I need to call some git functions from my program. I am getting NPE and may be I am not properly instantiating the class.
GitBlit gitblit = new GitBlit();
Is this the wrong way?
Even I tried with GitBlit.self().getRepositoryList(); and still the output was an NPE.
I have a gitblit server running my local machine as https://milestones.af.com:8443
Here's an answer from James Moger to the same question asked in the GitBlit forum:
HI Manisha,
In the 1.3.x code GitBlit is the context for the webapp. It is a
singleton but it must be properly initialized by the container through
web.xml or by using the embedded Jetty. In the 1.3.x code you can't
just instantiate a GitBlit instance and have it be ready for use.
In the current master branch (1.4.x) things have been massively
refactored and modularized. GitBlit is no longer a webapp context but
is the aggregation of several smaller classes. It still relies on
proper initialization/configuration but this requirement is now more
Depending on your needs, you may do better with just harvesting code
from the JGitUtils class.
I am trying to run my first Scio pipeline on Dataflow .
The code in question can be found here. However I do not think that is too important.
My first experiment was to read some local CSV files and write another local CSV file, using the DirecRunner. That worked as expected.
Now, I am trying to read the files from GCS, write the output to BigQuery and run the pipeline using the DataflowRunner. I already made all the necessary changes (or that is what I believe). But I am unable to make it run.
I already gcloud auth application-default login and when I do
sbt run --runner=DataflowRunner --project=project-id --input-path=gs://path/to/data --output-table=dataset.table
I can see the Jb is submitted in Dataflow. However, after one hour the jobs fails with the following error message.
Workflow failed. Causes: The Dataflow job appears to be stuck because no worker activity has been seen in the last 1h.
(Note, the job did nothing in all that time, and since this is an experiment the data is simple too small to take more than a couple of minutes).
Checking the StackDriver I can find the follow error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: scala.collection.Seq
Related to some jackson thing:
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.Module: Provider com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule could not be instantiated
And that is what is killing each executor just at the start. I really do not understand why I can not find the Scala standard library.
I also tried to first create a template and runt it latter with:
sbt run --runner=DataflowRunner --project=project-id --input-path=gs://path/to/data --output-table=dataset.table --stagingLocation=gs://path/to/staging --templateLocation=gs://path/to/templates/template-1
But, after running the template, I get the same error.
Also, I noticed that in the staging folder there are a lot of jars, but the scala-library.jar is not in there.
I am missing something obvious?
It's a known issue with sbt 1.3.0 which introduced some breaking change w.r.t. class loaders. Try 1.2.8?
Also the Jackson issue is probably related to Java 11 or above. Stay with Java 8 for now.
Fix by setting the sbt classLoaderLayeringStrategy:
run / classLoaderLayeringStrategy := ClassLoaderLayeringStrategy.Flat
sbt uses a new classloader for the application that is run with run. This causes other classes already loaded by the JVM (Predef for instance) to be reused, reducing startup time. See in-process classloaders for details.
This doesn't play well with the Beam DataflowRunner because it explicitly does not stage classes from parent classloaders, see PipelineResources.java#L51:
Attempts to detect all the resources the class loader has access to. This does not recurse to class loader parents stopping it from pulling in resources from the system class loader.
So the fix is to force all classes used by your application to be loaded in the same classloader so that DataflowRunner stages everything.
Hope that helps
I am wondering if there is a way to pass a value for RAILS_ENV directly into the Torquebox server without going through a deployment descriptor; similar to how I can pass properties into Java with the -D option.
I have been wrestling with various deployment issues with Torquebox over the past couple weeks. I think a large part of the problem has to do with packaging the gems into the Knob file, which is the most practical way for managing them on a Window environment. I have tried archive deployment and expanded deployment; with and without external deployment descriptor.
With an external deployment descriptor, I found the packaged Gem dependencies were not properly deployed and I received errors about missing dependencies.
When expanded, I had to fudge around a lot with the dependencies and what got included in the Knob, but eventually I got it to deploy. However, certain files in the expanded Knob were marked as failed (possible duplicate dependencies?), but they did not affect the overall deployment. The problem was when the server restarted, deployment would fail the second time mentioning it could not redeploy one of the previously failed files.
The only one I have found to work consistently for me is archive without external deployment descriptor. However, I still need a way to tell the application in which environment it is running. I have different Torquebox instances for each environment and they only run the one application, so it would be fairly reasonable to configure this at the server level.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much!
The solution I finally came to was to pass in RAILS_ENV as a Java property to the Torquebox server and then to set ENV['RAILS_ENV'] to this value in the Rails boot.rb initializer.
Step 1: Set Java Property
First, you will need to set a Rails Environment java property for your Torquebox server. To keep with standard Java conventions, I called this rails.env.
Dependent on your platform and configuration, this change will need to be made in one of the following scripts:
Using JBoss Windows Service Wrapper: service.bat
Standalone environment: standalone.conf.bat (Windows) or standalone.conf (Unix)
Domain environment:: domain.conf.bat (Windows) or domain.conf (Unix)
Add the following line to the appropriate file above to set this Java property:
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Drails.env=staging
The -D option is used for setting Java system properties.
Step 2: Set ENV['RAILS_ENV'] based on Java Property
We want to set the RAILS_ENV as early as possible, since it is used by a lot of Rails initialization logic. Our first opportunity to inject application logic into the Rails Initialization Process is boot.rb.
See: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/initialization.html#config-boot-rb
The following line should be added to the top of boot.rb:
# boot.rb (top of the file)
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = ENV_JAVA['rails.env'] if defined?(ENV_JAVA) && ENV_JAVA['rails.env']
This needs to be the first thing in the file, so Bundler can make intelligent decisions about the environment.
As you can see above, a seldom mentioned feature of JRuby is that it conveniently exposes all Java system properties via the ENV_JAVA global map (mirroring the ENV ruby map), so we can use it to access our Java system property.
We check that ENV_JAVA is defined (i.e. JRuby is being used), since we support multiple deployment environments.
I force the rails.env property to be used when present, as it appears that *RAILS_ENV* already has a default value at this point.
I need to write a folder observer that will run in JBoss. The idea is that as soon as a file will appear in a folder we should handle the file and move it somewhere.
I wrote a simple Java class that will use the Java 7 NIO and it observe the folder. Once a file exists appears in the folder I move it to another folder and process it. Currently what I have done is as soon as the file appears I move it and create a new thread to process it.
Since this suppose to run in JBoss I understand now that creating threads in JBoss is not the way to do that and I should use message queues.
Therefore I am about to change the class and call the queue and pass it an object of the file location and expect the JBoss to handle it.
My question is basically am I doing it right? is this the right way to do that in JBoss? Any process that I want to be done in a multi tasking way should be done with message queues?
Thanks in advance,
You shouldn't create un-managed threads in a container. JBoss AS 7 / EAP 6 has the facility to let you define your own thread pools and permit the application container to manage these threads. If you want to use threads to do this, you should use a container managed thread pool. Otherwise, a message passing based implementation would work.
I am not fully sure why this application needs to run in a container/JBoss. Setting that aside, one option is to utilize the message oriented model using JMS queues/topics instead of dealing with files.
The other option is to create a JEE6 timer service that will execute your code to move files at a certain interval. So in this scenario JBoss will manage your threads using the ejb thread pool.
we are haunted by occasional occurences of exceptions such as:
com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException: Type 'xxx' was not assignable to 'com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable' and did not have a custom field serializer.For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.: instance = xxx
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.impl.ServerSerializationStreamWriter.serialize(ServerSerializationStreamWriter.java:610)
at com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.impl.AbstractSerializationStreamWriter.writeObject(AbstractSerializationStreamWriter.java:129)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.impl.ServerSerializationStreamWriter$ValueWriter$8.write(ServerSerializationStreamWriter.java:152)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.impl.ServerSerializationStreamWriter.serializeValue(ServerSerializationStreamWriter.java:534)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RPC.encodeResponse(RPC.java:609)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RPC.encodeResponseForSuccess(RPC.java:467)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RPC.invokeAndEncodeResponse(RPC.java:564)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet.processCall(RemoteServiceServlet.java:188)
at de.softconex.travicemanager.server.TraviceManagerServiceImpl.processCall(TraviceManagerServiceImpl.java:615)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet.processPost(RemoteServiceServlet.java:224)
at com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.AbstractRemoteServiceServlet.doPost(AbstractRemoteServiceServlet.java:62)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:710)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:803)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:290)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at org.jboss.web.tomcat.filters.ReplyHeaderFilter.doFilter(ReplyHeaderFilter.java:96)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:235)
at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:206)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:230)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:175)
at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.SecurityAssociationValve.invoke(SecurityAssociationValve.java:179)
at org.jboss.web.tomcat.security.JaccContextValve.invoke(JaccContextValve.java:84)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:127)
at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:102)
at org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.jca.CachedConnectionValve.invoke(CachedConnectionValve.java:157)
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:109)
at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:262)
at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProcessor.process(AjpAprProcessor.java:419)
at org.apache.coyote.ajp.AjpAprProtocol$AjpConnectionHandler.process(AjpAprProtocol.java:378)
at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.AprEndpoint$Worker.run(AprEndpoint.java:1508)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
The application is normally running fine. The indicated class implements Serializable (the whole object graph).
So far the only patterns / observations are:
we seem to have the issue only when the application is used inside an iframe
the problem seems to happen when a new version of the application has been deployed
running firefox in privacy mode (disabling all caches etc.) doesn't fix the problem
Any ideas?
did you check http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/RPC.html#serialize
the article says:
It has a default (zero argument) constructor with any access modifier (e.g. private Foo(){} will work)
I'm allways forgetting zeroargument const. when I am making a serializable object :D
Very possible reason - older version of client is still cached in browser. It sends rpc requests, but server is already restarted and have newer versions of rpc files (*.symbolMap)
I encountered the problem when I used Tomcat6 + Devmode in Ubuntu Lucid amd64. Using com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.IsSerializable instead of java.io.Serializable seemed solved the problem.
I assume you're running the application on localhost and in hosted mode? If so, you might want to keep an eye on the work directory (or the equivalent directory if you're not running the application in a tomcat server). Check the webapp's folder for serialization policiy files (*.gwt.rpc).
It's possible they're not loaded correctly, the only workaround we have found so far, is to restart your server after each serialization fault.
The problem is due to the fact GWT will generate its serialization policy files at run time, assuming you're running in hosted mode. In compiled mode, GWT will generate all necessary files at compile time. AFAIK, tomcat's unable to load in the resource files at run time and hence will not include the serialization files each time they are needed for the first time.
When restarting the server, tomcat's able to pick up the previously generated file and hence you shouldn't receive the same error after restarting.
Can you verify this?
If you are running on JBoss, this might be due to the fact that the previously deployed application is not deleted when undeployed. To fix this, you must modify the following file in JBoss:
and set the following attribute to true: deleteWorkDirOnContextDestroy
When the previously deployed application is not cleaned up, GWT can be confused about which RPC file it needs to load and you end up with those SerializationException
I had the same problem and I found a solution from another person:
"There is a possibility that you have a class which implements Serializable and you have an attribute field within that class which is not Serializable hence you might be getting this exception."
Many thanks to that person :)
My advice is to make all fields (which are not primitive types) in your class to implement Serializable also! This solved my problem.
This problem occurs when a GWT 2.5 application is compiled using JDK 1.7. GWT 2.5 supports JDK 1.6 and using this version of JDK will fix this issue.
So the RPC files are unique because they are loaded by servlets as well as being used in GWT. See http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/release-notes.html#Release_Notes_1_4_59 where it says "This file must be deployed to your web server as a public resource, accessible from a RemoteServiceServlet via ServletContext.getResource()"
Is it possible the new application is being reloaded dynamically and getResource is failing in some way? Does restarting the application fix things?
I've had the same error and fix this by clean the browse cache and navigation history.
I was getting a SerializationException also but I was also seeing this error showing up right before the serialization exception:
Example : error : cannot find template
It turned out to be a problem finding my velocity template. Once I fixed that problem the SerializationException stopped showing up, so if you follow Kerem's advice and still have problems, look for other exceptions in your log.
The best way to know the exact issue is to compile your code using -logLevel DEBUG or TRACE and check inside Validating Units. I am sure you would be able to find out the exact issue with line numbers as well.
First make sure you have a 'clean' serializable class ie empty constructor, no inner classes implementing serializable and use GWT Serializable class instead of Java Serializable class.
Then simply open your site in an Incognito tab (Chrome) solves the problem. Local browser cache causes loading old rpc files.
I had this problem when running SuperDevelopmentMode with a setup where codeserver was not on the same host as tomcat server. I had codeserver on my host, while tomcat running in the docker container. It turns out in such setup app server cannot get the right serialization policy files, so quite similar as described by thomaux in one of answers above, just different setup.
I had to add -Dgwt.codeserver.port=9876 to start parameters of tomcat as described here. This causes GWT SuperDevMode to switch to mode of getting serialization policy files through network. Still the url is hardcoded in com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.RemoteServiceServlet#getCodeServerPolicyUrl as
"http://localhost:" + codeServerPort
so you have to make sure that your tomcat can reach codeserver on that port, by tunneling or routing the traffic if necessary. Alternative is to hack GWT code to allow changing that localhost to something else too, but this doesn't look clean and secure.
I need some advice on configuring a project so it works in development, staging and production environments:
I have a web app project, MainProject, that contains two sub-projects, ProjectA and ProjectB, as well as some common code, Common. It's in a Subversion repository. It's nearly all HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In our current development environment we check MainProject out, then set up Apache virtual hosts to point at each of the sub-project's directories, as paths within each project are relative to their root. We also have a build process that then compiles each of the sub-projects into their own deliverable package, with the common code copied into each.
So - I'm trying to make development of this project a bit easier. At the moment there is a lot of configuration of file paths in Apache http.conf files, as well as the build.xml file and in a couple of other places too.
Ideally I'd like the project to be checked out of SVN onto a fresh computer, with a web server as part of the project, fully configured, that can then be run from the checkout directory with very little extra configuration, either on a PC or Mac. And I'd like anyone to be able to run the build to compile it too.
I'd love to hear from anyone who has done something like this, and any advice you have.
If you can add python as a dependency, you can get a minimal HTTP server running in less than ten lines of code. If you have basic server side code, there is a CGI server as well.
The following snippet is copied directly from the BaseHTTPServer documentation
import BaseHTTPServer
def run(server_class=BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer,
server_address = ('', 8000)
httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)
I've done this with Jetty, from within Java. Basically you write a simple Java class that starts Jetty (which is a small web server) - you can make then this run via an ant task (I used it with automated tests - Java code made requests to the server and checked the results in various ways).
Not sure it's appropriate here because you don't mention Java at all, so apologies if it's not the kind of thing you're looking for.