Is it possible to turn off default hawtio plugins? - plugins

I am using hawtio and i want to turn off some default plugins. if it is possible , please help me to fixe that.
I tried to edit app.js as shown here (!topic/hawtio/vLhktYvHnCQ) but not very clear.

In the upcoming 1.2.2 release (we will do this release later later this month - eg January 2014), you can turn off plugins, and reorder the order in the navigation tab. You can do this from the preference.
There is a FAQ entry about this at: it also points you to the idea about creating a custom perspective where you can select which plugins to show/hide etc:


eclipse - load plugin "on demand"

I have a lot of plugins installed on Eclipse Luna (including Spring, JBoss, Android, Genymobile, Tomcat, Apache, Axis, ...).
However, as you can argue, I don't use them all at the same time. Also, it seems that they slow down Eclipse in many ways.
So, what I'd like to do is to prevent eclipse to load them at the startup and instead only as needed.
Is there any way to achieve this goal?
Eclipse is lazy start by default. It will read all plugins manifest to determine their dependencies and if they add themselves to the UI and things like that. But they will only be started if they are actually used.
Say a plugin adds a view. It will be selectable in the show view dialog, but no code will have been loaded until you choose to use it. I believe it's the same thing with buttons on the toolbar and menu items, but if they require code to determine their enabled state (as many do) that will most likely require a full load of the plugin.
You can install the Plugin functionality in Eclipse to get the Plugin Registry view. From there you can see which plugins are actually active. The list will probably be smaller than you think.
However, to make it even smaller:
Uninstall plugins you never use
Customize your perspective to remove views you never use
Customize toolbar and menu to remove buttons and functionality you never use
Removing plugins from automatic startup is not a good idea, since they may rely on some functionality having executed at startup.
Some plugins have a tendency to completely take over your Eclipse installation and load themselves regardless of what you would be doing. I used Aptana as an Eclipse plugin some years ago, and it did just that. I had to create a separate installation just for it.
If you are using "heavy weight" plugins that adds a lot of functionality it might be a good idea to keep separate Eclipse installations for them.
In Windows->Preferences->General->Startup and Shutdown dialog box, there will be a list of installed plugins,select the plugins you want to activate on startup.

Hiding features in eclipse update site from being visible to person who is updating

I have an eclipse update site with which I install my plugin features.
I have a top category defined that displays the plugins to be installed under it.
I do not want the plugin features to be displayed, just the top category. Is it possible to hide the underlying features? If not that could somebody suggest a work around?
There is way to completely hide features in an update site.
However there is the convention that only features which are included in a category should be installed explicitly by end users. By default, the p2 user interface shows the feature grouped by categories, and in that mode, uncategorized features are not shown.
Still, users can see all features if they deselect the "Group by category" option in the UI.
The solution to the above problem I found out by creating another overlaying update site and putting my original update site under it. I guess that is the only way to resolve this issue.

To invoke code before loading eclipse splash screen

I have created a eclipse product using product configuration (.product) file. I want to display a dialog before the eclipse splash screen(the product screen) appears for some validation.Since am launching the product from the configuration(.product) file,i dont have an IApplication implementation to do the same.
Usage of startup extension is not useful as the control is given to startup extension only after loading the workbench.How this usecase can be supported ? Any help is appreciated.
The startup extension is the earliest place you could get control because, for performance reasons, your plugin won't be started until the user explicitly requests some action that requires your plugin. If you have to run some validation earlier, your two choices are to modify the base Eclipse code and deliver a modified Eclipse platform with your product or perform the validation when you install your plugin.
For completeness, I'll also note that some repackagers of the Eclipse platform (IBM Rational comes to mind. Others have done this, too) have at times included a licensing component that you might be able to plug in to.
This blog describes how to add a login-dialog as part of the splash-screen. Is this what you want to accomplish?

Eclipse can't handle CSS3 Animations

I was wondering if anybody could tell me why eclipse seems determined to not format the code for css3 animations correctly, more specifically it inserts newlines into the keyframe rules. ANy tips on how to fix this?
Accordingly to this comment
Also, CSS3 is not the default CSS-level. So when the time comes you'll
need to modify the Web Content Settings at either the project level or
file level by right clicking on the project or file and selecting
Properties. Select Web Content Settings and change CSS Profile to
"Cascading Style Sheets, level 3".
Verify if your version of the WTP is, at least, 3.2.3.
Try it. If you still go into formatting problems I suggest you to add an issue at Eclipse Bug track.
You can also try installing Aptana Studio 3 Eclipse plugin version.

How to disable a plugin in joomla

I would like to disable a read more plugin ( cutof content) in all pages except my main menu pages in joomla
How do I do this
Thanks in advance
I'm not aware of any method that allows for the actual disabling of a plugin for certain pages. Plugins are either on or off, site-wide. This can be seen from the Extensions | Plugin Manager, as well as the SQL database: jos_plugins. With that said, what would be the purpose in disabling a plugin for certain pages? Most plugins, especially those like a "readmore" are typically setup to be activated by a simple code sequence, such as {readmore}path/file.htm{/readmore} and consequently, you can turn the plugin "off" by simply choosing to not use it. Most plugins of that nature provide very little more than essentially "coded access to a CSS class". If you could be more specific on why you need to actually disable the plugin for certain pages, perhaps we'd be better equipped to answer properly.
Depending on the plugin, you could feasibly remove the event trigger that would set the plugin to run, thought it would not be advisable since it would stop that trigger for all plugins and could cause unintended effects.
I am not sure what you mean by "Read more" plugin. You can turn the read more text on and off as a setting in the menu item parameters or in the article itself. Have you tied that?