Make Eclipse Respect Maven-Dependency-Plugin - eclipse

How can I have Eclipse recognise my use of the maven-dependency-plugin and execute it before deploying resources to Tomcat via WTP?
In a previous question I configured Maven to copy some artifacts into a war application, so I could serve them to web clients. The approach of copying them to target/${project.artifactId}-${project.version} works when packaging via the Maven command line. Sadly there's no such luck when using Eclipse's Tomcat integration.
Maven plugin configuration:

This answer assumes you're using Eclipse Java EE Kepler SR1 (or more recent), which comes with the Maven integration plugins (m2e and m2e-wtp).
m2e-wtp, the Maven Integration for WTP plugin ignores maven CLI builds and configures WTP to publish resources from known locations.
So you need to do 2 things :
configure the dependency plugin to copy jars to a known m2e-wtp location during eclipse builds
tell m2e to actually run the dependency plugin during project configuration updates.
First, define a new maven property, in your properties section :
In your maven-dependency-plugin configuration, use :
Now that should give you identical build results with Maven CLI. Then you need to use a specific m2e profile, that'll be automatically enabled when run in Eclipse and ignored in all other situations :
<!-- This profile is only activated when building in Eclipse with m2e -->
Finally, we need to let m2e know it's ok to run maven-dependency-plugin:copy during project configuration. Add the following snippet to your pluginManagement section :
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
Now, make sure m2e knows about all these configuration changes : Hit Alt+F5 to bring up the Update Maven Configuration dialog, and click ok. Once the build completes, you should see your jar under Deployed Resources> web-resources, in the Project Explorer view.
From now on, deployments to Tomcat should contain optional-new-name.jar at the root of your webapp.


Eclipse Maven Error Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:

I am using Eclipse Juno with Maven 3.0.5 on Windows 7. The project was previously on Windows XP and I have moved to Windows 7 64 bit machine.
I have copied my Eclipse Spring 3, Hibernate 4 and JSF 2.0 project and when I try to compile I am getting the following error
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
org.bsc.maven:maven-processor-plugin:2.0.6:process (execution: process, phase:
I tried as mentioned in this thread by adding the following in Eclipse.ini file, however it didn't solve the issue.
c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_21\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
Tried building maven install and clean, but problem still persists.
How can I resolve this issue? Any help is highly appreciable.
Maven snippet
<!-- source output directory -->
Newer versions of m2e complain if a Maven plugin does not provide a m2e lifecycle mapping. Newer plugins provider such a mapping via the file META-INF/m2e/lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml in their JAR. If this file is not present, then Eclipse complains.
It is possible quite down these complaints by adding a lifecycle mapping for older plugins to your POM. In the given example, this mapping is done inside a profile which is automatically activated when a build is running in Eclipse (m2e.version property is set) and it is not active when a regular maven build is done.
<ignore />
The example above disables the plugin in Eclipse builds. It is also possible enable it by specifying <execute /> as action .
Mind that the settings under pluginExecutionFilter must match the plugin and the goals of the plugin that you wish to map. Multiple pluginExecution elements can be specified to map different plugins.

How to eliminate the "maven-enforcer-plugin (goal "enforce") is ignored by m2e" warning by eclipse?

I am configuring a multi-module parent child maven project using maven and eclipse m2e, I am using the latest stuff from eclipse Juno SR1 which is m2e 1.2.0
the parent pom uses the enforcer plugin, so the parent pom.xml has the following in its plugin section
<!-- Enforce that all versions of a transative dependency must converge. -->
<DependencyConvergence />
<!-- Black list certain jars -->
Each of the child projects has an error message saying maven-enforcer-plugin (goal "enforce") is ignored by m2e.
What is the meaning of this message?
How do I configure things to get rid of this message?
do I need to configure the eclipse project settings or the pom.xml settings?
The eclipse maven plugin runs a projects pom.xml file in order figure out how the maven project is configured and translate the maven pom.xml configuration into an eclipse configuration. A pom.xml can reference an arbitrary number of maven plugins and each of those plugins has the potential to leak memory, or do things that are harmful to eclipse. So by default the m2e eclipse plugin ignores any maven plugins unless those maven plugins have a special m2e plugin connector that tells m2e how to integrate the maven plugin into eclipse. In summary m2e is defending the eclipse JVM process against a buggy maven plugin, by saying that for every maven plugin there needs to be an m2e connector to bridge between maven and eclipse.
So to get rid of the warning I added the following to my plugin management section of the parent pom.xml
<ignore />
It seems that org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mappingis a maven plugin designed to hold meta data to communicate with eclipse m2e plugin when it processes a maven pom.xml and this information is used to tell eclipse what do with maven plugins that are defined in pom.xml when eclipse runs the pom.xml as part of the eclipse UI.
From m2e version 1.4 and higher:
You can integrate the needed lifecycle-configuration within the pom (parent-pom or project-pom) or you can integrate the informations into the global m2e-configuration within eclipse.
Also you have some quickfix-actions for applying this changes.
The last option is to look for m2e-connectors or to switch over to newer versions of different maven-plugins with integrated m2e-support (e.g. for jaxb-plugins).
Here (for enforcer-plugin) I think, the definition in the pom is the easiest way.
See also:
Just an FYI for those of you that have an issue with configuring your IDE in your build model. Keep an eye on this enhancement request currently targeted for the Kepler release:
Bug 350414: Store ignored m2e connectors outside project pom.xml
For me it was similar issue
I had maven 3.0.3 and java 1.5
and my pom had
<version>[1.7, 1.8)</version>
As you can see I dont really have met rules, hence I updated Java and got mvn going and I was all set. Hope this helps someone.
Another pitfall exists when having several pluginExecutionFilters. These must be at the right spot in the pom.xml! For me it was gnarly to find as no error or warning of the displacement existed.
This is the right code for having several pluginExecutionFilters:
<!-- now here follows the new filter -->
How to eliminate the “maven-enforcer-plugin (goal ”enforce“) is ignored by m2e” warning by eclipse?
Although the eclipse lifecycle-mapping plugin has worked for me on other projects, I can't change the pom.xml since I am currently working in an IntelliJ shop with my covert instance of Eclipse and I don't want to expose myself by changing all of their pom files to include anything from group org.eclipse.m2e.
After some experimentation, I've found that you can get this warning to not show up by changing the Lifecycle Mappings in the Maven preferences. Frankly I'm not 100% sure what this is doing but I've not seen any side effects so...
In Eclipse, go to: Preferences &rightarrow; Maven &rightarrow; Lifecycle Mappings.
Clicking Open workspace lifecycle mappings metadata which will open the lifecycle-mapping-metadata.xml file in a tab in the background. I assume that this cooresponds to the following file under your workspace subdir:
Next add the following stanza to the bottom of the file inside of <pluginExecutions>...</pluginExecutions>.
<ignore />
Once the XML file is saved you will need to go back to the preferences window and press Reload workspace lifecycle mappings metadata which compiles the file somehow.
Finally you will need to do a maven update-project on all of your projects to see the warnings go away.
Hope this helps.

GWT + Maven + Error executing (org.bsc.maven:maven-processor-plugin:2.0.5:process:process:generate-sources)

I use a clean eclipse 3.7, then added the Maven Integration for Eclipse from the Eclipse Marketplace. I also added WTP Integration and m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin from Windows -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery -> Open Catalog. I also added the Google Plugin for Eclipse.
I import an exising maven project that works fine with the command line when running command like: mvn compile gwt:compile or mvn gwt:run but in Eclipse I got this error:
Error executing (org.bsc.maven:maven-processor-plugin:2.0.5:process:process:generate-sources) pom.xml /base line 289 Maven Build Problem
Here is the related part of the pom file:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
<execute />
I managed to make it work by adding
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_26\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
before -vmargs in eclipse.ini
As a rule of thumb you always need to change default JRE under Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs to JDK folder. In my case it was C:\Program Files\Java\jre6. I had to change it to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31
I had the same problem on a Linux environment, I did the same thing Sydney did above but I still had to disable incremental build for maven processor, like this:
This worked for me :)

Plugin error: execution not covered by lifecycle configuration

I am trying to use the maven-warpath-plugin available here. But I keep getting an error in my pom.xml file that says:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.appfuse.plugins:maven-warpath-plugin:2.1.0:add-classes (execution: default, phase: generate-sources)
How do I resolve this? Here is my pom.xml snippet for the plugin:
Eclipse offers me a quickfox tip to "discover new m2e connectors" to resolve this error. I have installed most of the connectors available that seem to apply but the error is still there. Any ideas how I could make this work?
This is the new behaviour of m2e (which replaced the old m2eclipse plugin). To specify what eclipse should do with the plugin you have to configure the build lifecycle mapping in the project's pom.xml - or install a connector (which decides if the plugin needs to be executed in an eclipse build or not) if it exists.
As there seems to be no connector for the maven-warpath-plugin yet you have to define the behaviour in the pom. You can use the second eclipse quickfix for this (Permamnently mark goal add-classes in pom.xml as ignored in eclipse build). This will add the following section to your pom:
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings
only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself. -->
You can change the <ignore> action to <execute> if you want to process the plugin in each eclipse build (on import, clean, ...).
The plugin configuration is eclipse specific and does not make the pom.xml look nicer - but at least it has no influence on the Maven build....
Also see the answer How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds
Error pom.xml: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.bsc.maven:maven-processor-plugin:3.3.3:process
my project is ProjectA, it's created by maven version 3.3.3 and i used eclipse version 4.5. But when install eclipse version 2021 - 4.20, then I open projectA on eclipse (version 4.20) errors appear in pom.xml: error detail: Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.bsc.maven:maven-processor-plugin:3.3.3:process (execution: process, phase: process-resources)
I don't know why appears on eclipse's new version 4.20. Error appear "execution"
Thank you very much for help!

M2E and having maven generated source folders as eclipse source folders

I have a maven project in eclipse and have maven goals that run annotation processors to generate code. The output folder for this code is target/generated-sources/apt.
In order for Eclipse to see this generated code I need to add target/generated-sources/apt as a source folder to the Eclipse project.
However, this causes there to be an error of type "Maven Configuration Problem" saying
Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml. Run project
configuration update
I think I understand why this is the case as Eclipse has a different set of source folders to Maven's set. But I need this different set, as I need Eclipse to be able to see the generated source folders...
When doing a pure Maven built, these source folders will be included in the build, by Maven.
BTW, I have upgraded to the official Eclipse release of the Maven Eclipse plugin, m2e 1.0 - what used to be m2eclipse. I'd like to see if I can find a work around/solution to this with the m2e plugin before I have to go back to the old m2eclipse version.
You need to attach the source directory with the build-helper-plugin.
Like so:
You will also need to:
Install the "Apt M2E Connector" from the Eclipse Marketplace.
To do so click the error in the Overview tab of your pom.xml and select "Discover".
Ensure there are no plugin execution filters for the build-helper-maven-plugin (see
Right-click the Error message:
Project configuration is not up-to-date with pom.xml Run project
configuration update
in the Problems View and select Quick Fix and click Finish to select the default Update project configuration. This fixes it.
After switching to new versions of m2e/maven/apt,... i had builderrors because of the duplicated files, caused by the added buildpath by the buildhelper, so i needed to remove the "apt-generated"-Folders from the buildhelper.
To fix the Problem in Eclipse, not adding the "apt-generated"-folder via Update Maven Configuration in M2E, i've written a M2E Plugin to fix this problem. It adds the outputDirectories configured in the maven-apt-plugin to the buildpath of the Project.
In m2e 1.0 the handling of Maven plugins has changed. You might be lacking a specific m2e extension for your code generating plugin. Here is all the documentation I managed to find.
This bug report may also be relevant.
request on CXF JIRA (see 1) to add lifecycle mappings in the cxf-codegen-plugin itself. This would require m2e 1.1 but I believe it is better approach than having connectors built outside of cxf project, assuming that lifecycle mapping API would change less frequently than cxf-codegen-plugin and cxf.
You can also use the buildhelper m2e connector available in the discovery catalog. I'm using Eclipse 3.7
Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Juno Service Release 1
mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin \
mvn clean install
work perfectly.
But in eclipse I have the same error on Asinc class.
Just press F5 on project. Fix this problem.
This was what I found that worked good using spring 3.1.1 which does have the 3.0.6 version as well in it. Once I got the plugins setup and put into the correct area of the pom and included the argline and endorseddirs to have the java sources put out into the target/generated-sources/cxf folder then maven generated the sources ok.
<!-- *************************** Build process ************************************* -->
<!-- Force Java 6 -->
<!-- Deployent on AS from console
<!-- wildbill added tomcat plugin -->
<!-- Surefire plugin before 2.9 version is buggy. No need to declare here,
it's being referenced below w/ the version
<!-- developer added these -->
<!-- *********************** Profiles ************************************ -->
<!-- When built in OpenShift the 'openshift' profile will be
used when invoking mvn. -->
<!-- Use this profile for any OpenShift specific customization
your app will need. -->
<!-- By default that is to put the resulting archive into the
'deployments' folder. -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Actual war created in default target dir -->
If your wsdl folder is in ${basedir}/src/main/resources it'll find it automatically
Hope this helps!
In case for some reason you can't use the build helper plugin the easiest way (albeit not as convenient and somewhat tedious) I have found to deal with this is:
Separate the generated source code into its own project or sub module.
You will want to keep this project predominately closed or not imported into Eclipse when you are working on the parent project.
In the parent project that needs the generated code make sure to now depend on the generated source code project via Maven pom dependency.
When you need to update the generated code go to the generated code project and run mvn install. Now refresh the parent project by right clicking and selecting Maven->Update Project...
This generally works well for projects that use a semi static source for code generation such as SOAP WSDLs (Apache CXF) or code generated from a database (jOOQ). For APT and other AspectJ-like-code it doesn't work as well because you are editing the source frequently.
For new visitors to this question -
build helper maven plugins and m2e connectors go hand in hand. Older versions
(before 2.0) of build helpers have moved into an eclipse archive link
build helper versions archived
Pick the correct link from the list and add it as an eclipse update site. It should ask you for a bunch (seriously.. a huge bunch ) of eclipse updates . Please accept and you are good to go.
the configuration to the build helper plugin did work for us.
but be aware, that the destination folder always has to be equal to the configuration of the plugin u're using for the annotation processing itself.
for example the maven-processor-plugin uses the target folder ${}/generated-sources/apt as default. if you wish another destination for your generated source files you can set it by the tag as shown below.
Here is the solution
Open Marker View (Window > Show View
Right-click on the Error message
Select Quick Fix
Click Finish