mongodb could not connect to server - mongodb

I'm new to MongoDB. I'm trying to connect to my remote mongo database from my work machine( I tried for both mongohq as well as mongolab). I'm getting the error listed below. When I run the same command from my home machine it runs fine and does connect to remove mongo database. I'm not sure what is messed up on my work machine but I'd like to fix it. Thanks for you help.
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to:
Thu Jan 16 04:16:02.689 Error: couldn't connect to server
at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:147
exception: connect failed

As per question comments, your mongo shell client can't connect to the mongo instance. Assuming that your internet connectivity is fine, the most common reason for the failure is that the ports are blocked on your network.
Some ISPs automatically block these ports by default as an additional security protection for users that don't need them open. Contact your ISP or network admin, they should be able to help you out.


Connect to mongodb via ssh tunnel failing

I have tried to connect to my mongodb on a server i own via an ssh tunnel via the following apps but nothing will connect:
phpstorm inbuilt mongodb java connector
Server and mongo:
Server: ubuntu 18lts
Mongo: latest community version
The Connection URL in all instances is the same (also tried removing the query params) and this url works on the node app:
nosqlbooster4mongo's error message is:
But the connection url is 27017 and gets changed to 37903 for some reason
PHPStorm's error message is:
DBMS: Mongo DB Case sensitivity: plain=mixed, delimited=mixed Driver:
MongoDB JDBC Driver (ver. 1.13, JDBC4.2) Effective version: UNKNOWN
(ver. 0.0) Ping: 10 sec, 289 ms (keep-alive query results in error)
Timed out after 10000 ms while waiting to connect. Client view of
cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=localhost:42865,
exception={com.mongodb.MongoSocketReadException: Exception receiving
message}, caused by { Connection reset}}].
Nothing works but i cannot understand why.
The SSH connection is working as confirmed by nosqlbooster4mongo and phpstorm
But as soon as it then tries to connect to the local mongodb instance it fails. I don't know if this is an issue with the SSH tunnel or the mongo setup. Via a terminal i can connect to mongo no issue, also the node app there can too.
The tunnels are using the same key as i use to connect to the server via terminal without issue which leads me to believe it is mongo but i don't know where to look :/
As the tunnel is established, then this says the server firewalls are not an issue.
I don't know what it is, is there an additional query param for ssh tunnel access?
Solved by #Jack_Woehr on:
The trick was to not use the ssh tunnel from any of the tools listed and just create a the tunnel on the OS.

can't connect mongo atlas into mongodb compass, shell and Go app

i think this question been asked many times, but i've had this issue also last year and another last year, i resolved it to use VPN provider like nordvpn and tunnelBear. my issue here my company has own VPN which to connect to some internal apps, but i cant connect with multi VPN, my company VPN not resolved the issue to connect Mongo Atlas into Compass, after i install NordVPN in my Linux Fedora, it was solve, but i can't open another internal app if i dont connect with my company VPN. so i tried connect my company VPN while my NordVPN connected as well, but it doesnt work. i need to turn off my private VPN to connect my company VPN. this is really confusing for me if keep to turn off and on my private VPN and Company VPN for my work.
wha i have tried to fix this issues but always failed
change DNS on my fedora /etc/resolv.conf into nameserver or nameserver;
change net.bindIp on /etc/mongod.conf into and my ip;
listed ip public in Mongo Atlas;
error on mongo compass after paste the URI:
querySrv ENODATA
error in mongo shell
MongoDB shell version v4.4.3
exception: Failed to look up service "": Success
exiting with code 1
error in Go app:
panic: error parsing uri: lookup on XXX.XXX.1.1:53: no such host
those ways not work in my Fedora, i cant connect Mongo Atlas URI in Compass, Go App and Shell as well,
is that any another way ?
my os is: Fedora 33
Try using the standard connection string , as SRV strings sometimes not resolvable by some of the images.
The standard connection string can be obtained in the Atlas UI for the version 3.4 earlier

Nodejs backend mongoose and the database connection string

I have an issue that i'm trying to fix since yesterday.
In fact, i have a a backend that i want to connect to a MongoDB hosted on the cloud, i use Mongoose, i put a connection string mongodb+srv://user:*********#cluster0-**** I have whitelisted all ips to connect to the database.
My problem is that when i run npm start, it connect correctly to the database, and when i run a docker-compose (that runs the same commands), i have this error message :
MongoNetworkError: failed to connect to server [] on first connect [MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED]
i don't see what can cause this issue.. please help
What I`m suggesting is :
1- Check if MongoDB is installed on your cloud
2- Check if it`s truly running on the port 27017

Can't connect to mongodb remotely

I have a server on Digital Ocean running a MongoDB instance, if I ssh into the server, I can connect to the Mongo Shell with no problem. When I try to connect on my own machine, with PyMongo, it also connects with no problem.
The problem is when I try to connect from my machine via Mongo Shell, then I get
MongoDB shell version v3.6.3
connecting to: mongodb://<server_ip>:4131/?replicaSet=mongodb%3A
2018-06-26T11:50:05.799-0300 E QUERY [thread1] Error: '/<server_ip>:4131' in 'mongodb://<server_ip>:4131/?replicaSet=mongodb%3A' appears to be a unix socket, but does not end in '.sock' :
exception: connect failed
So as some may have noticed, I did change the port to 4131, and yes, I pass this information on my connection string.
I have done a lot of research and already discarded some things:
No, there's no .lock file, and I have made sure to run mongod --repair just to be sure.
My /etc/mongod.conf has external ips enabled, (ie.: bindIp:
Extra information:
There is a /tmp/mongodb-4131.sock file, which should be the socket mongo shell is looking for, right?
I looked up before changing the ports and made sure nothing was using 4131
Firewall is disabled (just to make sure that's not the problem)
Any help is appreciated.

Connecting to MongoDB hosted on Amazon EC2 (using PyMongo)

I'm having trouble remotely connecting to my MongoDB instance; I've deployed it using the MongoDB AWS Quick Start, and can connect via SSH as per the "Testing" section of the Quick Start guide.
However, when trying to connect remotely (I'm using the PyMongo driver), I run into a pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: timed out error.
I've tried setting bind_ip to as well as an Elastic IP to the VPC instance that the mongod is running on, but to no avail. In fact, even pinging the EIP leads to a timeout (although pinging the NAT instance doesn't).
With PyMongo I've tried both DNS's, with and without SSL. I can successfully connect to MongoDB on localhost.
These are the security groups for the VPC: AWS security groups
If anyone has a clue on what I might be doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it; I've been struggling with this for over a day now. Thanks!