Cloud platform for scala web application (like heroku) [closed] - scala

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new to Scala world, I want to write a web application with Scala and deploy using a cloud platform (like heroku or open shift).
The problem is I used play framework (v2.2) with heroku and faced quite a lot of problems handling my data files. I finally decided to let go of Play framework.
Now, what choices do I have ?
I would use pure Scala (instead of using frameworks) if I have to, but don't know where to start.
My application is very simple and has only a few pages, but It is used to upload image files and that's where I had problem with play and heroku.
So, to summarize, I won't need most features of usual web frameworks, I just need a minimal framework and a cloud platform (like heroku) to deploy my application in it.

There are many options, so it all depends on what your application does. One choice you should consider is to use a JavaScript single-page web application framework like Angular in combination with a Scala REST framework like Scalatra or Spray.
Or maybe you don't need Angular or similar at all and can just get by with a simple template engine like Dust or Mustache templates on the front end.


What are the popular technologies for creating, modifying and testing DROOLS and jBPM? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to the technology fold and am looking for stable technologies for enabling users to create, modify and test Rules (especially DROOLS) and workflows (especially jBPM). Are these more like wizards or graphical tools?
It just depends on which platform you want to use. Usually each rules platform includes its own tooling/BRMS. For instance, Drools has Guvnor/Workbench and some Eclipse plugins.
I haven't used them for a while, but a few years ago, IBM ILOG JRules and FICO Blaze Advisor both had (Eclipse-based I think) IDEs for building rules management web sites. i.e. Developers would use the IDE to generate a web site. The web site would be deployed and used by business users to manage their rules. I'm pretty sure that the Pega platform follows a similar pattern.
All of the above provide a means of defining a business model, a guided editor GUI for building complex rules and a GUI for decision tables. They usually also provide some form of add-on tooling for business process workflow.
Other than that, I use JUnit for testing. But that's just my preference.

Where can I find a full featured demo application of a scala web application with a db backend? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've been really interested in scala for awhile. Now that Intellij 13 has better Scala support it seems like its becoming more and more practical to work with. For example they have SBT support.
Now I have a bit of a finicky learning style. If I could find an operating example of a Scala application with Lift using
SBT for build
A relational database and ORM
I'd be able to pick this up a lot faster. A lot of the demos I've found are way way too small to be usefull.
Anybody have a suggestion for where to find a fully features open source app in Scala?
They have some Lift "quickstart projects" here. Some more examples here. And of course, Lift's Github, where you can find project templates (more specifically, look at this link).
There is also Typesafe, but they offer Play instead of Lift.
Lift has 2 db layers. They are mapper and record. Record is little more modern in my opinion.
The next thing: record can have different backends for work with database. I use squeryl ( good introduction is here - )
And the last thing, you can use different databases, of course: mysql, postgresql, mongodb, etc, you see...
What about me - I use lift squeryl record with postgresql.
What about examples:
Not so bad full _simple_ example (book shop but without user as i remember) is here, see .

Is there a library which provides utility functions for views based on twitter bootstrap for play framework [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Play framework (2.0 onwards) with scala provides a good opportunity for composing user interface in terms of reusable components or functions. On the other hand Twitter Bootstrap provides tons of utility components for a standard html5 user interface.
Is there any open source library available with wraps the twitter bootstrap components and exposes them as reusable functions via play templates (or scalate may be?), this will save a lot of time in hand coding the html markup.
Play2 includes support for old bootstrap version - but this won't help you a lot, really. After some trial and error one manages to integrate Play2 and Bootstap3 pretty nicely using Play2 form helpers and implicit contructors (#implicitFieldConstructor = #{ helper.FieldConstructor(your-scala-template-here.render), but result will be very project dependent.
My notes of issue are here

Web Form Builder, Open Source, Drag and Drop [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This is not a technical question, but I will try to be specific in order to this question to fit into the stackoverflow requirements.
I'm currently facing a task where I have to design hundreds of web forms, integrated in a java web project (JSP pages). I'm searching for a Web Form designer tool with the following requirements:
Drag and Drop interface (to speed up the process);
Open Source;
Database access (not mandatory but at the same time very usefull);
Java integration or Java based (again, not mandatory but at the same time very usefull);
Capable of exporting local files (the forms can not be alocated online, like in many form builders);
I wasn't able to find a tool to fit this requirements. Does anyone knows one?
Unfortunately, no there isn't. You can find frameworks that acts as a wrapper and therefore it can save some development time, such as
There are a few proprietary applications around. Take a look at
I've been looking for similar tool without any success. I am thinking about starting an open source project in these lines. But, I do not have anything concrete yet...

GWT (Graph) Diagram Frameworks? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a framework for GWT to visualize graphs such as workflow/process diagrams (ideally BPMN capabilites) with a useable auto-layouter and nice shapes. GraphViz has a good layouter but the shapes are not very nice (except you implement your owns).
Unfortunatelly GWT-Diagram seems to be abandoned.
At jgraph you can find a mxGraph library which is a JavaScript based diagramming framework. A GWT version of it is in development. For a hint about it's capabilities you can go to The GWT version will be just as powerful.
Disclaimer :
I am a developer associated with JGraph and I'm currently working on creating a GWT versions of and mxGraph.
We have setup a github repo. You can checkout our latest source from here.
I hope I'm wrong, but I suspect you're out of luck. Decent diagramming frameworks are rare as hens' teeth. You might have some luck with mxgraph (from jgraph), but according to this question over here I suspect that's the best available. GWT-Links looks alive, but very young.
You can use draw2d and gef(eclipse Graphical Editing Framework) to develop your GWT Diagram App Now.
look at this:
the GWT framework with completely open source based on html5 technology, is used to transplant eclipse RCP to GWT WEB.
Take a look at oryx-editor this is what Jboss uses for its web based workflow editor (Guvnor).
Hope this sparks some ideas.