Rexster query fails - titan

Running a query on titan-rexster-cassandra-0.4.1 :
fails with the following error:
{"message":"","error":"javax.script.ScriptException: com.thinkaurelius.titan.core.TitanException: Could not process individual retrieval call ","api":{"description":"evaluate an ad-hoc Gremlin script for a graph.","parameters":{"rexster.returnKeys":"an array of element property keys to return (default is to return all element properties)","rexster.showTypes":"displays the properties of the elements with their native data type (default is false)","load":"a list of 'stored procedures' to execute prior to the 'script' (if 'script' is not specified then the last script in this argument will return the values","rexster.offset.end":"end index for a paged set of data to be returned","rexster.offset.start":"start index for a paged set of data to be returned","params":"a map of parameters to bind to the script engine","language":"the gremlin language flavor to use (default to groovy)","script":"the Gremlin script to be evaluated"}},"success":false}
Note: I am able to run it without any problems using gremlin console.
Thanks for any help


operator does not exist: # timestamp without time zone

In a parameterized query issued from c# code to PostgreSQL 10.14 via dotConnect 7.7.832 .NET connector, I select either a parameter value or the local timestamp, if the parameter is NULL:
using (var cmd = new PgSqlCommand("select COALESCE(#eventTime, LOCALTIMESTAMP)", connection)
When executed, this statement throws the error in subject. If I comment out the corresponding parameter
cmd.Parameters.Add("#eventTime", PgSqlType.TimeStamp).Value = DateTime.Now;
and hardcode
using (var cmd = new PgSqlCommand("select COALESCE('11/6/2020 2:36:58 PM', LOCALTIMESTAMP)", connection)
or if I cast the parameter
using (var cmd = new PgSqlCommand("select COALESCE(cast(#eventTime as timestamp without time zone), LOCALTIMESTAMP)", connection)
then it works. Can anyone explain what # operator in the error is referring to and why the error?
In the case that doesn't work, your .Net connection library seems to be passing an SQL command containing a literal # to the database, rather than substituting it. The database assumes you are trying to use # as a user defined operator, as it doesn't know what else it could possibly be. But no such operator has been defined.
Why is it doing that? I have no idea. That is a question about your .Net connection library, not about PostgreSQL itself, so you might want to add tag.
The error message you get from the database should include the text of the query it received (as opposed to the text you think it was sent) and it is often useful to see that in situations like this. If that text is not present in the client's error message (some connection libraries do not faithfully pass this info along) you should be able to pull it directly from the PostgreSQL server's log file.

Retrieve a parent node using AEM query builder

I need to retrieve a parent node using AEM Query builder.
For instance, this is my query:
This query allow me to retrieve the following elements:
1) /content/test/us/bar/table/jcr:content/releated/product/2
2) /content/test/us/bar/chair/jcr:content/releated/product/1
Using this query, one can retrieve all elements placed under /content/test/us/bar which contain 8003170008212 as value of product property.
Starting from the previous bullet points I need to return just the parent, so for example:
1) /content/test/us/bar/table
2) /content/test/us/bar/chair
I can achieve my target programmatically, iterating the results and using 3 times the getParent() method.
I'am wondering: is there a way to get it with query builder?
If the property that you are searching for is always present at a known path, the query can be rewritten as
This would then result in
which avoids looping through the result and finding the parent nodes.
For e.g., the following query in my local environment
results in
But rewriting the following query to
results in

In Grafana, how do I use a variable I made and give it as a value into a query search for a graph?

I am trying to take the value of a drop down I created in grafana, utilizing a query variable.
I am using SimpleJSON for my database.
I have tried this pattern where:
var is my variable that makes up the drop down menu
func is my function call for the database query that creates the graph
So then I wrote:
I get a Internal Server Error yet when I call func in kdb+ with the values directly, it works fine. So I think I'm passing in var incorrectly.
For grafana/kdb+ adaptor, the syntax is f.g.func["$var"]-- my above attempt lacks the quotes necessary

How to output sets in Gremlin through Orientdb REST API?

In my project, I'm sending Gremlin scripts via the REST API of Orientdb.
I'm having problem returning the values inside sets collected during the graph traversal.
I have a simple Graph setup.
User-- FollowsMovies -- > Movies
User-- FollowsActors -- > Actors
u= g.v('12:1');
following= [] as Set;'x').out('FollowsMovies').aggregate(following).back('x').out('FollowsActors').aggregate(following);
return following.toString();
however, the script returns nothing. If I ask for size of 'following', it returns 0, although it is not supposed to be empty.
I Tried the same code on the gremlin console and it worked as expected. Can anyone suggest how to correctly output elements of a set?
Thanks for you help in advance.
Try to add iterate()at the end of your query.

Setting application_name on Postgres/SQLAlchemy

Looking at the output of select * from pg_stat_activity;, I see a column called application_name, described here.
I see psql sets this value correctly (to psql...), but my application code (psycopg2/SQLAlchemy) leaves it blank.
I'd like to set this to something useful, like web.1, web.2, etc, so I could later on correlate what I see in pg_stat_activity with what I see in my application logs.
I couldn't find how to set this field using SQLAlchemy (and if push comes to shove - even with raw sql; I'm using PostgresSQL 9.1.7 on Heroku, if that matters).
Am I missing something obvious?
the answer to this is a combination of:
Any other connection parameter supported by the client library/server can be passed either in the connection string or as keywords. The PostgreSQL documentation contains the complete list of the supported parameters. Also note that the same parameters can be passed to the client library using environment variables.
where the variable we need is:
The application_name can be any string of less than NAMEDATALEN characters (64 characters in a standard build). It is typically set by an application upon connection to the server. The name will be displayed in the pg_stat_activity view and included in CSV log entries. It can also be included in regular log entries via the log_line_prefix parameter. Only printable ASCII characters may be used in the application_name value. Other characters will be replaced with question marks (?).
combined with :
String-based arguments can be passed directly from the URL string as query arguments: (example...) create_engine() also takes an argument connect_args which is an additional dictionary that will be passed to connect(). This can be used when arguments of a type other than string are required, and SQLAlchemy’s database connector has no type conversion logic present for that parameter
from that we get:
e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger#localhost/test?application_name=myapp")
e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger#localhost/test",
If you're using asyncpg driver, you should use
conn = await asyncpg.connect(server_settings={'application_name': 'foo'})
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