does socket.h's recvfrom() function recieve individual packets? - sockets

The man page for recvfrom summarizes its behavior as "receive a message from a socket". If the socket is of type SOCK_STREAM or SOCK_DGRAM, is "message" synonymous with "packet"? If not, how does it differ?

My first thought was recvfrom works on stream sockets just because there's no reason to ban it. As in the famous quote:
"Unix was not designed to stop its users from doing stupid things, as that would also stop them from doing clever things." – Doug Gwyn
If it did what I expected it to do, you could use it like a combination read() and getpeername() since it returns the sender's address. That might be considered clever.
But then I tried it on Linux, and it didn't work that way. The source address buffer was unchanged and the length indicator was set to 0.
So now I'm not sure what to say except don't use it on stream sockets. It's not meant for them.
ADDENDUM: And no, even in my wildest dreams I wouldn't have expected it to give you access to packet boundaries in a TCP stream. Data that has been put through the tcp receiving mechanism simply isn't made of packets anymore.


How do I get useful data from a UDP socket using GNAT.Sockets in Ada?

I am writing a server in Ada that should listen and reply to messages received over UDP. I am using the GNAT.Sockets library and have created a socket and bound it to a port. However, I am not sure how to listen for and receive messages on the socket. The Listen_Socket function is for TCP sockets and it seems that using Stream with UDP sockets is not recommended. I have seen the receive_socket and receive_vector procedures as alternatives, but I am not sure how to use them or how to convert the output to a usable format.
More details:
I am writing a server that should reply to messages that it gets over UDP. A minimal example of what I have so far would look like this:
with GNAT.Sockets;use GNAT.Sockets;
procedure udp is
sock: Socket_Type;
family: Family_Type:=Family_Inet;
port: Port_Type:=12345;
addr: Sock_Addr_Type(family);
-- Listen_Socket(sock); -- A TCP thing, not for UDP.
-- now what?
end UDP;
For a TCP socket, I can listen, accept, then use the Stream function to get a nice way to read the data (as in 'Read and 'Input). While the Stream function still exists, I have found an archive of a ten year old comp.lang.ada thread in which multiple people say not to use streams with UDP.
Looking in, I do see alternatives: the receive_socket and receive_vector procedures. However, the output of the former is a Stream_Element_Array (with an offset indicating the length), and the latter has something similar, just with some kind of length associated with each Stream_Element.
According to, the way to change these types into a stream, is to not get them in the first place, and instead get a stream, which is not particularly helpful here.
Over at this github gist I found , Unchecked_Conversion is being used to turn the arrays into strings and vice versa, but given that the reference manual (13.13.1) says that type Stream_Element is mod <implementation-defined>;, I'm not entirely comfortable using that approach.
All in all, I'm pretty confused about how I'm supposed to do this. I'm even more confused about the lack of examples online, as this should be a pretty basic thing to do.

Why would one need to use `MSG_WAITALL` FLAG instead of `0` FLAG? Why to use it with UDP?

At some point when coding sockets one will face the receive-family of functions (recv, recvfrom, recvmsg).
This function accepts a FLAG argument, in which I see that the MSG_WAITALL is used in many examples on the web, such as this example on UDP.
Here is a definition of the MSG_WAITALL flag
MSG_WAITALL (since Linux 2.2)
This flag requests that the operation block until the full request is satisfied. However, the call may still return less data than requested if a signal is caught, an error or disconnect occurs, or the next data to be received is of a different type than that returned. This flag has no effect for datagram sockets.
Hence, my two questions:
Why would one need to use MSG_WAITALL FLAG instead of 0 FLAG? (Could someone explain a scenario of a problem for which the use of this would be the solution?)
Why to use it with UDP?
As the quoted man page mentions, MSG_WAITALL has no effect on UDP sockets, so there's no reason to use it there. Examples that do use it are probably confused and/or the result of several generations of cargo-cult/copy-and-paste programming. :)
For TCP, OTOH, the default behavior of recv() is to block until at least one byte of data can be copied into the user's buffer from the sockets incoming-data-buffer. The TCP stack will try to provide as many bytes of data as it can, of course, but in a case where the socket's incoming-data-buffer contains fewer bytes of data than the user has passed in to recv(), the TCP stack will copy as many bytes as it can, and return the byte-count indicating how many bytes it actually provided.
However, some people find would prefer to have their recv() call keep blocking until all of the bytes in their passed-in array have been filled in, regardless of how long that might take. For those people, the MSG_WAITALL flag provides a simple way to obtain that behavior. (The flag is not strictly necessary, since the programmer could always emulate that behavior by writing a while() loop that calls recv() multiple times as necessary, until all the bytes in the buffer have been populated... but it's provided as a convenience nonetheless)

How can I get the remote address from an incoming message on UDP listener socket?

Although it's possible to read from a Gio.Socket by wrapping it's file-descriptor in Gio.DataInputStream, using Gio.Socket.receive_from() in GJS to receive is not possible because as commented here:
GJS will clone array arguments before passing them to the C-code which will make the call to Socket.receive_from work and return the number of bytes received as well as the source of the packet. The buffer content will be unchanged as buffer actually read into is a freed clone.
Thus, input arguments are cloned and data will be written to the cloned buffer, not the instance of buffer actually passed in.
Although reading from a data stream is not a problem, Gio.Socket.receive_from() is the only way I can find to get the remote address from a UDP listener, since Gio.Socket.remote_address will be undefined. Unfortunately as the docs say for Gio.Socket.receive():
For G_SOCKET_TYPE_DATAGRAM [...] If the received message is too large to fit in buffer, then the data beyond size bytes will be discarded, without any explicit indication that this has occurred.
So if I try something like Gio.Socket.receive_from(new Uint8Array(0), null); just to get the address, the packet is swallowed, but if I read via the file-descriptor I can't tell where the message came from. Is there another non-destructive way to get the incoming address for a packet?
Since you’re using a datagram socket, it should be possible to use Gio.Socket.receive_message() and pass the Gio.SocketMsgFlags.PEEK flag to it. This isn’t possible for a stream-based socket, but you are not going to want the sender address for each read you do in that case.
If you want improved performance, you may be able to use Gio.Socket.receive_messages(), although I am not sure whether that’s completely introspectable at the moment.

Send a zero-data TCP/IP packet using Java

My goal is to send a TCP packet with empty data field, in order to test the socket with the remote machine.
I am using the OutputStream class's method of write(byte[] b).
my attempt:
outClient = ClientSocket.getOutputStream();
Doing so, the packet never show up on the wire. It works fine if "" is replaced by " " or any non-zero string.
I tried jpcap, which worked with me, but didn't serve my goal.
I thought of extending the OutputStream class, and implementing my own OutputStream.write method. But this is beyond my knowledge. Please give me advice if someone have already done such a thing.
If you just want to quickly detect silently dropped connections, you can use Socket.setKeepAlive( true ). This method ask TCP/IP to handle heartbeat probing without any data packets or application programming. If you want more control on the frequency of the heartbeat, however, you should implement heartbeat with application level packets.
See here for more details:
There is no such thing as an empty TCP packet, because there is no such thing as a TCP packet. TCP is a byte-stream protocol. If you send zero bytes, nothing happens.
To detect broken connections, short of keepalive which only helps you after two hours, you must rely on read timeouts and write exceptions.

Can UDP (unicast client) recvfrom() other servers other than the one sendto()?

I am creating a UDP socket client in C (unicast) and is wondering why recvfrom() has a struct sockaddr * argument in which in the man page says,
A null pointer, or points to a sockaddr structure in which the sending address is to be stored.
Is it possible that I could receive a message from a different server other than the one I sendto? If yes, how to create this scenario?
If no, is it correct to say that this argument is only useful when broadcast mode is used?
Yes, this is perfectly possible. The reason for this is that UDP is not stream-based, but packet-based. Every packet is treated without any history (other packets sent or received).
For this reason you may also open a UDP port and then send packets to different hosts from it. However, I do not remember how well this is supported by the API.
The UDP socket will recvfrom() any host sending to this one with correct port unless you explicitly connect(), in which case you can just write() and read(), and get errors upon received ICMP messages.
Considering you always have two parties in UDP, it seems rather obvious that someone has to recvfrom() first.