Postgres Upgrade Heroku from 9.2.4 to 9.3 - postgresql

I am fairly new to Rails and especially Heroku. I received an email informing me that I needed to update my PostgreSQL DB version. I am a little fuzzy on how to accomplish this without changing my plan. I am currently using Heroku's Kappa Postgres plan. Based on what I am reading here:
Should I use the command:
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:kappa --version 9.3
And then just continue on as instructed?

Just doing this myself, from 9.2.4 databases ...
You don't have to upgrade to 9.3, you can just create a new 9.2 and it will be 9.2.6, in which the issue you're being notified about has been fixed. However if you go to 9.3 the plans are different --
It's more simple/safe to upgrade with a follower database. Instructions here, although you probably want to add your app name to most of those commands.


GCP database migration gets stuck - PostgreSQL

I have a Postgres database instance in GCP running on version 9.6.
I want to upgrade the Postgres version to a newer version, and I use GCPs "Database migration" for that purpose.
I have 2 databases in the instance and they fill around 800 GB in total.
The problem is that the migration gets in stuck. There are no errors in the migration log.
Copy of monitoring
In short, my question is:
How can I check in what phase is the migration and what is the issue?

How to connect to postgresql 10+ database with pgAdmin 3?

I know that pgAdmin3 is now obsolete, but I still perfer it to pgAdmin4.
It was working fine up to PostgreSQL 9.* version, but when I try to connect to PostgreSQL 10 database I get:
Is there any workaround for this, or is this truly the end of pgAdmin III?
The official pgAdmin3 has issues with PgSQL 10 and is no longer being developed, but there is a fork available at which does work, and will continue to receive updates.

running postgres 9.2 & 9.6. in same vm

I have installed postgresql 9.2 and 9.6 in centos 7 and created separate service for them. How do I run both versions in same server? They are using the same port.
When I try to start the 9.2 server its working fine, but when I stop the 9.2 server and start 9.6, I get a warning that postgres client version is 9.2. i have installed 9.6 client but psql is by default taking the older version. How do we resolve this?
Will we be able to restore postgresql 9.2 backup in postgresql 9.6? Will there be any data structure level change required to restore 9.2 backup in 9.6? I am completely new to postgresql.
I have installed postgresql 9.2 and 9.6 in a vm.will normal backup and restore work in this scenario.
Ad 1:
That will work just fine if you change the port.
Normally all you have to do is to change the port setting in the postgresql.conf configuration file of the database instance and restart.
Ad 2:
You cannot take a dump taken with 9.2 and restore it into 9.6.
Or rather: you can, but there is a good chance that the import will fail or some things will not be restored correctly.
What you have to do is take a dump of the 9.2 database using pg_dump from the 9.6 installation.
9.6 is aware of the differences to 9.2 and is able to create a dump that can be loaded into 9.6, while 9.2 cannot know what “will be” different in 9.6.

Upgrading from postgres-9.3 to postgres-9.5

I need to use the new jsonb field in postgres so I decided to upgrade to 9.5 in my ununtu 16.04 LTS. I followed this tutorial , but when it gets to the command pg_upgradecluster 9.3 main, I get the error that cluster configuration already exists. I checked other tutorials and found that I could get the list of clusters with pg_lsclusters. But the command always shows only the 9.3 cluster. Any attempt to create the 9.5 cluster always results to cluster configuration already exists. I purged the 9.5 and installed again multiple times but the same result. At last I decided to purge all the postgres installations I have after backing up my 9.3 cluster with pg_dumpall.
Now I have decided to install the 9.5 freshly but I still get the same thing. When I install pg_lsclusters shows nothing and after starting postgres psql always returns psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Right now I'm so tired and frustrated. Please if anyone has any possible solution or suggestion, help
The problem seemed to be from the version 9.5 in the postgres repositories. I installed 9.6 and everything worked like magic. Had I known there was a stable 9.6 earlier, I wouldn't have wasted 6 hours of my life in something I could have done for 10 minutes. Anyway, I'm happy I have have a working postgres with jsonb field

How to upgrade a postgres database from 9.3 to 9.4 on heroku?

This is a question for heroku staff. I have a database running postgres 9.3. When will heroku offer 9.4 that was released last week? Is there an upgrade guide? And is there a best practice way of converting json to jsonb columns with minimum downtime? Thanks!
As told here, You can try out 9.4 by passing the --version=9.4 flag:
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:standard-0 --version=9.4
To upgrade your database:
dump your data
upgrade your postgresql heroku instance
update your postgresql schema (json to jsonb...)
reload your data
You could also try pg_upgrade.
As of 23rd of April 2015, postgresql 9.4 is available on Heroku.