scala akka: random deadLetters while no actor is asked to stop - scala

I am chaining actors in akka-scala and at each step, the newly created actor will send a message to the supervisor actor. In response, the supervisor will increment a counter.
I don't understand why during this operations deadLetters are produced at random, sometimes no deadLetters, sometimes I get a few.
Moreover it appears that the supervisor does not increment the counter. Here's my code
object ScopeMessages{
case object AddChild
case object Counter
class ScopeSet(n: Int) extends Actor{
import ScopeMessages._
var root:ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ScopeActor],n, self))
var counter = 0
def receive:Receive = {
case AddChild => counter += 1
case Counter => sender ! counter
case _ => ()
class ScopeActor(id: Int, apex:ActorRef) extends Actor{
import ScopeMessages._
var sub:List[ActorRef] = Nil
if (id > 0){
sub = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ScopeActor], id-1, apex))::Nil
apex ! AddChild
def receive:Receive = {case _ => ()}
object ScopeTest extends App {
import akka.testkit.TestProbe
import ScopeMessages._
implicit val system = ActorSystem("TestSys")
val p = TestProbe()
val n:Int = 10
val base_actor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ScopeSet], n))
p.send(base_actor, Counter)
Thanks for help.

Remember that you have an asynchronous system here. The reason you are not seeing the correct count in your assertion is that the count is being checked before the entire tree of actors has been created. You can verify this by putting a sleep for a couple of seconds before the call to p.send. This is also probably the reason you are getting deadletters as you are shutting the system down before it's had time to set itself up. The apex actor is probably terminated but still receiving AddChild messages from the subordinates that are trying to be created while things are shutting down.

Everything cmbaxter said is true. Here's some hints on a way to fix it. Try constructing ScopeSet with the ActorRef of your TestProbe and adding a condition to you receive of AddChild. Also don't shut the actor system until the testProb has received the counter.
class ScopeSet(n: Int, testProb: ActorRef) extends Actor{
import ScopeMessages._
var root:ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ScopeActor],n, self))
var counter = 0
def receive:Receive = {
case AddChild => {
counter += 1
if (counter == n) { testProb ! counter }
case _ => ()


cannot increment a 'total' variable inside receive() in Akka Actor

I am new to Scala (Akka Actors. I am aware there are benefits of avoiding mutable state in actors, but a found a solution to incrementing a var total
similar to that given by the SO question:
Alternatives to using "var" for state with actors?
My code is below.
The solution would appear simple: my Calculator actor maintains a local var total, and the appropriate match on a case class in receive() => increments this total with an amount extracted from the matching case class.
My case statements are working. A println shows that each time my input matches the case statement, the amount to be added to the total (amt) is yielded by the match. I.e. this works as expected:
case MyCaseClass(_, amt) => println(amt)
But this line:
case MyCaseClass(_, amt) => total += amt
fails. The local var total is never incremented. I tried using a list, and adding the new amt as a new member to a var List, but this fails also. In each case increment of the local var, be it type Double or List[Double] fails. Why is this? and what can I do to get the increment to work inside receive()?
class CostingActor extends Actor {
var bedrooms:Double = 0.0
var bathrooms: Double = 0.0
def receive = {
case RoomPojo("Bedroom", p) => bedrooms += p //println(p)
case RoomPojo("Bathroom", p) => bathrooms += p //println(p)
case "total" => println(bedrooms + bathrooms)
object Main extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("CostingSystem")
var costingActor = system.actorOf(Props[CostingActor], name = "costingactor")
var roomActor = system.actorOf(Props[RoomActor], name = "roomactor")
for (i <- 0 until args.length)
roomActor ! args(i)
//the following line of code may be wrong; (I also tried a future) but should n't the variables bedrooms
// and bathrooms still show at least some incrementation?
costingActor ! "total"
object RoomActor {
case class RoomPojo(name:String, price:Double) {}
class RoomActor extends Actor {
val checkout = context.actorOf(Props[CostingActor])
def receive: Receive = {
case "Bedroom" => checkout ! new RoomPojo("Bedroom", 45.0)
case "Bathroom" => checkout ! new RoomPojo("Bathroom", 90.0)
case _ => println("missed in room")
The system.actorOf(Props[CostingActor], name = "costingactor") from your Main is a different actor than the context.actorOf(Props[CostingActor]) from the RoomActor. Each actorOf creates a new instance of this actor, each with its own state. You send the RoomPojo messages to one actor instance and ask a completely different instance for the state, which hasn't seen any RoomPojo messages at all.
You can modify the RoomActor to take an actorRef as a parameter and pass the costingActor to the Props, this way you're using the same actor instance for the state.
var costingActor = system.actorOf(Props[CostingActor], name = "costingactor")
var roomActor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[RoomActor], costingActor), name = "roomactor")
// ...
class RoomActor(checkout: ActorRef) extends Actor
Also, since everything is asynchronous, the 'total' message might be lost if you shut down the system immediately after sending the message.

akka: pattern for combining messages from multiple children

Here's the pattern I have come across:
An actor A has multiple children C1, ..., Cn. On receiving a message, A sends it to each of its children, which each do some calculation on the message, and on completion send it back to A. A would then like to combine the results of all the children to pass onto another actor.
What would a solution for this problem look like? Or is this an anti-pattern? In which case how should this problem be approached?
Here is a trivial example which hopefully illustrates my current solution. My concerns are that is duplicates code (up to symmetry); does not extend very well to 'lots' of children; and makes it quite hard to see what's going on.
import{Props, Actor}
case class Tagged[T](value: T, id: Int)
class A extends Actor {
import C1._
import C2._
val c1 = context.actorOf(Props[C1], "C1")
val c2 = context.actorOf(Props[C2], "C2")
var uid = 0
var c1Results = Map[Int, Int]()
var c2Results = Map[Int, Int]()
def receive = {
case n: Int => {
c1 ! Tagged(n, uid)
c2 ! Tagged(n, uid)
uid += 1
case Tagged(C1Result(n), id) => c2Results get id match {
case None => c1Results += (id -> n)
case Some(m) => {
c2Results -= id
context.parent ! (n, m)
case Tagged(C2Result(n), id) => c1Results get id match {
case None => c2Results += (id -> n)
case Some(m) => {
c1Results -= id
context.parent ! (m, n)
class C1 extends Actor {
import C1._
def receive = {
case Tagged(n: Int, id) => Tagged(C1Result(n), id)
object C1 {
case class C1Result(n: Int)
class C2 extends Actor {
import C2._
def receive = {
case Tagged(n: Int, id) => Tagged(C2Result(n), id)
object C2 {
case class C2Result(n: Int)
If you think the code looks god-awful, take it easy on me, I've just started learning akka ;)
In the case of many - or a varying number of - child actors, the ask pattern suggested by Zim-Zam will quickly get out of hand.
The aggregator pattern is designed to help with this kind of situation. It provides an Aggregator trait that you can use in an actor to perform your aggregation logic.
A client actor wanting to perform an aggregation can start an Aggregator based actor instance and send it a message that will kick off the aggregation process.
A new aggregator should be created for each aggregation operation and terminate on sending back the result (when it has received all responses or on a timeout).
An example of this pattern to sum integer values held by the actors represented by the Child class is listed below. (Note that there is no need for them to all be children supervised by the same parent actor: the SummationAggregator just needs a collection of ActorRefs.)
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.contrib.pattern.Aggregator
object Child {
def props(value: Int): Props = Props(new Child(value))
case object GetValue
case class GetValueResult(value: Int)
class Child(value: Int) extends Actor {
import Child._
def receive = { case GetValue => sender ! GetValueResult(value) }
object SummationAggregator {
def props = Props(new SummationAggregator)
case object TimedOut
case class StartAggregation(targets: Seq[ActorRef])
case object BadCommand
case class AggregationResult(sum: Int)
class SummationAggregator extends Actor with Aggregator {
import Child._
import SummationAggregator._
expectOnce {
case StartAggregation(targets) =>
// Could do what this handler does in line but handing off to a
// separate class encapsulates the state a little more cleanly
new Handler(targets, sender())
case _ =>
sender ! BadCommand
context stop self
class Handler(targets: Seq[ActorRef], originalSender: ActorRef) {
// Could just store a running total and keep track of the number of responses
// that we are awaiting...
var valueResults = Set.empty[GetValueResult]
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1.second, self, TimedOut)
expect {
case TimedOut =>
// It might make sense to respond with what we have so far if some responses are still awaited...
respondIfDone(respondAnyway = true)
if (targets.isEmpty)
targets.foreach { t =>
t ! GetValue
expectOnce {
case vr: GetValueResult =>
valueResults += vr
def respondIfDone(respondAnyway: Boolean = false) = {
if (respondAnyway || valueResults.size == targets.size) {
originalSender ! AggregationResult(valueResults.foldLeft(0) { case (acc, GetValueResult(v)) => acc + v })
context stop self
To use this SummationAggregator from your parent actor you could do:
context.actorOf(SummationAggregator.props) ! StartAggregation(children)
and then handle AggregationResult somewhere in the parent's receive.
You can use ? instead of ! on the child actors - this will cause the child actors to return a Future with their (eventual) results, i.e. everything is still non-blocking up until you Await the outcome of the Future. The parent actor can then compose these Futures and send it on to another actor - it will already know each Future's identity and so you won't need to worry about tagging each message so that you can put them back in order later. Here's a simple example where each child returns a random Double, and you want to divide the first child's return value by the second child's return value (i.e. order matters).
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import{Props, Actor}
import akka.pattern.{ask, pipe}
import akka.util.Timeout
class A extends Actor {
val c1 = context.actorOf(Props[C], "C1")
val c2 = context.actorOf(Props[C], "C2")
// The ask operation involves creating an internal actor for handling
// this reply, which needs to have a timeout after which it is
// destroyed in order not to leak resources; see more below.
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
def receive = {
case _ => {
val f1 = c1 ? "anything" // Future[Any]
val f2 = c2 ? "anything" // Future[Any]
val result: Future[Double] = for {
d1 <- f1.mapTo[Double]
d2 <- f2.mapTo[Double]
} yield d1 / d2
class C extends Actor {
def receive = {
case _ => // random Double

akka Actor selection without race condition

I have a futures pool , and each future works with the same akka Actor System - some Actors in system should be global, some are used only in one future.
val longFutures = for (i <- 0 until 2 ) yield Future {
val p:Page = PhantomExecutor(isDebug=true)
Await.result("") ,timeout = 10.seconds)
PhantomExecutor tryes to use one shared global actor (simple increment counter) using system.actorSelection
def selectActor[T <: Actor : ClassTag](system:ActorSystem,name:String) = {
val timeout = Timeout(0.1 seconds)
val myFutureStuff = system.actorSelection("akka://""/user/"+name)
val aid:ActorIdentity = Await.result(myFutureStuff.ask(Identify(1))(timeout).mapTo[ActorIdentity],
0.1 seconds)
aid.ref match {
case Some(cacher) =>
case None =>
But in concurrent environment this approach does not work because of race condition.
I know only one solution for this problem - create global actors before splitting to futures. But this means that I can't encapsulate alot of hidden work from top library user.
You're right in that making sure the global actors are initialized first is the right approach. Can't you tie them to a companion object and reference them from there so you know they will only ever be initialized one time? If you really can't go with such an approach then you could try something like this to lookup or create the actor. It is similar to your code but it include logic to go back through the lookup/create logic (recursively) if the race condition is hit (only up to a max number of times):
def findOrCreateActor[T <: Actor : ClassTag](system:ActorSystem, name:String, maxAttempts:Int = 5):ActorRef = {
import system.dispatcher
val timeout = 0.1 seconds
def doFindOrCreate(depth:Int = 0):ActorRef = {
if (depth >= maxAttempts)
throw new RuntimeException(s"Can not create actor with name $name and reached max attempts of $maxAttempts")
val selection = system.actorSelection(s"/user/$name")
val fut = selection.resolveOne(timeout).map(Some(_)).recover{
case ex:ActorNotFound => None
val refOpt = Await.result(fut, timeout)
refOpt match {
case Some(ref) => ref
case None => util.Try(system.actorOf(Props[T],name)).getOrElse(doFindOrCreate(depth + 1))
Now the retry logic would fire for any exception when creating the actor, so you might want to further specify that (probably via another recover combinator) to only recurse when it gets an InvalidActorNameException, but you get the idea.
You may want to consider creating a manager actor that would take care about creating "counter" actors. This way you would ensure that counter actor creation requests are serialized.
object CounterManagerActor {
case class SelectActorRequest(name : String)
case class SelectActorResponse(name : String, actorRef : ActorRef)
class CounterManagerActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case SelectActorRequest(name) => {
sender() ! SelectActorResponse(name, selectActor(name))
private def selectActor(name : String) = {
// a slightly modified version of the original selectActor() method

Ways for heartbeat message

I am trying to set a heartbeat over a network, i.e. having an actor send a message to the network on a fixed period of time. I would like to know if you have any better solution than the one I used below as I feel is pretty ugly, considering synchronisation contraints.
import akka.pattern.gracefulStop
import akka.util._
import java.util.Calendar
import java.util.concurrent._
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import scala.Array._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
sealed trait Message
case class Information() extends Message//does really need to be here?
case class StartMessage() extends Message
case class HeartbeatMessage() extends Message
case class StopMessage() extends Message
case class FrequencyChangeMessage(
f: Int
) extends Message
class Gps extends Actor {
override def preStart() {
val child = context.actorOf(Props(new Cadencer(500)), name = "cadencer")
def receive = {
case "beat" =>
case _ =>
println("gps: wut?")
class Cadencer(p3riod: Int) extends Actor {
var period: Int = _
var stop: Boolean = _
override def preStart() {
period = p3riod
stop = false
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(period milliseconds, self, HeartbeatMessage)
def receive = {
case StartMessage =>
stop = false
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(period milliseconds, self, HeartbeatMessage)
case HeartbeatMessage =>
if (false == stop) {
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(0 milliseconds, context.parent, "beat")
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(period milliseconds, self, HeartbeatMessage)
case StopMessage =>
stop = true
case FrequencyChangeMessage(f) =>
period = f
case _ =>
//throw exception
object main extends App {
val system ="mySystem")
val gps = system.actorOf(Props[Gps], name = "gps")
What I called cadencer here sends to a target actor and to itself an HeartbeatMessage ; to itself to transmit the order to resend one after a given amount of time, and thus going on with the process till a StopMessage (flipping the stop to true). Good?
Is even having a separated actor efficient rather than having it within a greater one?
Try this. It does not need a separate cadencer class.
class Gps extends Actor
var ticker : Cancellable = _
override def preStart()
println ("Gps prestart")
// val child = context.actorOf(Props(new Cadencer(500)), name = "cadencer")
ticker = context.system.scheduler.schedule (
500 milliseconds,
500 milliseconds,
def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] =
case "beat" =>
println ("got a beat")
case "stop" =>
case _ =>
println("gps: wut?")
object main extends App
val system ="mySystem")
val gps = system.actorOf(Props[Gps], name = "gps")
Thread.sleep (5000)
gps ! "stop"
println ("stop")
Actors are pretty lightweight, so it is no problem to have one actor for sending heartbeat messages (and it's preferable if you think of the Single Responsibility Principle).
Further remarks:
If you want to get rid of the period var, you can do the following (it's called hotswapping):
override def preStart() {
// ...
def receive(period: Int) = {
// ...
case FrequencyChangeMessage(f) =>
// ...
Instead of using the stop var, you can stop the actor after getting the StopMessage.
If you need a heartbeat actor again, just start a new one.
Instead of scheduling with 0 milliseconds, you can send the message directly to the parent.

Ask an actor and let him respond when he reaches a particular state in Akka 2

I'm quite new to Akka so my question may seem simple:
I have an actor called workerA that uses FSM and can thus be either in those two states Finishedand Computing:
sealed trait State
case object Finished extends State
case object Computing extends State
sealed trait Data
case object Uninitialized extends Data
case class Todo(target: ActorRef, queue: immutable.Seq[Any]) extends Data
When workerA receives GetResponse it should answer if and if only it is in state Finished.
What is the proper way of doing this? I know we should avoid to be blocking in this paradigm but here it is only the top actor which is concerned.
I'm not necessarily sure you even need FSM here. FSM is a really good tool for when you have many states and many possible (and possibly complicated) state transitions between those states. In your case, if I understand correctly, you basically have two states; gathering data and finished. It also seems that there is only a single state transition, going from gathering -> finished. If I have this all correct, then I'm going to suggest that you simply use become to solve your problem.
I have some code below to show a trivial example of what I'm describing. The basic idea is that the main actor farms some work off to some workers and then waits for the results. If anyone asks for the results while the work is being done, the actor stashes that request until the work is done. When done, the actor will reply back to anyone that has asked for the results. The code is as follows:
case object GetResults
case class Results(ints:List[Int])
case object DoWork
class MainActor extends Actor with Stash{
import context._
override def preStart = {
val a = actorOf(Props[WorkerA], "worker-a")
val b = actorOf(Props[WorkerB], "worker-b")
a ! DoWork
b ! DoWork
def receive = gathering(Nil, 2)
def gathering(ints:List[Int], count:Int):Receive = {
case GetResults => stash()
case Results(i) =>
val results = i ::: ints
val newCount = count - 1
if (newCount == 0){
child("worker-a") foreach (stop(_))
child("worker-b") foreach (stop(_))
become(gathering(results, newCount))
def finished(results:List[Int]):Receive = {
case GetResults => sender ! results
class WorkerA extends Actor{
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//Only sleeping to simulate work. Not a good idea in real code
Thread sleep 3000
val ints = for(i <- 2 until 100 by 2) yield i
sender ! Results(ints.toList)
class WorkerB extends Actor{
def receive = {
case DoWork =>
//Only sleeping to simulate work. Not a good idea in real code
Thread sleep 2000
val ints = for(i <- 1 until 100 by 2) yield i
sender ! Results(ints.toList)
Then you could test it as follows:
val mainActor = system.actorOf(Props[MainActor])
val fut = mainActor ? GetResults
fut onComplete (println(_))
You can pattern match on FSM states:
// insert pattern matching stuff instead of ...
class MyActor extends Actor with FSM[State, Message] {
startWith(Finished, WaitMessage(null))
when(Finished) {
case Event(Todo(... =>
// work
goto(Computing) using Todo(...)
case Event(GetResponse(... =>
// reply: sender ! msg // or similar
/* the rest is optional. You can use onTransition below to send yourself a message to report status of the job: */
when(Busy) {
case Event(Finished(... =>
// reply to someone: sender ! msg // or similar
onTransition {
case Finished -> Computing =>
// I prefer to run stuff here in a future, and then send a message to myself to signal the end of the job:
self ! Finished(data)
An Edit to more specifically address the question:
class MyActor extends Actor with FSM[State, Message] {
startWith(Finished, WaitMessage(null))
when(Finished) {
case Event(Todo(... =>
// work
goto(Computing) using Todo(...)
case Event(GetResponse(... =>
// reply: sender ! msg // or similar