Resize occur window in Emacs - emacs

When entering occur mode for example (occur "test") the frame splits into two windows as shown below:
As seen the Occur buffer is taking up too much space on the frame, since there is only two matches (for the text "test"). I would like to shrink that window accordingly.
I tried the following code:
(defun test-occur ()
(occur "test")
(other-window 1)
(let (( win (selected-window))
(n (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))
(h (window-body-height)))
(let ((delta (- (- h n) 3)))
(window-resize win (- 0 delta) nil)))))
But it does not work (nothing happens with the Occur window)..

Just do this:
(add-hook 'occur-hook
(lambda ()
(pop-to-buffer "*Occur*")


Make frames in Emacs GUI behaves like frames in Terminal

In terminal, Emacs manage multiple frames with names like F1, F2.... because it can't create multiple OS windows. I want the GUI version to behave this way, that is, instead of creating multiple OS windows, I want it to create many virtual frames inside a single Emacs window. Is there a way?
There is a way to mimic the frame switching behavior of terminal emacs in GUI. Here is what I did. Basicly it uses make-frame-invisible to hide inactive frames. It works well on archlinux with i3.
(defsubst +amos--is-frame-daemons-frame (f)
(and (daemonp) (eq f terminal-frame)))
(defun +amos--frame-list-without-daemon ()
"Return a list of frames without the daemon's frame."
(if (daemonp)
#'(lambda (f) (not (+amos--is-frame-daemons-frame f))))
(defun +amos/workspace-new ()
(let ((name (frame-parameter nil 'name))
(oframe (selected-frame)))
(select-frame (if (s-starts-with? "F" name)
(make-frame `((name . ,name)))))
(make-frame-invisible oframe t))
(setq +amos--frame-list (reverse (+amos--frame-list-without-daemon))))
(setq +amos-tmux-need-switch nil)
;; TODO ring lru
(defun +amos/workspace-delete ()
(let ((f (selected-frame)))
(select-frame (previous-frame))
(delete-frame f))
(setq +amos--frame-list (reverse (+amos--frame-list-without-daemon)))
(when +amos-tmux-need-switch
(shell-command! "tmux switch-client -t amos\; run-shell -t amos '/home/amos/scripts/ $(tmux display -p \"#{pane_tty}\")'")
(setq +amos-tmux-need-switch nil)))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to (index)
(when (< index (length +amos--frame-list))
(let ((frame (nth index +amos--frame-list))
(oframe (selected-frame)))
(select-frame frame)
(raise-frame frame)
(make-frame-invisible oframe t)
(setq +amos-tmux-need-switch nil)
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-1 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 0))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-2 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 1))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-3 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 2))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-4 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 3))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-5 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 4))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-6 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 5))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-7 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 6))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-8 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 7))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-to-9 () (interactive) (+amos/workspace-switch-to 8))
(defun +amos-workspace-cycle (off)
(let* ((n (length +amos--frame-list))
(index (-elem-index (selected-frame) +amos--frame-list))
(i (% (+ off index n) n)))
(+amos/workspace-switch-to i)))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-left () (interactive) (+amos-workspace-cycle -1))
(defun +amos/workspace-switch-right () (interactive) (+amos-workspace-cycle +1))
(defun +amos|maybe-delete-frame-buffer (frame)
(let ((windows (window-list frame)))
(dolist (window windows)
(let ((buffer (window-buffer (car windows))))
(when (eq 1 (length (get-buffer-window-list buffer nil t)))
(kill-buffer buffer))))))
(add-to-list 'delete-frame-functions #'+amos|maybe-delete-frame-buffer)
If what you mean is that you want to be able to access frames by name, then yes, you can do this with Icicles.
By default, C-x 5 o is bound to multi-command icicle-select-frame. This lets you select one or more frames by name.
A frame's name comes from its name frame parameter. It is suffixed as needed by [NUMBER], to
make it unique. For example, in a context where frames are named for
their buffers and you have two frames showing buffer *Help*, one of
the frames will be called *Help*[2] for use with this command.
Frame selection with C-x 5 o uses completion and cycling. The completion can be vanilla Emacs completion or regexp (including, of course, substring) completion. (It can also be any of several fuzzy completions.)
(If, for some reason, you want the frame names to be just F1, F2, etc., as with terminal Emacs, then you just need to do that at the level of frame parameter name. You can do that using hooks etc.)

Changing margin for emacs text-mode

The only way I found to change margins in emacs to my liking without things acting funny is this:
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
(lambda ()
(set-window-margins (car (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer) nil t)) 24 24)))
I would like for this setting to be invoked only in text-mode and change back when I change to other modes. Somewhat naively I tried this:
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(set-window-margins (car (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer) nil t)) 24 24)))
But it's not working. What would be the right code to have the margins only change for buffers in text-mode?
Even though you can set the margins using set-window-margins, they are lost as soon as you change the window in any way. A better solution is to set the variables left-margin-width and right-margin-width. For example:
(defun my-set-margins ()
"Set margins in current buffer."
(setq left-margin-width 24)
(setq right-margin-width 24))
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'my-set-margins)
How about something like this? Your problem likely stems from the fact that many major modes inherit text-mode. You can either eliminate your window-configuration-change-hook, or you can use your new function major-briggs with it -- personally I'd just use the text-mode-hook with the major-briggs function.
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook (lambda ()
;; insert additional stuff if so desired
(defun major-briggs ()
(when (eq major-mode 'text-mode)
(car (get-buffer-window-list (current-buffer) nil t)) 24 24) ))
Here's some code to center your markdown and text files within 80 characters. This adjusts the margins for all your frames automatically.
;; Add left and right margins, when file is markdown or text.
(defun center-window (window) ""
(let* ((current-extension (file-name-extension (or (buffer-file-name) "foo.unknown")))
(max-text-width 80)
(margin (max 0 (/ (- (window-width window) max-text-width) 2))))
(if (and (not (string= current-extension "md"))
(not (string= current-extension "txt")))
;; Do nothing if this isn't an .md or .txt file.
(set-window-margins window margin margin))))
;; Adjust margins of all windows.
(defun center-windows () ""
(walk-windows (lambda (window) (center-window window)) nil 1))
;; Listen to window changes.
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'center-windows)
With the following code:
(defvar-local my-text-width nil
"Text area width for current buffer, or nil if no attention needed.")
(put 'my-text-width 'safe-local-variable #'integerp)
(defun my--margin-setup ()
"Handle settings of `my-text-width'."
(lambda (window)
(with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
(let ((margin (and my-text-width
(/ (max 0 (- (window-total-width)
(when (or (not (equal margin left-margin-width))
(not (equal margin right-margin-width)))
(setq left-margin-width margin)
(setq right-margin-width margin)
(set-window-buffer window (current-buffer))))))))
(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'my--margin-setup)
You can set my-text-width in a file-local or directory-local variable, and Emacs will automatically set the margins accordingly to get that text width. It works even when you resize the frame or introduce splits.

Toggle case of next letter in elisp

I'd like to be able to toggle the case of the letter under the point. To that end, I wrote this:
(defun toggle-case-next-letter ()
"Toggles the case of the next letter, then moves the point forward one character"
(let* ((p (point))
(upcased (upcasep (char-after)))
(f (if upcased 'downcase-region 'upcase-region)))
(f p (+ 1 p))
However, when I run it (I've bound it to M-#), I get progn: Symbol's function definition is void: f. I assume this means f isn't bound, but I'm not sure.
Upcasep is defined as:
(defun upcasep (c) (eq c (upcase c)))
Is the problem in the let binding, or something else? (Also, if there's a better way to do this, that'd be nice as well).
Note that originally I had (upcased (upcasep (buffer-substring-no-properties p (+ 1 p)))), which I've corrected to (upcased (upcasep (char-after)), because using upcasep as defined above is always nil for strings (so I couldn't downcase again).
You've got a typical case of lisp-1 / lisp-2 confusion. Here's a fix (just a funcall):
(defun toggle-case-next-letter ()
"Toggles the case of the next letter, then moves the point forward one character"
(let* ((p (point))
(upcased (char-upcasep (buffer-substring-no-properties p (+ 1 p))))
(f (if upcased 'downcase-region 'upcase-region)))
(funcall f p (+ 1 p))
And here's what I have:
(global-set-key (kbd "C->") 'upcase-word-toggle)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z") 'capitalize-word-toggle)
(defun char-upcasep (letter)
(eq letter (upcase letter)))
(defun capitalize-word-toggle ()
(let ((start (car
(bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))))
(if start
(goto-char start)
(if (char-upcasep (char-after))
start (1+ start)))
(capitalize-word -1))))
(defun upcase-word-toggle ()
(let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
beg end
(if (eq this-command last-command)
(setq regionp (get this-command 'regionp))
(put this-command 'regionp nil))
((or (region-active-p) regionp)
(setq beg (region-beginning)
end (region-end))
(put this-command 'regionp t))
(setq beg (car bounds)
end (cdr bounds)))
(setq beg (point)
end (1+ beg))))
(goto-char (1- beg))
(and (re-search-forward "[A-Za-z]" end t)
(funcall (if (char-upcasep (char-before))
beg end)))))
I couldn't get #abo-abo's answer working for me but using his comments I was able to google better and found the following at
(defun chris2-toggle-case ()
(let ((char (following-char)))
(if (eq char (upcase char))
(insert-char (downcase char) 1 t)
(insert-char (upcase char) 1 t)))
(delete-char 1 nil)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-#") 'chris2-toggle-case)
This answers the original question if you remove (backward-char).
I realize this is a very old question, but having stumbled upon the same problem recently, I'd like to suggest a simpler solution.
I start with a pure function for toggling character case, based on char code property inspection:
(cl-defun toggle-char-case (c)
(cl-case (get-char-code-property c 'general-category)
(Lu (downcase c))
(Ll (upcase c))
(t c)))
I then use it from within an interactive function operating at point:
(cl-defun toggle-char-case-at-point ()
(let ((new (toggle-char-case (char-after))))
(delete-char 1)
(insert new)))
I then bound this interactive function to a keybinding of my choice:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-c") 'toggle-char-case-at-point)
The way this function operates is, after toggling the case it advances the point by one. So calling it repeatedly will toggle the cases of a sequence of chars. One could make it keep the point unchanged - that would require adding (backward-char) to the body.

Find vertical position in window

I want to know the vertical position of the cursor relative to the top of the window. I tried this
(defun cursor-line-in-window ()
(let* ((current-line (line-number-at-pos (point)))
(top-of-window-line (progn (move-to-window-line 0)
(line-number-at-pos (point)))))
(- current-line top-of-window-line))))
It works, except when I'm in an org-mode file where several lines are folded in under a headline. So I would like to either:
1: find a way to count the number of visible lines in a range, or
2: find a function that gives me the vertical position directly.
Look at (nth 6 (posn-at-point)), which should be a pair (COL . ROW).
Here you have a non-very-elegant solution:
(defun cursor-line-in-window ()
(let ((pos (point))
(r 0))
(move-to-window-line 0)
(while (<= (point) pos)
(next-line 1)
(incf r))

Permanently change the state of abbreviated display of a piece of code?

In *scratch* buffer in Emacs Lisp after you evaluated an expression that evaluates to a complex Lisp form, that form is "abbreviated", i.e. some long lists or its inner parts are replaced by ellipses. Looks something like:
(let* ((--3 (make-hash-table)) d c (--5 (let ... ... ...)) (--6 0) (--0 (make-
hash-table)) b a (--1 0) --7) (catch (quote --2) (maphash (lambda ... ... ...
... ... ... ...) --0)) (nreverse --7))
vs expanded version:
(let* ((--3 (make-hash-table)) d c (--5 (let (--4) (maphash (lambda (k v)
(setq --4(cons k --4))) --3) (nreverse --4))) (--6 0) (--0 (make-hash-table))
b a (--1 0) --7) (catch (quote --2) (maphash (lambda (k v) (when (or (> --6
150) (> --1 100)) (throw (quote --2) nil)) (setq a k b v) (setq c (car --5) d
(gethash (car --5) --3) --5 (cdr --5)) (incf --6) (setq --7 (cons (list (cons
a b) (cons c d)) --7)) (message "a: %s, b: %s, c: %s, d: %s" a b c d)) --0))
(nreverse --7))
If I press RET in the expanded or collapsed state, it toggles the state back. Obviously, my first reaction is to try to format the output, so I press RET! And then it will either collapse or expand, depends on whichever state it was in. If I copy and paste the whole thing, then it is treated as normal text, but is there a faster way of doing it? I.e. I would like to permanently expand it, w/o having to copy-paste.
I couldn't find the function which toggles the state (perhaps I'm calling it incorrectly). It took me a while to realize it was possible to toggle it anyway (yeah, it displays that in a tooltip, but who uses mouse in Emacs?).
Also, I, in general, like the idea, is it possible to apply it to other languages too? Where can I read more about this feature?
Two variables control the print out of results of eval-expression. in the *scratch* buffer:
You could set those to nil and the result would always be expanded.
If you just want the RET to switch to the fully expanded (and not to toggle), you can use this advice to strip the text properties which enable the toggling of display state:
(defadvice last-sexp-toggle-display (after last-sexp-toggle-display-only-long-form activate)
"After the function is called, check to see if the long form had been displayed, and if so, remove property enabling toggling"
(let ((value (get-text-property (point) 'printed-value)))
(when value
(let ((beg (or (previous-single-property-change (min (point-max) (1+ (point)))
(end (or (next-single-char-property-change (point) 'printed-value) (point)))
(standard-output (current-buffer))
(point (point)))
(if (< (length (nth 1 value)) (length (nth 2 value)))
(remove-text-properties beg end '(printed-value))))))))