PyMongo updating array records with calculated fields via cursor - mongodb

Basically the collection output of an elaborate aggregate pipeline for a very large dataset is similar to the following:
"_id" : {
"clienta" : NumberLong(460011766),
"clientb" : NumberLong(2886729962)
"states" : [
"fixed", "fixed.rotated",""
"VBPP" : [
"PPF" : 72.4,
The intuitive, albeit slow, way to update these fields to be calculations of their former selves (length and variance of an array) with PyMongo before converting to arrays is as follows:
records_list = []
cursor = db.clientAgg.find({}, {'_id' : 0,
'states' : 1,
'VBPP' : 1,
'PPF': 1})
for record in cursor:
for dicts in records_list:
dicts['states'] = len(dicts['states'])
dicts['VBPP'] = np.var(dicts['VBPP'])
I have written various forms of this basic flow to optimize for speed, but bringing in 500k dictionaries in memory to modify them before converting them to arrays to go through a machine learning estimator is costly. I have tried various ways to update the records directly via a cursor with variants of the following with no success:
cursor = db.clientAgg.find().skip(0).limit(50000)
def iter():
for item in cursor:
yield item
l = []
for x in iter():
x['VBPP'] = np.var(x['VBPP'])
# Or
# db.clientAgg.update({'_id':x['_id']},{'$set':{'x.VBPS': somefunction as above }},upsert=False, multi=True)
I also unsuccessfully tried using Mongo's usual operators since the variance is as simple as subtracting the mean from each element of the array, squaring the result, then averaging the results.
If I could successfully modify the collection directly then I could utilize something very fast like Monary or IOPro to load data directly from Mongo and into a numpy array without the additional overhead.
Thank you for your time

MongoDB has no way to update a document with values calculated from the document's fields; currently you can only use update to set values to constants that you pass in from your application. So you can set document.x to 2, but you can't set document.x to document.y + document.z or any other calculated value.
See and for possible future features.
In the immediate future, PyMongo will release a bulk API that allows you to send a batch of distinct update operations in a single network round-trip which will improve your performance.
I have two other ideas. First, run some Javascript server-side. E.g., to set all documents' b fields to 2 * a:
db.eval(function() {
var collection = db.test_collection;
collection.find().forEach(function(doc) {
var b = 2 * doc.a;
collection.update({_id: doc._id}, {$set: {b: b}});
The second idea is to use the aggregation framework's $out operator, new in MongoDB 2.5.2, to transform the collection into a second collection that includes the calculated field:
$project: {
a: '$a',
b: {$multiply: [2, '$a']}
}, {
$out: 'test_collection2'
Note that $project must explicitly include all the fields you want; only _id is included by default.
For a million documents on my machine the former approach took 2.5 minutes, and the latter 9 seconds. So you could use the aggregation framework to copy your data from its source to its destination, with the calculated fields included. Then, if desired, drop the original collection and rename the target collection to the source's name.
My final thought on this, is that MongoDB 2.5.3 and later can stream large result sets from an aggregation pipeline using a cursor. There's no reason Monary can't use that capability, so you might file a feature request there. That would allow you to get documents from a collection in the form you want, via Monary, without having to actually store the calculated fields in MongoDB.


PyMongo gives error when using dot notation in field name for sort method

I am trying to get the maximum value of a field inside a collection. The field's value is an array and I actually need to get the maximum of the first index of the array. For example, the collection is similar to this:
"<field>": [10, 20],
"<field>": [13, 23],
"<field>": [19, 31],
So from the above document, I would need to get the maximum of the first index of array. In this case, it would be 19.
To do this, I am first sorting the field by the first index of the field array and then getting the first document (using limit). I am able to do this using Node.js but cannot get it working with PyMongo.
It works using the Node.js MongoDB API like:
const max = (
await collection
.sort({ "<field>.0": -1 })
However, if I try to do a similar thing using PyMongo:
max = list(collection.find().sort("<field>.0", -1).limit(1))[0]
I get the error:
KeyError: '<field>.0'
I am using PyMongo version 3.12.0. How can I resolve this?
In PyMongo, the sort option is a list of tuples, where the tuples accept two arguments: key name and sort-order.
And you can pass multiple tuples to this list since MongoDB supports sort by multiple key conditions.
col.find({}).sort([('<key1>', <sort-order>), ('<key2>', <sort-order>)])
In your scenario, you should replace your find command as follows:
max = list(collection.find().sort([("<field>.0", -1)]).limit(1))[0]

MongoDB fast count of subdocuments - maybe trough index

I'm using MongoDB 4.0 on mongoDB Atlas cluster (3 replicas - 1 shard).
Assuming i have a collection that contains multiple documents.
Each of this documents holding an array out of subdocuments that represent cities in a certain year with additional information. An example document would look like that (i removed unessesary information to simplify example):
I have a compound index on and year. What is the fastest way to count the occurrences of name and year combinations?
I already tried the following aggregation:
[{$unwind: {
path: '$cities'
}}, {$group: {
_id: {
name: '',
year: '$cities.year'
count: {
$sum: 1
}}, {$project: {
count: 1,
name: '$',
year: '$_id.year',
_id: 0
Another approach i tried was a map-reduce in the following form - the map reduce performed a bit better ~30% less time needed.
map function:
function m() {
for (var i in this.cities) {
name: this.cities[i].name,
year: this.cities[i].year
reduce function (also tried to replace sum with length, but surprisingly sum is faster):
function r(id, counts) {
return Array.sum(counts);
function call in mongoshell:
Now i was asking myself - Is it possible to access the index? As far as i know it is a B+ tree that holds the pointers to the relevant documents on disk, therefore from a technical point of view I think is would be possible to iterate through all leaves of the index tree and just counting the pointers? Does anybody if this is possible?
Does anybody knows another way to solve this approach in a high performant way? (It is not possible to change the design, because of other dependencies of the software, we are running this on a very big dataset). Has anybody maybe experience in solve such task via shards?
The index will not be very helpful in this situation.
MongoDB indexes were designed for identifying documents that match a given critera.
If you create an index on {, cities.year:1}
This document:
Will have 2 entries in the b-tree that refer to this document:
Even if it were possible to count the incidence of a specific key in the index, this does not necessarily correspond.
MongoDB does not provide a method to examine the raw entries in an index, and it explicitly refuses to use an index on a field containing an array for counting.
The MongoDB count command and helper functions all count documents, not elements inside of them. As you noticed, you can unwind the array and count the items in an aggregation pipeline, but at that point you've already loaded all of the documents into memory, so it's too late to make use of an index.

Does Indexing small arrays of subdocuments in Mongodb affect performance?

My Mongodb collection has this document structure:
_id: 1,
my_dict: {
my_key: [
{id: x, other_fields: other_values},
I need to update the array subdocuments very often, so an Index on the id field seems like a good idea. Still, I have many documents (millions) but my arrays inside them are small (max ~20 elements). Would it still improve performance a lot to index it, compared to the cost of indexing?
PS: I'm not using the id as a key (dict instead of an array), as I also often need to get the number of elements in "the array" ($size only works on arrays). I cannot use count as I am using Mongodb 3.2.
Followup question: If it would make a very big difference, I could instead use a dict like so:
{id: {others_fields: other_values}}
and store the size myself in a field. What I dislike about this is that I would need another field and update it myself (possible errors maybe, as I would need to use $inc each time I add/delete an item) instead of relying on "real" values. I would also have to manage the possibility that a key could be called _my_size, which would conflict with my logic. It would look then like this:
_id: 1,
my_dict: {
my_key: {
id: {other_fields: other_values},
_my_size: 1
Still not sure which is best for performance. I will need to update the subdocument (with id field) a lot, as well as computing the $size a lot (maybe 1/10 of the calls to update).
Which Schema/Strategy would give me a better performance? Or even more important, would it actually make a big difference? (possibly thousands of calls per second)
Update example:
{_id: 1, update_data_id},
{$set: {my_dict.my_key: update_data}}
Getting the size example:
{$match: {_id: 1}},
{$project: {_id: 0, nb_of_sub_documents: {$size: $my_dict.my_key}}}

MongoDB: Should You Pre-Allocate a Document if Using $addToSet or $push?

I've been studying up on MongoDB and I understand that it is highly recommended that documents structures are completely built-out (pre-allocated) at the point of insert, this way future changes to that document do not require the document to be moved around on the disk. Does this apply when using $addToSet or $push?
For example, say I have the following document:
"_id" : "rsMH4GxtduZZfxQrC",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2015-03-01T12:08:23.007Z"),
"market" : "LTC_CNY",
"type" : "recentTrades",
"data" : [
"date" : "1422168530",
"price" : 13.8,
"amount" : 0.203,
"tid" : "2435402",
"type" : "buy"
"date" : "1422168529",
"price" : 13.8,
"amount" : 0.594,
"tid" : "2435401",
"type" : "buy"
"date" : "1422168529",
"price" : 13.79,
"amount" : 0.594,
"tid" : "2435400",
"type" : "buy"
And I am using one of the following commands to add a new array of objects (newData) to the data field:
$addToSet to add to the end of the array:
{ _id: 'rsMH4GxtduZZfxQrC' },
$addToSet: {
data: {
$each: newData
$push (with $position) to add to the front of the array:
{ _id: 'rsMH4GxtduZZfxQrC' },
$push: {
data: {
$each: newData,
$position: 0
The data array in the document will grow due to new objects that were added from newData. So will this type of document update cause the document to be moved around on the disk?
For this particular system, the data array in these documents can grow to upwards of 75k objects within, so if these documents are indeed being moved around on disk after every $addToSet or $push update, should the document be defined with 75k nulls (data: [null,null...null]) on insert, and then perhaps use $set to replace the values over time? Thanks!
I understand that it is highly recommended that documents structures are completely built-out (pre-allocated) at the point of insert, this way future changes to that document do not require the document to be moved around on the disk. Does this apply when using $addToSet or $push?
It's recommended if it's feasible for the use case, which it usually isn't. Time series data is a notable exception. It doesn't really apply with $addToSet and $push because they tend to increase the size of the document by growing an array.
the data array in these documents can grow to upwards of 75k objects within
Stop. Are you sure you want constantly growing arrays with tens of thousands of entries? Are you going to query wanting specific entries back? Are you going to index any fields in the array entries? You probably want to rethink your document structure. Maybe you want each data entry to be a separate document with fields like market, type, createdAt replicated in each? You wouldn't be worrying about document moves.
Why will the array grow to 75K entries? Can you do less entries per document? Is this time series data? It's great to be able to preallocate documents and do in-place updates with the mmap storage engine, but it's not feasible for every use case and it's not a requirement for MongoDB to perform well.
should the document be defined with 75k nulls (data: [null,null...null]) on insert, and then perhaps use $set to replace the values over time?
No, this is not really helpful. The document size will be computed based on the BSON size of the null values in the array, so when you replace null with another type the size will increase and you'll get document rewrites anyway. You would need to preallocate the array with objects with all fields set to a default value for its type, e.g.
"date" : ISODate("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z") // use a date type instead of a string date
"price" : 0,
"amount" : 0,
"tid" : "000000", // assuming 7 character code - strings icky for default preallocation
"type" : "none" // assuming it's "buy" or "sell", want a default as long as longest real values
MongoDB uses the power of two allocation strategy to store your documents, which means it will allocate the size of the document^2 for storage. Therefore if your nested arrays don't lead to a total growth larger then the original size to the power of two, mongo will not have to reallocate the document.
Bottom line here is that any "document growth" is pretty much always going to result in the "physical move" of the storage allocation unless you have "pre-allocated" by some means on the original document submission. Yes there is "power of two" allocation, but this does not always mean anything valid to your storage case.
The additional "catch" here is on "capped collections", where indeed the "hidden catch" is that such "pre-allocation" methods are likely not to be "replicated" to other members in a replica set if those instructions fall outside of the "oplog" period where the replica set entries are applied.
Growing any structure beyond what is allocated from an "initial allocation" or the general tricks that can be applied will result in that document being "moved" in storage space when it grows beyond the space it was originally supplied with.
In order to ensure this does not happen, then you always "pre-allocate" to the expected provisions of your data on the original creation. And with the obvious caveat of the condition already described.

Count fields in a MongoDB Collection

I have a collection of documents like this one:
"_id" : ObjectId("..."),
"field1": "some string",
"field2": "another string",
"field3": 123
I'd like to be able to iterate over the entire collection, and find the entire number of fields there are. In this example document there are 3 (I don't want to include _id), but it ranges from 2 to 50 fields in a document. Ultimately, I'm just looking for the average number of fields per document.
Any ideas?
Iterate over the entire collection, and find the entire number of fields there are
Now you can utilise aggregation operator $objectToArray (SERVER-23310) to turn keys into values and count them. This operator is available in MongoDB v3.4.4+
For example:
{"$group":{"_id":null, "fields":{"$sum":"$numFields"}, "docs":{"$sum":1}}},
{"$project":{"total":{"$subtract":["$fields", "$docs"]}, _id:0}}
First stage $project is to turn all keys into array to count fields. Second stage $group is to sum the number of keys/fields in the collection, also the number of documents processed. Third stage $project is subtracting the total number of fields with the total number of documents (As you don't want to count for _id ).
You can easily add $avg to count for average on the last stage.
PRIMARY> var count = 0;
PRIMARY> db.my_table.find().forEach( function(d) { for(f in d) { count++; } });
PRIMARY> count
This is the most simple way I could figure out how to do this. On really large datasets, it probably makes sense to go the Map-Reduce path. But, while your set is small enough, this'll do.
This is O(n^2), but I'm not sure there is a better way.
You could create a Map-Reduce job. In the Map step iterate over the properties of each document as a javascript object, output the count and reduce to get the total.
For a simple way just find() all value and for each set of record get size of array.
then for each set of result, get the size of array.