If I want to generate a random series of fixed point number after decimal and also before decimal
for example
etc in given range suppose [-4,4].
Is there any command to generate such random number and store in any array?
To Generate values from the uniform distribution on the interval [a, b].
r = a + (b-a).*rand(size,1);
Example :
>> r = -4 + (4-(-4)).*rand(10,1) % 10 random numbers
r =
I have generated random numbers in MATLAB within a range using the below:
I need another set of random numbers within the same range 1:N and of the same size n but excluding the values in c.
Any ideas?
You can use again randperm excluding the integers of array c to crate array d with same length n:
ok = 1:N;
ok(c) = [];
I am using this Matlab function to convert a number d in base 10 to base 2, as described here
function s = dec2base_float(d,b,nde)
%DEC2BASE_FLOAT Convert floating point numbers to base B string.
% DEC2BASE_FLOAT(D,B) returns the representation of D as a string in
% base B. D must be a floating point array between 0 and 1.
% DEC2BASE_FLOAT(D,B,N) produces a representation with at least N decimal digits.
% Examples
% dec2base_float(2/5,4,4) returns '0.1212'
% dec2base_float(2/5,3,6) returns '0.101211'
%// Get "base power-ed scaled" digits
scale = b.^(-1:-1:-nde);
%// Calculate all possible combinations
P = dec2base(0:b^nde-1,b,nde)-'0';
%// Get the best possible combination ID. Index into P with it and thus get
%// based converted number with it
[~,idx] = min(abs(P*scale(:) - d));
s = ['0.',num2str(P(idx,:),'%0.f')];
For example dec2base_float(3/5,2,10)=0.1001100110.
This function gives one among all the possible ways to express d in base 2. Is there any way to display instead the minimum among all the possible ways to express d in base 2?
I know how to generate random numbers in a certain range in Matlab. What i am trying to do now is generate random numbers in a range where there is more chance of getting certain ones.
For example: how could i use Matlab to generate random numbers between 0 and 2, where 50% of them will be less than 0.5?
To get numbers between 0 and 2 I would use (2-0)*rand+0. How can i do this but get a certain percentage of the numbers generated to be less than 0.5? Is there a way to do this using the rand function?
Here is a suggestion:
N = 10; % how many random numbers to generate
bounds = [0 0.5 1 2]; % define the ranges
prob = cumsum([0.5 0.3 0.2]); % define the probabilities
% pick a random range with probability from 'prob':
s = size(bounds,2)-cumsum(bsxfun(#lt,rand(N,1),prob),2);
% pick a random number in this range:
b = rand(1,N).*(bounds(s(:,end)+1)-bounds(s(:,end)))+bounds(s(:,end))
Here we have a probability of prob(k) to draw a number between bounds(k) to bounds(k+1). Basically we first draw a range with defined probability, and then draw another number from the range. So we are interested only in b, but need s on the way (mainly for creating a lot of numbers in a vectorized manner).
so we get:
b =
Columns 1 through 5
0.5297 0.15791 0.88636 0.34822 0.062666
Columns 6 through 10
0.065076 0.54618 0.0039101 0.21155 0.82779
Or, for N = 100000 we can draw:
so we can see how the values are distributed between the 3 ranges in bounds.
You can use a multinomial distribution to draw the ranges, and then compute the random numbers. Here's how:
N = 10;
bounds = [0 0.5 1 2]; % define the ranges
d = diff(bounds);
% pick a N random ranges from a multinomial distribution:
s = mnrnd(N,[0.5 0.3 0.2]);
% pick a random number in this range:
b = rand(1,N).*repelem(d,s)+repelem(bounds(1:end-1),s)
so you get s:
s =
50 39 11
that says you take 50 values from the first range, 39 from the second, and so on...
And you got the result in b:
b =
Columns 1 through 5
0.28212 0.074551 0.18166 0.035787 0.33316
Columns 6 through 10
0.12404 0.93468 1.9808 1.4522 1.6955
So basically it works the same as the first method I posted here, but it may be more accurate and/or readable. Also, I didn't test which method is faster.
Is there a way to convert a decimal number between $0$ and $1$ that is not integer to base 4 in Matlab? E.g. if I put 2/5 I want to get 0.12121212... (with some approximation I guess)
The function dec2base only works for integers.
Listed in this post is a vectorized approach that works through all possible combinations of digits to select the best one for the final output as a string. Please note that because of its very nature of creating all possible combinations, it would be memory intensive and slower than a recursive approach, but I guess it could be used just for fun or educational purposes!
Here's the function implementation -
function s = dec2base_float(d,b,nde)
%DEC2BASE_FLOAT Convert floating point numbers to base B string.
% DEC2BASE_FLOAT(D,B) returns the representation of D as a string in
% base B. D must be a floating point array between 0 and 1.
% DEC2BASE_FLOAT(D,B,N) produces a representation with at least N decimal digits.
% Examples
% dec2base_float(2/5,4,4) returns '0.1212'
% dec2base_float(2/5,3,6) returns '0.101211'
%// Get "base power-ed scaled" digits
scale = b.^(-1:-1:-nde);
%// Calculate all possible combinations
P = dec2base(0:b^nde-1,b,nde)-'0';
%// Get the best possible combination ID. Index into P with it and thus get
%// based converted number with it
[~,idx] = min(abs(P*scale(:) - d));
s = ['0.',num2str(P(idx,:),'%0.f')];
Sample runs -
>> dec2base_float(2/5,4,4)
ans =
>> dec2base_float(2/5,4,6)
ans =
>> dec2base_float(2/5,3,6)
ans =
In MATLAB, rand can be used to generate a random number between 0 and 1. I can scale it to make it lie between 0.01 and 0.02 like so:
Is there a better way to generate random number in general in the interval of 0.xyz and 0.abc?
No that's pretty much the best way to generate a random number that is restricted to a certain range. Assuming that 0.abc > 0.xyz, you would simply do:
c = (n - m)*rand(N,1) + m;
First you would generate N random numbers between [0, n - m] which is what the first part of the above statement is doing, then with the addition of m, this would translate your range so that the values are [m, n]. For your case, m = 0.xyz and n = 0.abc.