SUBMODULES_INFO_ARRAY[chunk]}")"
for ((param_i=0; param_i<CHUNKS; param_i+=1))
param_parsed="$(sed -nE 's/^submodule.*?\.'${PARAMS[param_i]}'\s(.*?)$/\1/p' <<< "$param_unparsed")"
echo "Restoring .gitmodules"
mv -f .gitmodules.bkp .gitmodules
echo "Initializing submodules"
git submodule init
git submodule update

Need command or script to download all repositories (in .ZIP) of particular organization from Github?

Looking for particular command or python script to download all repositories or sub branches of the particular organization from Github at once
This gist (or this one) allows to list and clone all repos from an organization
curl -s | ruby -rubygems -e 'require "json"; JSON.load( { |repo| %x[git clone #{repo["ssh_url"]} ]}'
You have the same in python with the project muhasturk/gitim
It isn't hard to curl the zip archive of a repo instead (instead of cloning the repo):
curl -u '<git username>' -L -o<organization>/<reponame>/zipball/master

Capistrano error tar: This does not look like a tar archive

INFO [050fe961] Running mkdir -p /home/rails/rails-
capistrano/releases/20140114234157 on staging-rails
DEBUG [050fe961] Command: cd /home/rails/rails-capistrano/repo && ( PATH=/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/echo GIT_SSH=/tmp/rails/ mkdir -p /home/rails/rails-capistrano/releases/20140114234157 )
INFO [050fe961] Finished in 0.142 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [2dea2fe5] Running git archive feature/Capistrano | tar -x -C /home/rails/rails-capistrano/releases/20140114234157 on staging-rails
DEBUG [2dea2fe5] Command: cd /home/rails/rails-capistrano/repo && ( PATH=/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH GIT_ASKPASS=/bin/echo GIT_SSH=/tmp/rails/ git archive feature/Capistrano | tar -x -C /home/rails/rails-capistrano/releases/20140114234157 )
DEBUG [2dea2fe5] fatal: Not a valid object name
DEBUG [2dea2fe5] tar: This does not look like a tar archive
DEBUG [2dea2fe5] tar:
DEBUG [2dea2fe5] Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
I am confused about two things:
Why is Capistrano running git archive here:
git archive feature/Capistrano | tar -x -C /home/rails/rails-capistrano/releases/20140114234157
Why is tar failing?
I had the same issue, until I realized I was pulling the nonexistent branch from git.
Deleting app_name/repo also fixed this issue for me.
This happens when the repo in the server to deploy is messed up. We're talking about the bare git repo that Capistrano by default would put in /var/www/$application/repo (for other people's reference).
In your case it does not have a local feature/Capistrano branch so when running git archive feature/Capistrano nothing is output to that | pipe. To confirm, ssh into the server, cd into /home/rails/rails-capistrano/repo, and run git branch.
It's running git archive as a way to export the selected branch's tree. git archive "writes it out to the standard output" so Capistrano redirects that to tar in order to uncompress the archive immediately into your new release directory.
(Why Capistrano chose this instead of git checkout defeats me.)
tar fails because it's receiving nothing d:
I can think of two possible solutions/ways to troubleshoot:
ssh into the server and manually delete the repo folder (e.g. in your case /home/rails/rails-capistrano/repo) as mentioned by #lugolabs
make sure the server's repo is using the remote you're expecting (ssh in, cd into repo/, and run git remote -v) -- you may just need to update your :repo_url in deploy.rb (and delete the repo/ dir).
I think that folder gets populated via a git pull, so it shouldn't be empty. If you do see it empty the issue is from the git not the tarball.
The issue I had was my capistrano deploy.rb repository URL was set to a different one than that project i was working in. In order to fix this issue, I also had to logon to the server and delete the app_name/repo folder which must have been caching the original bad remote URL.
Whenever I have hit this error it was because the branch specified in my deploy/environment.rb file wasn't checked into git. Do an add / commit / git push origin branch_name and that will likely make things work.
You can set your branch on deploy.rb with:
set :branch, "main"
Note: the default branch is master
I'm using Bedrock Roots (wordpress) for development, capistrano for deploys and git flow.
Stumbled upon this error when tried to deploy, while on hotfix/x.x.x branch locally. So I finished current (merged changes to develop branch) and then successfully deployed.