Get data from an EventMachine server connection? - sinatra

I'm attempting to create a Sinatra server that will return statistics about an EventMachine server. That is, I'm running: do
server = EventMachine.start_server 'localhost', 3333, MyApp
dispatch = do
map '/' do
run MySinatraApp
app: dispatch,
server: 'thin',
Host: '',
Port: '1111'
My goal is to figure out information on that running server started by start_server, such as connection_count. Is there any way to do this?

As far as I know there is no in-built way to do this (hopefully someone disproves me),
you can keep a counter in MyApp and +1 on connect and -1 on unbind for same effect.

Why? Why not just have the EM server provide a /info endpoint or something that returns a dump of the information you need? Why do you need the second server? If you really want a second server then it could just be a simple sinatra app that makes a HTTP request to /info and returns the results.
For connection_count it looks like there is a EM.connection_count you can call. You can see it here.


How to integrate Dancer2::Core::HTTP helpers for rendering HTTP status codes?

Dancer2 is a PSGI web application framework, we can use the "plackup" tool (provided by Plack) for launching the application:
plackup -p 5000 bin/app.psgi
The web application created using Dancer2 script can be viewed on localhost and port 5000.
We can then write a get request as follows:
get '/hello/:name' => sub {
return "Hi there " . route_parameters->get('name');
For GET requests to "/hello/...", the code block provided above gets executed.
If the application is down, for GET requests to "/hello/...", the following error is shown:
curl: (7) Failed connect to localhost:5000; Connection refused
How do we integrate Dancer2::Core::HTTP helpers for rendering HTTP status codes for Dancer2 so that the following status code is shown when the app is down? Similarly, there are other error handlers too, how to integrate them as well?
status_500 status_error, status_internal_server_error

Lua open socket error

I am using lua as module for nginx (openresty) to get files from remote host. My function:
function readfile(url)
local http = require ("socket.http")
if not http then
error("Couldn't open socket.http")
http.TIMEOUT = 5
local body, code = http.request(url)
if not body then
error("Couldn't read the remote file: " .. code)
return body
I have tested this code by using Siege. When I set the users more then 100 (for example), I catch this error:
2018/03/27 09:36:38 [info] 10#10: *91018 shutdown() failed (107: Socket not connected), client:, server: localhost
I have more errors when i set more users. What does it mean? Thank you for the help.
Don't use luasocket library with OpenResty. The resulting code would block on http.request().
I suppose that all nginx worker just blocked and it is the reason of these errors.
For you purpose you may use one of the libraries below:
First is more fexible, allow to use secure transport.
Second has simpler API.
And both use internally nginx Lua cosocket API and are 100% nonblocking out of the box.
The lua-resty-http or lua-resty-http-simple do not work in the init_by_lua in http context.
it is fine to use it in the init context where blocking is not considered harmful.

nginx - Trying to push to facebook live

I try to push stream to facebook from nginx server withi this summary:
- install nginx (with rtmp module) on debian
- nginx.conf
rtmp {
listen 9999;
chunk_size 4096;
application live {
live on;
record off;
push rtmp://;
and error received:
2018/01/23 09:31:10 [error] 6826#0: connect() to [2a03:2880:f002:12a:face:b00c:0:1411]:80 failed (101: Network is unreachable)
2018/01/23 09:31:10 [error] 6826#0: *5 relay: push reconnect failed name='online' app='' playpath='' url='', client: IP, server:
Is there something wrong ?
I'm still in searching to resolve this
Thank in advance
replace 'key' from your push URL with your private key found in
Sometime in peak hour, the facebook RTMP server stop accepting new request. Happened to me so many times while simulcast Youtube/FB Live / Twitch on Nginx RTMP Module.
Another solution is, fire up free tier AWS EC2 AMI Linux, install NGINX with RTMP Module and pushing from there.

TYPO3 Backend with reverseProxyIP and ssl

My server configuration is a TYPO3 installation Vs. 6.2.31 combined with a reverse proxy. The system is running fine with http.
When we try to switch to https we geht this Error Message in the backend:
"Connection Problem
Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server. Please check your network connection."
And the page tree is not loading.
When switching back to http all is working one again.
Our settings:
[SYS][reverseProxyIP] = (IP of our reverse Proxy)
[SYS][reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue] = last
[SYS][reverseProxySSL] = *
What i tried:
deactivate all extensions apart from the system extensions
no entry in syslog (error reporting is on development)
no entries in the server logs
lockSSL in install tool 3 results in never ending 302 redirects
lockSSL with option 2 results in this error message:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'RuntimeException' with message 'TYPO3 Backend not accessed via SSL: TYPO3 Backend is configured to only be accessible through SSL. Change the URL in your browser and try again.' in /srv/httpd/sites/fland_ww1/typo3_src-6.2.31/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Core/Bootstrap.php:897 Stack trace: #0 /srv/httpd/sites/fland_ww1/typo3_src-6.2.31/typo3/init.php(54): TYPO3\CMS\Core\Core\Bootstrap->checkSslBackendAndRedirectIfNeeded() #1 /srv/httpd/sites/fland_ww1/typo3_src-6.2.31/typo3/index.php(21): require('/srv/httpd/site...') #2 {main} thrown in /srv/httpd/sites/fland_ww1/typo3_src-6.2.31/typo3/sysext/core/Classes/Core/Bootstrap.php on line 897
It seems that some requests e.g. for the page tree are made without ssl - ajax calls i presume - but i dont have a clue how to debug it.
Andy ideas?
I have the same version at a customer and with a load balancer / proxy.
The only difference is [SYS][reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue] = first.
Also, [BE][lockSSL] = 1 is set.
Maybe it helps?
This thread is quite old, but because many people do read until now i will try an answer. We could solve the problem (and once again in a different installation) with the following settings:
[SYS][reverseProxyIP] = (IP of our reverse Proxy)
[SYS][reverseProxyHeaderMultiValue] = firt
[SYS][reverseProxySSL] = *
AND - that is important - changes in the server config too:
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
SetEnv proxy-initial-not-pooled 1
I assume it was the first:
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
So in the end the problem was in the server config.

Can I set up chat on heroku?

I have a simple chat application which I've uploaded to one of the new Heroku 'cedar' stacks.
Now I almost have everything working but I've hit one stumbling block. On my localhost, I open a connection to the socket server from the client with:
// lots of HTML omitted
socket = new io.Socket('localhost', {port: 8888});
But on Heroku, I obviously must substitute something else in for these values.
I can get the port from the process object on the server like so:
port = process.env.PORT || 8888
and pass that to the view.
But what do I substitute for 'localhost'?
The correct way according the article on heroku is:
io.configure(function () {
io.set("transports", ["xhr-polling"]);
io.set("polling duration", 10);
socket = new io.Socket();
This ensures that io.Socket won't try to use WebSockets.
I was able to get Socket.IO v0.8 to work on Heroku Cedar by doing the following:
Within the Express app (in CoffeeScript in my case):
app = express.createServer();
socket = require("")
io = socket.listen(app);
io.configure () ->
io.set("transports", ["xhr-polling"])
io.set("polling duration", 10)
io.sockets.on('connection', (socket) ->
socket.on('myaction', (data) ->
socket.emit('result', {myData: data})
### The port setting is needed by Heroku or your app won't start
port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
And within the front-facing Javascript of your application:
var socket = io.connect(window.location.hostname);
function sendSocketRequest() {
socket.emit('myaction', $("#some_field").val());
socket.on('result', function(data) {
Helpful links:
Heroku Node help
Heroku Socket.IO help
This has now changed as of Oct 2013, heroku have added websocket support:
heroku labs:enable websockets
To enable websockets and dont forget to remove:
io.configure(function () {
io.set("transports", ["xhr-polling"]);
io.set("polling duration", 10);
After trying every combination under the sun I finally just left it blank. Lo and behold that works perfectly. You don't even need the port.
socket = new io.Socket();
I was also having this problem on heroku. I was able to make it work using the hostname "" (or simply window.location.hostname, to work both local and in production) and setting the port to 80. I'm using SocketIO 0.6.0.
Wouldn't you just put your actual hostname?
2011-06-25T21:41:31+00:00 heroku[router]: Error H13 (Connection closed without response) -> GET dyno=web.1 queue= wait= service= status=503 bytes=
Does this maybe mean the heroku router infront of the app is not configured to handle web socket traffic?
It would appear as of 6/22/2011 the answer is yes... heroku does not support see this post: