Zend Mail 1.12 setReturnPath - email

When i set the Return Path with setReturnPath, the e-mail header of the generated e-mail is different from the SET value (info#test.com). Is this an issue of Zend Framework 1.12.3?
Or can i fix it with another setting / header?
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setFrom('info#test.com', '...');

Have you thought about the order of the code.
This code is untested my or my not work.
//Create Zend_Mail object.
$MailObj = new Zend_Mail();
$message= "<h1>Welcome to the example</h1><br>" .
"<p>An example email.</p>";
//Initialize parameters.
$fromEmail = "FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS";
$fromFullName = "FROM_FULL_NAME";
$subject = "This is an example";
$MailObj->setFrom($fromEmail, $fromFullName);


Zend Framework Send Mail either Text or Html

Hey I'm using something like this to send either a text mail or and html but it send both in the html version . What i'm doing wrong ? How can i do to send only text in case the email can't receive html ?
$htmlPart = new MimePart($htmlBody);
$htmlPart->type = "text/html";
$textPart = new MimePart($textBody);
$textPart->type = "text/plain";
$body = new MimeMessage();
$body->setParts(array($textPart, $htmlPart));
$message = new Message();
$message->addFrom($from, "My Corp.")
$options = /* … */
$transport = new SmtpTransport();
after your setBody() call. Everything else looks okay. If it's still not working after that, please add some more information to your question about specifically what you're seeing in the email client.

Set Zend_Mime_Message as Zend_Mail body

I'm trying to send email with inline images and attachments with Zend Framework 1.
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$mail->setFrom('user#example1.com', 'Example user #1');
$mail->addTo('user#example2.com', 'Example user #2');
And trying to make nested email, by this example.
mainMultipart (content for message, subType="related")
->htmlAndTextBodyPart (bodyPart1 for mainMultipart)
->htmlAndTextMultipart (content for htmlAndTextBodyPart)
->htmlBodyPart (bodyPart1 for htmlAndTextMultipart)
->html (content for htmlBodyPart)
->textBodyPart (bodyPart2 for the htmlAndTextMultipart)
->text (content for textBodyPart)
->fileBodyPart1 (bodyPart2 for the mainMultipart)
->FileDataHandler (content for fileBodyPart1)
Small Example:
$html = '<p>Hello</p>';
$bodyHtmlPart = new Zend_Mime_Part($html);
$bodyHtmlPart->type = Zend_Mime::TYPE_HTML;
$bodyMsg = new Zend_Mime_Message();
// And other nesting.. ending with Zend_Mime_Message
How to set Zend_Mime_Message to Zend_Mail body? Below added couple Zend_Mail functions, not really helpful.
$mail->setBodyHtml( ? );
$mail->setBodyText( ? );
I tried to look at Zend_Mail_Message function, but look alike it only works with ZF2.
What about
For inline images here is a class someone wrote for it:
If your wanting to send as an attachment, then its plain and simple from the docs:
$mail = new Zend_Mail();
$at = $mail->createAttachment($myImage);
$at->type = 'image/gif';
$at->disposition = Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE;
$at->encoding = Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64;
$at->filename = 'test.gif';
Notice how on both Zend's example and that class from the link both have the following set for the disposition.
Zend Docs: http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.mail.attachments.html
Hope that helps.

how do i send an email through joomla

I have a system so folks can register for a class through my Joomla site (I believe it's 3.0). But from there, I would like to send folks an email filling variables from the registration. So something like:
Dear (name), thank you for registering for (class).
This is to remind you your class is tomorrow, (date), at (place).
I believe for the registration, the system uses authorize.net
How can I accomplish this?
Thanks for the help!!
You can use JFactory:getMailer like suggested in the following post. I'm copying here his code example (modified it a bit):
$subject = "Here is the subject of your message.";
$body = "Here is the body of your message.";
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$to = $user->email;
$from = array("me#mydomain.com", "Brian Edgerton");
# Invoke JMail Class
$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
# Set sender array so that my name will show up neatly in your inbox
# Add a recipient -- this can be a single address (string) or an array of addresses
# If you would like to send as HTML, include this line; otherwise, leave it out
# Send once you have set all of your options
That's all there is to it for sending a simple email. If you would like to add carbon copy recipients, include the following before sending the email:
# Add a blind carbon copy
Another alternative is using JMail::sendMail: http://docs.joomla.org/API17:JMail::sendMail
Fetch the Mail Object:
`$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();`
Set a Sender
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$recipient = $user->email;
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$recipient = $user->email;
Create the Mail
$body = 'Body Text';
$mailer->Encoding = 'base64';
Sending the Mail
$send = $mailer->Send();
if ( $send !== true ) {
echo 'Error sending email: ';
} else {
echo 'Mail sent';

PHP mail to variable

I've searched and searched for something similar, but i think i'm not doing it right. So i will ask a question. This is very basic. My problem is as follows:
I have a multi-page form, consisting of 4 pages + 1 preview page. On the preview page, upon submitting i want the entire form data to be sent to 2 different mail adresses. One standard, and the other one, the one that the user has submitted.
So i have:
$name = $_POST['name'];
$visitor_email = $_POST['email'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$email_from = 'mail#company.com';
$email_subject = "New Form submission";
$email_body = "You have received a new message from the user $name.\n".
"Here is the message:\n $message".
$to = "yourname#yourwebsite.com, $email /n";
$headers = "From: Company";
How should I insert the submitted $email variable in order for it to work?
Remove the \n
$to = 'yourname#yourwebsite.com,' . $visitor_email;
According to the mail() function documentation the $to parameter will take a comma-separated list of addresses as you have attempted, but should have no line break at the end.
Also, your variable is $visitor_email, rather than $email.
$to = "yourname#yourwebsite.com, $visitor_email";
You might also consider adding the visitor's email as a CC or BCC rather than the TO address. In that case, add it as a CC or BCC header (separated by \r\n), but you need to be cautious to be sure that the address is an email address and contains no line break characters which could be used for header injection.
// The From should be an email address
$headers = "From: company#example.com\r\n";
$headers .= "CC: $visitor_email;

PEAR Mail, Mail_Mime and headers() overwrite

I'm currently working on a reminder PHP Script which will be called via Cronjob once a day in order to inform customers about smth.
Therefore I'm using the PEAR Mail function, combined with Mail_Mime. Firstly the script searches for users in a mysql database. If $num_rows > 0, it's creating a new Mail object and a new Mail_mime object (the code encluded in this posts starts at this point). The problem now appears in the while-loop.
To be exact: The problem is
$mime->headers($headers, true);
As the doc. states, the second argument should overwrite the old headers. However all outgoing mails are sent with the header ($header['To']) from the first user.
I'm really going crazy about this thing... any suggestions?
(Note: However it's sending the correct headers when calling $mime = new Mail_mime() for each user - but it should work with calling it only once and then overwriting the old headers)
// sql query and if num_rows > 0 ....
$head = ob_get_clean();
$foot = ob_get_clean();
$XY['mail']['params']['driver'] = 'smtp';
$XY['mail']['params']['host'] = 'smtp.XY.at';
$XY['mail']['params']['port'] = 25;
$mail =& Mail::factory('smtp', $XY['mail']['params']);
$headers = array();
$headers['From'] = 'XY <service#XY.at>';
$headers['Subject'] = '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode('Subject').'?=';
$headers['Reply-To'] = 'XY <service#XY.at>';
$template = ob_get_clean();
$crfl = "\n";
$mime = new Mail_mime($crfl);
while($row = $r->fetch_assoc()){
$html = $head . $template . $foot;
#$to = '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode($row['firstname'].' '.$row['lastname']).'?= <'.$row['email'].'>'; // for testing purpose i'm sending all mails to webmaster#XY.at
$to = '=?UTF-8?B?'.base64_encode($row['firstname'].' '.$row['lastname']).'?= <webmaster#XY.at>';
$headers['To'] = $to; // Sets to in headers to a new
$body = $mime->get(array('head_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'text_charset' => 'UTF-8', 'html_charset' => 'UTF-8'));
$hdrs = $mime->headers($headers, true); // although the second parameters says true, the second, thrid, ... mail still includes the To-header form the first user
$sent = $mail->send($to, $hdrs, $body);
if (PEAR::isError($sent)) {
errlog('error while sending to user_id: '.$row['id']); // personal error function
} else {
// Write log file
There is no reason to keep the old object and not creating a new one.
Use OOP properly and create new objects - you do not know how they work internally.