How can i receive the REST API request in Mule? - rest

I have used local JIRA Server and i am using Webhook integration concept in JIRA. Here i am giving the Webhook URL is "localhost:8081/webhook" and Event is Create and Update issue. when i am create or update issue means it will be pass to "localhost:8081/webhook". The same address only i gave in mule also but its not working in my MULE. Mule didn't listen the webservice. How can i USE REST API in mule. Which flow is used for receive the JSON format REST API data. It's possible means how can i do this work.

By far the easiest way to do this in Mule now is to use the new Api Kit and write your service description in RAML.
Intro material with docs and examples at:

The mule http components may be outboud e.g call your rest api or inbound where the mule server will listen for an event on a http port and url
You say mule is not listening, you should be able to quite simply setup a mule inbound http component flow .. and trigger this flow by pointing your browser at it. I think you will find mule is listening correctly, and you may have mis-configured some of your settings?


SAP DI Server - How to issue first request?

I have set up a Windows server using SAP Business One, and am trying to fire up the DI Server.
I would like to make a HTTP request with a SOAP body, but I don't know what URL to put in postman.
I also can't figure out how to run the example files in the installation folder for DI Server.
Does anyone know how to get started with DI Server?
Unless you are also using B1WS, starting the DI-Server service doesn't give you a listening HTTP server. You need to write your own listener, for instance as a simple .ashx page hosted under IIS, which accepts a request and passes it to the Interact method of the SBODI_Server.Node object.

How to extend Balana OpenAZ PEP to send requests to remote WSO2 Identity Server?

What's the appropriate way to extend a Balana-OpenAZ based PEP to send XACML3 decision requests to a remote WSO2 Identity Server PDP?
You want to send XACML decision request from PEP to Identity Server PDP. Still Identity Server only supports SOAP based web service API, Thrift based API and WS-XACML. Therefore i guess, best way to start is using SOAP based web service API. You can find sample java based client from here to write a extension for Balana-OpenAZ PEP.

Access Wsdl web service client side GWT

I'm working in an GWT 2.4 project. I want to access to a SOAP service. I used wsdl2java to generate classes of the service (servicestub, servicelocator, ...). But this code is server side. How can I do to access the service on the client-side?
There are some problems in Calling Cross Domain Web Services in AJAX. You can read answer on this question: Accessing web Service from jQuery - cross domain. But you can call server method using RPC. And then server get data from SOAP and return to client.
Its really tricky to do that (I'm even not sure if its possible) and I would prefer to wrap the SOAP call into a server side service and call that from you client.

Apache can't send request to localhost:8080 (to use Mule Esb Flow)

I'm trying to use a sample web application that use Ajax to send a request to a php REST service.
I need to use Mule ESB to do this, so i fix my ajax function to send request to ESB on localhost:8080. But the browser said that i can't do this for security reason.
So, there are any way to use mule ESB with a web app (local appache server) locally ?
Trying to GET a resource from the same host but from a different port is considered cross scripting as explained here
If you want to retrieve it you can:
all the option listed at the above link
put mule behind a reverse proxy within your apache configuration
serve all the content via mule

I have a REST client APi but no detail on how the REST service is implemented . What technology do i use to make it useful for any implementation

So i have a assignment to write some REST client calls to a REST web service which does not exist.
To work around it i created a mock web service using Jersey. But i am not sure what technology the actual REST service would use.
Please advise on what technology should i use to send down the REST calls to the server.
Also if possible also give me a sample of how to send down a XML GET request to the REST service.
Thanks much for the help.
Please advise on what technology should i use to send down the REST calls to the server.
REST is HTTP. You can use anything that sends HTTP requests:
Jersey Client
Any web browser
carrier pigeon
Also if possible also give me a sample of how to send down a XML GET request to the REST service.
It's just an HTTP GET request. How it's built/generated/sent depends on what library and programming language you're writing the client in. But the actual request itself would look something like this:
GET /foo/bar/baz HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/xml
As far as I know Both Java and .Net environment has the tools to generate WebServices (SOAP and rest). What's your client development language ?
REST :Representational state transfer in simple terms used to send data between client and server . As
Client use some persistent URL for communication and it is stateless communication .
Java uses Jersey, the reference implementation of JAX-RS, implements support for the annotations defined in JSR 311, making it easy for developers to build RESTful web services by using the Java programming language.
So All u have to use for creating services is just some dependencies , bean configuration and some annotations (To Expose Service ) .
For calling REST Service , u can either call from browser . Browsers like (chrome ,mozilla ) provide some plugins to calling REST service or u can create a client to call REST Service .