Facebook Debugger Shows Multiple Images (10+), but Posting Only Shows 3 - facebook

When I try to share a page on Facebook I get the option of choosing between 3 thumbnails. Theoretically there should be closer to 20 because they are right there on the page.
When I look at the Facebook Debugger (linter) I see tons of images, but still, when I post I only get to choose between 3.
I would love to share the link, but as it's for a private client, I can not. Just curious if anyone has any theories.
Also, it's a Drupal site.


Force Facebook to preview image from original link, not server side redirect

I hope someone can help - please bear with the explanation! I have 5 years of gallery photos, published here: https://www.girlsfly2.ca/past_events.html (redirects to https://www.girlsfly2.ca/past_events_2016.html).
Two main plugins are implemented - Packery bin-packs the photos into a gallery arrangement, LightGallery allows for individual slide-show and Facebook (and other social media) share.
The desired behavior is that a visitor is able to share a photo they like on their FB timeline - a preview of that specific photo, along with whatever comments they choose to make. Then, if one of their friends is interested by the photo, they can click on the photo - which is actually a link - and visit the source.
The initial problem I had was that FB would preview the source page, and not the individual photo. This is because the LG plugin uses a hash plugin to generate a "page" for sharing. The developer suggested a workaround was to pass an html link for each photo through the plugin, which worked and the photo previewed correctly.
This created a new problem in that when one clicked on the return link from FB one landed on the individual photo, with no way to navigate back to the main gallery since nothing else was loaded. This creates a frustration for the user, if they wanted to find out what the photo, and our initiative is all about.
The developer told me what I wanted was only possible if I created a complete HTML page for each photo (approximately 400 of them!). I had the bright idea to use server-side redirects in the interim - so that when one clicked on the image link it would redirect to the main gallery page of that particular year.
When I coded 2016 I tested functionality several times before implementing the redirects, and even though I didn't share each and every photo, FB seems to have cached the original links, not the redirects for all the photos.
I tackled 2013 and 2012 next but in this case the redirects were implemented in advance of publishing the respective pages and I discovered that FB is now previewing a default photo for all shares from each respective gallery. This is not ideal! I instantly had this problem when I created a batch folder redirect in 2016 which went away when I did individual redirects for all 207 photos, perhaps because some individual links were already cached.
Last night I played around with the FB scrape tool and disabled the 2013 redirects while I tested this. I'm wondering if I encourage FB to cache the individual photo links and then re-implement the server-side redirects if that will work?
Also, this is a very time consuming and cumbersome fix - and I'm guessing it won't be permanent either. Surely there is a better way through coding?
The bottom line question: Is there a way to force FB to preview the original html link, instead of it pinging the server, detecting the redirect and displaying a default image from the redirect gallery page?
Note that 2015 photos have not been redirected! The undesired preview behavior can be seen on the 2012 page, and at the time of writing the desired preview behavior is happening on the 2016 photos even the the coding style for both pages is the same. Also 2014 is not yet published so for the moment will yield a 404.
Sorry for the long explanation - I didn't see a way to shorten it. I really hope someone can help with this!

Wordpress link on Facebook: no og:type warning in FB debugger

My website (http://www.guidoleurs.org) is finished, however if I want to share and promote it on social media I come across a problem. Somehow if I want to share my static frontpage on Facebook (by copy/pasting the link in a post) I only see “guidoleurs.org” without any information or image. Also beneath every blog post I have the Accesspress Social Share buttons, but if I want to use them to share a post, the Facebook post looks like “404 not found” (although the link works) without the featured image..
How can I fix this?
I also used the debug tool of Facebook and when I paste either link from my website in, I get the following result:

Facebook like count not working on my site

Hope you can help with the below, which I've spent most of this weekend trying to resolve but to no avail.
I use a social share and vote plugin on my website, which works perfectly for G+ Twitter Pinterest etc etc. However my facebook like button simply does not want to work.
Example, yesterday I posted this on my websites facebook page.
As you can see, this links to this page of my website which has its like, share, +1 counts etc at the bottom: http://www.superluigibros.com/evolution-of-mario
As you can see from the Facebook post it has 85 likes. Yet the website shows only 1 like?
The social plugin that I use asks for an App ID. I have created, and activated an App in Facebook and put the App ID in the relevant field of the plugin.
However I am not sure that the App is actually set up properly on the Facebook side, or maybe it lacks the permission to actually count the likes?
The only other point of note is that I am using another Facebook widget (the one that shows who likes our page) in a seperate module. Could this be conflicting in some way?
If anyone could help would be greatly appreciated. I really dont understand whats up with it
Best regards
This is the case because those are two completely different things:
On http://www.superluigibros.com/evolution-of-mario the number of likes is the number of times the URL was liked
With https://www.facebook.com/116091541779464/photos/a.496114153777199.1073741829.116091541779464/696621417059804/?type=1 you just posted an image also present on your page to your Facebook pages. The like count show the likes only for this image
So, what you need to do is to add the OpenGraph tags properly to your website, as described at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/using-objects#selfhosted-creating Then, you shouldn't share just an image on your Facebook page's feed, but the URL instead. FB will then pull the content for the image etc. from your website upon sharing.
The like counter in your facebook post is handled separately from the likes of your website page. Each "like" that your post receive doesn't count towards the site's like counter.
EDIT: I've just tested your site's like counter, and it's counting correctly as I have just liked it myself.

Why is facebook only showing 2 of multiple images that debug detects via OG tag?

When adding a url link into facebook from a test website I created, I had 3 pictures uploaded and facebook showed all 3 thumbnails as choices. The next time I added the exact same url link into facebook, it now only ever shows 2 instead of the possible 3 pictures.
I then noticed that for a lot of websites it is only showing 2 of multiple possible images. Any idea what facebook has changed and what the "rules" are? My test site is WordPress but I've noticed this issue with non-WordPress sites as well.
I did a bunch of research and tried using multiple OG image tags to force it to see more then 2 but again, facebook only shows 2 of multiple pictures even though the facebook debugger shows all possible pictures from the OG image tags.
I wanted to verify all 3 pictures were valid picture format/size so I remove one of the OG image tags to force it to show the other two and it does show them.
Any help would be appreciated.
you probably have 2 FB apps configured to your account. Disable one and keep only one active, Check out that

problems with - Facebook Like Button Admin access

I've been having trouble accessing admin privledges for the like buttons on my website (along with other things).
This is the situation:
I have made a facebook page for my website www.digitaldemocracy.org.uk
I have made a facebook app for my website that allows people with facebook accounts to register and login to the site. This works fine.
Like buttons are associated with different php dynamically created pages on my website i.e. www.digitaldemocracy.org.uk/debate/debate.php?id=3850. These Like buttons work when users click on them. I also have a like button for the main page www.digitaldemocracy.org.uk which works a bit funny as it seems to sum up all the likes from the other pages (even though they all have different URLs associated with them)
Now what I'm having issues with:
I have put 3 facebook UIDs into the metatags for admin purposes for the Like buttons. I have tested some links with the fb Linter (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/) and it doesn't seem to have any issues, but when I click the like buttons myself, I get no admin features. I have also tried accessing admin priv directly from facebook, but no luck with that either.
I read that you can tie admin rights to a fb page, so then I tried it with the facebook page (page_id) for the site, but no luck with that either.
I then tried to give admin rights from my website to the facebook app, but when i test it with the linter it says that i have associate it with the specific page www.digitaldemocracy.org.uk/debate/debate.php?id=unique_id, which seems to defeat the purpose of what i'm trying to do (tie all the website pages together so i can easily administrate them).
The furthest I've got is to see the insights for the domain www.digitaldemocracy.org.uk/ (where i wasn't able to before), but I can't seem to see likes for individual pages and I don't seem to have any admin rights about publishing to user's feed or seeing who the 'likers' are! Am I missing something now?
It 'seems' to be that i'm doing all the correct things specified by the documentation, but I have getting nowhere and don't know what else to do. I have searched forums for answers, but they're just all over the place. I hope that stating my exact problem and what I've done will hopefully find someone able to help me!
Thanks in advance.
2 things I have found:
It seems the Admin link will only appear when you are using the default like button settings (ie faces on etc)
For the times that I could not get the Admin link to appear, I ran the linter and it suddenly did.
Perhaps try emptying the cache for your browser too but I have a feeling the first point might solve your problem?
I could be wrong, would love to hear someone else's opinion!
This issue has been driving me crazy ever since I accidentally discovered that these magical pages existed. I've had them show up with and without appIds in the fb js snippet. There doesn't seem to be any logic.
Item 1 from Sam Hammond doesn't seem to matter. Most of my Like buttons have data-show-faces set to false.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://www.mysite.com" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="100" data-show-faces="false"></div>
From the above example I have seen the following:
Actual Web Page Like Button shows "9k"
My admin page shows "1.7k"
It's great. I can reach 1.7k people who Liked the page. But what about the rest and what about any new pages I create?
For now, when in doubt, drop the Facebook Page Like Box on your web page because at least it works consistently:
I also have to wonder how facebook users react when they start seeing posts in their feed from sites they Liked. It seems a bit intrusive.
I frequently use the Linter/Debugger tool on my web pages, doesn't seem to make anything appear. But this tool is highly recommended for other purposes:
updated link from above is: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug