NuGet package dependencies and build/deploy servers - deployment

We're using FluentMigrator (a NuGet package) on an project to maintain database changes to our SQL Server.
What is the "correct" way to distribute a NuGet package with other build artifacts for usage during a deployment? Do I only need the "packages" folder?
I'm hoping for a response other than "use package manager and install the Nuget package on PROD".
I don't want to pull the package (from either local or non-local sources) during deployment, I want to include the correct package with my compiled code.

The correct way is to pull the package down before building the project, then assuming your project references the assembly such that Copy Local is true, it will be included in the build output, which should be stored as an artifact in your CI tool.
You definitely should not be doing anything related to NuGet beyond this point in your build/deployment process.


Is there Telerik UI for UWP nuget for UNO? is there a nuget for this repo?
I couldn't find any on nuget and Telerik.UI.for.UniversalWindowsPlatform is not support on mobile projects. Thanks.
[Update 2]
I am no longer continuing development on this and instead focusing my efforts on Telerik UI for MAUI.
I am working on making this available for the Uno community. You can find it on at xxx
Telerik doesn't own that fork, so they do not publish a NuGet package for it.
If you would like to have a NuGet package, you can clone the repo locally and compile it yourself. See the Getting Started section of the README to lean how to compile the repository.
Generate NuGet Package
Once it is compiled, you can generate a .nupkg file (see number 6):
Make sure you have the required software to build UWP applications
Clone a copy of the repository code
Open UWPControls.sln located in Controls folder and build it
Open UWPMap.sln located in Controls folder and build it in x86/x64 and ARM configs
All binaries are now located in Binaries folder
You can additionally build a NuGet package by running BuildTools/BuildNuGet.bat. The generated package will be located in the NuGet subfolder.
Next Steps
Once you have your own nupkg file, you can put it in a Package Source (i.e. just a local folder) or put it in your own nuget feed server and list that as a packages source.

How can I automate the addition of a Nuget package source?

I'm trying to automate the restoration of some custom Nuget packages, which are stored at a custom repository host. I've got the package installed locally, but a fresh developer machine will fail to restore these packages because it won't know about the custom NuGet repository if my understanding of the configuration is correct.
Adding a custom NuGet source is not a huge deal, but I'd really like to get everything so that the developer can build right after pulling from version control. Is there...
Any way to automate the addition of the custom NuGet repo as part of the source pull, i.e., is that stored anywhere in the source? Or...
Is there any way to designate the custom source in the package config?

Command to update packages repo in PackageManager console

I need to update package repo before building a solution in TFS Build Definition. I want to implement this using CommandLine build task.
Could someone tell me how to write a command to update package repo using a path.
According to your prior question, there are just missing some external packages during your TFS build pipeline.
Usually TFS use Package Management that hosts NuGet, npm, and Maven packages alongside all your other TFS assets: source code, builds, releases, etc, also be able to handle the external packages.
You could directly add external packages to a TFS Package Management feed. When you restore the packages, select the feed. All need packages will be restored entirely. To achieve this, just use Push NuGet packages to specify the packages you want to publish and the target feed location.
More details please refer Get started with NuGet Package Management in TFS

NuGet package restore tries to retrieve in all configured NuGet sources

While installing the NuGet packages from the NuGet package manage, having configured multiple NuGet package sources in VS2017, the NuGet client tries to retrieve the package in all the configured NuGet sources and returns messages like "Not Found".
I have configured the below NuGet sources in my NuGet.Config,
I have tried to restore the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package from the command prompt by using the nuget restore command. The NuGet client will try to retrieve the Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package from my custom NuGet feed, which does not contain the Newtonsoft.Json package and returns a NotFound message in the output:
However the package is restored perfectly without issues. But why does the package manager search all the sources which are configured and prints not found errors even it found it in the first NuGet source?
Why does the NuGet client try to retrieve in all configures sources? Is this a bug from NuGet? I am using Visual Studio 2017 (15.4) and NuGet package Manager (4.4.0).
No, it's not a bug.
When the NuGet client is doing a restore and sees you have a dependency on some package, it has no way of knowing which feed the package exists in. In the past, the NuGet client would query each source in order, but at some point it was changed to query all sources concurrently and use the first successful response.
There are also several scenarios where you would want to get a package that is available on, from a source other than One example is you might have a private feed with commonly used packages on the same network as your build servers, so that package restore is as quick as possible and more resilient to network outages.

Can I use my OctopusDeploy built-in Package Repository in Manage NuGet Packages?

I have a working Octopus Deploy server which has a library of packages I built.
I have an assembly which depends on one of the assemblies which I have deployed in Octopus Deploy and which is currently in that repository. I tried adding it as a package source in NuGet Package Manager, with my repository's URL (something like:
It will not populate the list Manage NuGet Packages of Visual Studio 2013, although the Microsoft and .NET and the will populate.
Documentation doesn't appear to address this at Is this something that can be done, or does my organization need to make an external NuGet feed?
Octopus Server provides a write-only repository and it can't be consumed by other NuGet clients.
There are many options available to you depending on your budget / hardware
NuGet Gallery
Octopus built in package repository is not mean't to be consumed by others.
The nuget packages there, are built specifically for Octopus. They have different structure. These packages are meant to be unpacked directly to a specific location, and run by either Windows service or IIS.
Also, from docs:
It is important to understand that the Octopus server provides a
write-only repository; intended for hosting application packages only
. Packages that are pushed to the Octopus server can't be consumed by
other NuGet clients like Visual Studio. If you need a NuGet feed for
sharing libraries between your development projects, a separate NuGet
repository is required.
We host internal nuget server ourselves, which works very nicely.