How to aggregate and merge the result into a collection? - mongodb

I want to aggregate and insert the results into an existing collection, without deleting that collection. The documentation seems to suggest that this isn't directly possible. I find that hard to believe.
The map-reduce functionality has 'output modes', including 'merge', which does what I want. I'm looking for the equivalent for aggregation.
The new $out aggregation stage supports inserting into a collection, but it replaces the collection rather than updating it. If I did this I would (I think) have to run another map-reduce to merge this into another collection, which seems inefficient.
Am I missing something or is the functionality just missing from the aggregation feature?

I used the output from aggregation to insert/merge to collection:

Reading the documentation answers this question quite precisely. Atm mongo is not able to do what you want.
The $out operation creates a new collection in the current database if one does not already exist. The collection is not visible until the aggregation completes. If the aggregation fails, MongoDB does not create the collection.
If the collection specified by the $out operation already exists, then upon completion of aggregation the $out stage atomically replaces the existing collection with the new results collection. The $out operation does not change any indexes that existed on the previous collection. If the aggregation fails, the $out operation makes no changes to the previous collection.

For anyone coming to this more recently, this is available from version 4.2, you will be able to do this using the $merge operator in an aggregation pipeline. It needs to be the last stage in the pipeline.
{ $merge: { into: "myOutput", on: "_id", whenMatched: "replace", whenNotMatched: "insert" } }

If your not stuck on using the Aggregation operators, you could do an incremental map-reduce on the collection. This operator allows you to merge results into an existing collection.
See documentation below:


MongoDB - How can I analyze Aggregation performance? [duplicate]

Is there an explain function for the Aggregation framework in MongoDB? I can't see it in the documentation.
If not is there some other way to check, how a query performs within the aggregation framework?
I know with find you just do
But with the aggregation framework I get an error
{ $project : { "Tags._id" : 1 }},
{ $unwind : "$Tags" },
{ $match: {$or: [{"Tags._id":"tag1"},{"Tags._id":"tag2"}]}},
_id : { id: "$_id"},
"count": { $sum:1 }
{ $sort: {"count":-1}}
Starting with MongoDB version 3.0, simply changing the order from
will give you the desired results (documentation here).
For older versions >= 2.6, you will need to use the explain option for aggregation pipeline operations
{ $project : { "Tags._id" : 1 }},
{ $unwind : "$Tags" },
{ $match: {$or: [{"Tags._id":"tag1"},{"Tags._id":"tag2"}]}},
{ $group: {
_id : "$_id",
count: { $sum:1 }
{$sort: {"count":-1}}
An important consideration with the Aggregation Framework is that an index can only be used to fetch the initial data for a pipeline (e.g. usage of $match, $sort, $geonear at the beginning of a pipeline) as well as subsequent $lookup and $graphLookup stages. Once data has been fetched into the aggregation pipeline for processing (e.g. passing through stages like $project, $unwind, and $group) further manipulation will be in-memory (possibly using temporary files if the allowDiskUse option is set).
Optimizing pipelines
In general, you can optimize aggregation pipelines by:
Starting a pipeline with a $match stage to restrict processing to relevant documents.
Ensuring the initial $match / $sort stages are supported by an efficient index.
Filtering data early using $match, $limit , and $skip .
Minimizing unnecessary stages and document manipulation (perhaps reconsidering your schema if complicated aggregation gymnastics are required).
Taking advantage of newer aggregation operators if you have upgraded your MongoDB server. For example, MongoDB 3.4 added many new aggregation stages and expressions including support for working with arrays, strings, and facets.
There are also a number of Aggregation Pipeline Optimizations that automatically happen depending on your MongoDB server version. For example, adjacent stages may be coalesced and/or reordered to improve execution without affecting the output results.
As at MongoDB 3.4, the Aggregation Framework explain option provides information on how a pipeline is processed but does not support the same level of detail as the executionStats mode for a find() query. If you are focused on optimizing initial query execution you will likely find it beneficial to review the equivalent find().explain() query with executionStats or allPlansExecution verbosity.
There are a few relevant feature requests to watch/upvote in the MongoDB issue tracker regarding more detailed execution stats to help optimize/profile aggregation pipelines:
SERVER-19758: Add "executionStats" and "allPlansExecution" explain modes to aggregation explain
SERVER-21784: Track execution stats for each aggregation pipeline stage and expose via explain
SERVER-22622: Improve $lookup explain to indicate query plan on the "from" collection
Starting with version 2.6.x mongodb allows users to do explain with aggregation framework.
All you need to do is to add explain : true
[ ...your pipeline...],
{ explain: true }
Thanks to Rafa, I know that it was possible to do even in 2.4, but only through runCommand(). But now you can use aggregate as well.
The aggregation framework is a set of analytics tools within MongoDB that allows us to run various types of reports or analysis on documents in one or more collections. Based on the idea of a pipeline. We take input from a MongoDB collection and pass the documents from that collection through one or more stages, each of which performs a different operation on it's inputs. Each stage takes as input whatever the stage before it produced as output. And the inputs and outputs for all stages are a stream of documents. Each stage has a specific job that it does. It's expecting a specific form of document and produces a specific output, which is itself a stream of documents. At the end of the pipeline, we get access to the output.
An individual stage is a data processing unit. Each stage takes as input a stream of documents one at a time, processes each document one at a time and produces the output stream of documents. Again, one at a time. Each stage provide a set of knobs or tunables that we can control to parameterize the stage to perform whatever task we're interested in doing. So a stage performs a generic task - a general purpose task of some kind and parameterize the stage for the particular set of documents that we're working with. And exactly what we would like that stage to do with those documents. These tunables typically take the form of operators that we can supply that will modify fields, perform arithmetic operations, reshape documents or do some sort of accumulation task as well as a veriety of other things. Often times, it the case that we'll want to include the same type of stage multiple times within a single pipeline.
e.g. We may wish to perform an initial filter so that we don't have to pass the entire collection into our pipeline. But, then later on, following some additional processing, want to filter once again using a different set of criteria. So, to recap, pipeline works with a MongoDB collection. They're composed of stages, each of which does a different data processing task on it's input and produces documents as output to be passed to the next stage. And finally at the end of the pipeline output is produced that we can then do something within our application. In many cases, it's necessary to include the same type of stage, multiple times within an individual pipeline.

MongoDB, indexing query in inner object and grouping? [duplicate]

I'm trying to use aggregation framework with $match and $group stages. Does $group stage use index data? I'm using latest available mongodb version - 2.5.4
$group does not use index data.
From the mongoDB docs:
The $match and $sort pipeline operators can take advantage of an index when they occur at the beginning of the pipeline.
The $geoNear pipeline operator takes advantage of a geospatial index.
When using $geoNear, the $geoNear pipeline operation must appear as
the first stage in an aggregation pipeline.
#ArthurTacca, as of Mongo 4.0 $sort preceding $group will speed up things significantly. See
As 4J41's answer says, $group does not (directly) use an index, although $sort does if it is the first stage in the pipeline. However, it seems possible that $group could, in principle, have an optimised implementation if it immediately follows a $sort, in which case you could make it effectively make use of an index by putting a $sort before hand.
There does not seem to be a straight answer either way in the docs about whether $group has this optimisation (although I bet there would be if it did, so this suggests it doesn't). The answer is in MongoDB bug 4507: currently $group does NOT have this implementation, so the top line of 4J41's answer is right after all. If you really need efficiency, depending on the application it may be quickest to use a regular query and do the grouping in your client code.
Edit: As sebastian's answer says, it seems that in practice using $sort (that can take advantage of an index) before a $group can make a very large speed improvement. The bug above is still open so it seems that it is not making the absolute best possible advantage of the index (that is, starting to group items as items are loaded, rather than loading them all in memory first). But it is still certainly worth doing.
Per Mongo's 4.2 $group documentation, there is a special optimization for $first:
Optimization to Return the First Document of Each Group
If a pipeline sorts and groups by the same field and the $group stage only uses the $first accumulator operator, consider adding an index on the grouped field which matches the sort order. In some cases, the $group stage can use the index to quickly find the first document of each group.
It makes sense, since only the first entry in an ordered index should be needed for each bin in the $group stage. Unfortunately, in my 3.6 testing, I haven't been able to get nearly the performance I would expect if the index were really being used. I've posted about that problem in detail in another question.
EDIT 2020-04-23
I confirmed with Atlas's MongoDB Support that this $first optimization was added in Mongo 4.2, hence my trouble getting it to work with 3.6. There is also a bug preventing it from working with a composite $group _id at the moment. Further details are available in the post that I linked above.
Changed in version 3.2: Starting in MongoDB 3.2, indexes can cover an aggregation pipeline. In MongoDB 2.6 and 3.0, indexes could not cover an aggregation pipeline since even when the pipeline uses an index, aggregation still requires access to the actual documents.

Is it ok to use $out for temporary collections?

I tried to create single aggregation request but without any luck - I need to split it. I think I can do following:
First aggregation request will filter/transform/sort/limit documents
and save result to temporary collection by using $out
After that, I'll execute 2-3 aggregation requests on temporary
Finally, I'll delete temporary collection
By saving data to a temporary collection, I'll skip filter/sort/limit stages on subsequent aggregation requests.
Is it ok? What's the overhead of this approach? What's the main usage of $out operator?
Yes; MongoDB does this itself when it runs map-reduce aggregations: Temporary Collection in MongoDB
It would be great to get specifics as to what you are trying to accomplish as it may be possible to do in a single aggregation or map-reduce operation.

Use $out to insert into collection withougt wiping it first

According to the documentation, using $out in MongoDB's aggregation framework is wiping any existing data before writing.
Is there any way to force it not to remove existing documents but only add to the collection?
No, the aggregation framework doesn't have such a feature. You can either write a map reduce job which, if I remember correctly, can append to a collection or you can have the aggregation job return a cursor which you can iterate over and then update your collection.

Mongodb Explain for Aggregation framework

Is there an explain function for the Aggregation framework in MongoDB? I can't see it in the documentation.
If not is there some other way to check, how a query performs within the aggregation framework?
I know with find you just do
But with the aggregation framework I get an error
{ $project : { "Tags._id" : 1 }},
{ $unwind : "$Tags" },
{ $match: {$or: [{"Tags._id":"tag1"},{"Tags._id":"tag2"}]}},
_id : { id: "$_id"},
"count": { $sum:1 }
{ $sort: {"count":-1}}
Starting with MongoDB version 3.0, simply changing the order from
will give you the desired results (documentation here).
For older versions >= 2.6, you will need to use the explain option for aggregation pipeline operations
{ $project : { "Tags._id" : 1 }},
{ $unwind : "$Tags" },
{ $match: {$or: [{"Tags._id":"tag1"},{"Tags._id":"tag2"}]}},
{ $group: {
_id : "$_id",
count: { $sum:1 }
{$sort: {"count":-1}}
An important consideration with the Aggregation Framework is that an index can only be used to fetch the initial data for a pipeline (e.g. usage of $match, $sort, $geonear at the beginning of a pipeline) as well as subsequent $lookup and $graphLookup stages. Once data has been fetched into the aggregation pipeline for processing (e.g. passing through stages like $project, $unwind, and $group) further manipulation will be in-memory (possibly using temporary files if the allowDiskUse option is set).
Optimizing pipelines
In general, you can optimize aggregation pipelines by:
Starting a pipeline with a $match stage to restrict processing to relevant documents.
Ensuring the initial $match / $sort stages are supported by an efficient index.
Filtering data early using $match, $limit , and $skip .
Minimizing unnecessary stages and document manipulation (perhaps reconsidering your schema if complicated aggregation gymnastics are required).
Taking advantage of newer aggregation operators if you have upgraded your MongoDB server. For example, MongoDB 3.4 added many new aggregation stages and expressions including support for working with arrays, strings, and facets.
There are also a number of Aggregation Pipeline Optimizations that automatically happen depending on your MongoDB server version. For example, adjacent stages may be coalesced and/or reordered to improve execution without affecting the output results.
As at MongoDB 3.4, the Aggregation Framework explain option provides information on how a pipeline is processed but does not support the same level of detail as the executionStats mode for a find() query. If you are focused on optimizing initial query execution you will likely find it beneficial to review the equivalent find().explain() query with executionStats or allPlansExecution verbosity.
There are a few relevant feature requests to watch/upvote in the MongoDB issue tracker regarding more detailed execution stats to help optimize/profile aggregation pipelines:
SERVER-19758: Add "executionStats" and "allPlansExecution" explain modes to aggregation explain
SERVER-21784: Track execution stats for each aggregation pipeline stage and expose via explain
SERVER-22622: Improve $lookup explain to indicate query plan on the "from" collection
Starting with version 2.6.x mongodb allows users to do explain with aggregation framework.
All you need to do is to add explain : true
[ ...your pipeline...],
{ explain: true }
Thanks to Rafa, I know that it was possible to do even in 2.4, but only through runCommand(). But now you can use aggregate as well.
The aggregation framework is a set of analytics tools within MongoDB that allows us to run various types of reports or analysis on documents in one or more collections. Based on the idea of a pipeline. We take input from a MongoDB collection and pass the documents from that collection through one or more stages, each of which performs a different operation on it's inputs. Each stage takes as input whatever the stage before it produced as output. And the inputs and outputs for all stages are a stream of documents. Each stage has a specific job that it does. It's expecting a specific form of document and produces a specific output, which is itself a stream of documents. At the end of the pipeline, we get access to the output.
An individual stage is a data processing unit. Each stage takes as input a stream of documents one at a time, processes each document one at a time and produces the output stream of documents. Again, one at a time. Each stage provide a set of knobs or tunables that we can control to parameterize the stage to perform whatever task we're interested in doing. So a stage performs a generic task - a general purpose task of some kind and parameterize the stage for the particular set of documents that we're working with. And exactly what we would like that stage to do with those documents. These tunables typically take the form of operators that we can supply that will modify fields, perform arithmetic operations, reshape documents or do some sort of accumulation task as well as a veriety of other things. Often times, it the case that we'll want to include the same type of stage multiple times within a single pipeline.
e.g. We may wish to perform an initial filter so that we don't have to pass the entire collection into our pipeline. But, then later on, following some additional processing, want to filter once again using a different set of criteria. So, to recap, pipeline works with a MongoDB collection. They're composed of stages, each of which does a different data processing task on it's input and produces documents as output to be passed to the next stage. And finally at the end of the pipeline output is produced that we can then do something within our application. In many cases, it's necessary to include the same type of stage, multiple times within an individual pipeline.