OWASP's ZAP and the Fuzz ability - owasp

My scenario:
I navigate to a login page.
I put in a known username with a bad password.
ZAP picks this up no issue.
I select the POST to the login page.
I find the lines that contain the Username and password. The password:
I highlight the 12345 and right click to select Fuzz.
I had put in a custom list with the correct password for the test account and I select that.
When I do, it works its way through the list as I expected. Changing the 12345 to the various options in the list.
But, when it gets to the word I KNOW is the correct password. It does nothing different to alert me that it was correct. The password in this case was Password5. I expected that it would reflect or something showing it was directed to a new page. But, that happens for 'password' which is not correct for the test user.
I see this in the Fuzzer tab:

OK, I think the first point you're raising is that ZAP doesnt pick up that you've tried an invalid password. That is not a security risk - you supplied a bad password, the app didnt let you in. Everything's working as it should.
ZAP will only alert you of vulnerabilities via the active or passive scanners.
The fuzzer is for manual testing. If we work out a way to automate the detection of a vulnerability then we put that in the active or passive scanners :)
So you have to interpret the fuzzer results rather than expect ZAP to do that for you.
In any case, successfully logging in is not a vulnerability (in ZAPs terms).
What the fuzzer will tell you is if the string you supplied was included in the response (which is useful when looking for XSSs), the response code, the time taken and the response length.
When logging in I'd expect that the response length would be significantly different, so one option would be to look for a response with a length significantly different to the others.
However the easiest option is probably to search the fuzz results.
To do this go to the Search tab, select 'Fuzz Results' in the pull down and either search for a string that you know will be shown when you successfully log in, or do in inverse search for a string that you know will be shown when you fail to login.
Does that help?
Note that we do have a load of info on the ZAP wiki, including videos, FAQs and much more: http://code.google.com/p/zaproxy/wiki/Introduction
BTW we do have a ZAP user group which is intended for exactly these sort of questions: http://groups.google.com/group/zaproxy-users
You can also access it via the ZAP 'Online / ZAP User Group' menu item.
I try to keep an eye on forums, but there are so many that some questions are bound to slip through.
If anyone can suggest how I can convince people to use the ZAP user group (which all the ZAP developers subscribe to) instead of general purpose forums like this (which is very useful for other questions) then I'd be very grateful :)
Simon (ZAP Project Lead)


What is the workflow for a basic Auth OIDC with Keycloak

I have keycloak on docker (v20.0.2) and as you know some versions change some or good part of the UI, so is hard to follow tutorials around the web...
I am trying to follow this particular tuto
that seems the more updated. My keycloak is actually behind traeffic and thomseddon/traeffic-fordward-auth with a docker-compose file (but the connection through traeffic is good and I have acces to admin UI)
So on step 10 of the tutorial things change for me, I have to look for that particular view inside:
Click on lateral menu Client Scope
Click on button Create client scope
Give a name to the scope, and click on Tab Mapper
All mappers are predefined... so there is no "New mapper" don't understand this bit
then just follow the tuto
With that series of steps I get an error when retriving the token...
enter image description here
(this are fake local data from the realm I created for testing)
that responds with a or something similar I have also tried to change the grant_type to password, and the same happens can not query the token....
"error": "invalid_client",
"error_description": "Invalid client or Invalid client credentials"
But if I do not link a user with an scope/role as in the tuto suggest then I get the token, but of course I want to use the role or scope to limit who can see which endpoint and who can not
Any step that I'm missing from this update, do you have the same error?
Thank you in advance
I have tried to run it with different combinations of options to see if there is a toggle that actually allows me to fetch the token
Also with different types of grant_type
I will build an API in Python (I don't know Java and prefer Json instead of XML) that connect to this keycloak to allow users or not based on their scope/role/permission or something
I need to be able to block user so if user Student try to access an url from another Student he get blocked that url. So is based on the role or scope or I don't know which is prefered or easer to accomplish, the mission is to block users or not based on a factor that could be used for this in keycloak.

JSON Request is not configure with zap Authentication.

I am using ZAP security testing tool.but at the point of Authentication by username and password of a JSON Request, I face problem to configure these. I checked all links and blogs too. but I can't get the proper step by step solution on it.
Request code:-
Response code:-
That functionality was only just added last week: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/pull/4624
If you want to use it, you'll either have to use a weekly: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/wiki/Downloads#zap-weekly
Or, wait for the next full release (likely 2.8.0).
The corresponding PR to update the help content for the new JSON Authentication functionality is here: https://github.com/zaproxy/zap-core-help/pull/188/files if you want to check it out.
You set it up the same way you would for form based authentication. Make sure you define a Logged-in or Logged-out Identifier (or both). Here's some screenshots to help you along:
Manually configure the Authentication for your Context:
Use the Site Tree Context menu(s) to set it up:
Here's an additional help link that might assist you in getting authentication setup: https://github.com/zaproxy/zaproxy/wiki/FAQformauth

GWT RequestFactory: check if members have been set without permission

I am working with GWT / RequestFactory and a set of customer requirements regarding permissions. Let me explain a basic example:
Every user is assigned to a company. Every user should be able to edit company's core data - but only e.g contact information, website etc. Security-relevant ones like BIC/SWIFT, IBAN, Company name and so on can only be changed if the user has a certain permission XY.
So far so good, on the client side I can check the permissions and disable those fields the user is not allowed to edit. But what would be the most elegant way to ensure on the server side that those fields have not been set without permission?
My problem is that I cannot track changes on the server side. Having #PreAuthorize on every setter is not an option too, because it would end in an authorization-massacre in each and every entity.
At the moment I am following a workaround: every field that is secured / depends on a given permission is passed as an argument to the entity-method and is excluded from the proxy. That way, values cannot be set using the proxy and I can check in my server code if the user has permissions. If not, nothing happens. If user has permissions, I set the values manually. But that produces a lot of boilerplate-code and ugly method signatures because the number of values passed to the method could get large.
I hope you understand my issue. I'm looking forward for your opinions and tips. Thank you in advance.
Well, you can receive many answers (different each other), and all of them could be right, so, at the end is your call. Wait for others answers. I am going to give you the approach that I followed (and it worked pretty well). :D.
Under my opinion, the server should do less as possible, so keep the logic for allowing modify each param on the server I think it is not a scalable solution (if your system has 1M users modifying everything at the same time, will your server work fluent?). I prefer let the client do the job (like Roomba :D).
For solving that problem, in our system we implemented an Access Control List solution. You can store in your db, on each user entity, a list with granted permissions. So, when that information arrives to the client (after user's log in, for example), you can get them, and show the fields that he/she is allow to modify.
Something like:
if (canModifyPersonalDetails(user.getAcls(), ...) ) {
//show labels ...
if (canModifyBankDetails(user.getAcls(), ...) ) {
//show labels
You can not avoid server call for log in, so it is not a big deal send the extra information (think about the ACLs could be simple list of integers 0 means personal details, 1 bank details....).
If you are dealing with very compromised information and you prefer do some stuff on the server, in that case probably I'd set up a security level, when you are persisting/updating your proxy, I'd do something like:
if (isAllowForPersonalDetails(user.getSecurityCode()) {
//update the modified personal details
if (isAllowForBankDetails(user.getSecurityCode()) {
//update the modified bank details
I am a big fan of clear User GUI's, and a very big fan of let the server free as much as possible, so I prefer the first option. But if you have constraints for modifying user entity in db, or you prefer do not modify your views, or any constraint with security, maybe the second option is the best one for you.
Hope that helps!

Difference between "cloning" a request and "replaying" a request?

I'm new to Fiddler and have run across something that seems strange to me. If I select an entry and then click Replay, I get different behavior from when I drag an entry into the Composer window and click Execute.
Should the different behavior between these two methods of re-making a request be different?
Note: I called the second method "cloning" a request because the Composer window says "You can clone a prior request by dragging and dropping a session from the Web Sessions list)."
What is the "different behavior" specifically?
The two operations you describe should behave the same way unless the server returns a redirect or an authentication challenge, in which case preferences will control whether Fiddler automatically authenticates and/or follows the redirect.
Please feel free to email me (Help > Send Feedback) details and/or screenshots of the difference you see.

Yet more questions on RESTful URIs

Numerical IDs vs names
As an example, which of these would you choose for identifying a single transaction, from a single bank account, for a single company:
You idiot, something totally different! Crikey, did you even READ Fielding's dissertation?
Now, I think the 1st one is the most readable. If I have more than one company, or if I'm someone like an accountant managing multiple companies, it's immediately clear which company, and which account, I'm looking at. It's also more bookmarkable/emailable and would prevent 'fishing' for other companies by changing the company ID. I would want transaction IDs to be unique to an account (I.e. Both 'savings' and 'current' accounts could have transaction '1'
A 'company' will be my 'top-level', or 'first class' resource. Nothing at all would ever be shared between companies. As such, it would be the ideal candidate for a shard (or 'ancestor'/'namespace' in Google App Engine parlance). So I'd only have to worry about the account names being unique within one company. Every company could have an account called 'savings'.
Not sure what the situation in the rest of the world is, though LTDs or PLCs in UK would have a unique name, there could be many 'Dave's Window Cleaning' businesses (what's know as a trading name).
The business owner(s) could potentially opt for the top level /company/company-name URI to be public, and contain some basic details like their website, contact details etc, but everything below that would NEVER be accessible by search engines.
So my thoughts/concerns are:
1) Is it reasonable, when someone signs in to add their business, to say "Sorry, 'Dave's Window Cleaning' business is taken. How about 'Dave's Window Cleaning Portsmouth' (Having taken their location in another field)? My worry with this is that, for a more well known company, you're giving away the fact that they have an account with you. Or that someone could use that form to search for names. Perhaps not a biggie.
2) The size of the company name. Would it be reasonable for a name like 'Dave's Window cleaning, gardening, and loads of other stuff'? Thus creating a URL like 'daves-window-cleaning-gardening-and-loads-of-other-stuff/'
3) How to deal with someone changing their business name - I would approach it by creating a new company with that string ID, copying over everything, then deleting the old resource. The original URI would return 404 rather than redirecting - as you can't guarantee someone else won't want to take the now unused name, or even if more than one person has used the same name in the past.
4) Should the 'real' unique ID be an number in the back end, and for every request to be handled by first doing a query for what company ID this name actually related to.
5) The impact of searching for a transaction in the persistence layer.
6) The possibility of URL rewriting, but then that wouldn't work cleanly in GAE, nor would it solve the issue of ensuring company names are unique.
RESTful webservice vs RESTful website
So, we potentially have this lovely RESTful webservice that the latest snazzy iphone/android app can use (delusions of grandeur). But what about the main website itself? I note, right now, that the URL I see at the top of my page is not 'RESTful': /questions/ask is an action. There is no 'ask' resource on the server. It's more the state of the page, the preparation for POSTing to /questions/ - or if I'm editing, PUTing to /questions/{id}
I also note that Stackoverflow has URIs like /questions/362352/name-of-the-question, and that the latter part can be omitted, and one will be redirected to it.
Should I host a completely separate webapp that consumes my lovely webservice (from the same domain)? Do I even need a separate REST server, or can I rely on content negotiation (JSON/XML) and HTTP verb to select the right method (I'm using Jersey), and return the right representation?
So I could have /companies/aboxo/ return the whole HTML page (using stringtemplate.org) if it's a GET /,text/plain or test/html, and JSON/XML for others?
But what happens for 'add/edit/delete' transaction? Would GET / /companies/freds-painting-ltd/savings/transactions/?template=add be ok (or GET ../transactions/352?template=edit), and that would return the right HTML?
Thinking about this last detail is driving me mad for some reason.
Comments, suggestions, outright ridicule - all welcome!
Rails solves the "id vs name" problem by displaying both in the URL but using only the id to actually identify eg:
ie - for the ones that have a "pretty url" the function that generates your path write both the id and the name... but for your router, where relevant: you strip off everything thats not the id.
incidentally, it means your customer could actually write whatever they like into the URL and it'd make no difference:
and your router still just sees:
For a cannonical URI I suggest just /transactions/{id} as I presume the transaction knows what the company and account is. Therefore, #4 :-)
Is SEO a concern? I presume you don't want random folks off the internet googling for X company's transactions?! Therefore, I would just keep names (which may change) out of the URI.