Is there a way to permanently enable custom Software Collections for RedHat?
I have installed an scl to provide python27 in RHEL6 and don't want to have to enable the custom scl every time.
Well, you could add something to your startup script to source the enable script.
Eg add to your .bash_profile (note space between initial dot and /)
. /opt/rh/python27/enable
This option sounds dangerous to me for root. I would think something like the following would be safer and more appropriate:
You can create a function that takes command line options. Think of this as an alias on steroids. Add the following to your .bashrc
python27() {
scl enable python27 “python $*”
Then test:
python27 –version
Python 2.7.5
This doesn’t help with your magic line in scripts, but will make it easier to call scripts:
[smccarty#keith ~]$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python27
import sys
print “Hello, World!”, sys.version
Call it normal and notice, the default installation of python is used:
[smccarty#keith ~]$ ./
Hello, World! 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Sep 4 2013, 07:46:00)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)]
Call it with our alias, and notice that Python 2.7 is used:
[smccarty#keith ~]$ python27
Hello, World! 2.7.5 (default, May 23 2013, 06:08:09)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)]
In a nutshell: source scl_source enable name
to find the name you can do scl --list
longer story:
In your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile or /etc/profile.d/
if command -v scl_source &>/dev/null; then
source scl_source enable name
Hat tip to:
solution in
solution in
solution in
p.s. do not use any solution that spawns a new shell because it can Forkbomb you and prevent you from being able to login
for more information on avoiding the ForkBomb read here1 and here2
p.s. SCL goes away in EnterpriseLinux version >= el8
So I have two WSLs (version 2). Kali and Ubuntu. The code command works in Kali but Ubuntu says Command not found. Since it works in WSL, CMD and PowerShell, it is there in PATH variables. Any help?
edit: Ubuntu doesn't read VS Code in PATH variables, while Kali does. I opened the Environment Variables Wizard. VS Code is there.
In a "normal" case, like you are seeing in your Kali instance, WSL's init appends the Windows path to your Linux path. There are two things that I can think of that would cause that to not be happening correctly under your Ubuntu instance:
You or a script that you ran in Ubuntu modified your shell's startup files (assuming Bash, typically ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile) to edit the PATH, possibly removing the Windows elements, or at least the VSCode element.
Try running that instance without any Bash startup files (from PowerShell or CMD) with:
PS> wsl -d Ubuntu -e bash --noprofile --norc
and then try code .. This, of course, assumes that your Ubuntu instance is named Ubuntu. If it's named something else (wsl -l) then edit the -d Ubuntu as needed. You might also try launching it as wsl -d Ubuntu -e sh -c 'code .'
If that works, examine your startup files for any modifications to PATH.
Less likely (because you should know if you did this one), is that you can disable the WSL feature that appends the Windows PATH in a particular distribution/instance. Check for the existence of a /etc/wsl.conf file -- If it exists, the line appendWindowsPath=false would cause the behavior that you are seeing as well. Simply change the offending setting to true. Exit your Ubuntu instance, run wsl --terminate Ubuntu (again, substituting the correct distro name) and then restart. Check your PATH and try code . again then.
I am writing a perl script, and I want to run a simple shell command to use a certain version of NVM:
Here is my code snippet:
print "\n*** Switching to correct nvm environment for dashboard builds\n";
system("nvm use 8.12.0") == 0 or die $?;
But I am getting the following error:
Can't exec "nvm": No such file or directory
Can someone help?
Update (June 30, 2021):
I also tried adding the command:
my $nvm_version = "8.12.0";
system ("bash", "-lic", "nvm use $nvm_version");
But nothing happens:
I'm not familiar with nwm, but I think I get the gist of what it does. And if so, the attempt is fundamentally flawed. Even if you fixed this to run the proper shell so that nvm could run, I believe all the tool does is change the shell's environment variables, a shell you immediately exit. This means it would have no effect even if if it ran successfully.
Again, it this tool does what I think it does, such tool are meant to be used in interactive shells. In other instances, you simply use the path the to correct executable instead of relying on the PATH.
With that in mind, you can use the following to run the command in bash:
# Non-interactive shell.
system("bash", "-c", "nvm use 8.12.0")
# Interactive shell.
# This is improper and fragile as interactive shells
# often create aliases that override basic commands.
system("bash", "-ic", "nvm use 8.12.0")
Just to reiterate, at least one of these will allow the command to run (if it normally works from bash), but I believe it's unlikely this will produce the results you expect.
The nvm command is shell function which is different from a shell command. Also the nvm command is not an exported function so it will not be seen by sub shells. For example, in Bash shell:
$ nvm ls
-> v15.0.1
./ line 3: nvm: command not found
where is:
#! /bin/bash
nvm use 16.4
The error nvm: command not found is because nvm is not exported. I can source the script in the current shell context to make it work:
$ source
Now using node v16.4.0 (npm v7.18.1)
$ node --version
So a Perl script cannot change the node version of the current shell, but it can calculate the version and pass it back to shell, which can set the version. For example:
$ nvm use $(perl -E'$v=15.0; print $v')
Now using node v15.0.1 (npm v7.0.3)
Since ESXi does not come with bash, I am sourcing an .sh file to set up some custom aliases for common commands while connected via ssh.
On other distros like RHEL, I can type part of an alias and hit tab to autocomplete. This does not seem to work under ESXi 7.x.
Is there a switch or something that I can turn on to make autocomplete work for custom aliases, or is this just a limitation of the shell that ESX offers?
NOTE: If type l<tab> then I DO get the built in commands that start with L.
Also while I'm on the topic of the ESXi shell… On RHEL I have this line in my .bashrc file
[[ $- != *i* ]] && return
Purpose of this code being that if the current session is not being ran interactively then return else run rest of code.
When I run this on esx I get the error sh: *i*: unknown operand. Does the shell not support this substring methodology?
If I run echo $- then I get “smi” as the output.
As you probably know ESXi provides ash (NOT bash) and Busybox. Although Busybox includes ash as I recall ESXi uses a custom built executable (check where /bin/ash points or doesn't point to). The Wikipedia article on ash gives a good overview of ash and its minimalist philosopy. Shell history was originally not included and autocompletion is definitely regarded as a nice to have that didn't make the cut. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
I have pyenv installed, however, it does not do its most basic function, namely switch Python versions. The following terminal commands demonstrate this.
the file `` is equivalent to:
import sys
print (sys.version)
Admins-MacBook-Pro-4:kylefoley kylefoley$ pyenv versions
* 2.7.14 (set by PYENV_VERSION environment variable)
Admins-MacBook-Pro-4:kylefoley kylefoley$ pyenv global 3.5.3
Admins-MacBook-Pro-4:kylefoley kylefoley$ pyenv exec python
2.7.14 (default, Oct 17 2019, 00:01:43)
As you can see when I run the version that comes out is 2.7. A lot of people have this problem. One common solution is putting
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
On the bash_profile which I have done and that did not help. Over here
Cannot switch Python with pyenv
it is recommended:
Put the PATH and shell environment vars into your .bash_profile (or whatever file your distro uses).
But what PATH and what shell environment vars is he talking about?
Also my .bashrc file looks like this:
export PATH="/Users/kylefoley/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
Any help would be appreciated. One other things, when I run the following commands, I get the following output:
Admins-MacBook-Pro-4:kylefoley kylefoley$ python
Python 3.6.1rc1 (default, Mar 4 2017, 22:58:58)
The problem is that .bashrc is not sourced in a non-login mode.
Init files for Bash:
login mode:
~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.profile (only first one that exists)
interactive non-login:
/etc/bash.bashrc (some Linux; not on Mac OS X)
source file in $BASH_ENV
And on macOS, the default Bash shell opened by a terminal app is a interactive login shell, but on Linux, the default shell opened by a terminal app is a interactive non-login shell.
The weird interactive, non-login loading requirement confuses people in other situations as well. The best solution is to change the loading requirement of ~/.bashrc as interactive only, which is exactly most of the Linux distros are doing.
# write content below into ~/.bash_profile
# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"
This should be the solution you desire. And I recommend every Bash user setup this in the profile.
Unix shell initialization
Everything was done correctly, it's just that I thought the terminal command . ~/.bash_profile updates the bash profile without having to close the terminal or open a new one in order for changes to take effect. It turns out that . ~/.bash_profile only updates some of the bash_profile. After restarting the terminal, everything was working as planned.
Just add to your .bashrc or similar file, the line.
eval "$(pyenv init --path)"
After the "export PATH=$PYENV..." . Don't forget to reset your terminal after try again!
Worked on Fedora & Mint.
Just add this into you .bashrc file:
export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"
export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PYENV_ROOT/shims:$PATH"
If your .bashrc is sourced from ~/.bash_profile you are done.
Official docs suggests puting into .bashrc:
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
which was not working for me.
1.) configure:
pyenv global [python version]
2.)restart terminal (close all terminal windows)
I am running into a strange error when trying to run PostgreSQL 8.4.2's regression suite on a new Ubuntu instance that I've created on Amazon EC2.
I can configure PostgreSQL successfully:
$ ./configure
[ Output not shown ]
$ tail -1 config.log
configure: exit 0
It builds just fine:
$ make
[ Ouput clipped ]
All of PostgreSQL successfully made. Ready to install.
But when I try to run the regression suite, I receive an error:
$ make check
[ Ouput clipped ]
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/ubuntu/stock/postgresql-8.4.2/src/test/regress'
You must use GNU make to use Postgres. It may be installed
on your system with the name 'gmake'.
However, I believe that I am running GNU Make:
$ make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
$ ls -l `which gmake`
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Feb 6 17:41 /usr/bin/gmake -> /usr/bin/make
I see that in the src/test/regress directory, there is a Makefile:
$ cat src/test/regress/Makefile
# The Postgres make files exploit features of GNU make that other makes
# do not have. Because it is a common mistake for users to try to build
# Postgres with a different make, we have this make file that does nothing
# but tell the user to use GNU make.
# If the user were using GNU make now, this file would not get used because
# GNU make uses a make file named "GNUmakefile" in preference to "Makefile"
# if it exists. Postgres is shipped with a "GNUmakefile".
all install clean check installcheck:
#echo "You must use GNU make to use Postgres. It may be installed"
#echo "on your system with the name 'gmake'."
The comments in that Makefile indicate that there should be a file named GNUmakefile in that directory, but there is not:
$ ls src/test/regress/*akefile
There is a GNUMakefile in the top-level directory:
$ ls *akefile
GNUmakefile Makefile
Even when I force make and make check to use the GNUmakefile, via -f GNUmakefile, the same error occurs.
Note that I can run the regression suite just fine on my home machine.
Does any one have any ideas why it's not working on the EC2 instance?
EDIT: On my home machine, I'm running Ubuntu 12.04. The EC2 instance is running 13.10. Both machines are running make version 3.81.
You must have a messed up download or checkout. There should be a src/test/regress/GNUmakefile there, as you suspected. Try downloading again.
This is what that directory looks like on mine:
$ ls src/test/regress/*akefile
src/test/regress/GNUmakefile src/test/regress/Makefile