MongoDB: Switch database/collection referenced by a given name on the fly - mongodb

My application needs only read access to all of its databases. One of those databases (db_1) hosts a collection coll_1 whose entire contents* need to be replaced periodically**.
My goal is to have no or very little effect on read performance for servers currently connected to the database.
Approaches I could think of with so far:
1. renameCollection
Build a temporary collection coll_tmp, then use renameCollection with dropTarget: true to move its contents over to coll_1. The downside of this approach is that as far as I can tell, renameCollection does not copy indexes, so once the collection is renamed, coll_1 would need reindexing. While I don't have a good estimate of how long this would take, I would think that query-performance will be significantly affected until reindexing is complete.
2. TTL Index
Instead of straight up replacing, use a time-to-live index to expire documents after the chosen replacement period. Insert new data every time period. This seems like a decent solution to me, except that for our specific application, old data is better than no data. In this scenario, if the cron job to repopulate the database fails for whatever reason, we could potentially be left with an empty coll_1 which is undesirable. I think this might have a negligible effect, but this solution also requires on-the-fly indexing as every document is inserted.
3. Communicate current database to read-clients
Simply use two different databases (or collections?) and inform connected clients which one is more recent. This solution would allow for finishing indexing the new coll_1_alt (and then coll_1 again) before making it available. I personally dislike the solution since it couples the read clients very closely to the database itself, and of course communication channels are always imperfect.
4. copyDatabase
Use copyDatabase to rename (designate) an alternate database db_tmp to db_1.db_tmp would also have a collection coll_1. Once reindexing is complete on db_tmp.coll_1, copyDatabase could be used to simply rename db_tmp to db_1. It seems that this would require droppping db_1 before renaming, leaving a window in which data won't be accessible.
Ideally (and naively), I'd just set db_1 to be something akin to a symlink, switching to the most current database as needed.
Anyone has good suggestions on how to achieve the desired effect?
*There are about 10 million documents in coll_1.
** The current plan is to replace the collection once every 24 hours. The replacement interval might get as low as once every 30 minutes, but not lower.

The problem that you point out in option 4 you will also have with option 1. dropTarget will also mean that the collection is not available.
Another alternative could be to just have both the old and the new data in the same collection, and use a "version ID" that you then still have to communicate to your clients to do a query on. That at least stops you from having to do reindexing like you pointed out for option 1.
I think your best bet is actually option 3, and it's the most equivalent to changing a symlink, except it is on the client side.


storing huge amounts of data in mongo

I am working on a front end system for a radius server.
The radius server will pass updates to the system every 180 seconds. Which means if I have about 15,000 clients that would be around 7,200,000 entries per day...Which is a lot.
I am trying to understand what the best possible way to store and retrieve this data will be. Obviously as time goes on, this will become substantial. Will MongoDB handle this? Typical document is not much, something this
id: 1
radiusId: uniqueId
start: 2017-01-01 14:23:23
upload: 102323
download: 1231556
However, there will be MANY of these records. I guess this is something similar to the way that SNMP NMS servers handle data which as far as I know they use RRD to do this.
Currently in my testing I just push every document into a single collection. So I am asking,
A) Is Mongo the right tool for the job and
B) Is there a better/more preferred/more optimal way to store the data
OK, so just incase someone comes across this and needs some help.
I ran it for a while in mongo, I was really not satisfied with performance. We can chalk this up to the hardware I was running on, perhaps my level of knowledge or the framework I was using. However I found a solution that works very well for me. InfluxDB pretty much handles all of this right out of the box, its a time series database which is effectively the data I am trying to store ( Performance for me has been like night & day. Again, could all be my fault, just updating this.
So after a while I think I figured out why I never got the performance I was after with Mongo. I am using sailsjs as framework and it was searching by id using regex, which obviously has a huge performance hit. I will eventually try migrate back to Mongo instead of influx and see if its better.
15,000 clients updating every 180 seconds = ~83 insertions / sec. That's not a huge load even for a moderately sized DB server, especially given the very small size of the records you're inserting.
I think MongoDB will do fine with that load (also, to be honest, almost any modern SQL DB would probably be able to keep up as well). IMHO, the key points to consider are these:
Hardware: make sure you have enough RAM. This will primarily depend on how many indexes you define, and how many queries you're doing. If this is primarily a log that will rarely be read, then you won't need much RAM for your working set (although you'll need enough for your indexes). But if you're also running queries then you'll need much more resources
If you are running extensive queries, consider setting up a replica set. That way, your master server can be reserved for writing data, ensuring reliability, while your slaves can be configured to serve your queries without affecting the write reliability.
Regarding the data structure, I think that's fine, but it'll really depend on what type of queries you wish to run against it. For example, if most queries use the radiusId to reference another table and pull in a bunch of data for each record, then you might want to consider denormalizing some of that data. But again, that really depends on the queries you run.
If you're really concerned about managing the write load reliably, consider using the Mongo front-end only to manage the writes, and then dumping the data to a data warehouse backend to run queries on. You can partially do this by running a replica set like I mentioned above, but the disadvantage of a replica set is that you can't restructure the data. The data in each member of the replica set is exactly the same (hence the name, replica set :-) Oftentimes, the best structure for writing data (normalized, small records) isn't the best structure for reading data (denormalized, large records with all the info and joins you need already done). If you're running a bunch of complex queries referencing a bunch of other tables, using a true data warehouse for the querying part might be better.
As your write load increases, you may consider sharding. I'm assuming the RadiusId points to each specific server among a pool of Radius servers. You could potentially shard on that key, which would split the writes based on which server is sending the data. Thus, as you increase your radius servers, you can increase your mongo servers proportionally to maintain write reliability. However, I don't think you need to do this right away as I bet one reasonably provisioned server should be able to manage the load you've specified.
Anyway, those are my preliminary suggestions.

Processing large mongo collection offsite

I have a system writing logs into mongodb (about 1kk logs per day). On a weekly basis I need to calculate some statistics on those logs. Since the calculations are very processor and memory consuming I want to copy collection I'm working to powerful offsite machine. How do I keep offsite collections up to date without copying everything? I modify offsite collection, by storing statistic within its elements i.e. adding fields {"alogirthm_1": "passed"} or {"stat1": 3.1415}. Is replication right for my use case or I should investigate other alternatives?
As to your question, yes, replication does partially resolve your issue, with limitations.
So there are several ways I know to resolve your issue:
The half-database, half-application way.
Replication keeps your data up to date. It doesn't allow you to modify the secondary nodes (which you call "offsite collection") however. So you have to do the calculation on the secondary and write data to the primary. You need to have an application running aggregation on the secondary, and write the result back to it's primary.
This requires that you run an application, PHP, .NET, Python, whatever.
full-server way
Since you are going to have multi-servers any way, you can consider using Sharding for the faster storage and directly do the calculation online. This way you don't even need to run an application. The Map/Reduce do the calculation and write output into an new collection. I DON'T recommend this solution though because of the Map/Reduce performance issue of current versions.
The full-application way
Basically you still use an replication for reading, but the server doesn't do any calculations except querying data. You can use capped collection or TTL index for removing expired data, and you just enumerate data one by one in your application and calculation by yourself.

sql server split mirror db on to multiple devices

Say I have a large production mirrored 1TB DB that resides on a single MDF device and I would like to split that up into say 5 200 Gig devices.
I want to do this without interruption to Production.
I thought I could break the mirror and use the RESTORE process for creating a mirror to achieve the split to multiple devices quickly and without interruption to Production. Doing this twice would allow me to get this done in a few hours.
Has anyone done this? Is it the preferred method seeing as we are mirroring anyways?
What are other my alternatives, Pros and Cons? And gotchas?
Also, I recall another more organic process where one would create the 5 new New Devices and somehow, over time get the objects to move over to the new devices. Not sure of the process for this but I seem to recall it being discussed. Sounds like this could take a long time and possibly cause some clocking at times?
This isn't quite as simple a process as it first looks, the reason being is that just adding the files to SQL server isn't enough as even if you were to add 4 new files, they would all be empty space, you would have one file with 1Tb of data in it and 4 empty ones, which would eventually fill up as SQL server uses a proportional fill method for the files, but most of your queries would still be hitting the single file.
I take it you are doing this to improve performance? If so, you will need to move data around into different files in order to actually split the data up. Whether you can do this online or not depends on whether you are running Enterprise Edition or not (as this allows you to rebuild indexes online).
An easy way to move a table (or more accurately a clustered index, which is pretty much the same thing as the table for all intents and purposes) is to add a new filegroup with a new data file and then rebuild the clustered index specifying the new filegroup, you can use the following to do this:
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX Existing_Index_Name ON schema_name.table_name(column_name)
WITH(DROP_EXISTING=ON,Online=ON) on [new_filegroup_name]
This code will create the new index on the new filegroup, get rid of the old one and if you are running enterprise edition, it will do it all without blocking the users.
See the following link for more methods of moving the data between filegroups:
Move data between SQL Server database filegroups
You should also look into partitioning your tables to help improve performance too:
Partitioning Tables and Indexes
With regards to your mirroring setup, you should break the mirror, then on the primary add all your files/filegroups, then move the data between the filegroups, then backup the modified database on the primary, restore on the mirror (so all the files are set up the same on the mirror) and then re-set up your mirroring.

How should I implement "get objects changed since" pattern with MongoDB?

I have a collection of objects, let's say they are "posts," and those objects can be modified. I'd like to display a list on the client side that updates dynamically. So on the client side, if doing this via polling, the client would invoke an API like:
where serial could be a monotonically increasing number, probably a timestamp. The client gets back a list of posts that have changed since that time, stores a new latest-serial, and next time the client polls it requests changes since that latest serial.
I think the basic idea is the same in this question (which is about ASP.NET): How to implement "get latests changed items" with ADO.NET Data Services?
I'm trying to find the best way to implement this in MongoDB.
I like the idea of using the time for the serial, since it automatically works at least mostly correctly even if there are multiple app servers. The serial would be stored in each post object, and updated whenever the object is modified.
The timestamp-based serial could be implemented as:
a Date (I think this is stored as a 64-bit milliseconds since epoch?)
a Timestamp
something "by hand" e.g. store milliseconds as a number
Some nice features to have in a solution would include:
ensure that creating then immediately updating an object within the OS timer resolution will still increment the serial despite it being the same time
even better would to be guaranteed monotonic increase globally for all objects, not just guarantee that changing a given object will bump the serial on that object (absent this, getPostsChangedSince() calls probably need a fuzz backward in time, to avoid missing changes - at price of getting some changes twice)
mongodb-side timestamps might be nice because getting the time in the app creates a gap between when you get the time, and when the new object is saved and available in queries
update using findAndModify() with a query including the old serial, so "conflicts" (two changes at once) will throw an error allowing the app to retry
I realize some of the corner cases here are a little bit "academic" and can likely be fudged around in real life.
My approach so far is:
use the Date type for the serial
when modifying an object, get the current time, and if it matches the object's old serial, add 1 millisecond (yes this breaks if you make two modifications quickly without re-fetching from mongodb, but that seems OK)
use findAndModify(), but based on there may not be a way to detect if it ends up not finding anything to modify (i.e. second change is ignored, in case of conflict)
I feel like I should use Timestamp instead; true? Any downsides?
if you had a mongo cluster, might time in milliseconds be more unique and correct than Timestamp's time in seconds plus a number, while with one mongod Timestamp is more unique?
is there a way to detect whether findAndModify() updated anything?
any general advice / experiences with this problem? how would you do it?
Have you considered "externalizing" the serial number generator? Time with MongoDB precision is good, but can become difficult to synchronize when involving multiple machines. One choice is that you can use memcached or something similar which is memory based, extremely fast and can be serialized (memcached has a CAS operation).
So what you would do is store a "seed" in memcached with a key say, counter.
Everytime an app needs to do an insert, it gets the next number from memcached and increments the counter.
On second thoughts, you can even do away with memcached and just use a single row (sorry document) collection that just has the counter. You can get the counter and increment it which will be an extremely fast operation, mimicking memcached.
And then naturally, you can index the data appropriately. However, I am wondering that this would result in the index to be very imbalanced (right-side loped). Depending upon the situation, it might be worthwhile exploring the use of capped collection. So when you insert data into your main collection, also insert it into the capped collection and read data from that collection.
You could continue to use your regular collection, as you do now, and after each update additionally insert the ID of the post into a special TTL collection. See for more info on using such a collection. Mongo will take care of all timing issues, you don't need to worry about serial numbers, and you can very quickly access time based lists of objects by their IDs.
use the blocking form of findAndModify, to ensure the changes have really been processed:
Blocking/Safe Writes
Unless you specify the "new" parameter as true the write operation will not block, and will not return an error (if there is one). If you do want the "new" document returned then the operation will wait until the write is done to return the new document, or an error.
For a "safe" (blocking) write operation you must call getLastError (if not using "new").

Frequent large, multi-record updates in MongoDB, Lucene, etc

I am working on the high-level design of a web application with the following characteristics:
Millions of records
Heavily indexed/searchable by various criteria
Variable document schema
Regular updates in blocks of 10K - 200K records at a time
Data needs to remain highly available during updates
Must scale horizontally effectively
Today, this application exists in MySQL and we suffer from a few huge problems, particularly that it is challenging to adapt to flexible schema, and that large bulk updates lock the data for 10 - 15 seconds at a time, which is unacceptable. Some of these things can be tackled by better database design within the context of MySQL, however, I am looking for a better "next generation" solution.
I have never used MongoDB, but its feature set seemed to most closely match what I am looking for, so that was my first area of interest. It has some things I am excited about, such as data sharding, the ability to find-update-return in a single statement, and of course the schema flexibility of NoSQL.
There are two things I am not sure about, though, with MongoDB:
I can't seem to find solid
information about the concurrency of
updates with large data sets (see my
use case above) so I have a hard
time understanding how it might
I do need open text search
That second requirement brought me to Lucene (or possibly to Solr if I kept it external) as a search store. I did read a few cases where Lucene was being used in place of a NoSQL database like MongoDB entirely, which made me wonder if I am over-complicating things by trying to use both in a single app -- perhaps I should just store everything directly in Lucene and run it like that?
Given the requirements above, does it seem like a combination of MongoDB and Lucene would make this work effectively? If not, might it be better to attempt to tackle it entirely in Lucene?
Currently with MongoDB, updates are locking at the server-level. There are a few JIRAs open that address this, planned for v1.9-2.0. I believe the current plan is to yield writes to allow reads to perform better.
With that said, there are plenty of great ways to scale MongoDB for super high concurrency - many of which are simiar for MySQL. One such example is to use RAID 10. Another is to use master-slave where you write to master and read from slave.
You also need to consider if your "written" data needs to be 1) durable and 2) accessible via slaves immediately. The mongodb drivers allow you to specify if you want the data to be written to disk immediately (or hang in memory for the next fsync) and allow you to specify how many slaves the data should be written to. Both of these will slow down MongoDB writing, which as noted above can affect read performance.
MongoDB also does not have nearly the capability for full-text search that Solr\Lucene have and you will likely want to use both together. I am currently using both Solr and MongoDB together and am happy with it.