How to give intervals to a Seekbar in Android - seekbar

I'm Making android App using Seek Bar
Here I was trying to give intervals to a Seek bar in Android.
likewise 0 25 50 100 (i.e it should progress likewise 0 25 50 75 100)
Is it possible? Can any 1 help me?

It will work if you edit the onProgressChanged method like so:
public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
int stepSize = 25;
progress = (progress/stepSize)*stepSize;
sliderText.setText("" + progress);
taken tips from here:
Android: Set interval in SeekBar


What would be the best way to implement video ads for a Flutter app?

Currently making a video storage and streaming application. Right now I am trying to add ads to the application. What would be the best way to facilitate video ads for the app? I know that there is a google_mobile_ads package, but due to the guidelines of AdMob, I cannot show multiple video ads in a row. I would like to do something similar to YouTube where a series of 2 ads are shown to the user (in my case, 1 ad for every 30 minutes of content).
What you can do is, when video starts get total video duration and determine how often you want to show ad. Then using a listener keep track of current position and show ad time to time. I have done something like this:
int adEvery = 0;
List<int> adIntervalSeconds = []; //timestamps at which ad will be shown
bool throttle = false;
videoPlayerController.addListener(() {
int durationInSec = chewieController!.videoPlayerController.value.duration.inSeconds;
int positionInSec = chewieController!.videoPlayerController.value.position.inSeconds;
//1500 sec = 25 minutes, isDurationLoaded bool used to make sure it run just once.
if (durationInSec > 1500 && isDurationLoaded == false) {
isDurationLoaded = true;
//if duration > 25 mins then show ad every 20 mins approx.
totalAds = (durationInSec ~/ 1200).toInt();
adEvery = (durationInSec ~/ totalAds).toInt();
//get timestamps in seconds list at which ad should be shown
for (int i = 1; i < totalAds; i++) {
adIntervalSeconds.add(adEvery * i);
if (videoPlayerController.value.isPlaying &&
adIntervalSeconds.isNotEmpty &&
adIntervalSeconds.contains(positionInSec) &&
throttle == false) {
throttle = true;
Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2), () {
throttle = false;
This is what I came up with.

Why don't I get the right resolution after I build the game in my in-built settings menu but inside Editor everything is fine? Unity

When I actually try the game inside Unity everything is fine. When I build the game and try it every resolution is shown twice and they are reversed(ex: 1920 x 1080 is 320 x 200, 1680 x 1050 is 320 x 240 and so on). I will give you my code here:
public Dropdown resolutiondropdown;
Resolution[] resolutions;
void Start()
resolutions = Screen.resolutions;
int currentresolutionindex = 0;
List<string> options = new List<string>();
for(int i=resolutions.Length-1;i>=0;i--)
string option = resolutions[i].width + " x " + resolutions[i].height;
if (resolutions[i].width == Screen.width && resolutions[i].height == Screen.height)
currentresolutionindex = i;
resolutiondropdown.value = currentresolutionindex;
public void SetResolution(int resolutionindex)
Resolution resolution = resolutions[resolutionindex];
Screen.SetResolution(resolution.width, resolution.height, Screen.fullScreen);
And a screenshot I took:
Settings menu
This dude implement resolution setting in this video, try it out:
So, I cant repeat your problem - your solution also works fine
This it windows default build with your code:
Try to check your 'Resolution and presentation' in Player settings
This is source code of resolution list - unity just takes it from your pc:
/// <summary>
/// <para>All full-screen resolutions supported by the monitor (Read Only).</para>
/// </summary>
public static extern Resolution[] resolutions { [FreeFunction("ScreenScripting::GetResolutions"), MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] get; }
Thats why there is only one solution - manually check duplicates and remove it from the list

Score Multiplier in Swift

I have an application that adds one to the score whenever you tap anywhere on the view. I would like to have a score multiplier that states that whenever the user is tapping faster his or her score will not just increment by one, but by a larger amount depending on how fast and/or how long they have been tapping. I've done a good bit of Googling but I have yet to find anything. Thanks in advance
Without further examples its hard to actually give you help, here is a stab
static let multiplier = 1000
struct Player {
var score: Int
var displayScore: Int {
return score * multiplier
var player = Player(score: 1)
print(player.displayScore) // 1000
player.score += 1
print(player.displayScore) // 2000

Android SensorManager registerListener - not possible to set custom interval of sensor events

I wanted to set an individual interval of sensor events beside:
But non of the "registerListener" methodes seems to support an individual value:
Looking into the implementation of the SensorManager class shows:
public boolean registerListener(SensorEventListener listener, Sensor sensor, int rateUs,
int maxBatchReportLatencyUs) {
int delay = getDelay(rateUs);
return registerListenerImpl(listener, sensor, delay, null,maxBatchReportLatencyUs, 0);
private static int getDelay(int rate) {
int delay = -1;
switch (rate) {
delay = 0;
delay = 20000;
delay = 66667;
delay = 200000;
delay = rate;
return delay;
Is there realy no way to set an individual value for the sensor event interval?
SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, SENSOR_DELAY_UI, etc are all simply integers, as shown in your code. Saying you want SENSOR_DELAY_UI is the same as telling the sensor manager to use an interval of 66667 microseconds. However, per the docs, you can simply input your own interval in that field:
The desired delay between two consecutive events in microseconds. This is only a hint to the system. Events may be received faster or slower than the specified rate. Usually events are received faster. Can be one of SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, SENSOR_DELAY_UI, SENSOR_DELAY_GAME, SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST or the delay in microseconds.
However, it's important to note the other part of that quote:
...The desired delay between two consecutive events in microseconds. This is only a hint to the system....
At the end of the day, it's just a suggestion and the Android system doesn't seem to be too good about respecting your request. If you really care about the interval I would suggest adding a method in your callback that checks the time delta between now and the last time you recorded a sensor value and then only recording it if its been sufficiently long.
Source: Android Link
You can simply use a Timer and a boolean flag to handle this problem:
imagine you want to check sensor event values every 1 seconds(for example):
boolean mustReadSensor;
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
mustReadSensor = true;
}, 0, 1000); // 1000 ms delay
and here is onSensorChanged:
public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) {
if (!mustReadSensor) {
mustReadSensor = false;
//handle sensor values here

How to capture continious image in Android

I'm trying to develop an android application which should take continuous images just like native camera in continuous shooting mode for 10 to 20 seconds.
I followed the sample program from the site
Now , i want to enhance this code to take continuous images (for 10 to 20 seconds) ,
first i tried to take 10 pics by using a for loop ,
i just put the takePicture() function in the loop , but that'S not working .
do i need to use threadS .
IF YES , THEN which part should i put in thread , the image capturing or image saving to
sd card
If any body having some sample code for taking continuous images , pls share.
Just put a counter in the jpegCallBack function, that decrements and calls your takePicture() again until the wished number of pictures is reached.
int pictureCounter = 10;
PictureCallback jpegCallback = new PictureCallback() {
public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
// save your picture
if(--pictureCounter>=0) {
} else {
pictureCounter = 10; // reset the counter
I know it is very late to reply, but I just came across this question and thought it would be helpful for future visitors.
PictureCallback jpegCallback = new PictureCallback() {
public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera camera) {
//Save Picture here;
// if condition;
// end if condition