Facebook auth plugin for play framework 2 - facebook

is there any new Facebook authentication plugin for play framework 2(java)? İ can't find any. everything i found is for play 1.x version.

Secure Social has out of the box support for facebook: http://securesocial.ws/guide/getting-started.html. It's written in scala but supports scala or java based play apps.

Or you can use play-pac4j which supports OAuth (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, ...), CAS, SAML, OpenID (Connect) and GAE. See the demos: play-pac4j-java-demo & https://github.com/pac4j/play-pac4j-scala-demo


How to implement login through Facebook or Twitter or Gmail account feature in Play Framework2.0 Application

I am working for designing a web site where I use the Play Framework web application framework. I want to give a feature for the end-users to login to my web site using Facebook, Twitter and Gmail. But how to implement the same feature in Play framework as it uses scala.html? I have searched for the same, but I got the links related to php application. Is Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail provide APIs free of cost?
http://securesocial.ws/ is answer for your question, is the Play framework plugin, you can use it for Authentication and Authorization through the Social sites. Also it supports for Java & Scala and its an active project.
I've successfully implemented SSO Authentication with Gmail using the play-pac4j library which also supports Facebook and Twitter.

Which OAuth version used in spring social facebook?

Which OAuth version used in spring social facebook version 1.0 or 2.0 ?
It provides Oauth with both Oauth1 as well OAuth2.have a quick look at there Documentation which clearly mention both way to use
Spring Social

Integrate facebook connect/ twitter with jquery mobile

I am currently developing the mobile version of my site.
Can you please give me a tutorial to integrate Facebook connect / Twitter so users can connect.
This can help you : http://www.pushittolive.com/post/1239874936/facebook-login-on-iphone-phonegap
This blog post http://www.wisejive.com/2010/11/phonegap-jquery-mobile-twitter-and.html contains the detail answer for both facebook connect and twitter. Of course, as the blogger mentions he is extending on the technique provided at http://www.pushittolive.com/post/1239874936/facebook-login-on-iphone-phonegap.
If you want to avoid phonegap, this solution is pretty neat - http://www.egrappler.com/jquery-social-media-share-plugin-jsshare/
Otherwise, the newer phonegap friendly solution uses their plugins directly, which can leverage some native apps and avoid the difficulties of OAuth - https://github.com/davejohnson/phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect & https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS

Integrating OpenID into iphone app

I want to make my application run when the user enters OpenID credentials.
How can I integrate that to my application?
I have already used Janrain's free version and because it only supports a limited number of users, I need a different option.I want Open source.
thank you in advance
This can be done easily using the Janrain framework that can be found here:
Note the sidebar on the right that explains how iPhone developers can easily integrate this into there apps
Also, Janrain supports more than just OpenId which is a plus. It supports 20+ social networks including:
Aol, Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, MySpace, Windows Live, PayPal, Salesforce.com, foursquare, Hyves, Verisign, MyOpenID, OpenID, Flickr, Blogger, Livejournal, Wordpress, Orkut, VZ-Netzwerke and Netlog.

Facebook and Twitter Integration with LWUIT 1.4

I am developing J2ME app using LWUIT 1.4 API.
I need to integrate with Facebook and Twitter.
How to do it? Is there any source code that I can learn?
LWUIT4IO which is currently only available in the SVN LWUIT trunk ( http://java.net/projects/lwuit/sources/svn/show ) includes basic support for Twitter and is supposed to get Facebook support within a couple of weeks. Twitter support though is read-only since when that was implemented Twitter only had deprecated basic authentication and OAuth 1.x which is problematic (requires MD5 which means export restrictions etc.).
However, Terrence used a 3rd party library to handle Twitter interaction with LWUIT and has open sourced his work. For more details of what he did see his post here http://terrencebarr.wordpress.com/2011/05/06/beyond-smartphones-source-code-video-released/
Codename One has new facebook integration that actually works on both simulator and devices. Twitter integration will be landing soon as well.