This question is somewhat related to a previous question of mine, where I didn't quite get the right solution. Link: Earlier SO-thread
I am solving PDEs which are time variant with one spatial dimension (e.g. the heat equation - see link below). I'm using the numerical method of lines, i.e. discretizing the spatial derivatives yielding a system of ODEs which are readily solved in Modelica (using the Dymola tool). My problems arise when I simulate the system, or when I plot the results, to be precise. The equations themselves appear to be solved correctly, but I want to express the spatial changes in all the discretized state variables at specific points in time rather than the individual time-varying behavior of each discrete state.
The strategy leading up to my problems is illustrated in this Youtube tutorial, which by the way is not made by me. As you can see at the very end of the tutorial, the time-varying behavior of the temperature is plotted for all the discrete points in the rod, individually. What I would like is a plot showing the temperature through the rod at a specific time, that is the temperature as a function of the spatial coordinate. My strategy to achieve this, which I'm struggling with, is: Given a state vector of N entries:
Real[N] T "Temperature";
..I would use the plotArray Dymola function as shown below.
plotArray( {i for i in 1:N}, {T[i] for i in 1:N} )
Intuitively, this would yield a plot showing the temperature as a function of the spatial coordiate, or the number in the line of discrete units, to be precise. Although this command yields a result, all T-values appear to be 0 in the plot, which is definitely not the case. My question is: How can I successfully obtain and plot the temperatures at all the discrete points at a given time? Thanks in advance for your help.
The code for the problem is as indicated below.
model conduction
parameter Real rho = 1;
parameter Real Cp = 1;
parameter Real L = 1;
parameter Real k = 1;
parameter Real Tlo = 0;
parameter Real Thi = 100;
parameter Real Tinit = 30;
parameter Integer N = 10 "Number of discrete segments";
Real T[N-1] "Temperatures";
Real deltaX = L/N;
initial equation
for i in 1:N-1 loop
T[i] = Tinit;
end for;
rho*Cp*der(T[1]) = k*( T[2] - 2*T[1] + Thi) /deltaX^2;
rho*Cp*der(T[N-1]) = k*( Tlo - 2*T[N-1] + T[N-2]) /deltaX^2;
for i in 2:N-2 loop
rho*Cp*der(T[i]) = k*( T[i+1] - 2*T[i] + T[i-1]) /deltaX^2;
end for
annotation (uses(Modelica(version="3.2")));
end conduction;
Additional edit: The simulations show clearly that for example T[3], that is the temperature of discrete segment no. 3, starts out from 30 and ends up at 70 degrees. When I write T[3] in my command window, however, I get T3 = 0.0 in return. Why is that? This is at the heart of the problem, because the plotArray function would be working if I managed to extract the actual variable values at specific times and not just 0.0.
Suggested solution: This is a rather tedious solution to achieve what I want, and I hope someone knows a better solution. When I run the simulation in Dymola, the software generates a .mat-file containing the values of the variables throughout the time of the simulation. I am able to load this file into MATLAB and manually extract the variables of my choice for plotting. For the problem above, I wrote the following command:
plot( [1:9]' , data_2(2:2:18 , 10)' )
This command will plot the temperatures (as the temperatures are stored together with their derivates in the data_2 array in the .mat-file) against the respetive number of the discrete segment/element. I was really hoping to do this inside Dymola, that is avoid using MATLAB for this. For this specific problem, the amount of variables was low on account of the simplicity of this problem, but I can easily image a .mat-file which is signifanctly harder to navigate through manually like I just did.
Although you do not mention it explicitly I assume that you enter your plotArray command in Dymola's command window. That won't work directly, since the variables you see there do not include your simulation results: If I simulate your model, and then enter T[:] in Dymola's command window, then the printed result is
= {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}
I'm not a Dymola expert, and the only solution I've found (to actively store and load the desired simulation results) is quite cumbersome:
simulateModel("conduction", resultFile="conduction.mat")
n = readTrajectorySize("conduction.mat")
X = readTrajectory("conduction.mat", {"Time"}, n)
Y = readTrajectory("conduction.mat", {"T[1]", "T[2]", "T[3]"}, n)
plotArrays(X[1, :], transpose(Y))
How does Matlab calculate immse? I want to find the mse between two images. According to how to measure he similarity between two 2D complex fields in matlab?, immse is the same as MSE=mean((abs(Y(:))-abs(Y1(:))).^2) for reference image Y1 and comparison image Y. Likewise, I could calculate MSE as the summed square errors divided by the number of row*cols. When I run on one of the demo images, these different approaches don't give the same answer as immse.
Here are two MSE approaches in the sample code below. The image is from the Matlab immse demo and immse gives around an MSE=340. The other two codes give around an MSE=2.5.
Note: The code is example code, I did not use the same function name twice in the same script. And I understand if you want to complain about using size(image) but that is a detail. I am more worried about the basic flaw in my understanding that is giving me orders of magnitude differences. Thank you so much.
n01 = imread('pout.tif');
n02 = imnoise(n01,'salt & pepper', 0.02);
mse = mymse(n02,n01);
mlmse = immse(n02,n01);
function this = mymse(icomp, ibase)
[X Y nchan] = size(ibase);
diff = (icomp - ibase);
this = sum(sum(diff.*diff))/(X*Y*nchan);
function this = mymse(icomp, ibase)
this = mean ((abs(ibase(:)) - abs(icomp(:))).^2);
You can check the underlying code to many matlab functions by simply doing
open <func>
in the Matlab command window.
In this case you can see that immse is doing the norm of the differences, scaled by number of points.
function this = mymse(icomp, ibase)
this = sum((ibase(:) - icomp(:)).^2) / numel(ibase);
we have measured data that we managed to determine the distribution type that it follows (Gamma) and its parameters (A,B)
And we generated n samples (10000) from the same distribution with the same parameters and in the same range (between 18.5 and 59) using for loop
for i=1:1:10000
tot= truncate(tot,18.5,59);
W(i,:) =random(tot,1,1);
Then we tried to fit the generated data using:
After this we tried to plot the Gamma curve to compare the two curves on the same figure uing:
hold on
The problem s the two curves are shifted as in the following figure "Figure 1 is the generated data from the previous code and Figure 2 is without truncating the generated data"
enter image description here
Any one knows why??
Thanks in advance
By default histfit fits a normal probability density function (PDF) on the histogram. I'm not sure what you were actually trying to do, but what you did is:
% fit a normal PDF
h1=histfit(W); % this is equal to h1 = histfit(W,[],'normal');
% fit a gamma PDF
Obviously that will result in different fits because a normal PDF != a gamma PDF. The only thing you see is that for the gamma PDF fits the curve better because you sampled the data from that distribution.
If you want to check whether the data follows a certain distribution you can also use a KS-test. In your case
% check if the data follows the distribution speccified in tot
[h p] = kstest(W,'CDF',tot)
If the data follows a gamma dist. then h = 0 and p > 0.05, else h = 1 and p < 0.05.
Now some general comments on your code:
Please look up preallocation of memory, it will speed up loops greatly. E.g.
W = zeros(10000,1);
for i=1:1:10000
tot= truncate(tot,18.5,59);
W(i,:) =random(tot,1,1);
tot= truncate(tot,18.5,59);
is not depending in the loop index and can therefore be moved in front of the loop to speed things up further. It is also good practice to avoid using i as loop variable.
But you can actually skip the whole loop because random() allows to return multiple samples at once:
tot= truncate(tot,18.5,59);
W =random(tot,10000,1);
I have a Matlab project in which I need to make a GUI that receives two mathematical functions from the user. I then need to find their intersection point, and then plot the two functions.
So, I have several questions:
Do you know of any algorithm I can use to find the intersection point? Of course I prefer one to which I can already find a Matlab code for in the internet. Also, I prefer it wouldn't be the Newton-Raphson method.
I should point out I'm not allowed to use built in Matlab functions.
I'm having trouble plotting the functions. What I basically did is this:
fun_f = get(handles.Function_f,'string');
fun_g = get(handles.Function_g,'string');
cla % To clear axes when plotting new functions
hold on
axis ([-20 20 -10 10]);
The problem is that sometimes, the axes limits do not allow me to see the other function. This will happen, if, for example, I will have one function as log10(x) and the other as y=1, the y=1 will not be shown.
I have already tried using all the axis commands but to no avail. If I set the limits myself, the functions only exist in certain limits. I have no idea why.
3 . How do I display numbers in a static text? Or better yet, string with numbers?
I want to display something like x0 = [root1]; x1 = [root2]. The only solution I found was turning the roots I found into strings but I prefer not to.
As for the equation solver, this is the code I have so far. I know it is very amateurish but it seemed like the most "intuitive" way. Also keep in mind it is very very not finished (for example, it will show me only two solutions, I'm not so sure how to display multiple roots in one static text as they are strings, hence question #3).
function [Sol] = SolveEquation(handles)
fun_f = get(handles.Function_f,'string');
fun_g = get(handles.Function_g,'string');
f = inline(fun_f);
g = inline(fun_g);
i = 1;
Sol = 0;
for x = -10:0.1:10;
if (g(x) - f(x)) >= 0 && (g(x) - f(x)) < 0.01
Sol(i) = x;
i = i + 1;
solution1 = num2str(Sol(1));
solution2 = num2str(Sol(2));
The if condition is because the subtraction will never give me an absolute zero, and this seems to somewhat solve it, though it's really not perfect, sometimes it will give me more than two very similar solutions (e.g 1.9 and 2).
The range of x is arbitrary, chosen by me.
I know this is a long question, so I really appreciate your patience.
Thank you very much in advance!
Question 1
I think this is a more robust method for finding the roots given data at discrete points. Looking for when the difference between the functions changes sign, which corresponds to them crossing over.
If you can evaluate the function wherever you want there are more methods you can use, but it depends on the size of the domain and the accuracy you want as to what is best. For example, if you don't need a great deal of accurac, your f and g functions are simple to calculate, and you can't or don't want to use derivatives, you can get a more accurate root using the same idea as the first code snippet, but do it iteratively:
x = -2*pi:.001:pi;
h=find(diff(S)~=0); % Find where two lines cross over
if ~isempty(h) % There are some cross-over points
for i=1:length(h) % For each point, improve the approximation
while(abs(err)>tol) % Iteratively improve aproximation
else % No crossover points - lines could meet at tangents
% We also have to check each endpoint
if abs(f(x(end))-g(x(end)))<tol && abs(Sol(end)-x(end))>1e-12
Sol=[Sol x(end)];
Err=[Err g(x(end))-f(x(end))];
if abs(f(x(1))-g(x(1)))<tol && abs(Sol(1)-x(1))>1e-12
Sol=[x(1) Sol];
Err=[g(x(1))-f(x(1)) Err];
This will "zoom" in to the region around each suspected root, and iteratively improve the accuracy. You can tweak the parameters to see whether they give better behaviour (the tolerance tol, the 15, number of new points to generate, could be higher probably).
Question 2
You would probably be best off avoiding ezplot, and using plot, which gives you greater control. You can vectorise inline functions so that you can evaluate them like anonymous functions, as I did in the previous code snippet, using
and this should make plotting much easier:
Question 3
I'm not sure why you don't want to display your roots as strings, what's wrong with this:
text(xPos,yPos,['x0=' num2str(Sol(1))]);
Currently I am trying to create an uncertain system based on a family of statespace models using ucover. For this I am basing my script on the documentation "Modeling a Family of Responses as an Uncertain System" which shows the technique for creating an uncertain system based on a single-input-single-output system (SISO) explicitly but makes it clear that this is fully useable for MIMO systems as well.
Technical details
Specifically it is stated with the documentation of ucover that it supports MIMO systems:
USYS = ucover(PARRAY,PNOM,ORD1,ORD2,UTYPE) returns an uncertain
system USYS with nominal value PNOM and whose range of behaviors
includes all LTI responses in the LTI array PARRAY. PNOM and PARRAY
can be SS, TF, ZPK, or FRD models. USYS is of class UFRD if PNOM
is an FRD model and of class USS otherwise.
ORD1 and ORD2 specify the order (number of states) of each diagonal
entry of W1 and W2. If PNOM has NU inputs and NY outputs, ORD1 and ORD2
should be vectors of length:
InputMult NU-by-1 NU-by-1
OutputMult NY-by-1 NY-by-1
Additive NY-by-1 NU-by-1
In my case I am using both 2 inputs and 2 outputs so both ORD1 adn ORD2 should be 2 by 1. I am using 8 as the number of states used by W1 and W2 (just because, I will try adjusting that once this issue is sorted).
The Attempt
Based on the SISO example I have attempted to create a MIMO example, this is shown below
Pnom=ss(Anom, Bnom, Cnom, Dnom);
p1 = Pnom*tf(1,[.06 1]); % extra lag
p2 = Pnom*tf([-.02 1],[.02 1]); % time delay
p3 = Pnom*tf(50^2,[1 2*.1*50 50^2]);
Parray = stack(1,p1,p2,p3);
Parrayg = frd(Parray,logspace(-1,3,60));
[P,Info] = ucover(Parrayg,Pnom,[8 8]',[8 8]','InputMult');
Wt = Info.W1;
bodemag((Pnom-Parray)/Pnom,'b--',Wt,'r'); grid
title('Relative Gaps vs. Magnitude of Wt')
The problem
Unlike the image in the documentation my uncertain model (when put through a bode plot) only shows a response on the lead diagonal. See the screenshot for what I mean:
Where blue is the individual models and red is the uncertain model
How can I create an uncertain system based on a family of MIMO statespace models that correctly covers responses between all inputs and outputs?
If you use [8,8]' as your uncertainty order structure ord1,ord2, matlab will try to have two diagonal blocks in your uncertainty block each.
However matlab only supports diagonal weighting functions (due to some complications about nonconvex search) and what you are plotting is the diagonal weighting that will multiply the 2x2 full block LTI dynamic uncertainty. W1 affects the rows and W2 affects the columns of the uncertainty.
Hence you should check the samples of that uncertainty multiplied by the weights and then the plant. Then you can compare it with the uncertain model stack. Notice that your off-diagonal entries are practically zero (<1e-10) hence almost decoupled. But W1, W2 search looks for the H-infinity norm hence you don't get to see perfect covering at each block of the Bode plot. It combines the rows/columns of the required minimum uncertainty amount (see the examples on the help file). That's why you see 1 plot per each weight in the demos.
If you would like to model the each uncertainty affecting each block separately then you need to form a new augmented LFT such that the uncertainty is four 1x1(scalar) LTI dynamic uncertainty on the diagonal then you can have four entries in ord1 and ord2.
Since this is a MIMO system, you shouldn't compare things element-by-element. You are using the input-multiplicative form, so the uncertain system being created is of the form
Pnom*(I + W1*Delta*W2), where Delta is any stable (2-by-2, in this case) system, with ||Delta|| <= 1. So, to verify that the produced uncertain model "covers" your array of system, you should think of the equation
Parray = Pnom*(I + W1*Delta*W2)
and solve for Delta. Plot it (with SIGMA, say), and you will see that it is less than 1 in magnitude, for all frequencies. The Matlab code would be (multiply everything listed below, in order - my mulitplication symbol is not showing up in the posted answer...)
Now, using the syntax you specified, you are using weights W1 and W2 of the following form:
W1 = [W1_11 0;
0 W1_22]
W2 = [W2_11 0;
0 W2_22]
where you've specified 8th-order fits for all nonzero entries. Certainly for your example, this is overkill (although on a richer problem, it might be fine).
I would try much simpler, like
That syntax will make an uncertain model of the form
Pnom*(I + w1*Delta)
where w1 is a scalar, 3rd order system. You could still see the covering by plotting SIGMA(Delta), namely
I hope that helps.
In order to create discrete or continuous time uncertain systems you can use uss associated with ureal.
Quick example
Define an uncertain propeller radius
% Propeller radius (m)
rp = ureal('rp',13.4e-2,'Range',[0.08 0.16]);
Define uncertain continuous time system
tenzo_unc = uss(A,Bw,Clocal,D,'statename',states,'inputname',inputs,'outputname',outputsLocal);
Simulate step response:
N = 5;
% Prende alcuni campioni del sistema incerto e calcola bound su incertezze
for i=1:1:N
sys{i} = usample(tenzo_unc);
hold on
Complete example
Quadcopter uncertain linearized model control with LQR. Code is available here
Step response
Closed Loop Step response
<script src=""></script>
If you don't have the utility cprintf, include this script in your folder and use it.
I was reading this post online where the person mentioned that using "if statements" and "abs()" functions can have negative repercussions in MATLAB's variable-step ODE solvers (like ODE45). According to the OP, it can significantly affect time-step (requiring too low of a time step) and give poor results when the differential equations are finally integrated. I was wondering whether this is true, and if so, why. Also, how can this problem be mitigated without resorting to fix-step solvers. I've given an example code below as to what I mean:
function [Z,Y] = sauters(We,Re,rhos,nu_G,Uinj,Dinj,theta,ts,SMDs0,Uzs0,...
Y0 = [SMDs0;Uzs0;Uts0;Vzs0]; %Initial Conditions
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'AbsTol',1e-7); %Tolerance Levels
[Z,Y] = ode45(#func,zspan,Y0,options);
function DY = func(z,y)
DY = zeros(4,1);
%Calculate Local Droplet Reynolds Numbers
Rez = y(1)*abs(y(2)-y(4))*Dinj*Uinj/nu_G;
Ret = y(1)*abs(y(3))*Dinj*Uinj/nu_G;
%Calculate Droplet Drag Coefficient
Cdz = dragcof(Rez);
Cdt = dragcof(Ret);
%Calculate Total Relative Velocity and Droplet Reynolds Number
Utot = sqrt((y(2)-y(4))^2 + y(3)^2);
Red = y(1)*abs(Utot)*Dinj*Uinj/nu_G;
%Calculate Derivatives
if(Red > 1)
DY(1) = -(We/8)*rhos*y(1)*(Utot*Utot/y(2))*(Cdz*(y(2)-y(4)) + ...
Cdt*y(3)) + (We/6)*y(1)*y(1)*(y(2)*DY(2) + y(3)*DY(3)) + ...
elseif(Red < 1)
DY(1) = -(We/8)*rhos*y(1)*(Utot*Utot/y(2))*(Cdz*(y(2)-y(4)) + ...
Cdt*y(3)) + (We/6)*y(1)*y(1)*(y(2)*DY(2) + y(3)*DY(3)) + ...
%Axial Droplet Velocity
DY(2) = -(3/4)*rhos*(Cdz/y(1))*Utot*(1 - y(4)/y(2));
%Tangential Droplet Velocity
DY(3) = -(3/4)*rhos*(Cdt/y(1))*Utot*(y(3)/y(2));
%Axial Gas Velocity
DY(4) = (3/8)*((ts - ts^2)/(z^2))*(cos(theta)/(tan(theta)^2))*...
(Cdz/y(1))*(Utot/y(4))*(1 - y(4)/y(2)) - y(4)/z;
Where the function "dragcof" is given by the following:
function Cd = dragcof(Re)
if(Re <= 0.01)
Cd = (0.1875) + (24.0/Re);
elseif(Re > 0.01 && Re <= 260.0)
Cd = (24.0/Re)*(1.0 + 0.1315*Re^(0.32 - 0.05*log10(Re)));
Cd = (24.0/Re)*(1.0 + 0.1935*Re^0.6305);
This is because derivatives that are computed using if-statements, modulus operations (abs()), or things like unit step functions, dirac delta's, etc., will introduce discontinuities in the value of the solution or its derivative(s), resulting in kinks, jumps, inflection points, etc.
This implies the solution to the ODE has a complete change in behavior at the relevant times. What variable step integrators will do is
detect this
recognize that they won't be able to use information directly beyond the "problem point"
decrease the step, and repeat from the top, until the problem point satisfies the accuracy demands
Therefore, there will be many failed steps and reductions in step size near the problem points, negatively affecting the overall integration time.
Variable step integrators will continue to produce good results, however. Constant step integrators are not a good remedy for this sort of problem, since they are not able to detect such problems in the first place (there's no error estimation).
What you could do is simply split the problem up in multiple parts. If you know beforehand at what points in time the changes will occur, you just start a new integration for each interval, each time using the output of the previous integration as the initial value for the next one.
If you don't know beforehand where the problems will be, you could use this very nice feature in Matlab's ODE solvers called event functions (see the documentation). You let one of Matlab's solvers detect the event (change of sign in the derivative, change of condition in the if-statement, or whatever), and terminate the integration when such events are detected. Then start a new integration, starting from the last time and with initial conditions of the previous integration, as before, until the final time is reached.
There will still be a slight penalty in overall execution time this way, since Matlab will try to detect the location of the event accurately. However, it is still much better than running the integration blindly when it comes to both execution time and accuracy of the results.
Yes it is true and it happens because of your solution is not smooth enough at some points.
Assume you want to integrate. y'(t) = f(t,y). Then, what happens in f is getting integrated to become y. Thus, if in your definition of f there is
abs(), then f has a kink and y is still smooth and 1 times differentiable
if, then f has a jump and y a kink and no more differentiability
Matlab's ODE45 presumes that your solution is 5 times differentiable, and tries to ensure an accuracy of order 4. Nonsmooth points of your function are misinterpreted as stiffness what leads to small stepsizes and even to breakdowns.
What you can do: Because of the lack of smoothness you cannot expect a high accuracy anyways. Thus, ODE23 might be a better choice. In the worst case, you have to stick to first-order schemes.