How do we define global properties in CQ5 - aem

My Requirement is to have a global header and footer with author able properties.
So if we update the properties on one page it should be reflected across all pages.
What is the best approach to achieve this in CQ5.

ACS AEM Commons now supports this functionality without use of an iparsys - Shared Component Properties (
Configure your menu with Shared and/or Global properties and you can simply template it directly onto all of your pages (no iparsys required). You can then edit the header/footer from any page on the site and it will by updated on all pages.
Unlike using design dialogs, Shared Component Properties supports standard content activation and internationalization (values stored below the homepage) and anything else you would expect from content.

If all of your pages site under a hierarchy, you could use an Inherited Paragraph System (iparsys). This is from an old version of the documentation, but is still a good intro:
The inherited paragraph system is a paragraph system that also allows
you to inherit the created paragraphs from the parent. You add
paragraphs to iparsys at for example, /content/geometrixx/en/products
and as result, all the subpages of products that also have iparsys
with the same name inherit the created paragraphs from the parent. On
each level, you can add more paragraphs, which are then inherited by
the children pages. You can also cancel paragraph inheritance at a
level at any time.
While not quite what you're describing in the original post (edit anywhere) it will allow you to edit the content once (at the parent page) and inherit the changes everywhere.

Traditionally you could create the components and swap the dialogs out for design dialogs. Basically you would rename your component dialog to design_dialog.
What this will do is save the changes you make to this object to a design path under etc. You can set a design path for site by going to the top level parent and setting a designPath property.
So node structure might look something like
- #prop designPath = "designs/myapplication"
Any component using a design_dialog on the parentNode or its children nodes will get their information from the designPath. If you do not set a design path, the infomration is saved under etc/designs/default (or defaults, not sure, going off the top of my head).
There are some alternatives to this:
What our team did was in our siteHeader component we use (inheritancevalue map) instead of the regular value map. The inherited value map will traverse the tree up looking for items from it's parents. This is a great source for learning how to use valuemap instead of just the default properties object:
This does get complicated with larger sites, and you'll have to do a lot of customization to get the system working the way you want, but it's an option if you don't want to have to manually set designPaths for every new site your authors create.
Alternatively, if you do like the idea of using designPaths and design_dialogs, you can always hook into the page creation workflow and have the page component add a designPath property on creation (this is a lot easier said than done though).
hope that helps


Typo3 custom content element with content colPos

as I'm turning back to the real core functions of typo3 (which I used last before templatevoila), I wonder how I can create an content Element which acts like a container, where I can place content inside with the wizard.
As I got really enough from the flux-fluid update chaos, I think best solution ist to bet on the core functions.
I know, I can do this also with ext B13 container, but if it's possible somehow, I won't use any extensions as I can do it hopefully with core functions.
there is no container functionality inside TYPO3 core itself. I suggest using the b13 container extension which is well maintained and doesn't add much overhead.
First it depends what kind of container you want to realize.
If you don't really want to pack/wrap the contained CEs you can use the CE 'Records' which enables an editor to show multiple records from different positions in one place.
In the default rendering those records are rendered each without further wrapping.
Of course you can change the default rendering. but that would be an extension (except you do it by typoscript or templates below of fileadmin/), at least the site extension.
no preview in page BE module
you need 'another' place to store the contained CEs, otherwise the CEs. would be shown twice (you could use another page, or another column (which does not get rendered)
You can vary the layout by evaluating the layout field of the records CE.
another solution with core oly:
add further 'layouts' so all ' contained' CEs get a special wrap which can be gathered with javascript into a container DOM object.

Including list view of relationship entity on update page

I am trying to extend an update view to include a list view of some related items below the edit form.
I have two models, Publishers and Volumes, which have a many to many relationship. What I am trying to do is this.... when a user clicks on the edit button for a publisher, I want them to go to a page with the standard edit fields, but also have a list view below the form that lists all of the volumes that are connected to that publisher via their relationship.
Is there an easy way to do this?
I hope this makes sense.
As #tabacitu mentioned, Backpack doesn't currently have an built in solution for this. That said, this could maybe work for you:
This would allow you to use all functionality of the nested list view including interacting with the entities without conflicting at all with the parent
Step 1, Build your normal CRUDs
Build out two normal CRUDs, one for Publishers, and one for Volumes
Step 2, Make a frameless layout
copy vendor/backpack/base/layout.blade.php
name it frameless-layout.blade.php
remove #include('backpack::inc.main_header') and #include('backpack::inc.sidebar')
Step 3, Make a custom list view
copy vendor/backpack/crud/list.blade.php
name it sub-list.blade.php
change the top line to #extends('backpack::frameless-layout')
Step 4, Make a custom field
Create a custom form field that contains an iFrame
Inside your custom field template, have it set the url of the iFrame to the "list" url of the related resource
You'd also need to utilize List Filters and a method for setting them dynamically so that the sub-list shows only the records related to the parent
Step 5, Configure and use the field
In your crud controllers, use the addField to add the the configuration for the new field and its related model
Indeed, there's no standard functionality to do that in Backpack. It's a pretty unusual way to do things. But it's not too difficult to achieve it.
If there aren't too many Vendors for one Publisher (as I expect it's the case here), I would keep it simple and NOT try to include the entire Backpack list view (with ajax, buttons, filters, etc) on top of the form. I would add a standard HTML table with the entries (and optionally buttons to Edit Vendor with target=_blank).
Here's how I would go about it:
In the Publisher CRUD, I would use a custom view for the Edit operation; you can do that using $this->crud->setEditView('edit_publisher_with_vendors') in your setup() method;
In that custom edit view (edit_publisher_with_vendors.blade.php in my example), I would copy-paste everything inside the edit.blade.php view that Backpack/CRUD is using, and add a table with the Vendors on top of the Edit form; notice you have the current entry as $entry in this view; since there's a relationship on the model, you would be able to check if it has vendors using $entry->vendors()->count(), and get the vendors using $entry->vendors.
Hope it helps.

Pass variable from component model to author dialog

I have a Sightly component with a (JavaScript) UseAPI model in an Adobe AEM/CQ site.
In the model, I have a variable that is calculated when the component loads and is not stored in the JCR (let's say it's a random string).
When an author opens the Granite/Touch UI dialog, there is a custom Granite UI component rendered with a JSP. The JSP has access to the scope of the component in the JCR, but as far as I can tell it does not have access to properties returned by the JavaScript model when rendering the component.
How can I pass/store this 'random string' variable from the Sightly/JavaScript UseAPI so that it can be accessed by the JSP of the dialog?
The variable is context-sensitive so I wouldn't want to store it in a permanent location such as the JCR. A good example may be a unique identifier for an external web service, that is unique for that particular rendering of the component.
I can think of a couple of approaches, with varying applicability:
Dialog field emptyText property: This just shows grayed out/hinting text and does NOT set any content that can possibly be rendered.
Dialog field defaultValue property: This looks very tempting, but I don't recall having success with it.
Dialog event handlers: (adding JavaScript inside the XML of a dialog definition). I am not a fan of this approach since it isn't obvious how/where the magic happens. But it is possible to update/populate fields on dialog load or dialog save.
Component cq:template: just like a page template, you can provide default content when dragging a component into a parsys. This doesn't work for components cq:included into the page/component. Also, it doesn't prevent the author from deleting the value altogether unless you add event handlers on the dialog.
Create a component model. The model can provide default content/values if properties are missing or not populated. The drawback is authors may not understand where magic values are coming from if dialog fields are blank. Once I worked around this by creating a tag that would use authored values, then fall back to dialog emptyText properties, then to possible template values to "fill in" the content. This takes some initial developer effort, but provided hints to the authors if the content was missing, or the component was included instead of dragged on, ...YMMV.
However, none of these may work for you if the value is "context sensitive" and has to be calculated somewhere/somehow. But if it is computed, then it probably shouldn't be authored.

Preferred way to add an extensions into Fluid Powered TYPO3 template

im working with Claus' Fluid Powered TYPO3 and I'm quiet happy with it. At the moment I have to implement a template wich should contain another extension (e.g. news) in the sidebar.
What is the preferred way to implement this.
My idea was to add the f:cObject ViewHelper and insert the extension in that way.
Is this the correct approach?
This depends on the type of template you are building:
Page templates should have proper content areas into which you can insert content. If the content needs to be shared, you have a few options: a) create the element in a sys folder and reference it from your Flux form settings then use v:content.render to render it by UID. b) Place any number of shared elements in a sys folder and render all by PID. c) Use content sliding in a column in your template which is there in all templates and is designed to contain elements which "slide" to every subpage (and can also be edited on subpages if editor has access).
Content templates can use flux:grid with flux:form.column, or flux:form.content as a shortcut to quickly make a single column, to add a content area, then flux:content.render to render those elements. This allows you to control that gets rendered around the plugin.
Plugin templates can associate a Flux form and use the steps described in point 2.
I think you're looking for 1a) or 1c) in this case.

What is a CQ5 overlay component?

I've been asked to create a CQ5 "overlay" component by simply copying the out-of-box component from /libs/foundation/components/flash to /apps/myproject/components/flash. My question is: what happens to the original - is it just ignored?
a CQ5 "overlay" leverages sling rules for resource resolving. if /libs/foundation/components/flash needs an overlay, you "overlay" the corresponding file at location /apps/foundation/components/flash/filename This will CHANGE how the foundation component behaves in all instances. And the existing sidekick component remains, but behaves differently.
If you have a NEW component at /apps/myproject/components/flash, it can inherit from the foundation component via sling:resourceSuperType on the new component. In that case, you have a new component in the sidekick. In your new component, you could use the same values for jcr:title, componentGroup, or you could change them to distinguish your component in the sidekick. If the title, componentGroups are the same, the sidekick can distinguish them with parenthesis around the webapp (foundation) vs (myproject). However, I have seen situations where it is impossible as an author to distinguish them.
It is not ignored. Both components can show up in the authors' sidekick -- one will say flash (foundation), the other flash (myproject). When one of these is used by an author CQ will instantiate appropriately. The usual rules apply for what shows up in the sidekick (group name, selected in design mode, etc.)
Just to clarify: overlay and flash are two different things.
Sample of overlay implementation:
So if you were asked to create an Overlay component, copying a Flash one might not be the best idea.