ZfcUser - flash messages after user registration - zfcuser

I'm trying to add some flash messages after user registered
$sharedManager->attach('ZfcUser\Service\User', 'register.post', function($e) use($serviceManager) {
$user = $e->getParam('user');
$mail = new Mail\ActivateAccount($serviceManager, $user);
$flash = $serviceManager->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('flashMessenger');
$flash->addSuccessMessage('Check your mailbox, please.');
However, after I was redirected to login page I didn't see any message. Anybody knows the reason?
There is view helper that displays messages
namespace Application\View\Helper;
use Zend\View\Helper\AbstractHelper;
use Zend\View\Helper\FlashMessenger;
class ShowMessages extends AbstractHelper
public function __invoke()
$messenger = new FlashMessenger();
$error_messages = $messenger->getErrorMessages();
$messages = $messenger->getSuccessMessages();
$result = '';
if (count($error_messages)) {
foreach ($error_messages as $message) {
$result .= '<p class="alert alert-danger">' . $message . '</p>';
if (count($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$result .= '<p class="alert alert-success">' . $message . '</p>';
return $result;
On other pages flash messages works fine.

I found my mistake. I created new messenger instead of getting it throuhg service locator.
$messenger = new FlashMessenger();
should be
$messenger = $this->sm->getServiceLocator()->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('flashMessenger');


output records in the form of html table from moodle database , custom block development

Please check this code for the custom block to be placed in the dashboard. We want to display an HTML table for the records. But it does not add up to the custom block, rather it appears on the top page.
enter image description here
class block_scorecard extends block_base {
function init() {
$this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_scorecard');
function get_content() {
global $DB;
if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$content = '';
$courses = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes_track', ['element' => 'cmi.core.total_time']);
$table=new html_table();
$table->head=array('No of attempts','Time modified','status');
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$timemodified=userdate($course->timemodified, get_string('strftimerecentfull'));
$table->data[]=array($attempt, $timemodified, $status);
echo html_writer::table($table);
$this->content = new stdClass;
$this->content->text = $content;
echo html_writer::table($table);
Should be
$content .= html_writer::table($table);

Using php mail() to do simple checks

I am using php mail() (Via piped to program) and my goal is to simply get the email and scan the "from" header to filter it and then if it passes my "rules" or "checks" pass it along to the intended receiver. I have been able to use a sample code to get the mail and I can actually get my "test check" done. The problem I am having is that I cannot get the php mail() function to resend the mail as it was (plain or html). Every time i get my test mail, it comes with all the headers exposed and code. Not a nice and neat email. I also found out that I could encounter problems with this if there are attachments to the mail. I have seen alot of suggestions about going thru PHPMailer and I am willing to entertain that option. I just don't need this to get to complicated. here is the code I am using -
#!/usr/bin/php -q
$notify= 'myemail#mydomain.com'; // an email address required in case of errors
function mailRead($iKlimit = "")
if ($iKlimit == "") {
$iKlimit = 1024;
$sErrorSTDINFail = "Error - failed to read mail from STDIN!";
$fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
if (!$fp) {
echo $sErrorSTDINFail;
$sEmail = "";
if ($iKlimit == -1) {
while (!feof($fp)) {
$sEmail .= fread($fp, 1024);
} else {
while (!feof($fp) && $i_limit < $iKlimit) {
$sEmail .= fread($fp, 1024);
return $sEmail;
$email = mailRead();
$lines = explode("\n", $email);
$to = "";
$from = "";
$subject = "";
$headers = "";
$message = "";
$splittingheaders = true;
for ($i=0; $i < count($lines); $i++) {
if ($splittingheaders) {
$headers .= $lines[$i]."\n";
if (preg_match("/^Subject: (.*)/", $lines[$i], $matches)) {
$subject = $matches[1];
$tst = substr($subject, -3);
if ($tst == "win" | $tst == "biz" | $tst == "net"){
$subject = $subject . "BAD ADDRESS";
if (preg_match("/^From: (.*)/", $lines[$i], $matches)) {
$from = $matches[1];
if (preg_match("/^To: (.*)/", $lines[$i], $matches)) {
$to = $matches[1];
} else {
// not a header, but message
$message .= $lines[$i]."\n";
if (trim($lines[$i])=="") {
// empty line, header section has ended
$splittingheaders = false;
mail('noreply#mydomain.com', $subject, $message);
I am interested in learning, I am code savvy. Somewhat new to email formatting, but very understanding of PHP. Any help is appreciated. Thanx.

Redisplaying a form with fields filled in

I need a bit of help with redisplaying a form.
Basically, currently a user will fill out my contact form, the form and it's contents are passed to my verification page, and if the recaptcha was entered correctly it goes to a Thank You page.
When the recaptcha is entered INCORRECTLY, I want to redisplay the contact form with the fields already filled out. How do I do this? (As you'll see below, it currently goes to google on incorrect captcha)
Here is my verification code. Any help would be great:
<?php require('sbsquared.class.php'); ?>
$privatekey = "myprivatekey";
$resp = recaptcha_check_answer ($privatekey,
if (!$resp->is_valid) {
// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly
header("Location: http://www.google.com"); <--- this is the bit that I want to redisplay the form with fields already filled out.
} else {
$sb = New SBSquared;
$name = $_POST['FullName'];
$post_keys = array_keys($_POST);
$my_db_string = "<table>";
$ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
foreach($post_keys as $field)
if($_POST[$field] != "" && $field != "submit_y" && $field != "submit_x" && $field != "submit_x")
$my_db_string .= "<tr><td><b>".$field.":</b></td><td>";
if($field == "Email")
$my_db_string .= ''.$_POST['Email'].'';
$my_db_string .= $_POST[$field];
$my_db_string .= "</td></tr>";
$my_db_string .= "<tr><td><b>IP ADDRESS LOGGED: </b></td><td>".$ip_address."</td></tr>";
$my_db_string .= "</table>";
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc() != 1)
$my_db_string = addslashes($my_db_string);
$name = addslashes($name);
$conn = $sb->openConnection();
$dts = time();
$sql = "INSERT INTO `contact_queries` VALUES ('', '$name', '$my_db_string', 'n/a', 0, $dts)";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
$content = '<div id="main_middle">';
$content .= '<span class="title">'.$sb->dt('Contact').'</span>
<p>'.$sb->dt('Thank you for your enquiry. We will contact you shortly.').'</p>
// admin auto email.
$dts = date("d.m.y h:ia", time());
$admin_content = "New contact query at $dts";
$admin_content .= "\n\n--\n\n \r\n\r\n";
mail("email address", 'NOTIFICATION: new query', $admin_content, 'From: email address');
fwrite($FILE, $admin_content);
echo pageHeader($sb);
echo pageContent($sb, $content);
echo pageFooter($sb);
You probably already answered this for yourself, but if not you can set ReCaptcha to validate prior to submitting the form, much the same as HTML5 validation. It just won't let the user submit until the Captcha is correct. Now, I don't know if it will refresh the captcha if it is incorrect but most of the time I see people putting it into an iFrame so it doesn't refresh the page when refreshing the captcha.
As an alternative, you can use sessions to keep the data filled in.

Zend Framework view render takes a lot of memory

I try to create emails for next sending with my cron php script.
And I use Zend_View for rendering email template.
I have 50k users but 3000 emails was created with 64MB memory limit and 7200 with 128MB.
Code of rendering emails
public function prepareEmailBody($template, $templates)
$view = new Zend_View(array('basePath' => './application/views'));
$template_file_name = $template . '.phtml';
foreach ($templates as $key => $value) {
$view->$key = $value;
$body = $view->render('mails/' . $template_file_name);
return $body
And use this method in
foreach ($users as $user) {
$text = Mailer::getInstance()->prepareEmailBody($template, $vars);
Please advice how optimize code.
You could try using one View object and the partial helper instead, this might improve things (or might make it slower).
public function getView()
if (!$this->_view) {
$this->_view = new Zend_View(array('basePath' => './application/views'));
return $this->_view;
public function prepareEmailBody($template, $templates)
$template_file_name = $template . '.phtml';
$body = $this->getView()->partial($template_file_name, $templates);
return $body

Zend Mail and encodings, content-transfer etc. - Unified?

Is there any class in the Zend Framework that allows me to easily read emails?
The Zend_Mail class does allow me to easy get headers, subject and the content body. But transferring everything to UTF-8 and human-readable format is still a pain.
Or am I doing something wrong? As far as I can tell, Zend Framework does not allow me to easily get UTF-8 strings that I can just use, I still have to do some post-processing. Right?
The key thing is that you need to iterate over the parts within the Message and find the text. Once you have it, then you can use quoted_printable_decode to get the text itself in a useful way.
This is some rough and ready code that reads IMAP email boxes with Zend_Mail:
$mail = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap(array(
echo (int)$mail->countMessages() . " messages found\n";
foreach ($mail as $message) {
$from = $message->getHeader('from');
$subject = trim($message->subject);
$to = trim($message->to);
$body = getBody($message);
// do something with message here
function getBody(Zend_Mail_Message $message)
// find body
$part = $message;
$isText = true;
while ($part->isMultipart()) {
$foundPart = false;
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($message);
foreach ($iterator as $part) {
// this detection code is a bit rough and ready!
if (!$foundPart) {
if (strtok($part->contentType, ';') == 'text/html') {
$foundPart = $part;
$isText = false;
} else if (strtok($part->contentType, ';') == 'text/plain') {
$foundPart = $part;
$isText = true;
if($foundPart) {
$part = $foundPart;
$body = quoted_printable_decode($part->getContent());