It is pretty easy to write flatten(lol: List[List[T]]): List[T] which transforms a list of lists to a new list. Other "flat" collections (e.g. Set) seem to provide flatten too.
Now I wonder if I can define a flatten for Tree[T](defined as a T and list of Tree[T]s).
This is not perfect, just serves an example. All you need to do is to traverse a tree in depth-first or breadth-first manner and collect results. Pretty much the same as flatten for lists.
1) Define a tree structure (I know, I know it's not the best way to do it :)):
scala> case class Node[T](value: T, left: Option[Node[T]] = None,
| right: Option[Node[T]] = None)
defined class Node
2) Create a little tree:
scala> val tree = Node(13,
| Some(Node(8,
| Some(Node(1)), Some(Node(11)))),
| Some(Node(17,
| Some(Node(15)), Some(Node(25))))
| )
tree: Node[Int] = Node(13,Some(Node(8,Some(Node(1,None,None)),Some(Node(11,None,None)))),Some(Node(17,Some(Node(15,None,None)),Some(Node(25,None,None)))))
3) Implement a function that can traverse a tree:
scala> def observe[T](node: Node[T], f: Node[T] => Unit): Unit = {
| f(node)
| node.left foreach { observe(_, f) }
| node.right foreach { observe(_, f) }
| }
observe: [T](node: Node[T], f: Node[T] => Unit)Unit
4) Use it to define a function that prints all values:
scala> def printall = observe(tree, (n: Node[_]) => println(n.value))
printall: Unit
5) Finally, define that flatten function:
scala> def flatten[T](node: Node[T]): List[T] = {
| def flatten[T](node: Option[Node[T]]): List[T] =
| node match {
| case Some(n) =>
| n.value :: flatten(n.left) ::: flatten(n.right)
| case None => Nil
| }
| flatten(Some(node))
| }
flatten: [T](node: Node[T])List[T]
6) Let's test. First print all elems:
scala> printall
7) Run flatten:
scala> flatten(tree)
res1: List[Int] = List(13, 8, 1, 11, 17, 15, 25)
It's a sort of general purpose tree algorithm like tree traversal. I made it return Ts instead of Nodes, change it as you like.
I'm not sure how you want to define that flatten exactly, but you can look at the Scalaz Tree implementation:
If you want flatten to return you list of all Tree nodes, then Scalaz already provides you what you want:
def flatten: Stream[A]
Result type is Stream instead of List, but this is not a problem I guess.
If you want something more sophisticated, then you can probably implement it using existing flatMap:
def flatMap[B](f: A => Tree[B]): Tree[B]
Let's say you have Tree of type Tree[Tree[A]] and want to flatten it to Tree[A]:
def flatten1: Tree[A] = flatMap(identity)
This will work also for other, more weird scenarios. For example, you can have Tree[List[A]], and want to flatten everything inside that Lists without affecting Tree structure itself:
def flatten2[B]: Tree[List[B]] = flatMap(l => leaf(l.flatten))
Looks like it works as expected:
scala> node(List(List(1)), Stream(node(List(List(2)), Stream(leaf(List(List(3, 4), List(5))))), leaf(List(List(4)))))
res20: scalaz.Tree[List[List[Int]]] = <tree>
scala> res20.flatMap(l => leaf(l.flatten)).drawTree
res23: String =
+- List(2)
| |
| `- List(3, 4, 5)
`- List(4)
It could be worth noting that scalaz Tree is also a Monad. If you will look at the scalaz/tests/src/test/scala/scalaz/TreeTest.scala you will see which laws are fulfilled for Tree:
checkAll("Tree", equal.laws[Tree[Int]])
checkAll("Tree", traverse1.laws[Tree])
checkAll("Tree", applicative.laws[Tree])
checkAll("Tree", comonad.laws[Tree])
I don't know why monad is not here, but if you will add checkAll("Tree", monad.laws[Tree]) and run tests again, they will pass.
If I'm understanding the question correctly, you want to define Tree like so:
case class Tree[T]( value:T, kids:List[Tree[T]] )
First, I wouldn't want to use ::: in the solution because of the performance implications. Second, I'd want to do something much more general -- define a fold operator for the type, which can be used for all sorts of things -- and then simply use a fold to define flatten:
case class Tree[T]( value:T, kids:List[Tree[T]] ) {
def /:[A]( init:A )( f: (A,T) => A ):A =
( f(init,value) /: kids )( (soFar,kid) => ( soFar /: kid )(f) )
def flatten =
( List.empty[T] /: this )( (soFar,value) => value::soFar ).reverse
Here's a test:
scala> val t = Tree( 1, List( Tree( 2, List( Tree(3,Nil), Tree(4,Nil) ) ), Tree(5,Nil), Tree( 6, List( Tree(7,Nil) ) ) ) )
t: Tree[Int] = Tree(1,List(Tree(2,List(Tree(3,List()), Tree(4,List()))), Tree(5,List()), Tree(6,List(Tree(7,List())))))
scala> t.flatten
res15: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
If A has the Ordered[A] trait, I'd like to be able to have code that works like this
val collection: List[List[A]] = ... // construct a list of lists of As
val sorted = collection sort { _ < _ }
and get something where the lists have been sorted in lexicographic order. Of course, just because A has the trait Ordered[A] doesn't mean that List[A] has the trait Ordered[List[A]]. Presumably, however, the 'scala way' to do this is with an implicit def.
How do I implicitly convert a List[A] to a Ordered[List[A]], assuming A has the trait Ordered[A] (so that the code above just works)?
I have in mind using the lexicographic ordering on List[A] objects, but I'd like code that can be adapted to others orderings.
Inspired by Ben Lings' answer, I managed to work out what seems like the simplest way to sort lists lexicographically: add the line
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._
before doing your List[Int] comparison, to ensure that the implicit function infixOrderingOps is in scope.
(11 minutes ago I actually didn't know how to do this, I hope it's considered okay to answer my own question.)
implicit def List2OrderedList[A <% Ordered[A]](list1: List[A]): Ordered[List[A]] = {
new Ordered[List[A]] {
def compare(list2: List[A]): Int = {
for((x,y) <- list1 zip list2) {
val c = x compare y
if(c != 0) return c
return list1.size - list2.size
An important thing to note here is the 'view bound' A <% Ordered[A], which ensures that A needn't itself by an Ordered[A], just that there's a way to do this conversion. Happily, the Scala library's object Predef has an implicit conversion from Ints to RichInts, which in particular are Ordered[Int]s.
The rest of the code is just implementing lexicographic ordering.
Inspired by Ben Lings' answer, I wrote my own version of sort:
def sort[A : Ordering](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]]) = coll.sorted
which is equivalent to:
def sort[A](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = coll.sorted
Note that ordering is implicitly converted to Ordering[Iterable[A]].
scala> def sort[A](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = coll.sorted
sort: [A](coll: Seq[Iterable[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A])Seq[Iterable[A]]
scala> val coll = List(List(1, 3), List(1, 2), List(0), Nil, List(2))
coll: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 3), List(1, 2), List(0), List(), List(2))
scala> sort(coll)
res1: Seq[Iterable[Int]] = List(List(), List(0), List(1, 2), List(1, 3), List(2))
It was asked how to supply your own comparison function (say, _ > _ instead of _ < _). It suffices to use Ordering.fromLessThan:
scala> sort(coll)(Ordering.fromLessThan(_ > _))
res4: Seq[Iterable[Int]] = List(List(), List(2), List(1, 3), List(1, 2), List(0)) allows you to map your value into another type for which there is already an Ordering instance. Given that also tuples are ordered, this can be useful for lexicographical comparison of case classes.
To make an example, let's define a wrapper of an Int, apply, where _.v extracts the underlying value, and show that we obtain the same result:
scala> case class Wrap(v: Int)
defined class Wrap
scala> val coll2 =
coll2: List[List[Wrap]] = List(List(Wrap(1), Wrap(3)), List(Wrap(1), Wrap(2)), List(Wrap(0)), List(), List(Wrap(2)))
scala> sort(coll2)(
res6: Seq[Iterable[Wrap]] = List(List(), List(Wrap(0)), List(Wrap(1), Wrap(2)), List(Wrap(1), Wrap(3)), List(Wrap(2)))
Finally, let's do the same thing on a case class with more members, reusing the comparators for Tuples:
scala> case class MyPair(a: Int, b: Int)
defined class MyPair
scala> val coll3 =, 0)))
coll3: List[List[MyPair]] = List(List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(3,0)), List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(2,0)), List(MyPair(0,0)), List(), List(MyPair(2,0)))
scala> sort(coll3)( => (x.a, x.b)))
res7: Seq[Iterable[MyPair]] = List(List(), List(MyPair(0,0)), List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(2,0)), List(MyPair(1,0), MyPair(3,0)), List(MyPair(2,0)))
My definition of sort above is deprecated in 2.13:
warning: method Iterable in object Ordering is deprecated (since 2.13.0):
Iterables are not guaranteed to have a consistent order; if using a type
with a consistent order (e.g. Seq), use its Ordering (found in the
Ordering.Implicits object)
Use instead:
def sort[A](coll: Seq[Seq[A]])(implicit ordering: Ordering[A]) = {
import Ordering.Implicits._
In 2.8, you should be able to just do collection.sorted. sorted takes an implicit Ordering parameter. Any type that implements Ordered has a corresponding Ordering (thanks to the implicit conversion Ordering.ordered). There is also the implicit Ordering.Iterable that makes an Iterable[T] have an Ordering if T has an Ordering.
However, if you try this it doesn't work:
scala> def sort[A <: Ordered[A]](coll: List[List[A]]) = coll.sorted
<console>:5: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ord: Ordering[List[A]]
def sort[A <: Ordered[A]](coll: List[List[A]]) = coll.sorted
You need to explicitly specify that you want the Ordering[Iterable[A]]:
def sort[A <: Ordered[A]](coll: List[List[A]]) = coll.sorted[Iterable[A]]
I'm not sure why the compiler can't find the Ordering[Iterable[A]] if the element type of the collection is List[A].
Inspired by Daniel's comment, here is a recursive version:
implicit def toOrdered[A <% Ordered[A]](list1: List[A]): Ordered[List[A]] = {
def c(list1:List[A], list2:List[A]): Int = {
(list1, list2) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => 0
case (x::xs, Nil) => 1
case (Nil, y::ys) => -1
case (x::xs, y::ys) => (x compare y) match {
case 0 => c(xs, ys)
case i => i
new Ordered[List[A]] {
def compare(list2: List[A]): Int = c(list1, list2)
With respect to the comment:
I used to think it's more a matter of taste. Sometimes it's easier to verify correctness on a recursive function, and certainly your version is short enough that there is no compelling reason to prefer recursive.
I was intrigued by the performance implications though. So I tried to benchmark it: see I was surprised to see that the recursive version is faster (assuming I did the benchmark correctly). The results still hold true for list of about length 10.
Just because I already implemented this another way, here is a non-recursive version that does not use return:
new Ordering[Seq[String]]() {
override def compare(x: Seq[String], y: Seq[String]): Int = { Option[Int]){ case (r, (v, w)) =>
} else {
val comp = v.compareTo(w)
if(comp == 0) None
else Some(comp)
I am a newbie to Scala and I am trying to understand collectives. I have a sample Scala code in which a method is defined as follows:
override def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit = {...}
From what I understand, this function is passed an argument record which is an Iterator of type Product2[K,V]. Now what I don't understand is this Product2 a user defined class or is it a built in data structure. Moreover how do explore the key-value pair contents of Product2 and how do I iterate over them.
Chances are Product2 is a built-in class and you can easily check it if you're in modern IDE (just hover over it with ctrl pressed), or, by inspecting file header -- if there is no related imports, like some.custom.package.Product2, it's built-in.
What is Product2 and where it's defined? You can easily found out such things by utilizing Scala's ScalaDoc:
In case of build-in class you can treat it like tuple of 2 elements (in fact Tuple2 extends Product2, as you may see below), which has ._1 and ._2 accessor methods.
scala> val x: Product2[String, Int] = ("foo", 1)
// x: Product2[String,Int] = (foo,1)
scala> x._1
// res0: String = foo
scala> x._2
// res1: Int = 1
See How should I think about Scala's Product classes? for more.
Iteration is also hassle free, for example here is the map operation:
scala> val xs: Iterator[Product2[String, Int]] = List("foo" -> 1, "bar" -> 2, "baz" -> 3).iterator
xs: Iterator[Product2[String,Int]] = non-empty iterator
scala> val keys = => kv._1)
keys: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator
scala> val keys = => kv._1).toList
keys: List[String] = List(foo, bar, baz)
scala> xs
res2: Iterator[Product2[String,Int]] = empty iterator
Keep in mind though, that once iterator was consumed, it transitions to empty state and can't be re-used again.
Product2 is just two values of type K and V.
use it like this:
write(List((1, "one"), (2, "two")))
the prototype can also be written like: override def write(records: Iterator[(K, V)]): Unit = {...}
To access values k of type K and v of type V.
override def write(records: Iterator[(K, V)]): Unit = {{case (k, v) => w(k, v)}
Is there a simple way to flatten a collection of try's to give either a success of the try values, or just the failure?
For example:
def map(l:List[Int]) = l map {
case 4 => Failure(new Exception("failed"))
case i => Success(i)
val l1 = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
val result1 = something(map(l1))
result1: Failure(Exception("failed"))
val l2 = List(1,2,3,5,6)
val result2 = something(map(l2))
result2: Try(List(1,2,3,5,6))
And can how would you handle multiple Failures in the collection?
This is pretty close to minimal for fail-first operation:
def something[A](xs: Seq[Try[A]]) =
(to the point where you shouldn't bother creating a method; just use Try). If you want all the failures, a method is reasonable; I'd use an Either:
def something[A](xs: Seq[Try[A]]) =
getOrElse(Left(xs.collect{ case Failure(t) => t }))
A little less verbose, and more type safe:
def sequence[T](xs : Seq[Try[T]]) : Try[Seq[T]] = (Try(Seq[T]()) /: xs) {
(a, b) => a flatMap (c => b map (d => c :+ d))
res8: scala.util.Try[Seq[Int]] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: failed)
res9: scala.util.Try[Seq[Int]] = Success(List(1, 2, 3, 5, 6))
Maybe not as simple as you hoped for, but this works:
def flatten[T](xs: Seq[Try[T]]): Try[Seq[T]] = {
val (ss: Seq[Success[T]]#unchecked, fs: Seq[Failure[T]]#unchecked) =
if (fs.isEmpty) Success(ss map (_.get))
else Failure[Seq[T]](fs(0).exception) // Only keep the first failure
val xs = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
val ys = List(1,2,3,5,6)
println(flatten(map(xs))) // Failure(java.lang.Exception: failed)
println(flatten(map(ys))) // Success(List(1, 2, 3, 5, 6))
Note that the use of partition is not as type safe as it gets, as witnessed by the #unchecked annotations. In that respect, a foldLeft that accumulates two sequences Seq[Success[T]] and Seq[Failure[T]] would be better.
If you wanted to keep all failures, you can use this:
def flatten2[T](xs: Seq[Try[T]]): Either[Seq[T], Seq[Throwable]] = {
val (ss: Seq[Success[T]]#unchecked, fs: Seq[Failure[T]]#unchecked) =
if (fs.isEmpty) Left(ss map (_.get))
else Right(fs map (_.exception))
val zs = List(1,4,2,3,4,5,6)
println(flatten2(map(xs))) // Right(List(java.lang.Exception: failed))
println(flatten2(map(ys))) // Left(List(1, 2, 3, 5, 6))
println(flatten2(map(zs))) // Right(List(java.lang.Exception: failed,
// java.lang.Exception: failed))
As an addition to Impredicative's answer and comment, if you have both scalaz-seven and scalaz-contrib/scala210 in your dependencies:
> scala210/console
[warn] Credentials file /home/folone/.ivy2/.credentials does not exist
[info] Starting scala interpreter...
Welcome to Scala version 2.10.0 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.7.0_17).
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
Type :help for more information.
scala> import scala.util._
import scala.util._
scala> def map(l:List[Int]): List[Try[Int]] = l map {
| case 4 => Failure(new Exception("failed"))
| case i => Success(i)
| }
map: (l: List[Int])List[scala.util.Try[Int]]
scala> import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
scala> import scalaz.contrib.std.utilTry._
import scalaz.contrib.std.utilTry._
scala> val l1 = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
l1: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
scala> map(l1).sequence
res2: scala.util.Try[List[Int]] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: failed)
scala> val l2 = List(1,2,3,5,6)
l2: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 5, 6)
scala> map(l2).sequence
res3: scala.util.Try[List[Int]] = Success(List(1, 2, 3, 5, 6))
You need scalaz to get an Applicative instance for the List (hidden in the MonadPlus instance), to get the sequence method. You need scalaz-contrib for the Traverse instance of Try, which is required by the sequence's type signature.
Try lives outside of scalaz, since it only appeared in scala 2.10, and scalaz aims to cross-compile to earlier versions).
Starting in Scala 2.13, most collections are provided with a partitionMap method which partitions elements based on a function returning either Right or Left.
In our case we can call partitionMap with a function that transforms our Trys into Eithers (Try::toEither) in order to partition Successes as Rights and Failures as Lefts.
Then it's just a matter of matching the resulting partitioned tuple of lefts and rights based on whether or not there are lefts:
tries.partitionMap(_.toEither) match {
case (Nil, rights) => Success(rights)
case (firstLeft :: _, _) => Failure(firstLeft)
// * val tries = List(Success(10), Success(20), Success(30))
// => Try[List[Int]] = Success(List(10, 20, 30))
// * val tries = List(Success(10), Success(20), Failure(new Exception("error1")))
// => Try[List[Int]] = Failure(java.lang.Exception: error1)
Details of the intermediate partitionMap step:
List(Success(10), Success(20), Failure(new Exception("error1"))).partitionMap(_.toEither)
// => (List[Throwable], List[Int]) = (List(java.lang.Exception: error1), List(10, 20))
Have a look on the liftweb Box monad. With the help of the tryo constructor function, it gives you exactly the abstraction you are looking for.
With tryo you can lift a function into a Box. The box then either contains the result from the function or it contains an error. You can then access the box with the usual monadic helper functions (flatMap, filter, etc.), without bothering if the box contains an error or the result form the function.
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers.tryo
List("1", "2", "not_a_number") map (x => tryo(x.toInt)) map (_ map (_ + 1 ))
Results to
List[net.liftweb.common.Box[Int]] =
Failure(For input string: "not_a_number",Full(java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "not_a_number"),Empty)
You can skip the erroneous values with flatMap
List("1", "2", "not_a_number") map (x => tryo(x.toInt)) flatMap (_ map (_ + 1 ))
List[Int] = List(2, 3)
There are multiple other helper methods, e.g. for combining boxes (while chaining error messages). You can find a good overview here: Box Cheat Sheet for Lift
You can use it on its own, no need to use the whole lift framework. For the examples above I used the follwing sbt script:
scalaVersion := "2.9.1"
libraryDependencies += "net.liftweb" %% "lift-common" % "2.5-RC2"
libraryDependencies += "net.liftweb" %% "lift-util" % "2.5-RC2"
These are my 2cents:
def sequence[A, M[_] <: TraversableOnce[_]](in: M[Try[A]])
(implicit cbf:CanBuildFrom[M[Try[A]], A, M[A]]): Try[M[A]] = {
in.foldLeft(Try(cbf(in))) {
(txs, tx) =>
for {
xs <- txs
x <- tx.asInstanceOf[Try[A]]
} yield {
xs += x
I'm learning Scala as it fits my needs well but I am finding it hard to structure code elegantly. I'm in a situation where I have a List x and want to create two Lists: one containing all the elements of SomeClass and one containing all the elements that aren't of SomeClass.
val a = x collect {case y:SomeClass => y}
val b = x filterNot {_.isInstanceOf[SomeClass]}
Right now my code looks like that. However, it's not very efficient as it iterates x twice and the code somehow seems a bit hackish. Is there a better (more elegant) way of doing things?
It can be assumed that SomeClass has no subclasses.
While using plain partition is possible, it loses the type information retained by collect in the question.
One could define a variant of the partition method that accepts a function returning a value of one of two types using Either:
import collection.mutable.ListBuffer
def partition[X,A,B](xs: List[X])(f: X=>Either[A,B]): (List[A],List[B]) = {
val as = new ListBuffer[A]
val bs = new ListBuffer[B]
for (x <- xs) {
f(x) match {
case Left(a) => as += a
case Right(b) => bs += b
(as.toList, bs.toList)
Then the types are retained:
scala> partition(List(1,"two", 3)) {
case i: Int => Left(i)
case x => Right(x)
res5: (List[Int], List[Any]) = (List(1, 3),List(two))
Of course the solution could be improved using builders and all the improved collection stuff :) .
For completeness my old answer using plain partition:
val (a,b) = x partition { _.isInstanceOf[SomeClass] }
For example:
scala> val x = List(1,2, "three")
x: List[Any] = List(1, 2, three)
scala> val (a,b) = x partition { _.isInstanceOf[Int] }
a: List[Any] = List(1, 2)
b: List[Any] = List(three)
Just wanted to expand on mkneissl's answer with a "more generic" version that should work on many different collections in the library:
scala> import collection._
import collection._
scala> import generic.CanBuildFrom
import generic.CanBuildFrom
scala> def partition[X,A,B,CC[X] <: Traversable[X], To, To2](xs : CC[X])(f : X => Either[A,B])(
| implicit cbf1 : CanBuildFrom[CC[X],A,To], cbf2 : CanBuildFrom[CC[X],B,To2]) : (To, To2) = {
| val left = cbf1()
| val right = cbf2()
| xs.foreach(f(_).fold(left +=, right +=))
| (left.result(), right.result())
| }
partition: [X,A,B,CC[X] <: Traversable[X],To,To2](xs: CC[X])(f: (X) => Either[A,B])(implicit cbf1: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[X],A,To],implicit cbf2: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[CC[X],B,To2])(To, To2)
scala> partition(List(1,"two", 3)) {
| case i: Int => Left(i)
| case x => Right(x)
| }
res5: (List[Int], List[Any]) = (List(1, 3),List(two))
scala> partition(Vector(1,"two", 3)) {
| case i: Int => Left(i)
| case x => Right(x)
| }
res6: (scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int], scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Any]) = (Vector(1, 3),Vector(two))
Just one note: The partition method is similar, but we need to capture a few types:
X -> The original type for items in the collection.
A -> The type of items in the left partition
B -> The type of items in the right partition
CC -> The "specific" type of the collection (Vector, List, Seq etc.) This must be higher-kinded. We could probably work around some type-inference issues (see Adrian's response here: ), but I was feeling lazy ;)
To -> The complete type of collection on the left hand side
To2 -> The complete type of the collection on the right hand side
Finally, the funny "CanBuildFrom" implicit paramters are what allow us to construct specific types, like List or Vector, generically. They are built into to all the core library collections.
Ironically, the entire reason for the CanBuildFrom magic is to handle BitSets correctly. Because I require CC to be higher kinded, we get this fun error message when using partition:
scala> partition(BitSet(1,2, 3)) {
| case i if i % 2 == 0 => Left(i)
| case i if i % 2 == 1 => Right("ODD")
| }
<console>:11: error: type mismatch;
found : scala.collection.BitSet
required: ?CC[ ?X ]
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
both method any2ArrowAssoc in object Predef of type [A](x: A)ArrowAssoc[A]
and method any2Ensuring in object Predef of type [A](x: A)Ensuring[A]
are possible conversion functions from scala.collection.BitSet to ?CC[ ?X ]
partition(BitSet(1,2, 3)) {
I'm leaving this open for someone to fix if needed! I'll see if I can give you a solution that works with BitSet after some more play.
Use list.partition:
scala> val l = List(1, 2, 3)
l: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> val (even, odd) = l partition { _ % 2 == 0 }
even: List[Int] = List(2)
odd: List[Int] = List(1, 3)
For partitioning by type, use this method:
def partitionByType[X, A <: X](list: List[X], typ: Class[A]):
Pair[List[A], List[X]] = {
val as = new ListBuffer[A]
val notAs = new ListBuffer[X]
list foreach {x =>
if (typ.isAssignableFrom(x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass)) {
as += typ cast x
} else {
notAs += x
(as.toList, notAs.toList)
scala> val (a, b) = partitionByType(List(1, 2, "three"), classOf[java.lang.Integer])
a: List[java.lang.Integer] = List(1, 2)
b: List[Any] = List(three)
If the list only contains subclasses of AnyRef, becaus of the method getClass. You can do this:
scala> case class Person(name: String)
defined class Person
scala> case class Pet(name: String)
defined class Pet
scala> val l: List[AnyRef] = List(Person("Walt"), Pet("Donald"), Person("Disney"), Pet("Mickey"))
l: List[AnyRef] = List(Person(Walt), Pet(Donald), Person(Disney), Pet(Mickey))
scala> val groupedByClass = l.groupBy(e => e.getClass)
groupedByClass: scala.collection.immutable.Map[java.lang.Class[_],List[AnyRef]] = Map((class Person,List(Person(Walt), Person(Disney))), (class Pet,List(Pet(Donald), Pet(Mickey))))
scala> groupedByClass(classOf[Pet])(0).asInstanceOf[Pet]
res19: Pet = Pet(Donald)
Starting in Scala 2.13, most collections are now provided with a partitionMap method which partitions elements based on a function returning either Right or Left.
That allows us to pattern match a given type (here Person) that we transform as a Right in order to place it in the right List of the resulting partition tuple. And other types can be transformed as Lefts to be partitioned in the left part:
// case class Person(name: String)
// case class Pet(name: String)
val (pets, persons) =
List(Person("Walt"), Pet("Donald"), Person("Disney")).partitionMap {
case person: Person => Right(person)
case pet: Pet => Left(pet)
// persons: List[Person] = List(Person(Walt), Person(Disney))
// pets: List[Pet] = List(Pet(Donald))
I consider refactoring few method signatures that currently take parameter of type List or Set of concrete classes --List[Foo]-- to use repeated parameters instead: Foo*.
Update: Following reasoning is flawed, move along...
This would allow me to use the same method name and overload it based on the parameter type. This was not possible using List or Set, because List[Foo] and List[Bar] have same type after erasure: List[Object].
In my case the refactored methods work fine with scala.Seq[Foo] that results from the repeated parameter. I would have to change all the invocations and add a sequence argument type annotation to all collection parameters: baz.doStuffWith(foos:_*).
Given that switching from collection parameter to repeated parameter is semantically equivalent, does this change have some performance impact that I should be aware of?
Is the answer same for scala 2.7._ and 2.8?
When Scala is calling a Scala varargs method, the method will receive an object that extends Seq. When the call is made with : _*, the object will be passed as is*, without copying. Here are examples of this:
scala> object T {
| class X(val self: List[Int]) extends SeqProxy[Int] {
| private val serial = X.newSerial
| override def toString = serial.toString+":"+super.toString
| }
| object X {
| def apply(l: List[Int]) = new X(l)
| private var serial = 0
| def newSerial = {
| serial += 1
| serial
| }
| }
| }
defined module T
scala> new T.X(List(1,2,3))
res0: T.X = 1:List(1, 2, 3)
scala> new T.X(List(1,2,3))
res1: T.X = 2:List(1, 2, 3)
scala> def f(xs: Int*) = xs.toString
f: (Int*)String
scala> f(res0: _*)
res3: String = 1:List(1, 2, 3)
scala> f(res1: _*)
res4: String = 2:List(1, 2, 3)
scala> def f(xs: Int*): Seq[Int] = xs
f: (Int*)Seq[Int]
scala> def f(xs: Int*) = xs match {
| case ys: List[_] => println("List")
| case _ => println("Something else")
| }
f: (Int*)Unit
scala> f(List(1,2,3): _*)
scala> f(res0: _*)
Something else
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
scala> def f(xs: Int*) = xs match {
| case ys: List[_] => println("List")
| case zs: ArrayBuffer[_] => zs.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer[Int]] += 4; println("Array Buffer")
| case _ => println("Something else")
| }
f: (Int*)Unit
scala> val ab = new ArrayBuffer[Int]()
ab: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer()
scala> ab + 1
res11: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1)
scala> ab + 2
res12: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1, 2)
scala> ab + 3
res13: scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3)
scala> f(ab: _*)
Array Buffer
scala> ab
res15: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Int] = ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3, 4)
An Array is passed as a WrappedArray. There's no copying of elements involved, however, and changes to the WrappedArray will be reflected in the Array.
Your reason for replacing List[T] with T* is flawed: Scala will not allow overloading like
class Foo
def t1(x : Int*) = println("Ints")
def t1(x : Strings*) = println("Strings")
This will result in the same compiler error as using List[Int]/List[String] here.
Although a bit clumsy you could use
class Foo
def t1(x0 : Int,x : Int*) = println("Ints")
def t1(x0 : String,x : Strings*) = println("Strings")
but that requires special treatment of the first parameter versus the rest.
Gr. Silvio
In the simplest terms, all the arguments that correspond to a repeated formal parameters, regardless of their origin, must be copied to a sequential collection of some sort for presentation to the method. The details of exactly what kind of sequence is used vary with Scala version and possibly with the source of the arguments. But regardless of those details, it is an O(n) operation, though the cost per item is pretty low. There will be at least one and sometimes more instance allocations for the sequence itself.
Randall Schulz