PayPal payflowpro error 11581 Profile description is invalid - paypal

We had paypal setup all working for PayPal API and Payflow pro then we had to change from a Australian account to a UK account. But now the Pro side gives this error response. We've got limited access to the paypal account it self.
Partner: xxxxxxx Merchant Login(Vender): xxxxxxxxxxxx User: xxxxxxxxx
Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Host Address Host
This is the request we are sending to PayPal:
We are getting the following error response from PayPal:
RESULT=1000&RESPMSG=Generic processor error: 11581-Profile description
is invalid
Google has not really helped. I am hoping a few smart SO guys can assist.
Thank you,


AdonisJS : Can't send email via #adonisjs/mail

I use adonis js version 4.1.0 and #adonisjs/mail version ^3.0.10. I'm not sure why. But I'm sure my email and password are correct which previously email can be used normally. Please help me. Thank for your solution. I got this error when I send email ExceptionHandler Invalid login: 535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at 535 5.7.8 136-20020a62188e000000b0050dc7628158sm4991712pfy.50 - gsmtp
my .env like this
and I using
const data = `<div>Testing</div>`;
await Mail.raw(data, (message) => {;
.subject("Test Email Sending");
In my config/mail.js
Due to a change in Google email policy, you can't send mail using your password.
enable 2-step verification click
create App passwords for your mail click
replace your .env MAIL_PASSWORD with generated 16 digit app password.

Testing unconfirmed addresses in PayPal Sandbox

I'm working on an integration between a shopping cart and PayPal. I'm using the SOAP API and Express Checkout. What I want to test is the behavior of the system when the shipping address of the buyer is unconfirmed. I've created a sandbox account which is not "Bank Verified Account" and its wallet is empty.
Anyway the address status is always "Confirmed" as seen in the snippet below:
<GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents" xsi:type="ebl:GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetailsType">
<Token xsi:type="ebl:ExpressCheckoutTokenType">EC-17S48212F9774382J</Token>
<PayerInfo xsi:type="ebl:PayerInfoType">
<PayerStatus xsi:type="ebl:PayPalUserStatusCodeType">unverified</PayerStatus>
<PayerCountry xsi:type="ebl:CountryCodeType">DE</PayerCountry>
<Address xsi:type="ebl:AddressType">
<Name xsi:type="xs:string">...</Name>
<Street1 xsi:type="xs:string">...</Street1>
<Street2 xsi:type="xs:string"/>
<CityName xsi:type="xs:string">...</CityName>
<StateOrProvince xsi:type="xs:string"/>
<Country xsi:type="ebl:CountryCodeType">DE</Country>
<PostalCode xsi:type="xs:string">11111</PostalCode>
<AddressOwner xsi:type="ebl:AddressOwnerCodeType">PayPal</AddressOwner>
<AddressStatus xsi:type="ebl:AddressStatusCodeType">Confirmed</AddressStatus>
How can I emulate unconfirmed addresses?
Unfortunately, for sandbox environment address will be confirmed. Only way is to test issuing live.

Invalid Merchant Configuration error 10501 - Not Paypal Pro

I get the following error.
--- I do not have paypal pro.
--- I'm using PayPal Payment Pro ( VirtueMart )
--- I'm using a LiveAccount.
Is it required to have PayPal Payment Pro?
L_ERRORCODE0 - 10501
L_SHORTMESSAGE0 - Invalid Configuration
L_LONGMESSAGE0 - This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.
Based on that error it's expecting you to have Website Payments Pro 3.0 enabled on your PayPal account.

PayPal timeout on classic API sandbox call

I'm using PayPal Digital Goods checkout with the classic API (signature/password API credentials). Live transactions are working but sometime between Dec 27 and Jan 7 sandbox transactions stopped working, claiming "session expired" when trying to confirm the transaction. Following is the response to the Digital Goods checkout and the confirm invocations:
[08-Jan-2014 20:03:06 UTC] PayPal Checkout-Calling SetExpressCheckoutDG
[08-Jan-2014 20:03:07 UTC] PayPal Checkout Result. Results = TOKEN:EC-38C423050J138841W TIMESTAMP:2014-01-08T20:03:07Z CORRELATIONID:381d15bad3eaa ACK:Success VERSION:84 BUILD:9187650
[08-Jan-2014 20:03:07 UTC] RedirectToPayPalDG Header=
[08-Jan-2014 20:03:14 UTC] PAYPAL GetExpressCheckoutDetails TOKEN=EC-38C423050J138841W
[08-Jan-2014 20:03:15 UTC] PayPal Confirm--Failed. Results = TIMESTAMP:2014-01-08T20:03:15Z CORRELATIONID:2b45bb61f3787 ACK:Failure VERSION:84 BUILD:9187650 L_ERRORCODE0:10411 L_SHORTMESSAGE0:This Express Checkout session has expired. L_LONGMESSAGE0:This Express Checkout session has expired. Token value is no longer valid. L_SEVERITYCODE0:Error
Note the timestamps: the error return is 9 seconds after the checkout timestamp (when the user process started).
It looks like the classic API to the sandbox is broken. Anyone else seeing this, and if so is there a solution?
Its a different correlation or even a different session.
Problem solved--my error in managing credentials.

Paypal Adaptive Payments 500 proxy error

I'm seeing the following error message when attempting to perform a simple payment using the PayPal Adaptive Payments API and the Explicit Approval Payment Flow in the sandbox environment:
Proxy Error
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /webapps/adaptivepayment/flow/expresscheckoutincontextremembermeflow.
Reason: Error during SSL Handshake with remote server
As per this related post, this issue has supposedly been resolved, but I'm still unable to perform a simple payment in the sandbox environment.
The API call to generate a payKey is returning successfully:
'responseEnvelope': {
'ack': 'Success',
'timestamp': '2013-04-01T10:00:33.572-07:00',
'build': '5563463',
'correlationId': '9ddb6d34b8b31'
'paymentExecStatus': 'CREATED',
'payKey': 'AP-30241506EH984280M'
and the following series of redirects are occurring:
redirects to:
which redirects to:
which redirects to:
which gives the 500 proxy error after approximately 210 seconds.
Additionally, if I attempt the workaround of logging into in another tab first, I get a 404 error on the initial request:
I've searched and searched and poked and prodded this issue to death...anyone else seeing this problem, and does anyone have a working resolution?
We are rolling a patch later tonight which we expect to fix this issue permanently.