How to do streaming using wowza mediaserver - streaming

i have another question for multiple streaming through which
PC1(in LAN) run on my wowza media server and after that same live video is to be pass to PC2(in LAN).
PC2 to whom i gave url to play the video

(Hopefully that will not sound rude) I suggest to improve your english and question in general, because it sounds really foggy.
From what i understand, you need to setup PC1 as distro and PC2 as edge.
Stream type "liverepeater-edge" should help you.
Best regards!


Streaming live video and audio from iphone iOS 7

First, I wish to emphasize the keyword from. There are a lot of questions and answers on this topic but I found that no answer provide a step by step road-map to achieve this.
What I wish to achieve :
I wish to stream the video and audio (live) being recorded from the camera of iPhone/iPad to my server. And that's it.
What have I figured till now :
I guess that we can't use HTTP live streaming because it's meant for server to client and not client to server. AV framework allows the output only in the form of a mov file.
What am I not able to figure :
I don't know how to get individual frames (live) and send them to my server one by one
PS: I really don't know anything about this... You are welcomed to oversimplify things. I am writing server in node.js
You may take a look at Wowza GoCoder iOS app.
It requires Wowza as the media server though, so you'll be able to provide full-features streaming to anyone you want.
Server side set up is done easily via Wowza configs or by third-party cloud control .

How to Stream the Desktop and make it Accessable via URL?

I'd like to Stream my Servers Desktop and make it public via
The Stream should include both Video and Audio.
The Server is Win 2008 using zwamp for Apache etc.
As of the Player, anything goes. I was thinking about Flowplayer.
Is there any easy step by step tutorial?
Every Tutorial I found was not really made for my scenario.
If there is any Tutorial which will definitely work for me, please feel free to point me towards it.
Much appreciated!
You could do this by downloading Microsoft's Windows Media Encoder, and do a "screen broadcast", where your server's desktop will be broadcasted. You could get the streaming link to your server's desktop once you start Windows Media Encoder.
Hope this helps.

Mac/iPhone:Streaming video file to iPhone

I have a http streaming link which gives me .flv streaming feed. I want to convert that and access in my iPhone program. How can i do that? I want to have a desktop software like VLC and input this streaming feed URL and convert to iPhone supported and stream again to iPhone. I tried VLC with H.264 and Mpeg-1 audio, but seems to be it doesn't give the supported format, so as iPhone program doesn't play the video.
Could someone please guide me how can i setup a desktop software which can stream iPhone supported file?
Thanks in advance.
I think even the great VLC can't convert FLV on the fly...(or even do anything with FLV). As far as streaming goes, you'll probably be limited to the local network (Wi-Fi). I'd start with the simple way—create an ad-hoc file server on the desktop, then use AVPlayer's initWithURL method to find that video.
On the desktop, you could query the IP address of the computer, and ask the user to enter that URL (along with an optional port assignment and file component, like onto the iDevice, then convert to NSURL.
What exactly is the http streaming link? This matters a lot as in order to stream to the iPhone you need to use HTTP Live Streaming which requires some different bits than a typical flash media, or more properly RTMP, server. Typically you need two different streaming architectures or some expensive boxes.

how to create application which support video call?

i want to create application which support video call using Wi-Fi/3g network connection.
i don't have any idea from where i can start. please suggest me somethings.
thanks in advance
Record some video, package them into small tcp/ip packages and transfer them over the net.
basic question basic answer.

Streaming Audio FROM iPhone to Browser. Ideas?

I have seen plenty of articles and SO questions about streaming TO an iPhone app, but my question is the reverse, that is, streaming FROM an iPhone app.
I have audio content in an iPhone app, that I want to stream to a browser. So the idea is that the browser can connect to a server running on the iphone. The server on the iphone will give the audio to the browser. The browser will play the endless stream.
I already have seamless looping content on the phone with AudioQueue. I already know how to setup a server running on the phone with CocoaHTTPServer. Is there a third piece that can make the AudioQueue (or a FileStream) stream to a browser connected to the internal iPhone server?
Anybody have any thoughts on how to implement this?
Well, there are a few good open source projects to dissect, port, or imitate for this. What I would suggest is looking at how Icecast and streamTranscoderv3 operate together. The latter will take an audio source and send it to an Icecast server as a source. Port parts of both and run them locally on the iPhone and you'd have a solution. I imagine that Bonjour could be used so that other systems on the LAN could find and listen to the iPhone.
Or send the streamTranscoder output to an Icecast server elsewhere and make it available for the world.
Unfortunately, neither project is over engineered - the code isn't super modular but it is comprehensible and modestly cross platform.