Pass a value from powershell to TFS Build Workflow - powershell

I have a build which kicks off a PowerShell script. What it does is gather code coverage metrics and then stores that info in a database. I'd like to pass a value out of that script and back into the build workflow so I can pass or fail the build based on that value.
Any ideas on how I could accomplish that?

Easiest way is to have PowerShell throw an exception. That will also cause Powershell to return a non-0 exit code. In your InvokeProcess you can either handle the Error stream or have the Result parameter assigned to a variable on your build workflow, then follow that with an if block to pass or fail the build.
Or you can return the coverage outcome using the exit function, it will be assigned to the Result property of the InvokeProcess Activity.
exit 12345;


How to set Azure DevOps pipeline variable with Powershell

I currently have a variable in my release pipeline and need to set its value through a Powershell script. The purpose is to have its value available to be used for postman collections in next tasks.
I'm trying to do that in this way but not working.
$content = Get-Content -Path .\token.txt
Write-Host "RP token found: $content"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=readingProgressToken;]$content"
Write-Host "Variable value in pipeline: $(readingProgressToken)"
And this is the variable
Using the set variable command will make the variable available for all the task steps that follow. It will not be available within the scope of the same task. If you break your task into two steps, one set then one test display, I'd expect you would see the setting is probably going to be as-expected for your postman step.
From the documentation:
To set a variable from a script, use the task.setvariable logging
command. This doesn't update the environment variables, but it does
make the new variable available to downstream steps within the same
In the script task (PowerShell, Bash, etc..), if you use the logging command SetVariable to create or update a variable with the specified value, this variable with the new value is only available to the subsequent tasks in the same job.
For the script task which runs the SetVariable command, the new value is not available.
So, if you want to print the new value of the variable, you should print it in another task after the script task.

If one job failed in bamboo it does not fail the build

I tried to execute two Power-shell script. 1st one is incorrect and 2nd one is correct but bamboo shows Successful build.
It really depends why the first script is "incorrect". If it is throwing an error code, by default it will still return a success, as the script successfully ran, even if the results were an error. You might want to look into using $LastExitCode after you call the Powershell script to get the status of the script itself.

Azure Powershell VSO agent task not failing for non-zero exit code

When putting together a release definition in VSO, adding an Azure PowerShell
backed by a file only containing exit 1 does not fail the step when it runs - which I would expect it to do, given that the Continue on error box is not checked
If I add the PowerShell task, writing exit 1 using the inline variant would indeed fail the step. This also comes with an 'advanced configuration option' where the Fail on Standard Error is checked by default.
What did I miss? How would I go about making the Azure Powershell fail in the same manner?
Using this code instead:
The task will fail if the script throws an exception or writes to stderr stream.

Obtaining the DistributedTaskContext in a custom TFS Build/Release Script

I'm using TFS 2015 Update 2 along with the new Build/Release system. I have a powershell script I'm executing via the Powershell Task. This task executes a powershell script that needs access to the $distributedExecutionContext magic variable I see in many different VSTS Task code samples.
This script in question is not technically a task, but instead is being executed by the Powershell task that comes delivered with TFS.
No matter what I do, I can't see to obtain the $distributedExecutionContext variable. It's always null. Here is an example:
Import-Module "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.Task.Internal"
#... this never happens
Is this variable only available if the powershell being run is being run inside an actual task?
The default powershell task that you are using runs the script entirely as a different process and the $distributedTaskContext variable is not available to the script.
It is only available only to the task's powershell script.
If you are going to write a custom task, I would like you to use the new vsts-task-lib SDK which improves a lot over old SDK.

MSBuild in a Powershell Script - How do I know if the build succeeded?

I am writting a build script with Powershell. The scripts performs various operations such as getting the latest source code off the SVN, backups, etc., and builds the solution using MSBuild:
cmd /c C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe "C:\Dev\Path\MyProjct.sln" /p:Configuration=Release
After this instruction, I only want to execute the rest of the script if the compilation succeeded. How can I check this?
The project is a web project, so it's not so easy to check for an output, but I would guess some variables would contain the compilation result. Also since I call msbuild with cmd /c, am I going to be able to access these variables?
Check the value of $LastExitCode right after the call to MSBUILD. If it is 0, then MSBUILD succeeded, otherwise it failed.
BTW there is no need to use cmd /c. Just call MSBUILD.exe directly. We do that in PowerShell build scripts all the time.
To just check for success/failure, use the automatic variable $?.
PS> help about_Automatic_Variables
Contains the execution status of the last operation. It contains
TRUE if the last operation succeeded and FALSE if it failed.
for example:
if (! $?) { throw "msbuild failed" }