Mercurial-like named branches experience in Perforce - version-control

I am new to Perforce and find it really hard to follow its workflow..
I have used Mercurial before (not in any advanced ways), but what I lack most in Perforce is the idea of named branches.
Let me explain what I'd like to do:
I get the latest revisions of all files and want to work on a new feature/story/task..
I create a brach, say "Feature 3021"
I code, save changes in this branch (hg commit)
I can save changes to a central server (hg push)
When I'm done coding, I merge the changes from "Feature 3021" with the main branch (default, master, etc.) - after that the main branch has the code I wrote
I can close the named brach ("Feature 3021") so that further commits are not possible.
I don't need this exact behavior in Perforce, but something analogous. I know that Perforce is centralized, so the commit-push step would be probably one, but this is a minor problem here.
All I care is to be able to save my work in version control at any time, even if it's not 100% ready - perhaps to a different branch. I'd also like other users to be able to be able to get my code (from this different branch), but only if they want this - the default branch should stay unafected as long as I don't merge my changes with it.
Is it possible? I am using Server 2012.2

Can you upgrade to Server 2013.1 or later? There's a great feature there, called Task Streams.
Here's some references:

The analogous flow in Perforce would be:
Maintain a main-line "branch" at some path, say //depot/default
To create a feature branch, integrate from //depot/default to //depot/feature-3021
Work under //depot/feature-3021 and submit
When you are ready to merge back, integrate //depot/feature-3021 to //depot/default
Regarding closing the branch after its use, there are a couple of options that I can think of. You could either change permissions or simply delete it. The delete could always be recovered.
Also note the paths don't need to be at the same hierarchy. A more reasonable branch strategy might use paths like this.
Main-line: //depot/default
Developer branches: //depot/dev/${user}/${feature}


Keeps track of files in eclipse, who made changes on which branch

Keeps track of files in eclipse, who made changes on which branch
Hello Guys, I am using BitBucket for project management, and i Create different branches as per features. Multiple teams works on their own branches and some time multiple teams make changes in same file.
So at the time of release I have to merge all the created branches in one major branch, but at time of merge i get a lot of merge conflicts,
So basically what i want, when developer going to make changes in any file, dev will get to know all submitted changes in another branches for this same file, (where dev going to make changes), So he or she will know the possible scenarios.
An alternative is to ask for a developer to rebase his/her own branch on top of the main branch first.
Then you can merge that branch easily enough.
That way:
if there are any conflicts, they are detected and resolve by the developer (who knows best how to resolve it)
each merge is a trivial one.

Merge Mercurial fork, change branch

We're using Mercurial to manage a project that has two teams working on it. Our team manages the repo, and we're using hg flow on it, with default, develop and feature branches. The other team does their work in a separate repo, with us pulling in their changes every now and then.
The other team isn't particularly up to speed on Mercurial, and they've wanted to do their work on the default branch. This makes pulling in their changes annoying, because we'd like to keep our default branch clean.
We've done what Ned Batchelder suggested in, but that still leaves commits in our repo with their branch marked as default. So does using Bitbucket's pull requests.
Other options that spring to mind are using patches or using graft and strip. I'd love to hear suggestions that would be less hassle.
If you want "Hard way, but nice results" you have to forget about easy pure-Bitbucket interface of syncing repositories
With Convert Extension --branchmap option you can rename any branch in source repository into any name. Thus, your workflow will be something like:
Prepare file for branch-mapping
Clone|pull from fork to local repository
Convert cloned repo, using branchmap, into repository with good naming of branch(es)
Push result of convert into your Bitbucket0repository
Or consider using bookmarks instead of named branches. Then you can move their changesets into your develop bookmark without any of its past default-ness showing through.
hey're not entirely crazy for wanting to develop in the default branch; it's the standard advice:

Branch-per-feature workflow using Mercurial

We have team of 10 developers who works parallel for different features, sometimes these features use common code sometime no.
And now we're changing our process to branch-per-feature and it seems mercurial is more suitable for such development.
I see this process so:
1. make release branch (r-b) from default(trunk)
2. make feature branch (f-b) from default(trunk)
When developer thinks his feature is done he can merge f-b to r-b. When it's time to go to QA we merge all finished f-b to r-b and create release for our QAs.
When QA finds a bug developer should modify his f-b and merge it again to r-b. Does it mean that developer just switch to his f-b and start fixing the bug and then makes simple merge f-b to r-b again?
When release is passed QA it goes to PROD - how can we freeze changes? "hg tag" is good choice but someone can update tag if he really wants it.
If you're going to merging into specific release branches then your feature branches should be branched from the release branch, not the trunk. It is simpler to merge with the parent branch than a non-parent branch.
1) If you really want to do feature branches then each bug would have its own branch. This will help keep bug fixes separate from new features. After all, it's branch-per-feature not branch-per-developer.
2) Hg tag is what I have used. You are right that someone change move a tag if they really want to, but tags are versioned and you can install hooks on the main hg repo to throw alerts if a tag is moved. I really wouldn't worry about tags being moved unless you can't trust your developers, in which case you are screwed.
The answer to your first question is 'yes'.
The best way to freeze for release is to have a separate release clone that only the release manager can push/pull changesets to. Just because you're using branches doesn't mean multiple-clones don't have a place in your workflow. Have a clone that QA does final pre-flight testing on to which developers can't push changes makes for a great firewall.
Also, consider using bookmarks for your feature branches. Since, as I'm sure you know, Mercurial named branch names never go away the git-like bookmarks work well for sort lived concepts like features and bugs.

Keeping experimental history out of shared repository in Mercurial

I'm fairly new to Mercurial, but one of the advantages I see using Mercurial is that while writing a feature you can be more free to experiment, check in changes, share them, etc, while still maintaining a "clean" repo for the finished feature.
The issue is one of history. If I tried 6 different ways to get something to work, now I'm stuck with all of the history for all my mistakes. What I'd like to do is go through and clean up my changes and "collapse" them into one changeset that can be pushed into a shared repository. This is complicated by the fact that I might pull in new changesets from the shared repository, and have those changesets intermingled with my own.
The best way I know of to do that is to use hg export to create a patch of my changes since cloning, clone a fresh repository, and apply the patch to the fresh repository.
Those steps seems a little bit cumbersome and easy to mess up, particularly if this methodology is rolled out to the whole dev team, some of whom are a little resistant to change (don't get me started). TortoiseHg makes the process slightly better since you can highlight the changesets you want to be included in an export.
My question is this: Am I making this more complex than it needs to be? Is there a better workflow I can use to ease my troubles? Is it too much to expect a clean history where entire (small-ish) features are included in one changeset?
Or maybe my whole question could be summed up this way:
Is there an equivalent for this in mercurial? Collapsing a git repository's history
Although I think you should reconsider your use of branches in Mercurial (as per my comment on your post), using named branches doesn't really help with your concern of maintaining useless or unnecessary history - it just organizes them a bit.
I would recommend a combination of these tools:
mercurial queues
histedit (not distributed with Hg)
the mq changeset strip feature
to rework a messy history before pushing to a blessed or master repo. The easiest thing would be to use strip to permanently remove any changeset with no children. Once you've done that you can use mq or histedit to combine, relocate, or modify existing commits. Histedit will even let you redo the comment associated with a changeset.
Some pitfalls:
In your opening paragraph you mention sharing changesets during feature development. Please understand that once you've shared a changeset it's not a good idea to modify using mq or histedit, or strip. Using these extensions can result in a change to the revision hash, which will make them look like a new changeset to everyone else.
Also, I agree with Paul Nathan's comment that mq (and histedit) are power features and can easily destroy a history. It's a good idea to make a safety clone before using these extensions.
Named branches are the simplest solution. Each experimental approach gets its own branch.This retains the history of the experiments.
The next solution is to have a fresh clone for each experiment. The working one gets pushed back to the main repo.
The next solution - and probably what you are really looking for - is the mq extension, which can "squash" a series of patches into a single commit. I consider mq to be "advanced", and "subject to accidently shooting yourself in the foot". I also don't care to squash my commits - I like having my version history present for reference.

Know of any source-control "stash"-like programs?

I once ran across a commercial tool for Windows that allowed you to "stash" code changes outside of source control but now I can't remember the name of it. It would copy the current version of a document to a backup location and undo your checkout in source control. You could then reintroduce your backed up changes later. I believe it worked with multiple source control systems. Does anyone know what program I'm trying to describe?
The purpose of my asking is twofold: The first is to find a good way to do this. The second is because I just can't remember what that darn program was and it's driving me crazy.
You can use git stash to temporarily put away your current set of changes: . This stores your changes locally (without committing them), and lets you reintroduce them into your working copy later.
Git isn't commercial, but is quickly gaining many converts from tools like Subversion.
I think the product you're thinking of is "CodePickle" by SmartBear Software. However, it appears to be a discontinued product.
The term that seems to be used for the type of functionality you're looking for seems to be 'shelving'.
Microsoft's Team system has a 'shelve' feature.
Perforce has several unsupported scripts, including p4tar and p4 shelve
There are several 'shelving' tools for Subversion, but I don't know how robust they are.
I'm no git user myself, but several of my colleagues are, and they seem to like it precisely for this purpose. They use the various git wrappers to commit "real" changes to the SCM system used by their company, but keep private git repositories on their drives which they can keep their changes which they don't necessarily want to commit.
When they're ready to commit to the company's SCM server, then they just merge and commit upstream. Is that what you're looking to do?
Wouldn't it be a better idea to store your private changes in private branch, using e.g. svn switch to change to main branch whenever you need to?
Mercurial has the Shelve Extension which does what you want.
You can even select which changes from a single file that you want to shelve if you really want.
In Darcs, you either don't record the changes you want stashed (it asks you about including each change independently when you record a new patch), or put them in separate patches that you don't push upstream.
There's no need to fully synchronize your local private repos with public/upstream/other ones. You can just cherry pick the patches you want to push elsewhere. Selecting patches can also be done with patterns, so if you adopt a naming convention for your stashed patches you can push everything but them easily.
That way, your private changes are still in revision control, but they aren't shared until you want them to be.
I found an excellent article about obtaining similar functionality using Subversion branches:
And then there's the old fallback... 'patch', or even the old "copy everything to another location, then revert".
Both of these are less convenient than using tools that are part of most VCS systems, though.