robocopy file structure - rename file at destination if its newer - robocopy

I would like to robocopy a directory and it's subdirectories to another directory. If a file at source is newer then I would like to make a copy of this file by adding a date/time stamp at end of the filename at destination and do the copy to destination.
I do not see any switches in the robocopy to do this. Can someone guide me how to do this.

Robocopy doesn't have a renaming switch, but you can use the rename command on the resulting files to add timestamps. Here's an example batch file:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=. " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c-%%a-%%b)
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=/:" %%a in ("%TIME%") do (set mytime=%%a%%b)
dir Directory1\ /b > list
robocopy Directory1\ Backup\
for /f %%f in (list) do rename Backup\%%f %%~nf%mydate%_%mytime%%%~xf
Note that you will need to change the delimiters of the date depending on which country standard you follow. You can get that by executing date /t


Trying to rename files based on file size

I am trying to rename some MP4 files based on file size of mp4 files in another directory. I want to name all files with identical sizes to same name. Meaning if the file size of the source file matches the size of file in the comparison directory, the source file is renamed to whatever the compared file is named. Because both directories need to be read recursively I'm thinking it would be easier to make a list for comparison with the info in it in 2 columns by using the DIR /s /b echo %%~zs>>filesizelist.txt command giving me a list like
123456789 movie.mp4
987654321 movie2.mp4
Then pass all source mp4s to the batch file and if %%~za matches a value in first column then ren the file to the
corresponding filename. Is this the best path? I tried to script it to work on the fly and that was both a no-go and the source of my 3 day headache(plus the reference list rarely changes and is obviously easily updated). Can someone please assist me with the script?
I do some test with my mp4, and the code works, and for you perform your test, you w´ll need change/put this 2 line above with the path to your folder/directory (one to keep and another to compare), by replacing in the line code is like this:
`set "_target_to_keeped=C:\Users\ecker\Videos\Target"`
`set "_target_to_rename=C:\Users\ecker\Videos\Ren_it"`
You need add the folder where are files to keep and files to rename (if size+name match) on same lines where are the 2 lines code up in this test (sorry not explain in good English, my English is not help me). By now, is late 01:53, i need sleep... yep! so, have nice code!
#echo off && setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "%~dp0"
set /a _cnt_in_looping= 1 - 1
set /a _cnt_files_size= 1 - 1
set "_target_to_keeped=C:\Users\ecker\Videos\Target"
set "_target_to_rename=C:\Users\ecker\Videos\Ren_it"
cd /d "!_target_to_keeped!"
for /f "tokens=* delims=^ " %%i in ('^<nul dir /o-d /on /b "*.mp4" 2^> nul ^| find "" /v /c') do set _cnt_in_looping=%%i
for /f "tokens=* delims=^ " %%i in ('^<nul dir /o-d /on /b "*.mp4"') do (
set "_file_now_keep=%%i"
set "_file_now_keeped=%%~zi %%i"
call :_to_compare_:
set /a _total_files_renamed=!_cnt_in_looping! - !_cnt_files_size!
set /a _total_files_n_chang=!_total_files_renamed! - !_cnt_in_looping! * -1
echo/Total of files renamed = !_total_files_renamed!
echo/Total of files n chang = !_total_files_n_chang!
goto :_end_of_file_:
if not exist "!_file_now_keep!" exit /b
for /f "tokens=*" %%I in ('^<nul dir /o-d /on /b "!_file_now_keep!"') do (
set "_file_now_compare=%%~zI %%I"
set "_path_now_compare=%%~dpI"
if "!_file_now_compare!" == "!_file_now_keeped!" (
rename "!_path_now_compare!\%%I" "%%~zI %%I"
echo/ rename "%%~I" "%%~zI %%I"
if ["!errorlevel!"]==["0"] call set /a _cnt_files_size=!_cnt_files_size! + 1
timeout /t 10
exit /b

Using a Batch-Script to add a date between the filename and the extension of it

I have a Script that is searching for the newest file in the directory "test" and gives it the variable "Newest".
pushd c:\Test
for /f %%i in ('dir /b/a-d/od/t:c') do set Newest=%%I
Now let's assume that the name of the file is ThisFile.txt.
I now want to rename it to ThisFile_yyyymmdd.txt by using my variable %Newest%.
What I have so far is this:
Set TDate=%date:~6,6%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%
ren %Newest% "%Newest%%TDATE%"
This however renames my file to ThisFile.txt_yyyymmdd which obviously removes the extension and ruins the file.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Keep in mind that I have to rename it by using the variable %Newest%.
Here you go . Also %%i are case sensitive.
#echo off
pushd c:\Test
Set "TDate=%date:~6,6%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2%"
for /f %%I in ('dir /b/a-d/od/t:c') do (
echo ren %%~fI "%%~nI_%TDATE%%%~xI"
exit /b 0
Must read FOR/?

Batch file to find and run latest file in a dir with only partially known name?

How can I write in a simple Windows 7 compatible Batch file:
Where filename begins with "c:\my folder\myfile*.exe", run only the most recent one created.
For example, if I have 10 files in "c:\my folder\" and they are all similarly named myfile*.exe, and myfileBOB.exe was the last of this named file to be created - how to fish this out (the folder also contains other general files of different types) automatically by filename myfile* AND created date to execute?
Many thanks!
Sort the files by date ascending, and keep the last (most recent) one.
#echo off
pushd "c:\my folder"
set "file="
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d /od myfile*.exe') do set "file=%%F"
if defined file "%file%"
Or sort files by date descending, and break out of loop after first iteration.
#echo off
pushd "c:\my folder"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /a-d /o-d myfile*.exe') do "%%F"&goto :break

Batch file copy with date and time

I'm trying to figure this out need some help. I need to make a program that copy's my Log file and rename with date and time to different directory. Prior to loading the program not sure how to do it if any help would be great.
Here's a batch file that will copy all log files to an archive folder appending the date to each:
#Echo Off
#For /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims=/ " %%A in ('Date /t') do #(
Set Day=%%A
Set Month=%%B
Set Year=%%C
Set All=%%C%%B%%A
#For %%a in ("*.log") do copy %%a "archive\%%~na_%All%.LOG"

Batch script that separates that creates folder by month

SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
REM Set variables
SET SOURCE=C:\My WebEx Recordings
SET DEST=\\XXXRD12\c$\WebExVideoArchive
SET 7ZIP=C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe
REM Compress local files with 7zip
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------
FOR %%f in ("*.wrf") DO (
ECHO Compressing !FILENAME!
"!7ZIP!" a -t7z -aoa "!FILENAME!.7z" "%%f"
REM Copy compressed files
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------------
REM XCOPY <source> <destination> <options>
XCOPY "%SOURCE%\*.7z" "%DEST%" /Y /V /I /R
REM Confirm successful copy, then delete originals
ECHO Copy Operation Successful. Removing Originals...
DEL /Q "%SOURCE%\*.*"
ECHO Error Detected During Copying. Please try again...Press Any Key to Exit
I am trying to edit this code to when we run the batch file it creates a folder based off the month of our file format. We ran this script a whole lot but forgot to make a folder called April now we have May mixed in with April.
The files are formatted like
I was wondering if there is anyway it can go off the .04 and make a folder for that month so it will automatically put it in the folder it is needing to go into, so it will be easy to search for by month.
** would it be possible if we can not use the format that we format our files in to have it sort by file creation.
Erase everything below (and including) the line REM XCOPY <source> <destination> <options> and replace it with the following:
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`dir /b "%SOURCE%\*.7z"`) do (
REM Extract the month.
for /F "usebackq tokens=3 delims=-" %%i in ('!CURRENT_FILE!') do (
REM Confirm successful copy, then delete original
ECHO Copy Operation Successful. Removing Original...
ECHO Error while copying "%SOURCE%\!CURRENT_FILE!.
This code goes through every file matching %SOURCE%\*.7z, extracts the month, and then copies the file to %DEST%\<month>. Month is just the 2-digit number from the filename.
Seems like you have a folder full of files with different numeric-month values embedded in the filename. I was thinking of extracting that value from each file, but it would be more straightforward to use brute force wildcards with 12 different XCOPY commands:
XCOPY "%SOURCE%\*-*-20??.??.01-*.7z" "%DEST%\01" /Y /V /I /R
XCOPY "%SOURCE%\*-*-20??.??.02-*.7z" "%DEST%\02" /Y /V /I /R
XCOPY "%SOURCE%\*-*-20??.??.12-*.7z" "%DEST%\12" /Y /V /I /R
I may be misunderstanding the question but if you can make some assumptions about the filenames, this would work.