Youtrack REST: setting default value for project custom field - rest

I am implementing a release mechanism for my application and want to couple it with my YouTrack using the REST API.
Upon the release I want to set the default value of
'Fix Version' for newly created issues to the bumped version.
The Fix Version is a project's custom filed. When I query for it via REST API i get
<projectCustomField name="Fix version" type="version[1]" emptyText="Unknown" canBeEmpty="true">
<param name="bundle" value="MyProject Versions"/>
The documentation mentions just the way to change the name and an unset value text. I have tried POSTing the dafaultValue and dafault parameters, but with no effect. Is it's possible at all?

I have contacted JetBrains, and apparently this functionality is, sadly, not there.


Google Actions CLI 3.1.0 version and actions.intent.TEXT

I want to be able to talk with Google Assistant, but connect the Actions project directly to an NLP service I already have running on my server. In other words, NOT use dialogflow.
All the following examples show how to do this.
With Rasa
With Watson
They use the actions.intent.MAIN as the invocation and actions.intent.TEXT for all other utterances from the talker.
This is what I need. I don’t want to create a load of intents, with utterance phrases, inside the Action because I just want all the phrases spoken by the talker to be passed to my server, and for my NLP service to deal with them.
So I set up a new Action project, install the Actions CLI and then spend 3 days trying all possible combinations without success, because all these examples are using gactions cli 2.1.3 and Google have now moved on to gactions cli 3.1.0.
Not only have the commands changed, but so too has the file formats and structure.
It appears there is also a new Google Actions Console, and actions.intent.TEXT is no longer available.
My Action is webhook connected to my server, but I cannot figure out how to get the action.intent.TEXT included and working.
Everything I find, even here
Publishing Actions on google without Dialogflow
is pre version update and follows the same pattern.
Can anyone point to an up-to-date, v3.1.0, discussion, tutorial or example about how to send all talker phrases through to an NLP that isn’t dialogflow, or has Google closed that avenue?
Is it possible to somehow go back and use the 2.1 CLI either with the new Console or revert the console back. (I have both CLI versions, I can see how different their commands are)
Is it possible to go back and use 2.1?
There is no way to go back to AoG 2. You probably also don't want to do so - newer features aren't available with v2 and are only available with v3.
Can I use my own NLP with v3?
Yes, although it isn't as obvious, and there are some changes in semantics.
As an overview, what you'll need to do is:
Create a Type that can accept "Free form text". I usually call this type "Any".
In the console, it looks something like this:
Create a Custom Intent that has a single parameter of this Any Type and at least one phrase that captures everything for this parameter. (So you should add one training phrase, highlight the entire phrase, and set it for the parameter. Sometimes I also add additional phrases that includes words that I don't want to capture.) I usually call the Intent "matchAny" and the parameter "any".
In the console, it could be something like this:
Finally, you'll have a Scene that you transition to from the Main invocation. When it matches the "matchAny" Intent, it should call your webhook with a handler name. Your webhook will be called with the "any" parameter set with the user utterance. (Note that the JSON has also changed.
Again, the console might have it looking something like this:
That seems like a lot of work. Isn't there just some way to do all that from the command line?
Yes. You can do all of that in the configuration files that the CLI accesses and then upload it. (You can then also use the console to review the configuration, if necessary, to make sure they're configured as you expect. You can shift back and forth between them as appropriate.)
Google also has a github repository that contains most of the files pre-configured for this sort of setup.
You will need to update the configuration from the repository to handle the webhook correctly (it includes code to illustrate what is happening using the inline code editor) and to add your project ID.

VSTS Extension - Release definition data, environment ids

I am developing web extension for VSTS. I am using vss sdk of Microsoft.
I got some issue.
You can see on the image that there is new line - App insights Settings
This pop up appears on clicking on 3 dots near every release definition on page of list of all releases.
This button navigates user to some environment of some specific release.
Example of link:
The problem that I do not know how to fetch list of releases and environments for building this link.
How can I get them on page All release pipelines.
Through the GUI it is not possible to get all the release ids and the environment ids for each step. However this is possible through the VSTS APIS. You could use the release endpoint to and iterate to obtain your release id
Once you have the release id you can use it like so
Within the returned JSON you can follow iterate the path environment[n].id to obtain the environment id.
You can then construct the link using this information.
Hope that helps
Ok. So after working 2 days on this issue I found solution.
1.It is possible to fetch data that I wanted on Client Side. For this I used Microsoft's library vss-web-extension-sdk. Install it - npm install vss-web-extension-sd --save.
2.Add relevant scopes to your vss-extension.json. In my case the problem was - that I needed data that relates to managing of VSTS user releases. So after Including "vso.release_manage" to my scopes array I stopped to got 401 Unauthorized error because access token was changed according to new scopes.
In this documentation you can check which scope controls which resources that can be accessed by your extension.
You can use our ts/js clients to get whatever you want for your experience.
We have extensive documentation available here. Let me know if you are blocked anywhere.

Update Template description using Python SDK for Smarsheet API

Asking with hopefulness.
Is there are way to update the Template Description either directly or using the Python SDK?
I'm guessing "no" since the only way to see the Template Description after creation is via the API (can not via the GUI).
No, the template endpoints are read-only.

How to specify SonarQube rule description as a markdown/html resource file instead of using annotation?

I have my custom rule, let's say with AEM-1 key. So, as it is done here, I make my AEM-1.html resource file with some simple html content and it does not get's picked up by SonarQube 5.1. It refuses to start, because no description is provided for the rule.
I tried different packages names, tried to look for convention in source code etc. What's missing? Is there any documentation on that?
The naming convention is org/sonar/l10n/{plugin key}_{language}/rules/{repository key}/{rule key}.html.
It was documented in at the time rule descriptions supported localization. That's not the case anymore since version 4.2, but these HTML bundles are still supported.
The correct way since version 4.3 is to use the low-level API org.sonar.api.server.rule.RulesDefinition. It allows you to implement any kind over layer over it (xml, json, annotations, ...).

unable to find DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntryByTitle() in liferay 6.1

Is there any direct api to fetch a file entry by title with given folder id.
I have tried DynamicQueryFactoryUtil, apart from this is there anything to fetch DLFileEntries by title.
I believe DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntryByTitle() is not there anymore in Liferay 6.1
In Liferay 6.1.0, I can see there is
com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.DLFileEntryLocalServiceUtil.getFileEntryByName(groupId, folderId, name), as I get from lib/ext/portal-service.jar
You can also see the official documentation here
I think you start by making sure you have the correct libraries imported
I guess that the parent folder and groupID are needed as more than 2 DLFileEntries can have the same title/name. If you need exactly 1 result, and giving only 1 attribute, you can use getDLFileEntry(long fileEntryId). If this doesn't help either, you should tell us some more on what you want to do , and what information you have available (except the title of course)
Liferay has a strange compatibility policy.
Seems like they renamed the getFileEntry to getFileEntryByName and getFileEntryByTitle to getFileEntry. The old and new getFileEntry both share the same singature, but the parameter name is different. :-(