Member-wise assignment in scala? - scala

Does scala support memberwise assignment?
case class C(var x:Int, var y:Int)
val c = C(1,2)
val d = C(3,4)
is there an operator to assign each member of d to c.
In C/C++ you would have:
struct C{ int x, int y)
C c = {1,2}
C d = {3,4}
c = d
One of the great benefits of member-wise assignment is that its automatic, in
c() = d
c.copyFrom( d )
both suffer from a maintenance problem - if new members are added members to C its easy to overlook adding the member to the user-created function. What's really desired is automated way to copy these values.
Another use case for this behavior:
val props:ThirdPartyType = ThirdPartyLibrary.getProperties()
val myprops:ThirdPartyType = MyLibrary.loadPropertiesFromFile()
props #= myprops // magic member-wise assignment
Here we may find:
We're stuck with ThirdPartyLibrary and ThirdPartyType (can't change it)
The library doesn't provide the ability to reassign the property object.
The library does provide the ability to assign the property's values. It behaves as a JavaBean POJO with public members.
I can do:
props.a = myprops.a
props.b = myprops.b
but this pattern break when we update to V2 of the ThirdParty library. ThirdPartyType has gained new members that we didn't not copy.
Can't this be solved through reflection?

The enhancement is easy:
scala> :pa
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
case class C(var x:Int, var y:Int)
val c = C(1,2)
val d = C(3,4)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined class C
c: C = C(1,2)
d: C = C(3,4)
scala> implicit class CUpdater(val c: C) { def update(d: C) = { c.x=d.x ; c.y=d.y } }
defined class CUpdater
scala> c() = d
scala> c
res1: C = C(3,4)
Usual caveats around mutability apply. And you didn't hear it from me.

This will get you a separate object with all case class constructor arguments copied over, although it will not change the original object that d pointed to:
d = c.copy()
If you really want to modify the original object that d points to (perhaps because you have a reference to it somewhere else - think of pointers to structs in the C programming language), then I think you would have to do something fancy with metaprogramming (i.e. reflection or macros) to get a general solution for this.
But I recommend programming with immutable vals, almost always! If you can live with that, copy is fine.


How to change a base class attribute of a case class

Take the following code:
class A(val i: Int)
case class B(str: String) extends A(1)
val b = B("test")
In my scenario I am restricted by the definition of B which cannot be changed. I also wish to avoid reconstructing B as I have many such objects with a lot more attributes than in this example.
Is there any way I can create a new copy of b (using reflection or otherwise) with a new value for i?
Something that would be the equivalent of:
val b2 = b.copy(i = 2)
NOTE: The question is can it be done? Not what the best programming practice is.
You can do it using reflection with something like this:
val b = B("foo")
val c = b.copy()
println(b.i) // prints 1
val field = classOf[A].getDeclaredFields.head
field.setInt(c, 2)
println(c.i) // prints 2
But beware, this is not just "bad programming practice", but rather complete breakage of the contract.
Your declaration case class B(s: Sting) extends A(1) promises that all instances of B will always have i equal to 1, which is a lie.
Not to mention, fun facts like b == c being true or c.copy.i being 1 etc.
Don't do this.
Not if you define B that way. But this code works for me:
class A(val i: Int)
case class B(str: String, override val i:Int=1) extends A(i)
val b = B("test")
val b2 = b.copy(i = 2)
P.S. well technically you can just copy with no modifications and then edit i using reflection but this is not a great idea IMHO.
You can do this:
val b2 = new B(b.str) { override val i = 2 }
The downside is that you have to re-construct B from the parameters which may be cumbersome if there are a lot of them.

Getting a null with a val depending on abstract def in a trait [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Scala - initialization order of vals
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I'm seeing some initialization weirdness when mixing val's and def's in my trait. The situation can be summarized with the following example.
I have a trait which provides an abstract field, let's call it fruit, which should be implemented in child classes. It also uses that field in a val:
scala> class FruitTreeDescriptor(fruit: String) {
| def describe = s"This tree has loads of ${fruit}s"
| }
defined class FruitTreeDescriptor
scala> trait FruitTree {
| def fruit: String
| val descriptor = new FruitTreeDescriptor(fruit)
| }
defined trait FruitTree
When overriding fruit with a def, things work as expected:
scala> object AppleTree extends FruitTree {
| def fruit = "apple"
| }
defined object AppleTree
scala> AppleTree.descriptor.describe
res1: String = This tree has loads of apples
However, if I override fruit using a val...
scala> object BananaTree extends FruitTree {
| val fruit = "banana"
| }
defined object BananaTree
scala> BananaTree.descriptor.describe
res2: String = This tree has loads of nulls
What's going on here?
In simple terms, at the point you're calling:
val descriptor = new FruitTreeDescriptor(fruit)
the constructor for BananaTree has not been given the chance to run yet. This means the value of fruit is still null, even though it's a val.
This is a subcase of the well-known quirk of the non-declarative initialization of vals, which can be illustrated with a simpler example:
class A {
val x = a
val a = "String"
scala> new A().x
res1: String = null
(Although thankfully, in this particular case, the compiler will detect something being afoot and will present a warning.)
To avoid the problem, declare fruit as a lazy val, which will force evaluation.
The problem is the initialization order. val fruit = ... is being initialized after val descriptor = ..., so at the point when descriptor is being initialized, fruit is still null. You can fix this by making fruit a lazy val, because then it will be initialized on first access.
Your descriptor field initializes earlier than fruit field as trait intializes earlier than class, that extends it. null is a field's value before initialization - that's why you get it. In def case it's just a method call instead of accessing some field, so everything is fine (as method's code may be called several times - no initialization here). See,
Why def is so different? That's because def may be called several times, but val - only once (so its first and only one call is actually initialization of the fileld).
Typical solution to such problem - using lazy val instead, it will intialize when you really need it. One more solution is early intializers.
Another, simpler example of what's going on:
scala> class A {val a = b; val b = 5}
<console>:7: warning: Reference to uninitialized value b
class A {val a = b; val b = 5}
defined class A
scala> (new A).a
res2: Int = 0 //null
Talking more generally, theoretically scala could analize the dependency graph between fields (which field needs other field) and start initialization from final nodes. But in practice every module is compiled separately and compiler might not even know those dependencies (it might be even Java, which calls Scala, which calls Java), so it's just do sequential initialization.
So, because of that, it couldn't even detect simple loops:
scala> class A {val a: Int = b; val b: Int = a}
<console>:7: warning: Reference to uninitialized value b
class A {val a: Int = b; val b: Int = a}
defined class A
scala> (new A).a
res4: Int = 0
scala> class A {lazy val a: Int = b; lazy val b: Int = a}
defined class A
scala> (new A).a
Actually, such loop (inside one module) can be theoretically detected in separate build, but it won't help much as it's pretty obvious.

How to deep copy classes with traits mixed in

Here's some sample scala code.
abstract class A(val x: Any) {
abstract def copy(): A
class b(i: Int) extends A(i) {
override def copy() = new B(x)
class C(s: String) extends A(s) {
override def copy() = new C(x)
//here's the tricky part
Trait t1 extends A {
var printCount = 0
def print = {
printCount = printCount + 1
override def copy = ???
Trait t2 extends A {
var doubleCount = 0
def doubleIt = {
doubleCount = doubleCount + 1
x = x+x
override def copy = ???
val q1 = new C with T1 with T2
val q2 = new B with T2 with T1
OK, as you've likely guessed, here's the question.
How can I implement copy methods in T1 and T2, such that weather they are mixed in with B, C, or t2/t1, I get a copy of the whole ball of wax?
for example, q2.copy should return a new B with T2 with T1, and q1.copy should return a new C with T1 with T2
Compositionality of object construction
The basic problem here is, that, in Scala as well as in all other languages I know, object construction doesn't compose. Consider two abstract operations op1 and op2, where op1 makes property p1 true and where op2 makes property p2 true. These operations are composable with respect to a composition operation ○, if op1 ○ op2 makes both p1 and p2 true. (Simplified, properties also need a composition operation, for example conjunction such as and.)
Let's consider the new operation and the property that new A(): A, that is, an object created by calling new A is of type A. The new operation lacks compositionality, because there is no operation/statement/function f in Scala that allows you to compose new A and new B such that f(new A, new B): A with B. (Simplified, don't think too hard about whether A and B must be classes or traits or interfaces or whatever).
Composing with super-calls
Super-calls can often be used to compose operations. Consider the following example:
abstract class A { def op() {} }
class X extends A {
var x: Int = 0
override def op() { x += 1 }
trait T extends A {
var y: String = "y"
override def op() { super.op(); y += "y" }
val xt = new X with T
println(s"${xt.x}, ${xt.y}") // 0, y
println(s"${xt.x}, ${xt.y}") // 1, yy
Let X.op's property be "x is increased by one" and let T.op's property be "y's length is increased by one". The composition achieved with the super-call fulfils both properties. Hooooray!
Your problem
Let's assume that you are working with a class A which has a field x, a trait T1 which has a field y and another trait T2 which has a field z. What you want is the following:
val obj: A with T1 with T2
// update obj's fields
val objC: A with T1 with T2 = obj.copy()
assert(obj.x == objC.x && obj.y == objC.y && obj.z == objC.z)
Your problem can be divided into two compositionality-related sub-problems:
Create a new instance of the desired type. This should be achieved by a construct method.
Initialise the newly created object such that all its fields have the same values (for brevity, we'll only work with value-typed fields, not reference-typed ones) as the source object. This should be achieved by a initialise method.
The second problem can be solved via super-calls, the first cannot. We'll consider the easier problem (the second) first.
Object initialisation
Let's assume that the construct method works as desired and yields an object of the right type. Analogous to the composition of the op method in the initial example we could implement initialise such that each class/trait A, T1 and T2 implements initialise(objC) by setting the fields it knows about to the corresponding values from this (individual effects), and by calling super.initialise(objC) in order to compose these individual effects.
Object creation
As far as I can see, there is no way to compose object creation. If an instance of A with T1 with T2 is to be created, then the statement new A with T1 with T2 must be executed somewhere. If super-calls could help here, then something like
val a: A = new A // corresponds to the "deepest" super-call
val at1: A with T1 = a with new T1
would be necessary.
Possible solutions
I implemented a solution (see this gist) based on abstract type members and explicit mixin classes (class AWithT1WithT2 extends A with T1 with T2; val a = new AWithT1WithT2 instead of val a = new A with T1 with T2). It works and it is type-safe, but it is neither particularly nice nor concise. The explicit mixin classes are necessary, because the construct method of new A with T1 with T2 must be able to name the type it creates.
Other, less type-safe solutions are probably possible, for example, casting via asInstanceOf or reflection. I haven't tried something along those lines, though.
Scala macros might also be an option, but I haven't used them yet and thus don't know enough about them. A compiler plugin might be another heavy-weight option.
That is one of the reasons, why extending case classes is deprecated. You should get a compiler warning for that. How should the copy method, that is defined in A, know, that there may also be a T or whatever? By extending the case class,
you break all the assumptions, that the compiler made, when generating methods like equals, copy and toString.
The easiest and simplest answer is to make your concrete types into case classes. Then you get the compiler-supplied copy method which accepts named parameters for all the class's constructor parameters so you can selectively differentiate the new value from the original.

"val a:A = new B ", what's the point?

this idiom(?) appears quite a few times in the stairway book:
val b:A = new B
val b = new B
val b2:A = b
besides trying to make some points in a text book, why would you want to declare a type different than the inferred type of something?
By the way, any names for this?
It can be useful for:
Describing the programmer intent (I created a B, but I'm interested only the A behavior)
Ensuring that you will use only methods defined in A. It will allow to swap the concrete
implementation later without having to change much of your code.
Simplifying the list of auto-completion available when using an IDE or
the REPL.
Forcing an implicit conversion at some point.
For more complex instantiations, it ensures that the inferred type is the right one. For example
sealed trait Answer
case object Yes extends Answer
case object No extends Answer
scala> val a = List( Yes, Yes, No )
a: List[Product with Serializable with Answer] = List(Yes, Yes, No)
scala> val b: List[Answer] = List( Yes, Yes, No )
b: List[Answer] = List(Yes, Yes, No)
I would argue that it is similar to the idiom of programming against interfaces. By doing
val b:A = new B
you make sure that after that point you're not relying on anything else than the interface provided by A. I.e., it guarantees that if you ever decide to change to b:A = new C nothing will break.

Does Scala have record update syntax for making modified clones of immutable data structures?

In Mercury I can use:
A = B^some_field := SomeValue
to bind A to a copy of B, except that some_field is SomeValue instead of whatever it was in B. I believe the Haskell equivalent is something like:
a = b { some_field = some_value }
Does Scala have something like this for "modifying" immutable values. The alternative seems to be to have a constructor that directly sets every field in the instance, which isn't always ideal (if there are invarients the constructor should be maintaining). Plus it would be really clunky and much more fragile if I had to explicitly pass every other value in the instance I want to have a modified copy of.
I couldn't find anything about this by googling, or in a brief survey of the language reference manual or "Scala By Example" (which I have read start-to-finish, but haven't absorbed all of yet, so it may well be in there).
I can see that this feature could have some weird interactions with Java-style access protection and subclasses though...
If you define your class as a case class, a convenient copy method is generated, and calling it you can specify with named parameters new values for certain fields.
scala> case class Sample(str: String, int: Int)
defined class Sample
scala> val s = Sample("text", 42)
s: Sample = Sample(text,42)
scala> val s2 = s.copy(str = "newText")
s2: Sample = Sample(newText,42)
It even works with polymorphic case classes:
scala> case class Sample[T](t: T, int: Int)
defined class Sample
scala> val s = Sample("text", 42)
s: Sample[java.lang.String] = Sample(text,42)
scala> val s2 = s.copy(t = List(1,2,3), 42)
s2: Sample[List[Int]] = Sample(List(1, 2, 3),42)
Note that s2 has a different type than s.
You can use case classes for this, but you don't have to. Case classes are nothing magical - the modifier case just saves you a lot of typing.
The copy method is realized by the use of named and default parameters. The names are the same as the fields and the defaults are the current values of the fields. Here's an example:
class ClassWithCopy(val field1:String, val field2:Int) {
def copy(field1:String = this.field1, field2:Int = this.field2) = {
new ClassWithCopy(field1,field2);
You can use this just like the copy method on case classes. Named and default parameters are a very useful feature, and not only for copy methods.
If the object you're planning on modifying is a case class then you can use the autogenerated copy method:
scala> val user = User(2, "Sen")
user: User = User(2,Sen)
scala> val corrected = user.copy(name = "Sean")
corrected: User = User(2,Sean)