How to "jump" to a line of a file, rather than read file line by line, using Perl - perl

I am opening a file containing a single but very long column. I want to retrieve from it just a short segment, starting at a specified line and ending at another specified line. Currently, my script is reading the file line by line until the desired lines are found. I am using:
my ( $from, $to ) = ( some line number, some larger line number );
my $count = 1;
my #seq = ();
while ( <SEQUENCE> ) {
print "$_ for $count\n";
while ( $count >= $from && $count <= $to ) {
push( #seq, $_ );
print "seq is: #seq\n";
Input looks like:
How might I "jump" to where I want to be?

You'll need to use seek to move to the correct portion of the file. ref:
This works on bytes, not on lines, so generally if you need to use line seeking its not an option. However, since you're working on a fixed length line (2 or 3 bytes depending on your platform's EOL encoding) you can multiply the line length by the line you want (0 indexed) and you'll be at the correct location for reading.

If you happen to know that all the lines are of exactly the same length (accounting for line ending characters, generally 1 byte on Unix/Linux and 2 on Windows), you can use seek to go directly to a specified point in the file
The seek function lets you specify a file position in bytes/characters, not in lines. In the general case, the only way to go to a specified line number is to read from the beginning and skip that many lines (minus one).
Unless you have an index mapping line numbers to byte offsets; then you can look up the specified line number in the index and use seek to jump to that location. To do this, you have to build the index separately (a process that will require reading through the entire file) and make sure the index is always up to date. If the file changes frequently, this is likely to be impractical.
I'm not aware of any existing tools for building and using such an index, but I wouldn't be surprised if they exist. But it should be easy enough to roll your own.
But unless scanning the file to find the line number you want is a significant performance bottleneck, I wouldn't bother with the extra complexity.


Search for a match, after the match is found take the number after the match and add 4 to it, it is posible in perl?

I am a beginer in perl and I need to modify a txt file by keeping all the previous data in it and only modify the file by adding 4 to every number related to a specific tag (< COMPRESSED-SIZE >). The file have many lines and tags and looks like below, I need to find all the < COMPRESSED-SIZE > tags and add 4 to the number specified near the tag:
So I guess I need to do something like: search for the keyword(match) and store the number 132219 in a variable and add the second number (4) to it, replace the result 132219 with 132223, the rest of the file must remain unchanged, only the numbers related to this tag must change. I cannot search for the number instead of the tag because the number could change while the tag will remain always the same. I also need to find all the tags with this name and replace the numbers near them by adding 4 to them. I already have the code for finding something after a keyword, because I needed to search also for another tag, but this script does something else, adds a number in front of a keyword. I think I could use this code for what i need, but I do not know how to make the calculation and keep the rest of the file intact or if it is posible in perl.
while (my $row = <$inputFileHandler>)
if(index($row,$Data_Pattern) != -1){
my $extract = substr($row, index($row,$Data_Pattern) + length($Data_Pattern), length($row));
my $counter_insert = sprintf "%08d", $counter;
my $spaces = " " x index($row,$Data_Pattern);
$data_to_send ="what i need to add" . $extract;
print {$outs} $spaces . $Data_Pattern . $data_to_send;
$counter = $counter + 1;
print {$outs} $row;
Maybe you could help me with a block of code for my needs, $Data_Pattern is the match. Thank you very much!
This is a classic one-liner Perl task. Basically you would do something like
$ perl -i.bak -pe's/^< COMPRESSED-SIZE >\K(\d+)/$1 + 4/e' yourfile.txt
Which will in essence copy and replace your file with a new, edited file. This can be very dangerous, especially if you are a Perl newbie. The -i switch is here used with the .bak extension which saves a backup in yourfile.txt.bak. This does not make this operation safe, however, as running the command twice will overwrite the backup.
It is advisable to make a separate backup of the target file before using this command.
-i.bak edit "in-place", the file is overwritten, a backup of the original is created with extension .bak.
-p argument is treated as a file name, which is read, and printed back.
s/ // the substitution operator, which is applied to all lines of the file.
^ inside the regex looks for beginning of line.
\K keep the match that is to the left.
(\d+) capture () 1 or more digits \d+ and store them in $1
/e treat the right hand side of the substitution operator as an expression and use the result as the replacement string. In this case it will increase your number and return the sum.
The long version of this command is
while (<>) {
s/^< COMPRESSED-SIZE >\K(\d+)/$1 + 4/e
Which can be placed in a file and run with the -i switch.

perl: utf8 <something> does not map to Unicode while <something> doesn't seem to be present present

I'm using MARC::Lint to lint some MARC records, but every now and them I'm getting an error (on about 1% of the files):
utf8 "\xCA" does not map to Unicode at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.26/ line 212.
The problem is that I've tried different methods but cannot find "\xCA" in the file...
My script is:
#!perl -w
use MARC::File::USMARC;
use MARC::Lint;
use utf8;
use open OUT => ':utf8';
my $lint = new MARC::Lint;
my $filename = shift;
my $file = MARC::File::USMARC->in( $filename );
while ( my $marc = $file->next() ) {
$lint->check_record( $marc );
# Print the errors that were found
print join( "\n", $lint->warnings ), "\n";
} # while
and the file can be downloaded here:
Is "\xCA" hidden somewhere? Or is this a bug in MARC::Lint?
The problem has nothing to do with MARC::Lint. Remove the lint check, and you'll still get the error.
The problem is a bad data file.
The file contains a "directory" of where the information is located in the file. The following is a human-readable rendition of the directory for the file you provided:
tagno|offset|len # Offsets are from the start of the data portion.
001|00000|0017 # Length include the single-byte field terminator.
006|00017|0019 # Offset and lengths are in bytes.
505|00755|9999 <--
Notice the length of the field with tag 505, 9999. This is the maximum value supported (because the length is stored as four decimal digits). The catch is that value of that field is far larger than 9,999 bytes; it's actually 28,594 bytes in size.
What happens is that the module extracts 9,999 bytes rather than 28,594. This happens to cut a UTF-8 sequence in half. (The specific sequence is CA BA, the encoding of ΚΌ.) Later, when the module attempts to decode that text, an error is thrown. (CA must be followed by another byte to be valid.)
Are these records you are generating? If so, you need to make sure that no field requires more than 9,999 bytes.
Still, the module should handle this better. It could read until it finds a end-of-field marker instead of using the length when it finds no end-of-field marker where it expects one and/or it could handle decoding errors in a non-fatal manner. It already has a mechanism to report these problems ($marc->warnings).
In fact, if it hadn't died (say if the cut happened to occur in between characters instead of in the middle of one), $marc->warnings would have returned the following message:
field does not end in end of field character in tag 505 in record 1

Using perl to split over multiple lines

I'm trying to write a perl script to process a log4net log file. The fields in the log file are separated by a semi-colon. My end goal is to capture each field and populate a mysql table.
Usually I have lines that look a little like this (all on a single line)
DEBUG;2017-06-13T03:56:38,316-05:00;2017-06-13 08:56:38,316;79ab0b95-7f58-
44a8-a2c6-1f8feba1d72d;(null);WorkerStartup 1;"Starting services."
These are easy to process. I can simply split by semicolon to get the information I need.
However occassionally the "message" field at the end may span several lines, especially if there is a stack trace. I would want to capture the entire message as a single column. I cannot use split by semicolon, because the next lines would typically look like:
at some.random.classname
at another.classname
Can someone give some tips how to solve this problem?
The following solution uses that the number of " in a field is even ($p=~y/"//%2), this condition number of " odd may be changed by other that can indicate the field is not complete.
The number of columns splitted is fixed to 7 (to allow ; in last field) and may be changed for example #array = map {s/;$//} $p=~/\G(?:"[^"]*"|[^;])*;/g;.
The file is read line by line but a line is processed sub process when it's complete $p variable to store the previous line the last line is processed in END block.
perl -ne '
sub process {
#array = split /;/,$p,7;
# do something with array
print ((join "\n---\n", #array),"\n");
if ($p=~y/"//%2) {
' < logfile.txt

Iteration to Match Line Patterns from Text File and Then Parse out N Lines

I have a text file that contains three columns. Using perl, I'm trying to loop through the text file and search for a particular pattern...
Logic: IF column2 = 00z24aug2016 & column3 = e01. When this pattern is matched I need to parse out the matched line and then the next 3 lines. to new files.
Text File:
Desired Output...
New File 1:
New File 2:
Based on your comment in response to zdim and Borodin, it appears that you're asking for pointers on how to do this with Perl rather than actual working code, so I am answering on that basis.
What you describe in the "logic" portion of your question is extremely simple and straightforward to do in Perl - the actual code would be far shorter than this description of it:
Start your program with use strict; use warnings; - this will catch most common errors and make debugging vastly easier!
Open your input file for reading (open(my $fh, '<', $file_name) or die "Failed to open $file_name: $!")
Read in each line of the file (my $line = <$fh>;)
Optionally use chomp to remove line endings
Use split to break the line into fields (my #column = split /,/, $line;)
Check the values of the first and third fields (note that arrays start counting from 0, not from 1, so these will be $column[1] and $column[2] rather than 2 and 3)
If the field values match your criteria, set a counter to 4 (the total number of lines to output)
If the counter is greater than zero, output the original $line and decrement the counter
The logic mentions "new files" but does not specify when a new output file should be created and when output should continue to be sent to the same file. Since this was not specified, I have ignored it and described all output going to a single destination.
Note, however, that your sample desired output does not match the described logic. According to the specified logic, the output should include the first seven lines of your example data, but not the final line (because none of the three lines preceding it include "e01").
So. Take this information, along with whatever you may already know about Perl, and try to write a solution. If you reach a point where you can't figure out how to make any further progress, post a new question (or update this one) containing a copy of your code and input data, so that we can run it ourselves, and a description of how it fails to work properly, then we'll be much more able to help you with that information (and more people will be willing to help if you can show that you made an effort to do it yourself first).

Using a .fasta file to compute relative content of sequences

So me being the 'noob' that I am, being introduced to programming via Perl just recently, I'm still getting used to all of this. I have a .fasta file which I have to use, although I'm unsure if I'm able to open it, or if I have to work with it 'blindly', so to speak.
Anyway, the file that I have contains DNA sequences for three genes, written in this .fasta format.
Apparently it's something like this:
My goal is to write a script to open and read the file, which I have gotten the hang of now, but I have to read each sequence, compute relative amounts of 'G' and 'C' within each sequence, and then I'm to write it to a TAB-delimited file the names of the genes, and their respective 'G' and 'C' content.
Would anyone be able to provide some guidance? I'm unsure what a TAB-delimited file is, and I'm still trying to figure out how to open a .fasta file to actually see the content. So far I've worked with .txt files which I can easily open, but not .fasta.
I apologise for sounding completely bewildered. I'd appreciate your patience. I'm not like you pros out there!!
I get that it's confusing, but you really should try to limit your question to one concrete problem, see
I have no idea what a ".fasta" file or 'G' and 'C' is.. but it probably doesn't matter.
Open input file
Read and parse data. If it's in some strange format that you can't parse, go hunting on for a module to read it. If you're lucky someone has already done the hard part for you.
Compute whatever you're trying to compute
Print to screen (standard out) or another file.
A "TAB-delimite" file is a file with columns (think Excel) where each column is separated by the tab ("\t") character. As quick google or stackoverflow search would tell you..
Here is an approach using 'awk' utility which can be used from the command line. The following program is executed by specifying its path and using awk -f <path> <sequence file>
#NR>1 means only look at lines above 1 because you said the sequence starts on line 2
#this for-loop goes through all bases in the line and then performs operations below:
for (i=1;i<=length;i++)
#for each position encountered, the variable "total" is increased by 1 for total bases
for (i=1;i<=length;i++)
#if the "substring" i.e. position in a line == c or g upper or lower (some bases are
#lowercase in some fasta files), it will carry out the following instructions:
if(substr($0,i,1)=="c" || substr($0,i,1)=="C")
#this increments the c count by one for every c or C encountered, the next if statement does
#the same thing for g and G:
c++; else
if(substr($0,i,1)=="g" || substr($0,i,1)=="G")
#this "END-block" prints the gene name and C, G content in percentage, separated by tabs
print "Gene name\tG content:\t"(100*g/total)"%\tC content:\t"(100*c/total)"%"