How to Point Intellij at SBT Libraries for Scala Project - scala

I'm trying to use this example: for a Spray project, however I can't figure out how to point Intellij at the dependencies downloaded via SBT.
Any suggestions?

If you're using IntelliJ version 13, you need only the Scala plug-in (which has built-in SBT support); just open the project by selecting the build.sbt file.

Use this SBT plugin to generate Intellij IDEA project files:

Add SBT plugin for creating IntelliJ IDEA projects in your ~/.sbt/0.xx/plugins/build.sbt or PROJECT_DIR/project/plugins.sbt. Use gen-idea command to create an IntelliJ project and open the project in IntelliJ. That should be it.


Can not download jars when building scala project with sbteclipse?

As shown in the picture, when I build scala project with sbteclipse and import to eclipse, when changing build.sbt , jars are downloaded to my computer but not to scalaProject. I do not know why. Can someone help me?
scala version: 2.11.8
sbt version: 0.13.15
I assume that you're using the Scala IDE plugin for Eclipse, correct?
The sbteclipse SBT plugin merely provides a command to generate an Eclipse Scala project from the SBT build. Before using Eclipse, you're supposed to issue the following command (from the command line) to SBT:
sbt eclipse
This should generate the project files for your Eclipse project. After executing this command, you can open your project using Eclipse (with the Scala IDE plugin).
Note that, at present, the Scala IDE Eclipse plugin does not support SBT build files. That is, if you change your SBT build file, then Eclipse will be none the wiser, until you re-run the above command.
You might want to consider switching to IntelliJ IDEA (instead of Eclipse) which has a full-featured Scala plugin that fully supports SBT builds, including downloading any dependencies. For my money (both IDEs are free) IntelliJ is light-years ahead of Eclipse for Scala development.

Import Twitter/chill to Scala code using Intellij IDE

I have to do some assignments with Scala and I'm a newbie for this language.
In the assignment, the prof requests me to implement serialization and deserialization, using twitter/chill.
However, I don't know how to import the libary into my IDE Intellij.
Each time I use val instantiator = new ScalaKryoInstantiator.
IDE notify me that: Cannot resolve symbol ScalaKryoInstantiator.
Could anyone can help me to resolve this issue?
Thanks and Best Regards,
One way to add a library in a Scala project, if you use sbt, is to add an sbt dependency. Most libraries and jars can be found and downloaded from the maven repositories:
If you click the sbt tab on the page above, maven gives you a code snippet which can be directly pasted into your build.sbt. In order to compile and run your project using sbt, open the terminal in the directory where your build.sbt is located and use the "sbt run" command.
If you don't use sbt, download the jar from maven and follow the instructions in this answer: How to add external library in IntelliJ IDEA?

IntelliJ plugin for cucumber-scala

I am running Cucumber scala project in IntelliJ
IntelliJ IDEA - 13.0.2
I couldn't find separate plugin called cucumber for scala
In my project I am getting cannot resolve message for cucumber as below
Could see below errors as well
Existing plugins installed
What could be the solution
You are missing dependencies for cucumber-core and cucumber-scala, please have a look at the documentation and add them to your build.sbt file.
There is a newer version available for sbt-cucumber-plugin (0.8.0): Maybe that solves your problems.
Did you try the gen-idea plugin to create the IntelliJ IDEA project files ?

sbt eclipse command changed files and packages

I created a new Scala project in eclipse then added a package and Scala object ,
So far so good ...
i want to add external library so i added a project folder with plugins.sbt files,and another file build.sbt in the root project.
in the terminal i compiled successfully the project with the sbt compile task.
the problem is that after sbt eclipse command the eclipse project changed from Scala project to something else.... all the packages changed to simple folders and the Scala project is ruined
scala IDE :Build id: 3.0.3-20140327-1716-Typesafe
scala version :2.10.4
sbt version:0.13.0
you can see in the image
Where did you get the eclipse command from? I'm guessing you're using sbteclipse.
I created a new Scala project in eclipse then added a package and Scala object , So far so good ...
If I understand correctly, this is exactly the opposite of what the plugin is intended to do. I think you're suppose to create a plain sbt project, and then let the plugin generate the Eclipse project.

how to load activator in intellij with sbt plugin

I'm a novice on sbt.
I looked at activator project
Now I see it uses sbt and there are sbt and scala files under the project directory.
But i was sure there would also be a main sbt (like main pom) in main directory where I can open it in intellij with sbt plugin and it would open all projects in the IDE.
Can anyone please let me know how to open this project in intellij with all its dependencies? Most probably with intellij sbt plugin because it uses sbt (i mean like in maven would bring all sub dependencies)
I never used intellij sbt plugin.
But you could try to add the sbt idea plugin to the plugins.sbt file.
Then you can generate the intellij idea project files with the gen-idea task.