Powershell Pass "Press any key to continue" from another script - powershell

I'm writing a powershell script to automate some updates.
For this purpose I need to execute another script and save the output into a variable.
Afterwards I can cut the things that I need off and save them into other variables.
These things theoreticly work but the other script which I'm executing stops the process,
beause it need any key to continue at the end.
Does somebody know how I can pass this?
The scripts stops after:
$list = .\list.cmd
Kind regards :)
Thats a part of the script:
Write-Host "Importing..."
cd "$path"
$list = .\list.cmd
Write-Host "Searching for the certificate file"
$CertificateFile = $list | where {$_ -match "Certificate File:"}
$CertificateFile = $CertificateFile.Substring(18)
Write-Host "I'm trying to find the Password File:"
$PasswordFile = $PasswordFile = $list | where {$_ -match "Password File:"}
Write-Host "Searching for the password file"
$Enddate = $list | where {$_ -match "Validity NotAfter:"}
$Enddate = $Enddate.Substring(19)

Here is how you send a keystroke. As for timing, it needs to occur when the paused app is in the foreground 'active' window.
add-type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms


Word com object failing

The idea behind the script is to recursively extract the text from a large amount of documents and update a field in an Azure SQL database with the extracted text. Basically we are moving away from Windows Search of document contents to an SQL full text search to improve the speed.
When the script encounters an issue opening the file such as it being password protected, it fails for every single document that follows. Here is the section of the script that processes the files:
foreach ($list in (Get-ChildItem ( join-path $PSScriptRoot "\FileLists\*" ) -include *.txt )) {
## Word object
$word = New-Object -ComObject word.application
$word.Visible = $false
$saveFormat = [Enum]::Parse([Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat], "wdFormatText")
$word.DisplayAlerts = 0
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "################# Parsing $list"
Write-Output ""
$query = "INSERT INTO tmp_CachedText (tCachedText, tOID)
foreach ($file in (Get-Content $list)) {
if ($file -like "*-*" -and $file -notlike "*~*") {
Write-Output "Processing: $($file)"
Try {
$doc = $word.Documents.OpenNoRepairDialog($file, $false, $false, $false, "ttt")
if ($doc) {
$fileName = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)
$fileName = $filename + ".txt"
$doc.SaveAs("$env:TEMP\$fileName", [ref]$saveFormat)
$4ID = $fileName.split('-')[-1].replace(' ', '').replace(".txt", "")
$text = Get-Content -raw "$env:TEMP\$fileName"
$text = $text.replace("'", "''")
$query += "
('$text', $4ID),"
Remove-Item -Force "$env:TEMP\$fileName"
<# Upload to azure #>
$query = $query.Substring(0,$query.Length-1)
$query += ";"
Invoke-Sqlcmd #params -Query $Query -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
$query = "INSERT INTO tmp_CachedText (tCachedText, tOID)
Catch {
Write-Host "$($file) failed to process" -ForegroundColor RED;
Remove-Item -Force $list.FullName
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Uploading to azure"
Write-Output ""
<# Upload to azure #>
Invoke-Sqlcmd #params -Query $setQuery -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue"
Basically it parses through a folder of .txt files that contain x amount of document paths, creates a T-SQL update statement and runs against an Azure SQL database after each file is fully parsed. The files are generated with the following:
if (!($continue)) {
if ($pdf){
$files = (Get-ChildItem -force -recurse $documentFolder -include *.pdf).fullname
else {
$files = (Get-ChildItem -force -recurse $documentFolder -include *.doc, *.docx).fullname
$files | Out-File (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\documents.txt")
$i=0; Get-Content $documentFile -ReadCount $interval | %{$i++; $_ | Out-File (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "\FileLists\documents_$i.txt")}
The $interval variable defines how many files are set to be extracted for each given upload to azure. Initially i had the word object being created outside the loop and never closed until the end. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work as every time the script hits a file it cannot open, every file that follows will fail, until it reaches the end of the inner foreach loop foreach ($file in (Get-Content $list)) {.
This means that to get the expected outcome i have to run this with an interval of 1 which takes far too long.
This is a shot in the dark
But to me it sounds like the reason its failing is because the Word Com object is now prompting you for some action due since it cannot open the file so all following items in the loop also fail. This might explain why it works if you set the $Interval to 1 because when its 1 it is closing and opening the Com object every time and that takes forever (I did this with excel).
What you can do is in your catch statement, close and open a new Word Com object which should lets you continue on with the loop (but it will be a bit slower if it needs to open the Com object a lot).
If you want to debug the problem even more, set the Com object to be visible, and slowly loop through your program without interacting with Word. This will show you what is happening with Word and if there are any prompts that are causing the application to hang.
Of course, if you want to run it at full speed, you will need to detect which documents you can't open before hand or you could multithread it by opening several Word Com objects which will allow you to load several documents at a time.
As for...
When the script encounters an issue opening the file such as it being password protected, it fails for every single document that follows.
... then test for this as noted here...
How to check if a word file has a password?
$filename = "C:\path\to\your.doc"
$wd = New-Object -COM "Word.Application"
try {
$doc = $wd.Documents.Open($filename, $null, $null, $null, "")
} catch {
Write-Host "$filename is password-protected!"
... and skip the file to avoid the failure of the remaining files.

How to check the users currently using a powershell program?

So I have a basic program (incredibly buggy but we quite like it) that uses a shared folder that a couple of people at school have access to (Paths have been changed for ease of use). It is designed to work as a messaging application, with each user writing into the same Notepad file to send a message to a Poweshell script using the Get-Content and -Wait parameter. I have added a couple of commands using "/", but I want one (i.e. /online) that a user can type and see all of the other people currently using the program.
I have tried to set up a different text file that is updated every x seconds by each individual user with their own user name, while wiping the previous record:
while (1){
Clear-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
Add-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt $env:UserName
So this can be called upon later:
elseif($_ -match "/online"){Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt}
But this doesn't work, it won't sync up between users, so one user will wipe the current users and only that will apear as active, until the other users' cycle wipes THEIR name.
To avoid the XY Problem, I want a fairly simple way (still only using two files maximum) to determine which users are actively using (therefore updating) the Powershell script they are running.
Whole code:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech
$speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
$speak.Volume = 100
Write-Host "Type /helpp, save it, then hit backspace and save it again for a guide and list of commands!"
Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\Convo.txt -Wait |
%{$_ -replace "^", "$env:UserName "} |
%{if($_ -match "/cls"){cls} `
elseif($_ -match "/online"){Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop \ConvoOnline.txt} `
elseif(($_ -match "/afk") -and ($env:UserName -eq "Freddie")){Write-Host "$env:UserName has gone afk"} `
elseif(($_ -match "/say") -and ($env:UserName -eq "Freddie")) {$speak.Speak($_.Substring(($_.length)-10))} `
elseif($_ -match "/whisper"){
$array = #($_ -split "\s+")
if($array[2] -eq "$env:UserName"){
Write-Host $array[2]
} `
} `
elseif($_ -match "/help"){
Write-Host "Help: `
1. Press Ctrl+S in Notepad to send your message `
2. Make sure you delete it after it's been sent `
3. If your message doesn't send properly, just hit backspace and all but the last letter will be sent `
/online - Lists all users currently in the chat `
/cls - Clears you screen of all current and previous messages `
/whisper [USERNAME] [MESSAGE] - This allows you to send a message privately to a user"
else{Write-Host "$_"}}
#Add a command: elseif($_ -match "/[COMMAND]"){[FUNCTION]}
#Make it user-specific: elseif($_ -match "/[COMMAND]" -and $envUserName -eq "[USERNAME]"){[FUNCTION]}
You can add time stamp with add-content and another ps1 file for clearing data written before 5 seconds (you can do this in the same ps1 file but another ps1 file is better)
Modified user online updation part :
while ($true){
Add-Content -Path d:\ConvoOnline.txt "$($env:UserName);$(get-date)"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
Another script which watches and clears content before 5 seconds ,so the online file is always updated
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
$data = get-content -Path D:\ConvoOnline.txt
clear-content -Path D:\ConvoOnline.txt
$data | %{if(!([datetime]($_.split(";")[1]) -lt (get-date).addmilliseconds(-4500))){Add-Content -Path d:\ConvoOnline.txt $_}}

Save powershell script after entering details for read-host

$nameofpath = read-host "enter path"
get-services | export-csv "$nameofpath"
I want a script so after entering a path such as c:\files\test.txt in the example above, it will save a script with:
get-services | export-csv "c:\files\test.txt"
... so I could go to that file click it and it will run.
At the moment I have an draft script like this but if I know how to do the first example I should hopefully be able to do the same for that
You'd either need to change the script that you're running, or query some other text file. If there is anything in the text file, use that; otherwise, prompt for the value. Here's an example of how you could change the script you're running using the $PSCommandPath (it's an automatic variable that contains the full path and file name of the script that is being run) variable:
$Foo = $null
#If $Foo is $null prompt for value then write that value to the script.
if($Foo -eq $null){
$Foo = Read-Host "Foo"
#Need to becarful not to match this line
$NewScript = Get-Content $PSCommandPath | ForEach-Object {$_ -replace '^\$Foo = \$null$',"`$Foo = '$Foo'"}
$NewScript | Out-File $PSCommandPath -Force
Write-Host "Foo $Foo"
Hope this helps.
This looks amateur but works as expected
$path = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter path")
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.VisualBasic') | Out-Null
get-service | export-csv -path $path\services.csv # original command
$Command="get-service | export-csv -path $path\services.csv" # same copy here to save
$command |Out-File "D:\exportservice.ps1" # where you want the file to be saved to run later

Pipe all Write-Output to the same Out-File in PowerShell

As the title suggests, how do you make it so all of the Write-Outputs - no matter where they appear - automatically append to your defined log file? That way the script will be nicer to read and it removes a tiny bit of work!
Little example below, id like to see none of the "| Out-File" if possible, yet have them still output to that file!
$Author = 'Max'
$Time = Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"
$Title = "Illegal Software Removal"
$LogName = "Illegal_Remove_$($env:COMPUTERNAME).log"
$Log = "C:\Windows\Logs\Software" + "\" + $LogName
$RemoteLog = "\\Server\Adobe Illegal Software Removal"
Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable Time -Mode Read -Action { $global:Time = Get-Date -format "HH:mm:ss.fff" } | Out-Null
If((Test-Path $Log) -eq $False){ New-Item $Log -ItemType "File" -Force | Out-Null }
Else { $Null }
"[$Time][Startup] $Title : Created by $Author" | Out-File $Log -Append
"[$Time][Startup] Configuring initial variables required before run..." | Out-File $Log -Append
EDIT: This needs to work on PS v2.0, I don't want the output to appear on screen at all only in the log. So I have the same functionality, but the script would look like so...
"[$Time][Startup] $Title : Created by $Author"
"[$Time][Startup] Configuring initial variables required before run..."
You have two options, one is to do the redirection at the point the script is invoked e.g.:
PowerShell.exe -Command "& {c:\myscript.ps1}" > c:\myscript.log
Or you can use the Start-Transcript command to record everything (except exe output) the shell sees. After the script is done call Stop-Transcript.

PowerShell Tee-Object without overwriting file

I'm trying to create an application that puts variables in a file (minedown.conf) using Tee-Object, but every time it goes to add something to the file it overwrites it. I'm using
$account = Read-Host "Enter your Account SID number"
"account = $account" | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\minedown\minedown.conf
$token = Read-Host "Enter your Authority Token"
"token = $token" | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\minedown\minedown.conf
$from = Read-Host "Enter your Twilio number"
"from - $from" | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\minedown\minedown.conf
I'm trying to make each of those a separate line.
As an aside, in PowerShell 3.0, the -Append switch was added to the Tee-Object cmdlet.
Tee-Object is not the CmdLet you are looking for, try Set-content and Add-Content.
$account = Read-Host "Enter your Account SID number"
"account = $account" | Set-content -Path c:\minedown\minedown.conf
$token = Read-Host "Enter your Authority Token"
"token = $token" | Add-Content -Path c:\minedown\minedown.conf
$from = Read-Host "Enter your Twilio number"
"from - $from" | Add-Content -Path c:\minedown\minedown.conf
The purpose of Tee-Object is really to act as a 'T', in a pipe sequence, in order to send data from the input to output and to a file or a variable (in order to debug a pipe sequence for exemple).
As mentioned, Tee-Object (alias tee) is for splitting output into two directions. On Linux (tee) it is useful for going to screen & file. In PowerShell it is more for putting to screen and throwing it back on the pipeline as well as other stuff, but cannot do Append. Not really how you want it.
However, I needed to do the Linux way and have it show on the screen as well as write to a file (in append mode). So I used the below method to write it onto the pipeline first, then put it to the screen (with colors) and put it in a file that is being appended to rather than just overwritten. Maybe it will be useful to someone:
Write-Output "from - $from" | %{write-host $_ -ForegroundColor Blue; out-file -filepath c:\minedown\minedown.conf -inputobject $_ -append}