change project 2013 task parent programmatically - project-server

How can I change task parent in Project Server 2013 via client object model?
I can achieve this in Project 2013 Professional.
In DraftTask class "Parent" property is read only.
Thank you!

It seems that you can't.
A solution would be to clone your actual task and set its new parent task in the TaskCreationInformation class ("ParentId" property).


AEM 6.5 , how to change Workflow location to Model/subfolder

AEM 6.5 default location for Workflow model is : /conf/global/settings/workflow/models/MyCustomWF. How can i make the WF model location inside my project folder i.e /conf/global/settings/workflow/models/My Project/MyCustomWF.
I tried moving my model to folder via CRX. It result in Model.html page goes blank.And I cant see any option in classic or touch UI to decide the project specific location for the Workflow.
Thanks in advance.
I got the answer after multiple attempts. You just need to shift your workflow node in the folder(created by you) and go to touch UI and open the new workflow by directly hitting the Workflow MODEL and not navigating through the naviagtion Model tile. After having Model opened in the Edit mode and click on sync model. Now your workflow is in new folder created by you.

Can I change node proeprty value in a AEM custom worklfow process?

I have created a new workflow for activate later. It includes a custom workflow process step written by me. The custom step changes some properties of the payload step and then Activate Page process is called to activate the page. The changed properties are reflected in the author instance but not on the publish instance. Just wanted to confirm if this is possible or the workflow creates a copy of the node and then executes on it (like passing a parameter to a function)?
Thanks in advance :D
It should work fine, however you have to commit changes using resourceResolver.commit()

add scaffolded item wizard cannot resolve data model class

I'm trying to create new Scaffolded item for simple ASP.NET Wep API application which should be based on domain object class and DbContext derivative in separate assembly. The assembly is in the solution, target app has a reference to it (and manually created code which invokes the classes from my lib is build up without any errors) and, obviously, the classes I've mentioned have access modifier public.
The problem is wizard for creating new scaffolded item cannot see my model classes. (By the way, when the model classes were in another ASP.NET MVC5 app the wizard worked well.) I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update5.
How to fix this? Any workaround would be helpful too!
Sorry for disturbing.
the origin of the problem seems to be that I've move my data model classes from ASP.NET MVC app into my class library in wrong way.
I've not just cut/paste them, but copy-paste, cut-paste (confirmed replacement).
this is the only thing which could cause the problem (although I still don't know the details).
Never the less I've started from the beginning again and cut/past the data model files initially - everything seems to work fine now.

Set workflow model id (path)

When I create a new workflow model in AEM, it gets created under /etc/workflow/models. How do I get it to be created under a different path like /etc/workflow/models/myapp ? The only way I can think of is changing the path in CRXDE after the workflow gets created. Wanted so if there is a better way to do this.
Better way to move workflow to another place would be:
go to /miscadmin#/etc/workflow/models
use button "Move..."
Unfortunately, it seems, that there is no easy way to change place, where worflows, which are created through UI, are stored. To do this you should:
override "/libs/cq/workflow/widgets/source/widget/ModelsPanel.js" in you project, where you can find action this.newAction, where you will be able to change propery parentPath to /etc/workflow/models/myapp. But you can run into troubles after upgrading to another version of AEM.
also you can be interested in service Granite Workflow Service where you can set (through /system/console/configMgr) path to your models, which should be shown in Workflow Console /libs/cq/workflow/content/console.html. (Also it's applicable to CQ 5.6.1, for some older versions, you should configure Day CQ Workflow Service).

How can I get control of the generation process of config.xml file for a jenkins job?

I'm new to Jenkins and now I'm supposed to develop a jenkins plugin. In the plugin will create a new job type, and generate the configuration page of this job type. I've finish this one by extending the class "hudson.model.Project" ;
For now, when I click "save", nothing goes into the configuration file(config.xml) of the new job. I want to get control of the configuration file's generation process in order to set default builders and parameters of the certain builder for each job.
Anyone could help in explain how could I make it with Jenkings Plugin (especially by extending hudson.model.Project)? Or anyone can tell me which part of the src code or any documentation I should read in order to get some knowledge of it?
Any help will be appreciated!
There is already a plugin to create new jenkins jobs programatically