Deezer ask for a valid redirect uri - deezer

When I'm trying to authenticate a user it tells me I need a valid redirect uri.
Where can I change, fix or add it?
I am using the Deezer javascript SDK.

You have to complete 2 steps:
Create an application on
Set the right domain for that application. For example, is right, is wrong.
Setting a wrong application domain in the Edit section of your application will make the user login fail with the following message: "You must enter a valid redirect uri".

I got the same error until I removed the http:// from the "application domain" parameter defined at
ie. use: application domain: rather than


Outlook Addin Error Code 13005 for auth.getAccessTokenAsync

So I am trying to use single sign on in an outlook addin. I have registered my app at
In my Manifest I have
</WebApplicationInfo> is actually a domain i map to my local IP.
Outlook accepts my manifest just fine. How ever when i call Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync, I get the following response
{name: "Invalid application resource Url provided.", message: "Invalid resource Url specified in the manifest.", code: 13004}
How else should i write the resource url. Am i supposed to add this url somewhere else?
I followed and was able to get further. But now i Get {name: "Preauthorization missing.", message: "Missing grant for this add-in.", code: 13005}
I was able to solve Error 13005 by adding /taskpane.html to the end of my redirect URI in the authentication tab of my App Registration [Figure 1]. Originally I just had https://loacalhost:3000 as my redirect URI. Just make sure that whatever endpoint the user is being redirected to is the redirect URI. Seems simple but I spent a lot of time on this.
If you can't figure out what your redirect endpoint is, inspect the taskpane element and then look at the top of the tab. It should be something like DevTools - {localhost:3000/taskpane.html}?_... The text inside of the curly braces is the endpoint, make sure that the whole string is added to the Authentication tab in App registrations.
App Registration Page Example Picture
I hope this helps,

How to redirect from Yahoo to my IOS app after authentication?

I am working on an app where I have to use Yahoo account to login.
I had gone through this link and followed the procedure as it was there.But I am unable to get back to my app after authentication.After googling I found an answer here.Here he said that "Add an URL Scheme in your info.plist file with the YOUR_APP_ID_OR_BUNDLE_ID" I did the same,but unable to redirect from yahoo to my app.If any one worked on this please help me.Thanks in advance.
This is what I had done in my URL Schemes
where JCzOzd44 is my app ID.
In yahoo account while creating the app.what should I give in "Application Domain"
I didn't work with the Yahoo! API yet, but in oauth it works like that:
Create an url scheme in your app. You can do that in the Info section of your project settings (URL types). Name the scheme whatever you want, for example your app id.
When you authenticate your app, you can pass a parameter named oauth_callback. Here you have to pass the name of the just created url scheme.
This should be it - when the login is ok on the Yahoo side, it will try to open the app that is registered for the url scheme it got as callback parameter.
From the Yahoo! API documentation - this is the call you do when requesting the oauth token somewhere in your code (I filled in your url scheme as the callback, this is how it should look like):
Of course the request should be signed.
I have found the solution though with a little overheads.
Steps are: 1> Create a PHP script in you own server (say named, YRedirect.php).
2> Paste the following code in it-
$query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
header("Location: com-mycompany-myapp://oauth-response?" . $query);
Where "com-mycompany-myapp" is your bundle identifier
3> Add an URL Scheme in your info.plist file with the YOUR_APP_ID_OR_BUNDLE_ID. That's it and you are DONE with the authentication problem.
In your code
[self.session sendUserToAuthorizationWithCallbackUrl:#""];
Then, register a custom URL scheme for your iPhone application from your Info.plist file, and then setup your server side script to redirect Safari back to your application via the URL scheme you just set up.
Thanks for this valuable information. Following your instructions I got the auth & call back working and the php page loads the app.

Facebook authentication within a Page Tab

According to the specification here: I want to autorize user with the server-side flow on page tab. I use PHP-SDK.
My redirect_uri parameter is build like that:
and I keep getting:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
I was trying many different settings combinations. Now I have filled fields: App Domains,Site URL,Canvas URL,Secure Canvas URL,Page Tab URL,Secure Page Tab URL but still without success. Addresses are ending with / and are all the same.
Link are build proper by the sdk. I test building it "by hand" without encoding of redirect_uri param and redirect link build like that:
Can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong?
The answer to that question is that facebook documentation is incorrect. Format of return_uri that worked is:
The format of return_uri changed again, the new format is:

Facebook Connect

I get two errors when I integrate FB with my site:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The
specified URL is not owned by the
Error Message: redirect_uri is not
owned by the application.
In the address bar in the FB popup.. the api key and app id values are the same.
These errors don't ever happen together - it is either 1 or 2 never both.
what are you trying to do and in which language ?
the second error can be fixed by editing the site_url with the proper on which matches your website url in website tab in the developer dashboard of your application .
The redirect URL isn't on the same host that you provided when you registered your application. It has to be the same host - Any path or file under that is fine, but the host must match your app's settings on Facebook.
You probably didn't set the Site URL in your facebook application settings (edit your app->Website->Site URL) to the URL of your site.

facebook OpenGraph API on Rails (FBGraph)

I am trying to use FBGraph to let my app publish messages on the users wall. However, all of the APIs are kind of foreign to me and I am just trying to change things and see what happens. Right now, I am getting this error message
"error": {
"type": "OAuthException",
"message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration."
Does anyone know what it means by redirect_uri? What would it be on my Application Settings page on facebook?
Florin is correct. Just a note here.. when testing locally you will need to set it to:
http://localhost:3000/ (or whatever your app server port is)
Then when you move it to production, set it to your regular URL:
I have a separate facebook app that I use in development to test, so I don't have to change back and forth between them and I set up the keys in a settings file, which has my tokens for development and production apps.
Anyways, looks like you are almost there. It is making it back to the callback url at least. Should be fine once you update the facebook_connect URL
I am not a facebook expert, but I hit the exact same problem as you a few hours ago when I was trying to login a user inside a web application with Facebook.
It seems that the redirect_uri which you specify in your call to "" must be on the same domain as the Connect Url of your application. (you can set that connect url from the Connect section in your application's settings)
May need to check your Settings > Basic > Basic Info > App Domain. I believe hat needs to be set correctly for the redirect_uri as well.
I had the same issue.
In my case, I had configured site url on facebook as: "http://localhost:3000", it was a wrong URL to facebook.
The reason is, it lack of the / in the end of url, so the correct site url should be:
Just verify your 'Application ID'. In my case I had that problem because I was using ID from my other project that I was working on. Fairly obvious but I lost some time.
I had to make sure I had the scope in there too:
config.omniauth :facebook, 'xxxx', 'xxx', :scope => 'offline_access,email,publish_stream'
Plus you really need to make sure you wait a couple of minutes because it does take time to propagate..