Web service call, if application is running - powershell

I'm looking for a way to execute a web form submittal if an application is running. I'm not sure the best approach, but I did create a PowerShell script that accomplishes what I want.
while($true) {
(Invoke-WebRequest -Method post 'Http://website.com').Content;
Start-Sleep -Seconds 600;
Now what I'd like to do is run this only when an application is running and then quit if the application is no longer running. I suspect maybe a Windows service would be the answer? If so, any idea how I could accomplish this?
I had also thought about running this as a Google Chrome extension, but then my googlefu was exhausted. For Chrome, I would just need the script and no need to check on the .exe.
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated. Again, I'm way out of my depth here but have found a need to create something so dummy steps would be much desired.

If you know the name of the process that runs for the application, you can do the following:
$processname = "thing"
# Wait until the process is detected
Do {
Sleep 60
} Until (Get-Process $processName)
# Once it is detected, run the script
While (1) {
# Monitor the process to make sure it is still running
If (Get-Process $processName) {
Else {
# Stop the script, because the process isn't running.
# Wait until the process is detected again
Do {
Sleep 60
} Until (Get-Process $processName)
# Once it is detected again, run the script
# You can add in a delay here to slow down the loop
# Sleep 60

I think what you're looking for might be WMI eventing. You can register for (and respond to) events that occur within WMI, such as:
When a process starts or stops
When a service starts or stops
When a process exceeds a certain amount of memory usage
When a new version device driver is installed
When a computer is assigned to a new organizational unit
When a user logs on or off
When an environment variables changes
When a laptop battery drops below a certain threshold
Thousands of other cases
To register for WMI events, use the Register-WmiEvent cmdlet. You can use the -Action parameter to declare what PowerShell statements to execute when a matching event is detected. Here is a simple example:
# 1. Start notepad.exe
# 2. Register for events when Notepad disappears
# 2a. Declare the WMI event query
$WmiEventQuery = "select * from __InstanceDeletionEvent within 5 where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process' and TargetInstance.Name = 'notepad.exe'";
# 2b. Declare the PowerShell ScriptBlock that will execute when event is matched
$Action = { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object ('Process stopped! {0}' -f $event.SourceEventArgs.NewEvent.TargetInstance.Name) };
# 2c. Register for WMI events
Register-WmiEvent -Namespace root\cimv2 -Query $WmiEventQuery -Action $Action -SourceIdentifier NotepadStopped;
# 3. Stop notepad.exe
# Note: For some reason, if you terminate the process as part of the same thread, the event
# doesn't seem to fire correctly. So, wrap the Stop-Process command in Start-Job.
Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Stop-Process -Name notepad; };
# 4. Wait for event consumer (action) to fire and clean up the event registration
Start-Sleep -Seconds 6;
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier NotepadStopped;
FYI: I developed a PowerShell module called PowerEvents, which is hosted on CodePlex. The module includes the ability to register permanent WMI event subscriptions, and includes a 30+ page PDF document that helps you to understand WMI eventing. You can find this open-source project at: http://powerevents.codeplex.com.
If I were to adapt your code to something that is more practical for you, it might look something like the example below. You could invoke the code on a periodic basis using the Windows Task Scheduler.
# 1. If process is not running, then exit immediately
if (-not (Get-Process -Name notepad)) { throw 'Process is not running!'; return; }
# 2. Register for events when Notepad disappears
# 2a. Declare the WMI event query
$WmiEventQuery = "select * from __InstanceDeletionEvent within 5 where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process' and TargetInstance.Name = 'notepad.exe'";
# 2b. Declare the PowerShell ScriptBlock that will execute when event is matched
# In this case, it simply appends the value of the $event automatic variable to a
# new, global variable named NotepadEvent.
$Action = { $global:NotepadEvent += $event; };
# 2c. Register for WMI events
Register-WmiEvent -Namespace root\cimv2 -Query $WmiEventQuery -Action $Action -SourceIdentifier NotepadStopped;
# 3. Wait indefinitely, or until $global:NotepadEvent variable is NOT $null
while ($true -and -not $global:NotepadEvent) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 600;
(Invoke-WebRequest -Method post 'Http://website.com').Content;


PowerShell Remoting, Eventing, Runspace - sticky Event Subscriber

I am currently stuck at a problem involving a WMI Event subscriber on a remote session running in a background runspace.
Below is the representative code that reproduces the issue (the real code is too long to share here) but, essentially, through a PS script I remotely install advertised WSUS updates with reboots when necessary. It takes about 90 minutes end to end.
The issue I am trying to solve at the moment is that during the course of patching, the support staff inadvertently log in to the the server being remotely patched and do their admin activities. To remind them, I want to display a pop up message as soon as the user logs in when my remote script is running. I am trying to do it using a background runspace plugged into the main patching script. It makes use of WMI eventing on the target server (which is being patched) to monitor user logons and display message as soon as it detects one. The below code is working as I expect. It even survives target server reboots.
$RemoteServerName = 'Server1.contoso.com'
$UserLogonAlertScriptBlock = {
param ($SyncedHashTable)
$RemoteServerName = $SyncedHashTable.target
try {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $RemoteServerName -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {}
if($Session.State -eq 'Opened') {
$RemoteMonitoringJob = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -AsJob -ScriptBlock {
$null = Register-WMIEvent -Query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 3 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_LogonSession'" -SourceIdentifier 'User.Logon'
Wait-Event -SourceIdentifier "User.Logon" -Timeout 7200 | ForEach-Object {
msg * /TIME:7200 /V "User logon detected" | Out-Null
$_ | Remove-Event
while($RemoteMonitoringJob.State -in #('NotStarted','Running')) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
} else {
while($true) {
try {
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $RemoteServerName -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {}
if($Session.State -eq 'Opened') {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$Runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$PowerShell = [powershell]::Create()
$PowerShell.runspace = $Runspace
$SyncedHashTable = [hashtable]::Synchronized(#{})
$SyncedHashTable.host = $host
$SyncedHashTable.target = $RemoteServerName
$handle = $PowerShell.AddScript($UserLogonAlertScriptBlock).AddArgument($SyncedHashTable).BeginInvoke()
Write-Host '$(Get-Date): Long running script execution targeting $RemoteServerName has started'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120 # it usually runs for upto 90 minutes, with remote reboots of $RemoteServerName
Write-Host "$(Get-Date): The script execution has completed"
### The code that cleans up the sticky event subscriber on the target server needs to be added here
The part I am stuck at is after the script completes its execution. The wsmanprovhost.exe running on the target server continues to stick around and shows alert messages when new users log on. I think it's because of the WMI event listener still being active on the box, not releasing the remote PS session.
In the above code, I need help close that remote listener so wsmanprovhost.exe disappears.
Could you please help?
PS. I have referred to #mklement0 's response in the following post but still no joy: The RunSpace and its closure
I have managed to address the challenge by adding a Boolean flag into the SyncedHashtable which is passed to the background runspace. When I want to stop the remote logon monitoring, in the main script I flip the flag. Since it's inside a synced hashtable, I can monitor that inside the runspace and terminate the remote invoke command job in the run space. But I still had to forcibly kill the remote wsmprovhost.exe as it refuses to go. I could do it by getting the pid of the remote PS session in advance. Not the most elegant way to close a remote PS session but it does the job for me. It's just that since the remote session is continuously monitoring for user logon event, there does not appear to be a way to run a piece of code in that session to unsubscribe the WMI event source. Will do more testing to see if there is any side effect.

PowerShell script lacks consistency when run through task scheduler, am I missing something or is this Windows being Windows?

I am a beginner in PowerShell.
I have created myself a PowerShell program to act as my alarm clock in the morning. I have task scheduler executing it on a time trigger. The problem i am having is a lack of consistency. Sometimes it will run properly without any interference, other times it will open PowerShell, error out and close immediately without executing (no error code). When i execute it myself with a double click, it seems to work just fine.
Execution Policy = All-Signed
Task Scheduler
Trigger Tab:
Trigger: Daily
Details: At 8:00 AM every Day
Status: Enabled
Action Tab:
Action: Start a Program
Program/Script: PowerShell.exe
Add arguments: -NoExit D:\Programs\AlarmClock\AlarmClockScript.ps1
#define loop start state
$Snoozevar = 'Yes'
#Import form module (for menu)
[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.forms") | Out-Null
$snoozeTxtBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$snoozeTxtBox.Text = 'Snooze'
$snoozeTxtBox.Location = '50,15'
$snoozeTxtBox.Size = '60,23'
$snoozeTxtBox.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Yes # 'Snooze' = Yes
$quitTxtBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$quitTxtBox.Text = 'I`m Up'
$quitTxtBox.Location = '125,15'
$quitTxtBox.Size = '50,23'
$quitTxtBox.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::No # 'I`m Up' = No
$basicForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$basicForm.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
$basicForm.Size = '250,100'
$basicForm.TopMost = $true
while ($Snoozevar -eq 'Yes'){
Start-Process "D:\Programs\Winamp\winamp.exe" /PLAY # Start Winamp /autoplay
Start-Process D:\Programs\nircmd\nircmd.exe -ArgumentList " setsysvolume 65535" #Max Volume
$Snoozevar = $basicForm.ShowDialog() # Call Menu, assign output to $Snoozevar
$pro = Get-Process -Name "winamp" # Kill winamp post menu selection
Stop-Process -Id $pro.Id
$pro = ""
if ($Snoozevar -eq 'No'){ # Clean up powershell
$pro = Get-Process -Name powershell
Stop-Process $pro
} #end if
$rngvar = Get-Random -Minimum 540 -Maximum 720 # Time to Snooze (9-12 minutes)
Start-Sleep -Seconds $rngvar
} #end while
# SIG # Begin signature block
# SIG # End signature block
This is my first time asking a question here, please forgive and point out mistakes in forum standards.
Thank You in advance!
Here's a summary of the things that can be done to diagnose an inconsistend scheduled task execution.
Since your task is interactive (have a form), Run whether user is logged on or not should be left unchecked. While you'd normally want it checked most of the time, tasks that interact with the user (popup / forms / etc...) won't work properly if thus option is checked.
Add Start-Transcript -Path "Some\Path\AlarmLog_$(get-date -f 'yyyyMMdd').txt at the beginning of your file and Stop-Transcript at the end to gain more insight on when it fail
Make sure to check the Conditions tab as there are additional constraint that could affect task execution (eg: By default, task will not execute if on battery power)
If the task is running under a different user or in a different context (eg: with Highest priviledges), try to execute your script in that context to see if it fail (for instance, start Vscode / ISE using that context and run the task)
If you have multiple set of operations, you can wrap them in Try / Catch block so if one set fail, you can perform additional logging and also decide whether or not the task should be cancelled altogether or continue through. (Note: When using try/catch, you'll want to set -ErrorAction Stop on the functions that have that parameter to make sure they get caught properly in the catch block.
Msdocs - Start-Transcript
Msdocs - Task scheduler -Security context for running task

Multiple io.filesystemwatchers in parallel

I have three different tasks that I wish to outsource to filesystem watchers in powershell. I have the code all set up to initialize two watchers and to check every ten seconds to make sure they are running. However the tasks that they perform last under a minute, and 5 minutes respectively. The third task I wish to outsource to a watcher takes about an hour. I am concerned that if I have all of them running simultaneously, tasks that the first two should watch for will not get done at all if the third watcher is executing its change action. Is there a way to implement or run them such that the change actions can be executed in parallel?
You can use the Start-ThreadJob cmdlet to run your file-watching tasks in parallel.
Start-ThreadJob comes with the ThreadJob module and offers a lightweight, thread-based alternative to the child-process-based regular background jobs.
It comes with PowerShell [Core] v6+ and in Windows PowerShell can be installed on demand with, e.g., Install-Module ThreadJob -Scope CurrentUser.
In most cases, thread jobs are the better choice, both for performance and type fidelity - see the bottom section of this answer for why.
The following self-contained sample code:
uses thread jobs to run 2 distinct file-monitoring and processing tasks in parallel,
which neither block each other nor the caller.
Each task creates its own System.IO.FileSystemWatcher instance in the code below, though creating too many of them can put a significant load on the system, possibly resulting in events getting missed.
An alternative is to share instances, such as creating a single one in the caller's context, which the thread jobs can access (see comments in source code below).
[This is in part speculative; do tell us if I got things wrong] Direct FileSystemWatcher .NET event-handler delegates should be kept short, but subscribing to the events from PowerShell via an event job created by Register-ObjectEvent queues the events on the PowerShell side, which PowerShell then dispatches to the -Action script blocks, so that these blocks perform long-running operations below shouldn't be an immediate concern (the tasks may take a long time to catch up, though).
# Make sure that the ThreadJob module is available.
# In Windows PowerShell, it must be installed first.
# In PowerShell [Core], it is available by default.
Import-Module ThreadJob -ea Stop
try {
# Use the system's temp folder in this example.
$dir = (Get-Item -EA Ignore temp:).FullName; if (-not $dir) { $dir = $env:TEMP }
# Define the tasks as an array of custom objects that specify the dir.
# and file name pattern to monitor as well as the action script block to
# handle the events.
$tasks = # array of custom objects to describe the
[pscustomobject] #{
DirToMonitor = $dir
FileNamePattern = '*.tmp1'
Action = {
# Print status info containing the event data to the host, synchronously.
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`nINFO: Event 1 raised:`n$($EventArgs | Format-List | Out-String)"
# Sleep to simulate blocking the thread with a long-running task.
Write-Host "INFO: Event 1: Working for 4 secs."
Start-Sleep 4
# Create output, which Receive-Job can collect.
"`nEvent 1 output: " + $EventArgs.Name
[pscustomobject] #{
DirToMonitor = $dir
FileNamePattern = '*.tmp2'
Action = {
# Print status info containing the event data to the host, synchronously
Write-Host -NoNewLine "`nINFO: Event 2 raised:`n$($EventArgs | Format-List | Out-String)"
# Sleep to simulate blocking the thread with a long-running task.
Write-Host "INFO: Event 2: Working for 2 secs"
Start-Sleep 2
# Create output, which Receive-Job can collect.
"`nEvent 2 output: " + $EventArgs.Name
# Start a separate thread job for each action task.
$threadJobs = $tasks | ForEach-Object {
Start-ThreadJob -ArgumentList $_ {
param([pscustomobject] $task)
# Create and initialize a thread-specific watcher.
# Note: To keep system load low, it's generally better to use a *shared*
# watcher, if feasible. You can define it in the caller's scope
# and access here via $using:watcher
$watcher = [System.IO.FileSystemWatcher] [ordered] #{
Path = $task.DirToMonitor
Filter = $task.FileNamePattern
EnableRaisingEvents = $true # start watching.
# Subscribe to the watcher's Created events, which returns an event job.
# This indefinitely running job receives the output from the -Action script
# block whenever the latter is called after an event fires.
$eventJob = Register-ObjectEvent -ea stop $watcher Created -Action $task.Action
Write-Host "`nINFO: Watching $($task.DirToMonitor) for creation of $($task.FileNamePattern) files..."
# Indefinitely wait for output from the action blocks and relay it.
try {
while ($true) {
Receive-Job $eventJob
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 # sleep a little
finally {
# !! This doesn't print, presumably because this is killed by the
# !! *caller* being killed, which then doesn't relay the output anymore.
Write-Host "Cleaning up thread for task $($task.FileNamePattern)..."
# Dispose of the watcher.
# Remove the event job (and with it the event subscription).
$eventJob | Remove-Job -Force
$sampleFilesCreated = $false
$sampleFiles = foreach ($task in $tasks) { Join-Path $task.DirToMonitor ("tmp_$PID" + ($task.FileNamePattern -replace '\*')) }
Write-Host "Starting tasks...`nUse Ctrl-C to stop."
# Indefinitely wait for and display output from the thread jobs.
# Use Ctrl+C to stop.
$dtStart = [datetime]::UtcNow
while ($true) {
# Receive thread job output, if any.
$threadJobs | Receive-Job
# Sleep a little.
Write-Host . -NoNewline
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
# A good while after startup, create sample files that trigger all tasks.
# NOTE: The delay must be long enough for the task event handlers to already be
# in place. How long that takes can vary.
# Watch the status output to make sure the files are created
# *after* the event handlers became active.
# If not, increase the delay or create files manually once
# the event handlers are in place.
if (-not $sampleFilesCreated -and ([datetime]::UtcNow - $dtStart).TotalSeconds -ge 10) {
foreach ($sampleFile in $sampleFiles) {
Write-Host "INFO: Creating sample file $sampleFile..."
$null > $sampleFile
$sampleFilesCreated = $true
finally {
# Clean up.
# Clean up the thread jobs.
Remove-Job -Force $threadJobs
# Remove the temp. sample files
Remove-Item -ea Ignore $sampleFiles
The above creates output such as the following (sample from a macOS machine):
Starting tasks...
Use Ctrl-C to stop.
INFO: Watching /var/folders/19/0lxcl7hd63d6fqd813glqppc0000gn/T/ for creation of *.tmp1 files...
INFO: Watching /var/folders/19/0lxcl7hd63d6fqd813glqppc0000gn/T/ for creation of *.tmp2 files...
INFO: Creating sample file /var/folders/19/0lxcl7hd63d6fqd813glqppc0000gn/T/tmp_91418.tmp1...
INFO: Creating sample file /var/folders/19/0lxcl7hd63d6fqd813glqppc0000gn/T/tmp_91418.tmp2...
INFO: Event 1 raised:
ChangeType : Created
FullPath : /var/folders/19/0lxcl7hd63d6fqd813glqppc0000gn/T/tmp_91418.tmp1
Name : tmp_91418.tmp1
INFO: Event 1: Working for 4 secs.
INFO: Event 2 raised:
ChangeType : Created
FullPath : /var/folders/19/0lxcl7hd63d6fqd813glqppc0000gn/T/tmp_91418.tmp2
Name : tmp_91418.tmp2
INFO: Event 2: Working for 2 secs
Event 2 output: tmp_91418.tmp2
Event 1 output: tmp_91418.tmp1

InvocationStateChanged Event Raised Twice in PowerShell Script

I have been writing a script in PowerShell V4 on Windows 8.1 which makes use of background processes and events. I have found something which is a little strange. Rather than post the 2,500 lines or so of my script I have included a much shorter program which exhibits the odd behaviour. I expect it is something I am doing wrong but I cannot see what the problem is. The code is as follows:
# Scriptblocks to simulate the background task and the action to
# take when an event is raised
[scriptblock] $MyScript = {
for ($i = 0;$i -lt 30;$i++)
[console]::writeline("This is a test - $i")
start-sleep -m 500
[scriptblock] $StateChanged = {
[console]::writeline("The state changed")
# Create a runspace pool
$RunspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, [int] $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS + 1)
$RunspacePool.ApartmentState = "MTA"
# Create and start the background task to run
$PS = [powershell]::Create()
[void] $PS.AddScript($MyScript)
$PS.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
$Asyncresult = $PS.BeginInvoke()
# Register an interest in the InvocationStateChanged event for
# the background task. Should the event happen (which it will)
# run the $StateChanged scriptblock
Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $PS -EventName InvocationStateChanged -Action $StateChanged
# The loop that simulates the main purpose of the script
[int] $j = 0
while ($PS.InvocationStateInfo.State -eq [System.Management.Automation.PSInvocationState]::Running)
if ($j -eq 2)
[void] $PS.BeginStop($NULL, $NULL)
"Running: $j" | out-host
sleep -m 400
$j = $j + 1
sleep 10
Essentially all it does is create a runspace to run a powershell scriptblock and while that is running something else happens in the foreground. I simulate someone pressing a button or, for whatever reason, a beginstop method being executed to stop the background process. That all works and the background process duly stops. However, I have registered an event for the background powershell script which runs a scriptblock when the background job changes state. The strange thing is that the scriptblock gets invoked twice and I cannot work out why.
Here is some output from running the script:
E:\Test Programs>powershell -file .\strange.ps1
This is a test - 0
Running: 0
This is a test - 1
Running: 1
The state changed
Running: 2
The state changed
E:\Test Programs>
As you can see it displays "The state changed" twice. They are a fraction of a second apart. I put a sleep 10 at the end to eliminate the possibility that it is the script stopping that is causing the second "The state changed" message.
If anyone can explain what is wrong I would be very grateful.
The InvocationStateChanged event is likely being called when on Running and Completed
If you change $StateChanged to also include the $Sender.InvocationStateInfo.State automatic variable properties, like this:
[scriptblock] $StateChanged = {
[console]::writeline("The state changed to: $($Sender.InvocationStateInfo.State)")
Your output will probably look like:
This is a test - 0
Running: 0
This is a test - 1
Running: 1
The state changed to: Running
Running: 2
The state changed: Completed
I am very sorry that I didn't reply a year and a half ago as I should have done. For some reason I never had a notification that there was an answer and, to be honest, I just forgot to check.
Anyway, thanks for the answer. I still have my little test script although the thing I was actually writing has been dumped and rewritten but I did check with my little test script and what I get is:
Running: 0
Running: 1
This is a test - 1
The state changed to: Stopped
The state changed to: Stopped
Running: 2
This is now on Windows 10.
Oh well, thanks for the suggestion anyway. As I said I've rewritten the original script so this is now just for interest.
Best wishes........

Automatically pulling data from a PowerShell job while running

While trying to do something quite possibly beyond the means of PowerShell I seem to have ran into a brick wall. I have a main form script, which orchestrates most of my functions but I need another script to open a listener (system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient.Receive) and keep feeding in information to a textbox in the main form throughout the entire program's running.
For the life of me I can't get around this daft non-child environment that jobs suffer from; no dot sourcing, no global scoped variables, nothing. I can put an object-listener on it for statechanged to completion and then open another listener and try and bodge this way but it will get very messy and unreliable.
As a workaround I would love a TCP/UDP listener which doesn't hang the application for a response, an event to pull on hasmoredata or a way of updatign the textbox in the main script from within the job.
You can return data from a job by raising an event and forwarding it back to the local session.
Here is an example:
$job = Start-Job -Name "ReturnMessage" -ScriptBlock {
# forward events named "MyNewMessage" back to job owner
# this even works across machines
Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier MyNewMessage -Forward
while($true) {
sleep 2
$message = "This is message $i."
# raise a new progress event, assigning to $null to prevent
# it ending up in the job's output stream
$null = New-Event -SourceIdentifier MyNewMessage -MessageData $message
$event = Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier MyNewMessage -Action {
Write-Host $event.MessageData -ForegroundColor Green
<# Run this to stop job and event listner
$job,$event| Stop-Job -PassThru| Remove-Job
Note that you can still type at the prompt while the job is running. Execute the code in the block comments to stop the job and event listner.