Roslyn - Remove reference from session - plugins

Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way , my understanding of Roslyn is very basic.
How can I remove a referenced dll from a session in Roslyn? Is there a way?
I am trying to replace the referenced dll with a new version.


Project looking for own DLL in another project

I'm currently trying to move a solution with multiple projects from VS 2015 to VS 2019.It consists of one application and a couple of class libraries, target framework for each is .net 4.5.1. I have made a local copy of the solution to do this.
Most of the projects compile without a problem, but some of the one that are used as AddIns for the application don't.
When trying to build, doesn't matter if the projects by themselves or the whole solution, it fails because it's looking for itself. In my example picture, the project ZZ_WPF_Bank_AddIn is, while trying to build, is looking for the ZZ_WPF_Bank_AddIn in the bin folder of another project in the solution.
I tried just copying the dll from the original project, to see what happens, but it just points to the same dll missing in another project.
Has someone encountered this behaviour before? I tried googling it, but couldn't find anything useful.enter image description here
For anyone who might stumble upon this:
The solution to my problem was removing all references to projects inside the solution and adding them via Browse, noch via the projects tab on the left side. For some reason the bindings were not working properly after the migration.

Multiple _PublishedWebsites Folders

I am using VS Code on Manjaro and have setup a solution with 2 projects, a webapp and a test project.
Each time I do a build it appears to generate a new _PublishedWebsites folder with NetCoreApp underneath it. I am surprised that nobody else seems to have encountered this issue. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it?
Many thanks.
You should check your csproj file, particularly PublishDir element which is your specified location for publishing output files and change that if your like.
However, I think this is required behavior for .net core support in app harbor, find more details in the support webpage over here.

How to add refence to another project in VS Code

I couldn't find how to add reference to another project in VS Code in help documentation or in Internet.
The approach from How to reference assemblies using Visual Studio Code? does work but looks really strange for that purpose.
I found it. Just use dotnet add reference [path to project.**csproj**].

.NET Standard 2.0 / EntityFrameworkCore / DB2 / IBM.EntityFrameworkCore issue

Does anyone here has experience with IBM.EntityFrameworkCore package? I've created a .NET Standard 2.0 library project in VS2017, added mentioned package, and tried to make it work by following this and this tutorial from IBM website, with no luck. I get the project compiled, but at the runtime I'm getting a System.TypeLoadException with the following message:
Method 'ApplyServices' in type 'IBM.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.Internal.Db2OptionsExtension' from assembly 'IBM.EntityFrameworkCore, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7c307b91aa13d208' does not have an implementation.
Any help will be appreciated!
Update: The exception happens as soon as I try to use the context. It means after the context is successfully created, but before DbContext.OnConfiguring call happens.
I've solved it. It turned out that this exception happens if actual entity types (i.e. MyType) aren't defined in the same assembly (project) as the context. In my solution I had entity types defined in one project, and DbContextdefined in a different project, that references the first one, of course.
The reason for me to have such design was in the fact that there are two different packages (depending on the actual OS): IBM.EntityFrameworkCore and IBM.EntityFrameworkCore-lnx. So I've created two different projects, each referencing one of these packages. Still, I wanted to have all the entity types defined once... But obviously it cannot work like that.
Update: Sadly, it turned out that this isn't the only issue. I've ran into another one, described here. Thumbs down for DB2 .NET team! It's always frustrating to work with...

System.Data.MetadataException - seems more stubborn than most people's

I have gone through this post and the links, and still can't solve my issue.
I have changed my config to name the assembly, but it makes no odds.
We recently moved the projects and think that might be an issue - but how to solve it if so. I don't quite understand how EF when running finds the cdsl etc. files I thought they were embedded in the dll [it is set to do so]?
The service having the issue doesn't directly use EF itself, it uses another DLL which DOES. I also added a direct ref to the DLL but no joy.
Also, the same code (the dll that contains the functionality, not the wrapper service) using the same connections strings works fine in my system test project via the IDE.
Turned out to be down to incorrect initialisation of StructureMap and not really to do with EF itself.