Hi at the moment I use preg_replace to replace a variable like "$money" with a text. Now I have changed my vars to "%%money%%" what I must changed in the preg_replace statement?
preg_replace("#\\$" . $var . "([^a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]|$)#", $value . "\\1", $text);
How about:
preg_replace("#%%" . $var . "([^a-zA-Z_0-9\x7f-\xff]?)%%$#", $value . "$1", $text);
I have a special char in my variable like this
my $var = "\n";
my $var_tab = "\t";
I need to print out not this character but character value/code (\t,\n).
I have tried to add one more slash, but it doesn't work.
my $var.="\\";
How can I print value of special char?
It might help us understand the context if you explained why you want this and what you're trying to achieve.
If you simple want to dump out the value of a variable and have the special characters be visible and readable then perhaps Data::Dumper would help:
use Data::Dumper
$var = "\n";
$var_tab = "\t";
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1;
print Data::Dumper::qquote($var); # "\n"
print Data::Dumper::qquote($var_tab); # "\t"
If you want print the special character value, Try regex for substitute the \ with empty.Like
my $var = "\\n";
$var =~s/\\//g;
print "$'";
Else If you want print the \n . Just use the single quotes instead of double quotes. or use forward slashes within double quotes.
my $var = "\\n"; #slashes for escape the special character
my $var_tab = '\t'; #single quotes also escape the special character
print "$var $var_tab ";
I'm trying to get perltidy to format an if statement like this:
if ($self->image eq $_->[1]
and $self->extension eq $_->[2]
and $self->location eq $_->[3]
and $self->modified eq $_->[4]
and $self->accessed eq $_->[5]) {
but no matter what I try, it insists on formatting it like this:
if ( $self->image eq $_->[1]
and $self->extension eq $_->[2]
and $self->location eq $_->[3]
and $self->modified eq $_->[4]
and $self->accessed eq $_->[5]) {
Also, is there any way to get the last line of this block:
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO image VALUES(NULL, "
. $dbh->quote($self->image) . ", "
. $dbh->quote($self->extension) . ", "
. $dbh->quote($self->location) . ","
. $dbh->quote($self->modified) . ","
. $dbh->quote($self->accessed)
. ")");
to jump up to the previous line like the other lines:
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO image VALUES(NULL, "
. $dbh->quote($self->image) . ", "
. $dbh->quote($self->extension) . ", "
. $dbh->quote($self->location) . ","
. $dbh->quote($self->modified) . ","
. $dbh->quote($self->accessed) . ")");
Here is what I'm currently doing:
perltidy -ce -et=4 -l=100 -pt=2 -msc=1 -bar -ci=0 reporter.pm
I don't have much to offer on the 1st question, but with the 2nd, have you considered refactoring it to use placeholders? It would probably format up better, automaticaly do the quoting for you and give you (and the users of your module) a healthy barrier against SQL injection problems.
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO image VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)');
$self->image, $self->extension, $self->location,
$self->modified, $self->accessed
I've also found format skipping: -fs to protect a specific segment of code from perltidy. I'd put an example here but the Site seems to do a hatchet job on it...
I tried so many codes that I found on internet but none of them would work.
I have a HTML code something like this.
<div class="usernameHolder">Username: user123</div>
what I want is get the text user123 from this line of code, of course this code is with the rest of the HTML content (an HTML page) Can anyone point me to the right direction?
$text = #source=~ /Username:\s+(.*)\s+</;
print $text;
but it won't return anything.
If the HTML is in a string:
$source = '<div class="usernameHolder">Username: user123</div>';
# Allow optional whitespace before or after the username value.
$text = $source=~ /Username:\s*(.*?)\s*</;
print $1 . "\n"; # user123
If the HTML is in an array:
#source = (
'<p>Some text</p>',
'<div class="usernameHolder">Username: user123</div>',
'<p>More text</p>'
# Combine the matching array elements into a string.
$matching_lines = join "",grep(/Username:\s*(.*?)\s*</, #source);
# Extract the username value.
$text = $matching_lines =~ /Username:\s*(.*?)\s*</;
print $1 . "\n"; # user123
A more-compact version using an array:
#source = (
'<p>Some text</p>',
'<div class="usernameHolder">Username: user123</div>',
'<p>More text</p>'
# Combine the matching array elements in a string, and extract the username value.
$text = (join "",grep(/Username:\s*(.*?)\s*</, #source)) =~ /Username:\s*(.*?)\s*</;
print $1 . "\n"; # user123
Your second \s+ doesn't match anything, since there is no space between user123 and the following tag.
How about this?
Here, \s* is discarding spaces if there are any, and .*? is there so that you don't grab most of the document in the process. (See greedy vs. non-greedy)
I've been doing some searching and haven't found an answer. Why isn't this working?
$self->{W_CONTENT} =~ /$regex/;
print $1; #is there a value? YES
$store{URL} =~ s/$param/$1/;
Yes $1 has a value. $param is replaced however it is replaced with nothing. I'm positive $1 has a value. If I replace with text instead of "$1" it works fine. Please help!
For $1 to have a value you need to ensure that $param has parentheses () in it. i.e. The following has a problem similar to what you are explaining.
my $fred = "Fred";
$fred =~ s/red/$1/;
# $fred will now be "F"
But this works
my $fred = "Fred";
$fred =~ s/r(ed)/$1/;
# $fred will now be "Fed"
Now if you want to use the $1 from your first regex in the second one you need to copy it. Every regex evaluation resets $1 ... $&. So you want something like:
$self->{W_CONTENT} =~ /$regex/;
print $1; #is there a value? YES
my $old1 = $1;
$store{URL} =~ s/$param/$old1/;
Backreferences such as $1 shouldn't be used inside the expression; you'd use a different notation - for an overview, check out Perl Regular Expressions Quickstart.
Consider getting the value of $1 and storing it in another variable, then using that in the regex.
I have this perl script and it takes in arguments using the getoption package.
Is there an easy way to document what was the exact command the user used to execute?
I would like to document into a log file.
Use $0 and #ARGV together:
my $full_command = join(' ', $0, #ARGV);
or you can simply
my $full;
BEGIN { $full = "$0 #ARGV" }
print "log: $full\n";
form the perlvar
When an array or an array slice is
interpolated into a double-quoted
string or a similar context such as
/.../ , its elements are separated by
this value. Default is a space. For
example, this:
print "The array is: #array\n";
is equivalent to this:
print "The array is: " . join($", #array) . "\n";