Fiddler: show FiddlerScript tab in version 4+ - fiddler

I make extensive use of FiddlerScript. The version of Fidder (v2.4.5.0) that's installed in my Windows 7 machine has the FidderScript tab showing by defaut:
However, the version I have instaleld on my Windows 8 machine (v4.4.5.8) doesn't show the FiddlerScript tab:
Any idea how I can show the FiddlerScript tab?

You need to install this add-on
2014-02-23 Updated link here: (Syntax-Highlighting Add-Ons)


How to re-install deleted add-on in owasp zap?

I accidentally deleted ajax spider while managing the add-on in zap. So to re-install it, I went to marketpalce section, but it is not shown in the list. How can I install that add-on? Any help?
listed add-on in marketplace
Ah, we've just updated the Selenium add-on (which the Ajax Spider depends on) to support Selenium 3, which requires Java 8.
Are you using Java 7? If so that will be the problem. Can you update to Java 8?
Oh, and do check that you are running the latest version of ZAP (currently 2.6.0)

Running Odoo Enterprise Studio from code (Eclipse)

Where is the Odoo Studio code? Is it part of the Odoo Enterprise code on Github (which I have access to)?
Is there something I need to enable or add to the project so I see the Studio?
Currently when I run the Odoo Community code, (with the addons path in odoo.conf set correctly first to the enterprise directory) I see no Studio option in the header.
So two questions:
Where is the Studio code and how do I access it?
What do I need to do so I see it, when running the Odoo code from Eclipse?
1) Studio code is the one of the module inside the Odoo Enterprise addons with named "web_studio". For that you need the access of the Enterprise addons.
2) After installing the module web_studio you can get the one icon on top right corner before logged in user name like tools with tool tip "Customization". By clicking on that you can start the Studio for manage any changes inside the current screen.
I hope you are getting both of the answer correct fully.

Prism 6 interactivity - how do I use these functions in a Win10 UAP App?

I see that the Interactivity namespace was moved into the Prism.Wpf package since V6 - how do I access this functionality in a Win10 UAP app?
Prism.Wpf is for WPF only and thus not compatible with Windows 10 UWP (binary wise).
For Windows 8.1 RT / Windows 10 UWP you currently can add a reference to the Behaviors SDK. Note that it targets Windows 8.1, but it works under Windows 10 as well.
An alternative to adding the reference is opening Blend, and dragging a behavior from the Assets tab onto your page. This will add a reference as well.
Even better news is that Microsoft is working on a NuGet library for Windows 10 UWP behaviors, which should be available in approx. 1 month and will be made open source. So anyone reading this in the future, should look for the package.

Support for Vista?

I could find nothing on the main VSCode site that listed the version of Windows supported. When I install on Vista, I get an error:
The prodcedure entry point RegisterTouchWindow could not be located in the dynamic link library USER32.dll.
So I'm guessing this is for Windows 7 and up?
Vista is not supported.
Isidor, vscode team

How to use any browser except IE11 in Eclipse 3.1.1?

We are using Birt Viewer Toolkit, BVT, and Eclipse 3.1.1 to display BIRT reports. We are stuck on Eclipse 3.1.1. There is a problem on sites which have installed Internet Explorer 11, the reports do not display. I want to use an older version of Internet Explorer, such as IE 8, 9, 10, or Firefox or Chrome, anything but IE 11.
I found this reference, this is the sort of solution I’m looking for
How to make SWT Browser control use Mozilla instead of IE on Windows?
which says you can create a Browser in Eclipse using
Browser browser = new Browser(shell, SWT.MOZILLA);
SWT.MOZILLA is not defined in Eclipse 3.1.1. Looks like SWT.MOZILLA was started in Eclipse 3.3.
Also looking in org.eclipse.swt.browser. I see Shell.Explorer hardcoded in the call to new WebSite.
How do I use any browser except IE 11, on sites which have IE installed?
Internet Explorer (IE) is default embedded web browser in Eclipse under Windows there is no option to change default internal web browser. Anyway there you can use one of three options as work around:
Update your Eclipse to the latest one. It works correctly with IE 10
Try opening your report in Firefox instead of your report viewer (I know that this is not the best option).
Change default settings in IE to use compatibility mode. These changes should also apply embedded web browser.