Odd Logstash date parsing error - date

I'm getting the following error from Logstash:
{:timestamp=>"2013-12-30T17:05:01.968000-0800", :message=>"Failed parsing date from field", :field=>"message", :value=>"2013-12-30 17:04:59,539.539 INFO 14282:140418951137024 [foo.lib.base.onResults:152] -- /1.12/media - \"getMediaStoreUrl\": , 10.101.AA.BB, took 0.170675992966, returning https://foo.s3.amazonaws.com/foo/customerMedia/1009238911/23883995/image?Signature=%2BfXqEdNWtWdhwzi%&*YEGJSDDdDFF%3D&Expires=1388455499&AWSAccessKeyId=NOIMNOTTHATSTUPID>, , >>>", :exception=>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "2013-12-30 17:04:59,539.539 INFO 14282:140418951137024..." is malformed at ".539 INFO 14282:140418951137024...", :level=>:warn}
The error is obviously about the date format, which comes to me as:
2013-12-30 17:04:59,539.539 INFO 14282:140418951137024...
And my pattern is as follows:
date {
match => ["message", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
I read up on the Joda-Time Library and I think I've got the format correct above. It's odd to me that the error message contains the doubled SSS (milliseconds) portion: ",539.539" (our logs output that way for some reason). I deliberately didn't put the second portion ".539" in my pattern because I want it ignored.
I am also successfully using the following pattern in another filter:
I'm just not exactly sure where this error is coming from. Any ideas what I need to do to correct this? Do I need to mutate #timestamp? Any help is appreciated!

The error is because the other information in "message" field will make date api parsing error.
Ex: INFO 14282:140418951137024...
You can use grok api to get the date and then use date api/
grok {
match => ["message","%{DATESTAMP:logtime}\.[0-9]+"]
date {
match => ["logtime","YY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
I have tried this configuration with your log. It works on me. Hope this can help you .

FWIW, it may be due to this bug in the Logstash date filter.
I have a much simpler date filter that generates the same error, and came across your question while searching for the answer.


DATE() function in PowerBI not working - does not recognize year value

Does anyone know why I am encountering this error with the most basic operation in PowerBI? After a few tries myself only ending in errors I copied the syntax straight off MS site and still......error.
I created a new table and used the following:
Table = calendar(date(2000,1,1),date(2030,12,31))
Error received:
Too few arguments were passed to the DATE function. The minimum
argument count for the function is 3.
When adding the arguments its as if the DATE function does not recognize the year value at all.
Anyone else encountering this?
Also, I noticed a lot of search results advising to use the "Modelling" tab which I don't have in my desktop version. I am currently still on a free trial.
Does a free trial mean I can not use the most basic DATE() function - I truly hope this is not the case.

Get a DateTime with an specific pattern with nscala-time

I am trying to get this pattern 'dd-MM-yyyy' with a variable of type DateTime
But I am getting this error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "2015-12-10T00:00:00.000Z" is malformed at "15-12-10T00:00:00.000Z"
Is there a way to do this with nscala-time?
makes a difference if I am using UTC?
For the moment I am casting to Date and doing this
#{Dates.format(user.birthday.toDate, "dd-MM-YYYY")}
But maybe is a better way without casting
thank you
So, if I understood your question correctly, you are trying to achieve the following:
Parse date from a string using a date format
Print/Display the date in another format.
Try the below:
#{Dates.format(DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ").parseDateTime(user.birthday.toString), "dd-MM-YYYY")}

manipulate date with Jmeter

I have used ${__time(dd-mm-yyyy)} function of Jmeter, i wanted to know if I can
manipulate this function that will return me the following convention "yyyy-mm-dd", I have tried ${__time(yyyy-mm-dd)} and I have noticed that I got the following date 2015-14-25 (for today: 01-25-2015) I did not understand why I got this date convention.
I managed to do it, Jmeter reference to case sensitive so in this case that would work: ${__time(yyyy-MM-dd)}. Jmeter would reference to 'MM' as the month.

Talend parse date: unable to parse

I'm trying to insert data in my Database, my input is a string, representing a date in this format: yyyyMMdd ("20140525")
I try this in talend :
but at runtime it does not work...
I've also tried
but the result is the same.
Does someone have a any clue on what the problem is?
Solution found:
it was because i didn't tell Talend not to analyse the first line which contains the title.
Sorry for this

MongoImport Dates Occurring Before The Epoch

I am writing a utility at work which converts our relational DB at work to a complex JSON object and dumps to files grouped by subject. I then would like to import these files into MongoDB collections using the mongoimport tool.
Our data includes timestamps which represent dates occurring before the epoch, the appropriate JSON representation of which yields negative numbers. While MongoDB itself will handle these fine, the import tools JSON parser uses unsigned long long variables and fails.
If you use Mongo's special JSON date representation format ({"key": { "$date": "value_in_ticks" } }), the import tool will throw an error on those documents and skip the import. You can also use the JavaScript date notation ({"key": new Date(value_in_ticks) }) which will be successfully imported but parsed as an unsigned value creating a garbage date.
The special date format fails because of an assertion checking for reserved words. This code is reached because the presence of the negative sign at the beginning of the value causes the special date parsing to exit and return to normal document parsing.
The code to parse JSON dates explicitly calls the boost library uint_parser. There exists a signed version of this function and an issue on their JIRA tracker already exists to utilize it (on which I commented that I would attempt).
Short of diving into the code immediately to try and update this to be signed, is there an alternate route that I can take to load these dates for now?
I want to run this nightly via cron for a few months for testing so I would prefer it be very easy. These dates exist in many different parts of documents in many different collections so the solution should be generalized.
A little late to the party, but I have just come up against the same issue.
My workaround was to import the dates as strings (e.g. "1950-01-01"), and to script the conversion using Ruby on Rails with Mongoid:
Dates.each do |d|
d.mydate = d.mydate.to_date
Hopefully you can adapt this to whatever language/framework you are using.
This Python snippet works for me.
import time, struct
def bson_datetime(adatetime):
ret = int(1000*(time.mktime(adatetime.timetuple()) + 3600))
if ret < 0:
ret = struct.unpack('Q', struct.pack('q', ret))[0]
return {'$date': ret}
except ValueError:
return None
import datetime
print bson_datetime(datetime.datetime(1950, 12, 30, 0, 0))
yields {"abc" : {"$date" : 18446743473920751616}}.
Step 1: go to groups.google.com/group/mongodb-user and post the issue "mongoimport does not support dates before the epoch". Response times on the groups tend to be very good.
Step 2: think of running dates in a universally accepted format like "1964-04-25 13:23:12"
It will take a little bit more space in MongoDB because you'll be storing string. However it should be easy to interpret for anyone pulling out the data.